


Kyuri Dragonslayer




Kyuri "Dragonslayer"


19th Sep, 1192

Day of Death

July 1240







Kyuri’s true surname is unknown. In each known text about him he is only mentioned as "Dragonslayer" although all reliable data are very detailed. He was born in North-Town where he is still celebrated as a great hero and a giant statue was built to his honour in front of the old city hall.

Most narrations about him are just fairy tales in which he usually kills diverse monsters, mostly dragons en masse and rescues various princesses. The true facts are not as impressive as the tales but still amazing and he is rightfully called the greatest Grave-Guardian of all ages.


As a young man Kyuri joined the Grave-Guard. His life as “Dragonslayer” began in the winter of the year 1217. A black dragon named “Morghur” attacked the city. It was the first time in Assiah’s history that a dragon attacked humans without any reasons. But instead of enslaving and transforming like the demons, he just destroyed. In only one night Morghur devastated two thirds of the Grave-Guard and a large part of the city, hundreds died. 

Kyuri was the only survivor of his squad which had frontally attacked the dragon. Full of anger and wild determination he squalled towards Morghur. Before the creature was able to hit him or to use its fiery breath, it was hit by Kyuri. He pressed his sword deep into the dragon’s left eye and penetrated up to his brain. He became the hero of the city.


In the following years of his life Kyuri Dragonslayer hunted all dragons and other creatures that threatened innocent people. At least two further black dragons (the legends even speak about six ones) and innumerable demonspawns had to die by his sword. But at the age of 46 years he lost the battle against the oldest of all black dragons, Thanatos, and was killed. His corpse was found in the proximity of the Tatzel-Mountains, south of the Wyvern Mountains, some days later. His body was burned in Grave-Town during a long funeral service.


Up to now Kyuri Dragonslayer is the only human who has ever been able to kill a dragon except for the current archmage Loki and he is the idol of each Greave-Guardian and Beasthunter.




