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The Toronto Furry Mailing List

The Toronto Furry Mailing List (torfur) allows Toronto area furries to send e-mail messages to one address which automatically forwards those messages out to everyone who is subscribed to the list.

We have used the list to plan and organize get togethers such as watching movies together at local theatres and going to nifty places like the Toronto Zoo and the Ontario Science Centre. We have also been using it to plan excursions such as canoeing trips in Northern Ontario and driving/rooming arrangements for the various furry conventions. As we grow in size, the list will undoubtedly be used to make a variety of wonderful things happen.

In addition to the main torfur list, we have a couple of lists that help serve other furs' needs. The events list, torfur-events, offers a low traffic alternative that permits furs to stay informed of upcoming events. Also, the debates list, torfur-debate, is for those furs that enjoy the occasional bit of hot and controversial discussion.

Joining the list is very simple. By submitting a form to the program managing the list, the entire process is automated. While the list is intended for furries local to the Toronto area to get to know one another and plan events, it is open to anyone who wishes to join. If you're thinking of visiting Toronto anytime in the future, you might wish to join up and get to know what will be going on while you are here.

Much, much thanks goes to Cheetah of FurryMUCK for creating the Mailman server that these lists reside upon!

Potoroo is the list owner and administrator for torfur and it's related e-mail lists.


To subscribe or unsubscribe: Visit Mailman - torfur and fill out the required form.

To send a message at any time to this e-mail list, simply address it to:

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The events list is reserved for those furs that don't want to deal with the potentially heavy e-mail traffic that a 100+ member e-mail list like torfur would entail. It's purpose is to keep these furs informed of upcoming events in the Toronto furry community while excluding the discussion traffic.

To subscribe or unsubscribe: Visit Mailman - torfur-events and fill out the required form.

To send a message at any time to this e-mail list, simply address it to:

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The debate list is reserved for those that wish to engage in conversations that may be a source of flames or other heavier subjects that may be considered too controversial for the primary torfur e-mail list. We ask that all participants follow the general guidelines of being polite with one another.

To subscribe or unsubscribe: Visit Mailman - torfur-debate and fill out the required form.

To send a message at any time to this e-mail list, simply address it to:

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