


Israfil Charm




Israfil Charm


24th Jun, 2477






Samael, Novels, Sport...



Israfil grew up in the small village Ganon, a suburb of Empyres. She was a wild and boyish child.
Always attraced by old legends about great heroes who fought against dreadful monsters,
being a Beasthunter became her own dream and aim. In the age of 15 she left her parents' house and moved into the Royal Military Academy in Empyres’ center. There she attracted attention with her incredible abilities in close combat and got much respect from her schoolmates and teachers.
Of course, she still had close contact to her parents due to the small distance between the academy and Ganon.

But a catastrophe happened in the January of the year 2495. During a rainy night the house of Israfil’s parents was attacked by the Great Demon Horus. While trying to save her younger sister Neko, both her parents were killed and the house completely destroyed. Israfil heared of this incident later in the academy. Shock, sorrow and enormous revengefullness made her almost insane. Nevertheless a few weeks later she became a member of the Beasthunters. She swore to herself to find and rescue her missing sister and to get her revenge, no matter what it costs.
Israfil tried to participate in every mission that had to do with Horus or could bring her to a place where Horus had been seen short time ago. She was more or less hunting Horus and used all given possibilities in the best possible way.

One day she finally met him. It was winter of the year 2498. Israfil was sent to the Beasthunters of a town south of Boras. During a mission in a forest, they had to find and kill a bigger Demonspawn, 
she saw Horus. He hadn’t noticed or was not interested in these humans, he just continued to walk through the forest. Israfil left the group without permission and followed the demon.
When he started to devour a killed deer, Israfil saw the perfect opportunity for an attack.
She swung her sword and would have probably split him into two half, if he had been a mere human. Israfil didn't care about the de facto invulnerability of demons, she blinldy hoped to find a weak point. But her saber splintered on the demon’s skin as if it was made of glass. This disturbance was rather unpleasent for Horus and made him quite angry.
Israfil had much luck because instead turning her into a helpless pet, she was “just” transformed into her current form. Apparently, he had still been too hungry for being extremely cruel or creative. He disappeared again in the forest and left a roaring Israfil full of rage, disappointment and despair.

After this incident Israfil left the Beasthunters and concentrated on hunting Horus and seeing her sister one day again. As adventuress she earned money for living and followed each trace Horus left.
She met Baalim in March 2500 when she left the Dhemo-Mountains together with a caravan of adventurers who had heared of an Ondori businessman who was searching for adventurers from the whole empire and allegedly offered large quantities of money. Baalim and Sephira were fighting against a pack of wendigos, of course Israfil and other adventurers came to help . Because they had no other aim, Israfil offered both of them to accompany the caravan up to Ondora.



Israfil has always been very boyish and wild.
She is stubborn, very ambitious and extremely self-confident, almost arrogant and she does not frighten to show her combat-abilities to everyone who doubts them.
But unlike many other well-known adventurers Israfil always knows what she is doing. 
Behind her wild, sometimes even barbarian appearance there is very much intelligence and
a good strategist. She is very open with her sexiness.
She just shows herself without being ashamed. She is not even interested in seducing others.
Only exception is Samael. Israfil fell in love with him at first view and permanentaly tries to seduce him




