


Emperor Darmas Gregorias IX




Darmas Gregorias IX


11th Dec, 2436







Emperor Darmas is the momentary monarch of the Empire. 

He was born as the second son of Emperor Largo XXV. While is older brother Iboras was educated to be the future emperor, Darmas was free to study whatever he wants. Fascinated by machines and the new form of large scale industry, he studied economic themes and made a training as technical engineer.


But in the year 2453 only a few years before Iboras was meant to ascend the throne, he died during a tragical airship crash. So Darmas was surprisingly the heir of the throne. Five years later the already old Emperor Largo retired to live his last years aways from politics. Darmas became the new emperor of the Empyrian Empire and under his regency Assiah's industry developed very well.

His economic and technical knowledge helped a lot and made him a much more active emperor than his father and grandfather. But like his predecessors he is a very diplomatic and peaceful leader. His interest in the people of his realm  and activities for social matters made him extremely popular. He even belongs to the few emperors that had ever been blessed by the Great Demoness Freya herself, an act of friendship between both nations and of respect between both rulers.



Emperor Darmas IX is well known for his kind heart and childish humour. He always wanted to be a useful emperor who works for his people. Probably his ambition was increased by his sorrow for his lost brother. Once he said in an interview that he always tried to be the emperor his brother would certainly have been.

Sadly he already suffers from mental symptoms of old age. The most powerful cures weren't able to help. Meanwhile he is quite inactive and seldomly leaves the palace anymore. The people suffer with him.




