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About Furry

What are furries?

Furries are a group of people that are fans of anthropomorphic animals (animals with human characteristics) either in physical form or in their abilities; from animals that are almost human in form with the addition of animal characteristics such as fur and tails and their faces to distinguish them, to animals that are natural in form but have the ability to think and speak as humans.

The word "furry" is used to describe an anthropomorphic animal, a fan of anthropomorphic animals, or all furries (the plural for furry) as a group. Furries often create fursonas (furry characters that they use to represent themselves). Fursonas allow furries to interact with each other as furry characters; to play the role of these characters in imaginary worlds.

What distinguishes furries from other fandoms (groups of fans) is that furries create much of the art they enjoy themselves. Furries are not limited by what someone else creates for them and encourage each other's creativity, imagination, and self-expression.

Many furries have art made of their fursonas and many will create fursuits (furry character costumes) or wear tails and ears which help identify themselves with their fursonas and enhance their ability to interact with each other as their fursonas. Fursuits are usually used to perform for and entertain others and some fursuiters (those that wear fursuits) do this as a profession as well.

The internet plays a large part in the furry community. It allows furries to find each other and share ideas, stories and artwork and it offers many different ways for furries to interact with each other as their fursonas: from text chat all the way up to creating full 3 dimensional worlds populated with furries of all shapes and sizes. It also helps them meet each other in person and organize furmeets (a meeting of furries) and conventions.

Furries hold conventions all over the world where hundreds and even thousands of furries will gather to socialize, sell each other the art and crafts they have made, fursuit (wear a fursuit), have stage performances to entertain each other, and have panel discussions and workshops to help each other with their creative pursuits.

Furries come from every nation and culture and every age group; from every race and creed; they're all united by their appreciation for anthropomorphic animals--these fantasy creatures that stir their imaginations and warm their hearts. All over the world they form strong communities that help and support each other, not only with being furry, but with things like finding jobs and places to live. Furry includes some of the most open, accepting, caring people there are.