

Samael Raven




Samael Raven


10th Mar, 2478






Fighting, Cooking, Sports,



Samael’s past begins with a sad childhood.
His mother died during his birth and his father became an alcoholic who beat his son regularly, 
due to his own sorrow. He grew up in a rather poor part of Grave-Town. He was able to stand this hard time only by the support of a neighbour, a young woman named Yekon. Secretly she gave him additional pocket money, meals and she gave him comfort when he had been trashed again.

One day when Samael was twelve years old, it happened that Yekon was able to take the custody of Samael. This caused Samael’s father to go berserk and to attacked Yekon. Fortunately, his son noticed that by accident and just managed to save his new mother. He released his pent-up anger and knocked his father out. After this incident Yekon moved to an nearby village called Crow, together with Samael.
Samael has never seen his father again. Because of his awaked desire to help and protect others with his strength, he decided to become a Grave-Guardian. He was able to achieve this aim and after short time he was even promoted to a sergeant.

In the year 2497 a terrible disaster happened to Crow. An avatar of Karma called Kalki transformed the inhabitants of the village into stone statues, among them Yekon, without any reason. Samael heared about this incident much too late. The avatar had already disappeared and Crow was not more than a dead village full of statues. Samael was full of sorrow, shame and self-reproaches. He quit his service at the Grave Guard for finding a way to revive the villagers. Mammon demanded more than 50 million Kriss for this job. Now Samael is on a desperate journey, in order to find this money.
Unlike many other transformees, Samael was born this way. His mother had once been transformed
due to an alchemical accident. The changes were strong enough to affect her genes.



Despite his wild appearance, Samael is actually a likeable and very provident man.
He always feels up to help others, especially if they are female. 
Although his attempts to act like a noble gentleman failed.

At the same time he is also very self-confident concerning his martial arts.
He never fears any opponent and would rather die than refusing a challenge
except would be endangered. Furthermore he is very proud being a member of the Grave Guard because so he can protect humans and fight against more than equal opponents, too. 




