Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, "There Ain't No Justice." As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, please!
Tanj's Tale: The Battle That Never Was, Chapter 2
By Kittiara
Stardate 2399.32
Tanj hummed to herself as she walked back to the ship, carrying the Mink's bags, the bags she'd "recovered" from the storage locker. As she walked, she did her best to look like just another traveler. However her eyes were constantly moving, and occasionally she'd pause, to shift her grip on the bags she carried, the motion giving her a chance to look around surreptitiously. Each time, however, she didn't spot any suspicious characters, didn't notice anyone following her... But that in itself didn't mean much... A sufficiently powerful organization could have a dozen operatives scattered amongst the throng in the station, not following her, but merely monitoring her progress. That'd be the way she'd do it, if she had time to set it all up... Still, by the time she'd gotten back to the ship, no one had approached her, or as near as she could tell, even given her a second glance. As she cycled the airlock, relaxing as she was back within the relative safety of her own ship, she grinned. They had the courier, acquired in a manner that was NOTHING like the plan she'd laid out for the Brethren... "But then," she thought to herself, "no plan survives contact with the enemy."
Hinoki growled with pleasure as the Mink brought him off, his cum filling her mouth until it dribbled from the corners of her lips. With a sigh, Hinoki sat back and looked at her; "That was very good! I'm pleased. And now for your reward..." Crawling around her, Hinoki pulled her knees apart, to work his muzzle up to her crotch, to lick along where the rope bisected her sex. He knew with the rope there, he couldn't give her the direct stimulation she craved, but the feeling of his tongue should drive her wild nonetheless. As he licked, she writhed, moaning and squirming, the rope almost sawing through her sex as she struggled against her bonds. Finally, Hinoki stopped, pulling back, rising to lick at his muzzle. She'd been incredibly wet, possibly wetter than any other lady he'd ever had the chance to encounter. Smiling, he went back to the toy chest, to retrieve one of the "dancing egg" vibrators. This was a little oblong "egg" of plastic, containing a powerful vibrator, connected to a control/powerpack by a long thin wire. Hinoki wedged the egg under the rope as it crossed her mons, basically leaving her lying on it, and left the powerpack on the floor a few feet distant from her. Setting it to random on both amplitude and frequency settings, he padded back around to fasten a blindfold over her eyes; when done, he whispered in her ear; "The controls are on the floor somewhere nearby; if you roll around enough, you might get it into your paws, and from there, figure out how to make it vibrate more powerfully, and maybe, just maybe, gain yourself a forbidden climax. Mistress MIGHT not find out, but if she does, both you and I will be punished. Would you like that? Would you like for Mistress to punish the naughty slave?" The Mink just moaned, her body rocking, squirming, the rope bisecting her folds straining. Hinoki chuckled and shook his head and padded from the Cargo Bay.
Zassa hummed happily and bent her head to wash the shampoo from her hair; letting it dangle in front of her, as the water ran down over her, she ran her paws through her tresses... but somehow no matter how long she let the water run on it, it still felt soapy... Opening her eyes just a slit, Zassa beheld only white... Flinging her hair back over her head, letting the water run in her face, she shook her head and took another look... The whole shower stall was filled with foam! Soapsuds were almost up to her nose, and rising higher by the second!
Tanj pawed through the suitcase for the second time. If the Imperial Courier was carrying data chips, crystals, or other documents, she couldn't find them. No secret linings or compartments. No obvious microdots. Nothing. Could she have Kidnapped the wrong furr? The ID papers said she hadn't... With a sigh, she rose, stripped off her clothes and stretched. "I'll get a shower first, and then we'll go on down and have a small talk with the lady herself..."
Zassa had turned off the water, but was still up to her chin in foam that just didn't want to dissipate. It'd finally struck her that Tanj had said that she'd used the water treatment chemical for the fake cum...and that was probably what was creating all the foam. While she was no longer covered in the pearly white stuff, now her fur just felt soapy and slick, and she still wasn't clean. And the whole head was full of foam! NOW what was she going to do?
Hinoki felt his nose as he walked back towards the Engineering section of the small freighter. Suddenly he felt rather warm, as if the Environmental controls were set a few degrees too high. Could he have gotten that worked up over the Mink? Had she been THAT exciting? Shrugging it off, he padded up to the workbench and picked up the magnetic wand Tanj had built to unlock his cock-and-ball harness. Enough was enough, and it was time to give it a rest.
Tanj, towel over her arm, opened the door to the head... And yelped. It was FULL of foam, a sea of billowing white! As she stood there, staring, she saw a movement in the mass of Bubbles... and then a foam covered fox-head emerged from the suds; "Oh, Tanj! I think I've made a terrible mistake!"
Kathy moaned and squirmed. She'd rolled over and over three times, actually rolling off the mat, but she STILL hadn't gotten ahold of that remote yet. When she wiggled, when she squirmed, the rope pulled through her sex in a most painful, most delightful manner, but it just wasn't QUITE enough to get her off... And the vibrations, while stimulating, had the damnedest habit of fading at the most critical moments, the pattern of vibration completely unpredictable, and hence highly frustrating. Moaning, her chest heaving as she panted, she tried rolling back in the direction she'd come from, hoping to find that damn remote...
Hinoki groaned with relief as he was finally able to extract the Butt-plug. Carrying the whole assembly, he padded off a little bow-leggedly, looking for a place to wash up...
Tanj sighed. She'd rigged a hose from the maintenance airlock, and was slowly sucking all the foam from the Head. She'd have to buy atmosphere gasses from the station, probably at exorbitant prices, but it was the simplest, quickest way to clean up the mess. She was just working at vacuuming the suds from Zassa's fur when Hinoki came up behind her.
Hinoki looked at Tanj, bent over, her ass in the air, as she worked at vacuuming the suds off of Zassa... Vacuuming the suds off Zassa? Come to think of it, the Head was a mess, covered in thick soapsuds... It almost looked as if someone had been redecorating in whipped cream. Hinoki shrugged off whatever might have brought this to pass and looked down at Tanj's ass again... For some reason, despite all the night's activities, he was still feeling rather horny... Maybe it was all the sexual exploits they'd witnessed earlier... Shrugging that off as well, he purrred and moved closer behind Tanj. Gathering up a double- handful of the soapsuds, he splatted her on her ass and then proceeded to rub it into her fur. Before Tanj could respond, he'd moved a little closer, to rub his crotch against her ass...
Tanj grinned and wiggled her bottom back at Hinoki, surprised at how randy the male was; still, after the evening they'd spent, she was still in the mood, and as she leaned forward, to vacuum the suds from Zassa's crotch, she pushed back against his cock, purrring with delight as it sank home.
Hinoki reached forward to grasp Tanj's swaying breasts as he pounded her from behind. Slamming it to her hard, he grinned as Tanj dropped the vacuum hose and pushed her muzzle into the Vixen's wet crotch. Hinoki exhibited little style, just driving his cock into her again and again, his need seeming to increase with each passing moment, until little flecks of soapsuds were flying from the wildly gyrating bodies.
Tanj was panting hard, almost gasping when she felt the Cheetah male stiffen and then howl, as his cock started to spurt. Suppressing the odd thought that she was surprised he had any cum left, she let the wild sensation of his cock throbbing and spurting within her drive her over the edge into her own wild climax. And then, all too soon, he was pulling out, falling back into the suds, panting, as Tanj tried to bring Zassa off with her tongue. She was still licking at the panting, moaning vixen, when Hinoki rose from the suds, to move around behind Zassa; holding her hips, he brought the tip of his once-again hard cock to the Vixen's anus and pushed, the soapy shaft sliding deep into her bowels. Tanj flicked her tongue over Zassa's clitty, and smiled as the combined actions of the two set Zassa to writhing through her own climax. Sitting back, she watched as Hinoki continued to plumb her depths, fucking her ass hard, as the vixen writhed on his shaft. Once again, Hinoki seemed to use her, to take her for his own ... not so much enjoyment, as to slake his seemingly urgent need... And then he was once again howling, his balls drawing up tight to his body as he shot what little cum he had left into the vixen's ass.
Tanj snuggled them both under the running water. They were STILL a soapy, slick mess, but at least they, and the Head were getting cleaner. And amazingly, Hinoki's cock was showing signs of life again. Shaking her head at the irrepressible male, Tanj grabbed her towel, leaving Zassa to handle his renewed advances, as she padded out to check on their prisoner.
Kathy groaned; she was SOOOOO close... She was certain that the rope had sawed her half way to her navel, sure that she'd never walk right again, but while it hurt, it felt soooo good. It just wasn't quite enough to bring her the climax she lusted after. That she burned for... She never heard the door to the Cargo Bay open, but she heard the voice, dimly perceived through her lust; "Soooo, is my new slave enjoying herself?" Kathy groaned and shook her head; "P...p... please, Ma'am, PLEASE may I cum? I'm sooooo close!" Tanj chuckled and knelt by the writhing Mink, examining the way Hinoki had her tied, examining how he'd placed the dancing egg... It was obvious she'd been trying hard to get at the controls. Chuckling, she bent to run her tongue over the Mink's sex, feeling with its tip how the rope pressed TIGHT between her labia. Of course, that only made the Mink moan again, shuddering. "Oh... I might be persuaded... But first you have to tell me something." Kathy blinked, trying to reason out the words, wondering what she could possibly tell this mean, mean Cheetah, that would grant her the release she so desperately needed, so desperately sought! "An...ny thing!" she finally gasped. Tanj purrred and gave her another lick; "You have a data crystal; something that has to be given to someone. Tell me where it is, and I'll see that they get it, while you get what you're looking for..." Kathy just groaned and nodded; "My... necklace... the center crystal is ... oooooooooh!" As her statement trailed off into a moan, elicited by Tanj's licking, the Cheetah smiled. Sure enough, the Mink had been wearing a necklace, and Tanj had thought it to have been just paste, or at best cubic zirconia, so gaudy and flashy was it. But yes, the center crystal was about the size and shape of a data crystal... Chuckling, Tanj un-did the crotch rope, and moving quickly, she slipped the dancing egg into the Mink's literally drenched pussy. Refastening the rope where it had been, making sure the egg wouldn't fall out, Tanj checked the settings on the control. Then, softly removing the Mink's necklace, she rose to padd, completely unnoticed, from the Cargo Bay.
Behind her, Kathy shuddered and wailed, as the egg, vibrating wildly for a moment before settling down to a more sedate level, tripped what was to be her first of many climaxes...
Tanj sat on the Bridge, at the communications console, bare naked (as if anyone on THIS ship would care) as she scanned the decrypted message. The Mink was not just a courier. She was the initial liaison with the Empire until the first large contingent of Troops arrived. Then she was to take over the position of assistant liaison, for financial and economic affairs. Truly someone of power. Smiling as she compiled a report to the Brethren, appending the files from the data crystal, she encrypted it and sent it off to the Pirates, hoping that THEIR code hadn't been broken yet. Still, there were things the Brethren needed to know NOW... and they wouldn't be home for three more days.
Zassa lay nude on her bed, panting. For some reason she was hot although she'd checked the compartment's thermostat. Maybe it was the busy night they'd all had. Groaning, she brought her knees up, one paw stroking down over her flat tummy, to lightly caress her mons... Despite Tanj's tongue and Hinoki's ... Spirited ass-fucking, she was still aroused, still wanting... something. Sighing she stroked herself absently as she tried to find sleep...
Hinoki grinned as he entered the Cargo Bay. The Mink was rolling around on the mat, shuddering. It only took a moment to determine that Someone, probably Tanj, had shifted the vibrating egg to a more strategic position, and the Cheetah male sat on the edge of the mat for a while, just watching the Mink climax over and over... finally though, he decided she'd had enough.
Kathy could do no more than pant for a while, after the vibrations stopped. She'd long since lost count of how many times the vibrating little devil had brought her to a climax. She'd also lost count of how many times it had taken her to the VERY edge before altering its vibration pattern, preventing her from climaxing. The experience had left her exhausted, and drained, and more than a little frustrated. As she fought to regain her breath, she gingerly rolled over, to see if she could spot, through the sliver of light under the left edge of the blindfold, who'd turned off the gizmo. Catching sight of the Male Cheetah sitting there, cross-legged, at the edge of the mat, looking back at her, she had to smile, as she thought "Now the REAL fun begins..."
Hinoki caught the hint of a smile at the corners of the Mink's mouth, and smiled in return; "Now that you've had your fun, I think its time your training was begun. You've shown a certain amount of talent as an amateur, but I think you can do MUCH better..."
Tanj had pulled on a shirt, to appear a little more "normal" to the Pharrpoint station's traffic controllers. As she requested permission to undock, and a vector to the Jump Point, she grinned to herself, wondering what they'd think if they knew she was nude from the waist down?
Zassa groaned and finally rose to her feet; she couldn't sleep... Padding nude from her quarters, the Vixen went looking for someone to help her scratch her itch...
Tanj smiled as her ship cleared the station, and she settled it down on its course to the Haverty jump point. Flipping on the autopilot, she opened a window on the left multi-function display to reexamine her course home. It was a long, serpentine affair, designed to keep anyone from following them. And as soon as they'd jumped into the uninhabited Haverty system, Tanj intended to cloak the ship, making pursuit that much more difficult. Sitting back, sighing, she unbuttoned her shirt, to toss it into an adjacent station chair. Giggling, she wondered when she'd decided she felt more comfortable in just her fur?
The Gerbil nodded; "Good, they're away. 'Bout time, too! Wonder what took 'em so long? You think Franz will have any trouble?" The Mongoose just shrugged; "Dunno; that depends, I suppose, on how good that detection gear Lord Xylex sent us is. He SAYS it can track a cloaked ship, but I've got my doubts." The Gerbil shrugged; "Well, if its as good as the cloaking device he's "loaned" us, we shouldn't have any trouble at all. I wonder if that really did come from an Imperial research lab? Sure never have seen anything like it before..." The Mongoose just nodded.
Kathy wobbled, trying hard to stand on one foot. Her arms were held horizontally to each side, and in her mouth she held a very heavy smooth metal phallus, straining to keep from letting it slip from between her lips. She had to keep her head tilted down, as the end of the phallus had a ring, and the male Cheetah, now to be called only "Master" had looped a thin chain through the ring. The problem was, if she let the phallus drop, the nipple clips on either end of that thin chain would savage her tender nipples, as if they weren't sore enough from the clips themselves. And every time she altered her poster, lowered her arms just a bit, or let her other foot dip towards the ground, the Chee... Master would lash out at her with a cane. As she struggled to hold her posture she watched him from downcast eyes. He seemed to be sitting there, meditating, or maybe even asleep, but every time she even came close to faltering from her stance, he seemed to know, the cane lashing out to sting her. He'd said this was to teach her obedience; that Master's word, his desires came before all else... And while she teetered, as she wobbled, as she struggled desperately to hold that heavy phallus in her mouth, she considered her plight. There was something about her situation that turned her on like nothing before. Her juices literally dripped down her thighs... Despite the pain, and the aching muscles, she was loving it.
Tanj was still on the bridge, just watching over their progress towards the next jump point, when Zassa entered. Like the Cheetah Fem, the vixen was completely nude... and from the damp and matted fur between her thighs, she obviously had something on her mind... "The usual thing" Tanj thought to herself with a grin. Without a word, Zassa strode across the bridge, to swivel Tanj's station chair around, and kneeling she lost no time in assaulting the Cheetah's sex with her tongue!
Tanj was a little surprised; usually Zassa was a little less forward. Well... maybe just a little less forward. But then, the contest had been an incredible, sexually supercharged affair... maybe this was just the ... aftereffects? Trying not to analyze it too carefully, Tanj just slid down in her chair a little and tried to enjoy the sensations of the Vixen's VERY talented tongue.
Kathy tried hard not to gag. After holding her stance until her muscles were so weak she was quivering, the Ch... Master had finally relented, letting her relax, giving her a hot kiss and a momentary grope as a reward. They'd then gone over the proper postures and demeanors for a slave, the rules of behavior. He'd made her repeat each instruction three times and had told her that he didn't expect her to remember them all at once, but there'd still be "punishments" for each one forgotten, each one disobeyed... And after a while, he'd decided they needed to work on her ability to supress her gag reflex. Master sat in a chair, and she knelt before him, holding his cock in her mouth. DEEP in her mouth. She was to tongue him until he came, and hold his soft cock in her mouth until he was hard again... and then tongue him until he came... Until he told her to stop. To make things more difficult, she held a slim vibrator in her pussy, its vibrations seemingly doing their utmost to break her concentration... In fact, at one point she'd almost bitten him. Trying not to moan as the tensions built between her legs, as another climax approached, she sucked her Master softly.
Zassa grinned as Tanj yowled, as she writhed through her climax. Nipping sharply at the Cheetah's clitty, the vixen sat back and panted, just watching. Gradually Tanj calmed down, her eyes opening to just slits, a smile spreading across her face... Zassa grinned up at her and nodded; "And now you get to do ME!"...
Hinoki looked up from where he was sitting as Tanj led Zassa into the cargo bay on the end of a leash. Raising an eyebrow in a silent question, he watched, scarcely moving... Tanj took in the scene, the Cheetah male sitting on a stool, the mink, paws bound behind her, the end of a vibrator showing between her labia, kneeling before him, holding his cock in her mouth. Neither of them seemed to be moving, but Tanj knew better; she would have bet a month's pay the Mink's tongue was moving. And that the Cheetah had an elevated heart rate... Grinning at the pair, Tanj explained; "Zassa's in the mood for something a little more... severe. And I'm in a mood to oblige."
Hinoki watched as Tanj fastened thick padded cuffs around Zassa's wrists and ankles, with a padded strap studded with D-rings around her waist. Laying the vixen out on the floor, Tanj spent the next dozen minutes rigging suspension cables from the cargo handling system overhead. Each cable had to be tightened slowly, a few inches at a time, but gradually Zassa rose from the floor, to be held horizontally, a meter off the floor. Her wrists and ankles were widespread, her hips were a little higher than her shoulders, and her head hung down, giving her an upside-down view of the cargo bay. Tanj paused and tied the vixen's hair to a cargo tie-down on the floor holding her in that position. Bending to give the vixen a kiss she padded back around to tie the vixen's tail to the floor in a similar manner. Then all the cables got tightened another notch.
Kathy did her best to watch, as she softly sucked on Master's cock. Once again, the Vixen's situation looked... Enthralling. Letting her tongue softly stroke the underside of the cock in her mouth, she watched as the female Cheetah attached weights to the Vixen's nipple rings, letting the weights fall to either side of her suspended body, pulling her ample breasts to the sides. Kathy watched, mesmerized as every little motion the vixen made set the weights to swaying...
Tanj "twanged" one of the cables, watching the Vixen sway, as she lifted the jar that contained her "living dress." This time she was going to ask the creature to do something a little more drastic, and she wasn't sure it was capable of doing what she wanted... Dipping a finger into the viscous black liquid, she let it flow up her arm, feeling the tickle at the back of her mind that told her it was in contact with her, that it was obediently awaiting her instructions. Grinning to herself, she formed the image of a pair of tight latex panties, and the creature obediently flowed down her body, to envelop her crotch. When the creature had finished that, Tanj grinned a little wider, and thought of the panties having a thick phallic plug, and sure enough, the creature pushed up into her, spreading her labia, filling her all the way to her cervix.
Hinoki watched the smile spread on Tanj's face as she squirmed a little and chuckled, guessing what Tanj was doing, but not having any idea where she was going with this...
Kathy watched the black blob flow over the Cheetah, moving like a puddle of oil flowing downhill, until it formed a pair of normal looking panties, wondering what THAT was...
Tanj waited until the creature had finished shifting, forming itself into the image she'd thought of, and then she altered the image a bit. This time, the panties not only had the thick phallic plug on the inside, but in her mind's eye, she envisioned the panties also having an external phallus shape, like a strap-on dildo. Obediently the creature shifted, and she could have sworn she felt it growing thinner in some spots as it struggled to comply with her request. Looking down, Tanj smiled as she watched a column of black extrude from her crotch, gradually resolving itself into a rather decent likeness of the Lion's cock. Without preamble, she stepped up between Zassa's well-spread thighs and nuzzled the head of the dong against the Vixen's dripping snatch.
As she pushed the dong slowly into Zassa, Tanj sighed. She'd thought that since she had some sort of telepathic link with the creature, able to issue instructions to it, that it might be able to give her "feedback," to let her feel what it was like to have a cock sliding into a wet pussy... but nothing like that seemed to happen. Zassa, however, seemed to like it, as the Vixen let out a long, heartfelt moan. Tanj grinned and pulled back to Jerk her hips forward, the thick dong spearing into Zassa's loins. As she moved, Tanj gasped; as she'd pulled back, the creature had withdrawn some of itself, and as she'd pushed forward, it had lengthened, driving into her own pussy! Chuckling, Tanj thought "Well, my friend, if you can't give me the sensations directly, that's an awfully good second best." Resting her paws on Zassa's thighs she settled down to give the Vixen a good fucking, gasping herself with each thrust.
Zassa moaned and gasped, swinging back and forth with each thrust, the weights bouncing and dancing as she swung back and forth, driven by Tanj's hard thrusts. The sensation of that thick dong moving back and forth was delightful... And she was rapidly approaching a climax... but it just wasn't quite enough, wasn't quite what she was wanting... But somehow, as her pleasure peaked, as she screamed out the arrival of her climax, she couldn't put into words just what it was she craved.
Tanj panted and sagged against the Vixen; her own climax had finally arrived, robbing her of all coordination. Regaining her breath, she pulled back, moving away from the panting, dripping vixen, the dong sliding free from her sex with a soft slurping sound. Commanding the creature back into its container, she flopped down on the floor of the Cargo bay, to grin at Hinoki.
Hinoki grinned at Tanj and ran a paw over the Mink's head; "Bring me off quickly, Little One, and I'll give you a new task..." Tanj watched, a grin on her face as the Mink started to move her head back and forth along Hinoki's shaft, her lips forming a tight "O" around his cock. After a few minutes, Hinoki's face grimaced, a look of combined pleasure, and something that might have approached pain, and then he softly pushed the Mink's head back. While her eyes were downcast, Kathy had a grin on her face, and her tongue flicked out to lick at what cum had escaped her mouth. Hinoki chuckled and nodded; "Very good, Slave; you've earned a reward. Go and lick the Vixen's crotch clean, and I mean CLEAN. Inside and out. And I'll be checking up on you. Once that's done, walk around to her other end, and make her lick you until you climax. Just one, Mind you. Then resume your kneeling position."
Tanj watched as the Mink moved to address the tasks assigned, thinking she was rather pretty, if a bit thin. Turning to look at Hinoki, she chuckled; "You know, if Pirates decided to assault us, we'd be in Deep Trouble the way we've been behaving. I'd best get back to the Bridge." Hinoki blinked at her; "You mean you didn't cloak the ship?" Tanj nodded; "Oh, I cloaked the ship all right, but you know as well as I do, that's no guarantee."
Franz looked over the shoulder of his sensor operator. Their cloaked quarry was fading in and out of sight, on a screen full of static. Xylex's Sensor system may have been a technological marvel, but it was annoying as hell. And something in its electronics was interfering with the ship's navigational controls; they kept drifting off course. And running their own "loaner" cloaking device was stealing all the ship's power, to the point where environmental was having a hard time keeping the inhabited portions of the ship warm. In fact, he was told that the cargo hold was a foot deep in oxygen snow, its temperature approaching that of space itself. And fuel consumption was astronomical. Grumbling, he rubbed his strained eyes, and tried to keep his ship behind his quarry. If they pulled this off, his Mercenary outfit would be set for years! They might even be able to buy another cruiser! They HAD to pull this off!
Hinoki smiled, watching Zassa writhe, swaying in her suspension restraints. The Mink had long since licked Zassa clean, but had shown no signs of wanting to stop. Chuckling Hinoki rose, and padded over behind the Mink, to crouch down, slipping his muzzle between her thighs where she crouched. He could feel her body tense as his tongue touched her, and then felt her sag a little, as she tried to keep her tongue working against Zassa's sex, AND push down against the Cheetah's tongue. Hinoki purrrred as he licked, his tongue darting here and there, quick, sharp stabs up into the Mink's pussy, and then, withdrawing, to flick its tip across her clitty; back and forth he alternated, until the Mink was screaming with ecstasy into the Vixen's snatch. Chuckling, he grabbed the Mink's tail, and pulled her back from Zassa, pulling her ass high. Kneeling behind her, he roughly brought his hard cock to the Mink's sex, still dripping with her juices and his saliva. Holding her tail tightly, he drove his hips forward, burying his shaft in her pussy. The Cheetah proceeded to roughly fuck the Mink, his hips jerking, bouncing her forward only to drag her back by his grip on her tail. As he fucked her, he growled; "Slave... you show... a certain...raw talent... but you ... need practice... The fact... that I ... was able... to bring... you off...before you... brought off the Vixen... shows me that... you need... to be shown... How to do that... better! " Gradually the Cheetah lapsed into silence as his hips drove back and forth... Finally, he pulled out of the Mink, just as she screamed out her passion again, to spray his seed over her back, and ass...
Kathy panted hard... two more delicious climaxes in just a few minutes... this was all working out JUST the way she'd wanted. All thoughts of catching the next ship to Elysium had been washed from her mind by the river of lust flowing through her. All thoughts of her job, her responsibilities were gone... All she could think about was what her Master might want of her next... what he might do to her next... she shivered in anticipation.
Hinoki chuckled as he rose. Reaching down he grabbed the back of the Mink's collar, pulling her to her feet, dragging her over towards the vixen. Zassa had been twisting her head, trying to watch, and now she hung there panting... "That wasn't fair, you know, pulling her back just as I was about to climax!" Hinoki reached out to tug at one of the Vixen's nipples; "Oh, you'll get your climax; but you're going to have to work for it." Turning back to the Mink, Hinoki grabbed her, lifting her off her feet, and turning dropped her on top of the startled Vixen. Chuckling, Hinoki pushed the Mink's head down towards the Vixen's crotch, and then, using a leather thong, he tied her arms around Zassa's waist. A few more thongs and a few more ropes, and even some double-ended harness hooks soon had the Mink bound TIGHT to the Vixen's body. After looking at the situation for a minute, Hinoki sighed; "You know, Zassa, I'd love to leave you supporting both your weight AND hers, but I think Tanj might get just a little upset..." Fetching another cable, the Cheetah male ran a line from the overhead to a thick strap around Kathy's waist, partially supporting her weight... Padding around, Hinoki bent to kiss Zassa on the lips; "Tilt your head up and lick the Mink, Dear; show her how to use a tongue to please a female. And in return, this worthless slave will mimic your actions, lick for lick. Show her what you know." And with that, Hinoki gave Kathy a slap on the ass, setting both her and Zassa swaying, and purring, turned to head for the door.
Zassa found it hard to lift her head up, to lick at the Mink... but it was a sweet ache that her neck muscles soon developed as she licked and nibbled softly, feeling the Mink respond in kind. Slowly, in between licks, Zassa started a running commentary on how best to use a tongue...
Tanj shifted in her station chair, on the Bridge. Her muscles were aching, and she felt a little hot, as if she were coming down with a cold. Grumbling to herself about busy, crowded stations, and the probability of catching a bug, she ran another sensor sweep as her ship made its way towards the next Jump Point.
Franz looked up as his sensor tech growled; "Dammit, they're scanning again!" Padding over, Franz looked over his shoulder; "Did they detect us?" The Sensor tech shook his head; "No, don't think so. We're keeping far enough back that they shouldn't be able to get a decent return, considering the cloak. But that in turn makes it DAMNED hard for us to keep track of THEM, even WITH Xylex's wonder gizmo. I tell you, by the time this mission's over, I'm going to need corrective eye surgery, from the strain!" Franz just chuckled; "If you do, we'll get it for you. Xylex will pay us well, if we pull this off."
Hinoki tossed in his bed, his sleep troubled with images of wild sexual exploits... He was having the "wet" dream to end all wet dreams...
Zassa's tutorial had long since run down, and now she was talking more than teaching, her head hanging back. But even so, every once in a while, she'd strain to raise her head, to give the Mink tied to her another lick... The Mink, in turn, was speaking little, replying only occasionally with more than a grunt, or a monosyllabic response. She was still licking at the Vixen, although perhaps a little less enthusiastically, she was definitely showing more skill, an apt pupil. "Mmmmmmm yes, that's nice, Slave... right there... do that again" the Vixen purrred. "you're getting me close... Can you feel the way I twitch, the way the muscles...oh, yes...tense? MMmmmmmmm... Its at times like this that I like a little spice...Tell you what, I want you to do this..." And with that, the Vixen lifted her head, to nip sharply at the Mink's puffy labia.
Kathy YELPED into the Vixen's wet sex, momentarily startled, her head rising from between the Vixen's thighs. Then, growling, she dropped her head, letting gravity have its way, to BITE the vixen, nipping her harder than she'd been nipped, vengeance for being pained so.
Zassa's body arched, the sharp pain driving her over the edge and into a bright climax. As she writhed, as the two of them swung back and forth, the chains creaking as they moved, the Vixen yipped out her pleasure.
Kathy blinked, her tongue automatically moving to lick at the shuddering Vixen's sex, stroking over where she'd just nipped her. "She LIKED that?" the Mink thought to herself. "Hmmmmmm, I might have to check into this... if she liked it so much, maybe there's something to it..."
Tanj sighed and looked at the Chronograph. Usually Hinoki, or Zassa would come relieve her on the Bridge, but she hadn't seen either of them in hours. Of course, she'd left Zassa tied up... Surely Hinoki had released her by now. Hadn't he? Rising from her station chair, giving the instruments a last look, she padded from the Bridge.
As she walked towards the Cargo Hold, Tanj felt her nose; it wasn't as wet and cold as she thought it should be, but was dry and hot. Shaking her head, she groaned, thinking this was no time to come down with the Rigelian Flu...
Hinoki groaned as he awakened. Something felt wet... reaching his paw down, to rub his crotch, he felt his belly covered in his own cum. Grinning to himself, he did his best to remember, to recapture the dream... "Haven't done THAT since I was a cub" he mumbled sleepily to himself. Smiling as his mind replayed fragments of the rapidly fading erotic dream, he slipped back to sleep...
On the Bridge, a yellow light on the Sensor console flashed three times, and then was dark again, the tenuous contact faded.
Tanj opened the door to the Cargo Bay and groaned. In the dim light, she could see Zassa hanging where she'd left her, with the added weight of the Mink on top of her. Zassa was panting softly, eyes closed, and the Mink was sloooowly licking at the Vixen's crotch. Tanj turned and headed for the winch controls, but stopped after a few steps. Grinning, she turned and padded back, to straddle the Vixen's head, her ass touching that of the Mink tied on top of the Vixen; reaching down between her thighs, she roughly grabbed the Vixen's hair, using it to pull her head up, until the Vixen's nose pressed into her crotch. "Want to be let down, Slave? Then lick me to a climax, and be quick about it!" Tanj growled. Obediently, Zassa's tongue flicked out, to stroke over the Cheetah's sex. Tanj smiled and squatted a little; Zassa certainly did know how to do that well!
Zassa moved her tongue slowly, languidly. Her shoulders and hips were on fire, her paws and feet long since numb, but the Mink's slowly moving tongue and the scent of Tanj were well worth the discomfort. Flicking the tip of her tongue over the Cheetah's clitty, Zassa licked her JUST the way she liked it best.
Tanj jerked, when Zassa nipped her for the first time. She'd half been expecting it, but it was still a surprise. Zassa had always liked a little pain with her pleasure, and enjoyed tormenting Tanj in that manner when she could... Moaning, Tanj tugged tighter at the Vixen's hair, pulling her muzzle harder into her dripping sex...
Zassa mrowlfed, any noise she might be trying to make thoroughly muffled by the Cheetah's sex. Slithering her tongue into Tanj's wetness, stroking upwards, seeking just that one special spot, Zassa struggled to bring Tanj off... Not because she wanted to be let down, but because that was what she'd been instructed to do.
Tanj arched her back suddenly, yowling out her pleasure as Zassa's tongue stroked over her G-spot in just the right way. Shuddering she moaned and mewled the way only a feline can... And then she YELPED again as the Vixen nipped her yet again. Panting hard, the waves of pleasure receding, Tanj stepped away, to lean against a wall until she could see straight again.
Zassa GROANED as she was lowered to the floor, the weight finally off her arms and legs, the weights attached to her nipple rings resting on the floor beside her. The cessation of the tension was almost as bad as the prolonged tension itself. Panting hard, the Mink still on top of her, Zassa felt Tanj begin the long task of untying her, and the Mink.
Tanj threw the restraints in the toy box, and gazed longingly at the double-ended dong there... She'd love to have Zassa work her over with that... but she really should get back to the Bridge. Turning to look at Zassa, she sighed; the Vixen was softly stroking the Mink's crotch as she watched Tanj tidy up. "Zassa, take our new slave to the Head, and clean her up. In fact, why don't you teach her the proper way to wash someone. When you're through, secure her properly and come spell me on the Bridge. I need to get some sleep." Zassa just nodded and rose, to recover Kathy's leash, and clip it to her collar. Tanj smiled as the Vixen, a sticky, matted mess, led the equally sticky and matted Mink from the Cargo Bay.
Zassa nodded as she led the Mink to the ship's head, and to the oversized shower there; "Yes, I did like that. I know, it sounds a bit strange at first, but I've found that there is that point, when you've been teased long enough, when you've been tormented long enough, where pleasure and pain blurr. Its not for everyone, I know, but I find it ever so much more intense. If you're interested, I'll see if I can't take you to that point..." Kathy thought for a moment and then nodded; "I'd like to explore everything I can... I don't know why I'm suddenly so adventurous, so ... driven, but I would. You're right, I might not share that inclination with you, but I'd like to try it..." Zassa just grinned.
Tanj Yawned. Zassa's expert licking hadn't left her satisfied, like it usually did. Instead she seemed... On edge. Nervous. As if she needed... Something. As she watched her instruments, checking Nav and Sensors, and Engineering, she idly stroked herself, and thought; "Surely I couldn't still be horny; I've had enough sex in the last three days to last me for a year! But if not that, then what DO I want?" Struggling to stay awake, she wondered what was keeping Zassa.
Kathy had stood stoically while the Vixen tightly bound her arms behind her, at wrists, and just above her elbows. She'd then watched as the water was started, and the temperature carefully adjusted. Zassa then grinned wickedly and had reached out to grab the Mink's collar and drag her under the water. She was spun about, getting thoroughly drenched, and then tugged out of the main stream of the water...
Watching in amazement, Kathy's eyes followed the Vixen as Zassa picked up a gallon sized jug of shampoo, removed the cap and then proceeded to pour a liberal quantity down the Mink's front, covering both her breasts, and her belly. Zassa Chuckled; "OK, then, now, its your job to scrub me clean. You're a living scrub-brush; rub yourself against me until I say otherwise." Kathy grinned and stepped forward a little, to snuggle up against the Vixen, experimentally flexing her legs, stroking her body up and down against Zassa. Zassa cooed; "Oh, yes, that's the way. Keep going. Don't stop..."
Hinoki grunted as he rolled out of bed in a tangle of sheets. The second dream, if anything, had been better than the first. Looking down at himself, he chuckled; he was a MESS. Wadding up the sheets, he padded, still nude, towards the laundry, intending to get the sheets in the washer before anyone noticed.
Zassa was bent over, paws braced against the far wall of the shower, the hot water cascading down on her head and shoulders, as Kathy rubbed her head back and forth between her crotch. The sensation of soapy mink ears tickling her sex was unique, and one that she'd have to remember. And the feeling was MUCH too nice to abandon, just because she'd long since gotten as clean as she was going to get...
Hinoki started the load of laundry and nodded in satisfaction. Turning, he headed for the shower, wondering where everyone was.
Tanj jerked herself awake as the alarm sounded. Looking wildly around she realized that they were merely coming up on the next jump point. One more after this one and they'd be home. And Thank God for that! She was beginning to think she NEEDED the stability of her normal job, something to pull her away from all the wild sex that this trip had generated so far. Even her dreams were getting risque... Checking over her boards, she watched as the autopilot prepared for the Jump.
Franz nodded as their quarry approached the Jump Point. They'd been following a path that looked to have been the meanderings of a drunken snake, but now they were approaching the Elysium system. They HAD to be getting close!
Hinoki opened the door to the Head and blinked as a cloud of steam rolled out. Stepping inside and closing the door, he grinned as he beheld Kathy rubbing herself against Zassa. The Vixen was leaning back against the wall, directly under the shower head, with the mink straddling one leg, soaping the Vixen's thigh by running her crotch back and forth over it. Grinning, Hinoki entered the shower to tap Kathy on the shoulder; "Me Next!"
Tanj kept falling asleep in her station chair, and when she did, the dreams were... disturbing. She seemed to be living the most erotic times of her life, scenes from the Academy, scenes from her times with the Pirates... Each time she woke up, it was usually to a less-than-satisfying climax, and each time she awoke, she found one paw between her thighs. Even standing behind her station chair, trying to watch over her ship proved to be futile, as she seemed to fall into an exhausted trance, usually awakening when she collapsed to the deck. She was feeling hot, and achy, and was convinced something was wrong... And where WERE Zassa and Hinoki?
Hinoki purrrred as he ran the brush through Zassa's long hair. They were standing on the grating of the "hair dryer", a tornado of warm air enveloping the three of them. They were long since dry, but it was obvious that Zassa was enjoying the brushing, and he was certainly enjoying the attention the Mink was giving his cock, kneeling between him and Zassa...
Tanj groaned, and tried to focus her eyes. She was sooooo tired, but they were almost home. Maybe when they docked, she'd go down to medical, to see if they had something for this year's variant of the flu...
Hinoki zipped up his overall and smiled. He and Zassa had gotten VERY creative with the Mink. She was now bound, in the middle of Tanj's bed, bent back in an arch. Her ankles had been tied to the opposite sides of the head of the bed, and her arms, still bound behind her, had been tied to the center of the footboard, the rope passing between her well-spread knees, pulling her into a bow. The back of her head rested on a pillow, and her breasts pointed almost straight up. A ring gag filled her mouth, and "dancing egg" style vibrators droned in both ass and pussy. Zassa chuckled as she shrugged into her own fresh overalls; "A beautiful view if I do say so myself." Hinoki chuckled and bent to give the Mink's very exposed sex a lick; "True; you do good work, no question about it. Now, where do you suppose Tanj's gotten off to? I think she's been hiding on us!" Zassa chuckled and nodded; "Yes, quite naughty of our "Mistress;" we really should "punish" her for that." Chuckling, the two turned and headed for the bridge.
Kathy moaned to herself as the door closed, leaving her alone. She was pulled so tight, so deliciously tight... She knew before long, her muscles would be protesting, but in the meantime, the vibrators felt SOOOOO good... And she felt so sexy, KNOWING that she was an arousing sight to behold... enjoying the effect she obviously had on the crew of this ship. What others might find her as alluring? As desirable? What others might want her for their own, to command, and abuse? She shivered with the though...
Tanj yawned widely as the Bridge door slid open with a whoosh, and Zassa and Hinoki stepped in, looking clean and rested. Focusing on them, Tanj just growled; "Where in the HELL have you two been?" Zassa looked blankly at Hinoki and then back at Tanj; "Um, we've been, ah, "training" the new slave. Why?" Tanj growled; "Because in about 17 minutes we jump back into the Elysium system. We're almost home."
Hinoki blinked and looked at the Cheetah Fem. Her fur was ruffled, and matted in places, her eyes heavy lidded as if she were having trouble keeping them open; "Um, Are you sure? I mean, it seems like we just boarded the ship from the Station yesterday... Surely it couldn't have been three days already!" Tanj just scowled back at him; "Check the Nav console yourself if you don't believe me. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to prepare the ship for the Jump!"
Zassa looked over Hinoki's shoulder as he checked their position; sure enough, they were where Tanj'd said they were. After a moment she whispered in his ear; "What do you think's got a burr under HER tail?" Hinoki looked at Tanj for a moment and then turned to whisper to Zassa; "Oh, I think she's just pissed that she didn't get as much nookie as we've been getting. Don't worry; when she finds the little surprise we left for her in her cabin, she'll get over it."
Franz scowled as he looked over his Navigator's shoulder; "The ELYSIUM Jump Point? Surely the Pirates wouldn't have a base THERE! Hey, you don't think... No, It wouldn't make sense for Xylex to sell US out... but what if someone's sold Xylex out? What if this is some sort of Imperial trap aimed at Xylex?" The Navigator just looked over his shoulder and shrugged; "Could be, I suppose, but if it was, why would they come HERE?" Franz just shrugged; "I don't know, but I don't like the looks of this." The Navigator nodded; "You going to tell Xylex?" Franz thought for a moment and then shook his head; "No, if we were to transmit, they'd know someone was following them. No, we'll keep radio silence, and just stay on our guard. Besides, if it IS a trap, maybe WE can sell out HIM..." The Navigator chuckled and nodded; "Whatever it takes to make a bigger profit..."
Tanj Yawned widely as the ship completed its jump. She'd followed a standard Freighter through the jump point, their own jump effect masked in the larger ship's wake. The cloaking device was holding just fine, and sure that they were undetected, Tanj set course for the Asteroid belt, and the Pirates' hidden base.
Hinoki nudged Tanj; "It's a milk run from here; why don't you let me take it, and go get cleaned up." Tanj yawned again and nodded, rising from her chair. "No messing around, you two. I don't want my pay docked because you two took out the docking bay with a sloppy landing." Zassa shot Tanj a hurt look, and with a low growl, the Cheetah Fem stalked from the bridge.
Farr grinned at the image of the Cheetah on the monitor. He was receiving a tight beam broadcast from Tanj's ship, requesting landing permission. Except the way Hinoki was squirming, his face twitching, it was obvious that SOMETHING other than normal flight ops was going on. Chuckling, the Ferret gave them permission to land, and then, switching channels, warned all the other Brethren traffic in the area that Tanj's freighter was coming in a little screwy, and they should keep an eye out.
Tanj headed for her cabin, intending to grab a fresh set of clothes before heading to the shower. However, when she opened the door to her cabin, the first thing she saw was the bound and moaning form of the Mink, her pussy, slick with her own juices, "pointed" right at her. Sighing, Tanj stepped into her small cabin, intending to get the clothes she was after... But then something took hold of her; tendrils of wild thoughts crept unbidden into her mind, and she turned to look at the Mink, thinking... "One quick climax. I should have time for that..." dropping her clothes to the floor, she stepped over to her bed, to straddle the Mink's head, pressing her crotch against the ring holding Kathy's muzzle open. Almost immediately she was rewarded with the feel of the Mink's tongue stroking her sex. Purrring, Tanj thought; "Someone's been teaching her... She's getting good!"
Zassa knelt under the Pilot's console, jammed into a tiny space, licking teasingly at Hinoki's cock. She was struggling to hold him on the edge of an orgasm as he tried to fly the ship into the base's docking bay. She had to admit, the Cheetah male's concentration was good; they never bounced off a single wall, or came more than within a meter of any of the other ships. Still, furrs scattered before them, like geese before a wolf. As she felt the landing pads touch down, Zassa licked him in just the way she knew he liked, and as he cut the drives he came, filling her mouth with his salty cum. Zassa giggled as she swallowed rapidly; perfect timing!
Tanj was moaning through her third climax as she felt the ship shudder, and suddenly she knew they were back. Gasping, she pulled herself away from the Mink's tongue, and struggling to stand, weak kneed, she bent to retrieve her discarded clothes.
The unusual flight parameters of Tanj's freighter had drawn a small crowd, from the furious Docking Bay Manager, to the grinning traffic controllers, who thought they knew what the problem had been. Sure enough, when Zassa emerged from the airlock, she winked at the crowd and ostentatiously licked her lips, and then with a saucy sway to her hips, proceeded to swagger towards the corridor. Bo, one of the crew from the Raider "Total Loss" grabbed the Vixen, to bend her over backwards, kissing her hard; as he let her up, he grinned to the crowd and nodded; "Yup, she did all right!" Zassa just laughed, and resumed her trek towards the corridor. Hinoki, emerging from the airlock, watched the vixen's swaying ass for a moment and then looked at the crowd, and grinned wickedly and just shrugged. As he too made his way towards the exit, he paused to kiss Joline, one of the maintenance techs. Joline squealed in surprise, and possibly delight, and as Hinoki released her, she blushed, the crowd laughing.
Tanj was the last to emerge, looking tired and rumpled, leading the still nude and bound Kathy at the end of a short leash. Eddie, the Docking Bay Manager strode up to her, a dark look on his face, but Tanj just Snarled; "I know, Eddie, I know. I should have stayed at the Helm. I'm sorry, BUT DON'T START WITH ME NOW!" Eddie skidded to a halt, his eyes wide, shocked at the uncharacteristic venom in Tanj's voice. Growling wordlessly, Tanj stalked down the ramp from her ship.
Reggie and Slasher were on the fringes of the crowd, and Reggie tilted his head to one side; "Rough trip, Love?" Tanj sighed and nodded, and then tilted her head up to kiss them both hello; "Yes, and no. It'll all be in my report, and that should make interesting reading. It was NOT the way I intended to capture her, but what the hell, it worked. Listen guys, I'm not feeling very well. Would you do me a favor, and take my prisoner down to the Kennels. I think I'm going to head down to Medical, before I check in." Reggie grinned as Slasher nodded eagerly, the latter reaching out for the leash. Reggie paused, and then looked back at Tanj; "Say, you wouldn't mind if we... Indulged ourselves with her, would you?" Tanj laughed and shook her head no; "I think this one's got the makings of a truly good sex slave; knock yourselves out, boys, but if you find her training... deficient, just let me know!" Reggie chuckled and nodded; "Hope you feel better." Turning, they headed off towards the kennels.
Kathy was covertly eyeing up the Ferret and the Rabbit as they talked to the Cheetah. They seemed to want her, and that pleased her. She could hardly wait to see what they'd do with her. The words the Cheetah had said, "capture her"... She knew that was important, somehow, but for the moment, she couldn't remember why... Was there something she was supposed to be doing? Something else? But then the Rabbit was tugging on her leash, and with eyes downcast, she eagerly followed them, all other concerns forgotten as they led her off..
This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories are copyright Kittiara's player, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Hinoki, Zassa, and Jenka copyright their players, also to be found on FurryMuck. Mark is copyright Ann'katar, also of FurryMuck. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.