Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, "There Ain't No Justice." As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, please!
Tanj's Tale: The Battle That Never Was, Chapter 1
By Kittiara
Stardate 2399.31
The Wolverine glowered down at the Mouse in the labcoat; "No, that's NOT what I wanted at ALL, you cretin!" The Mouse cringed, but there was some spark of resistance, some shred of professional pride left; "I... I'm sorry if we were unable to meet all your product requirements, Lord Xylex... Perhaps if there was more time..." The Wolverine growled at the rodent again, and shook his head; these academics just didn't understand the realities of the situation. There WAS no more time. Something had to be done NOW before things got completely out of control. While the tailored virus wasn't what he'd asked for, it might still have its uses. As might the incompetent mouse and his staff. Reaching out to close the insulated box, the one marked with all the biohazard symbols, Lord Xylex shook his head; "I am MOST displeased with your performance, Doctor. Most displeased. Its only the pressures of time, of the circumstances that we find ourselves in, that force me to accept the flawed product you have produced. Your payment will be forthcoming." With that he turned and strode towards the door.
The Mouse sighed when the Wolverine had gone, when his groundcar had left through the Institute's gates. Xylex was a tough customer. Pity he didn't seem to be able to understand that creating a biological warfare weapon wasn't as simple or as straightforward as building a starship, or an assault vehicle... and the way he'd wanted his enemies to die... THAT was ludicrous to begin with! At least his visit had been late at night, after the end of the somewhat irregular day the researchers at the institute kept; there'd been no one to see his distress, his loss of aplomb...
With the departure of their prestigious guest, the security forces at the Institute relaxed. No one had tried to assassinate Lord Xylex while he'd been inside their perimeter, and that was a relief. Their security was geared more towards preventing the odd employee from stealing the secrets held within, than repulsing assassins. And such, the guards on duty could be excused for missing the dark- robed figures that slipped past what few surveillance cameras there were that were still showing true images.
The Mouse looked up in alarm as several large, armed furrs burst into his office. Before he could scarce get out a squeek, one of them shot him, the bolt from his blaster cleaving off the top of the rodent's skull. Efficiently, the team searched through his records, taking disks, and data crystals, and in one case, where the password proved to be too challenging, the whole computer... and then they were busy, efficiently setting explosive charges...
Lord Xylex leaned against the front of his groundcar, talking quietly to Trotskie. They both looked up and grinned when three blocks away, the Institute's main building erupted in a ball of flame, lighting up the night sky, debris falling for blocks around the center of the explosion. Xylex chuckled as he brushed himself off; "Ah, those pesky Rebels... I'm sure the press will lambaste them for destroying a medical research facility." The bear just chuckled; "Until I release all that data you gave me on how they were working on mind control drugs and biological warfare weapons... and of course with their building destroyed, with their computer records gone, they won't very effectively be able to counter my claims. You really were brilliant in that regard, Xylex." The Wolverine smiled and waved a paw depreciatingly; "It was nothing, nothing at all. I just wish the incompetent fools had been able to develop what I'd wanted. But I think what I got might still be useable." Trotsie raised an eyebrow; "So what are you going to do?" Xylex grinned, his teeth showing whitely in the night; "Oh, my dear Comrade, its not what I'm going to do, but what YOU'RE going to do!"
Trotskie shook his head; "I dunno; if they ever make the connection, the pirates will come down on me with both feet..." Xylex just chuckled; "If my plan works out all right, they won't be around to figure it out. Even if something goes wrong, the tailored virus has an interesting side effect of interfering with short term memory. They shouldn't be ABLE to figure out what went wrong! But don't worry, my dear Bear, the plan is fool-proof!" Trotskie grimaced inwardly, growling to himself "Yeah, just like your last few plans..."
Tanj groaned and squirmed; her master had posed an interesting problem to her, demanding a solution. The penalty for not solving it was an occasional swat with a quirt, a short, thin whip that found its mark on her belly and her breasts when he felt she wasn't trying hard enough to solve her problem.
They were playing rougher than they usually did; with several provinces on Elysium in open revolt, the Pirates were busier than ever, both in interdicting Imperial aid, in aiding the Rebels, and in just pursuing the business of being pirates. While things were going well, perhaps even profitably, everyone was stressed out, Tanj and her Master included. And as such she found little fault when he decided to play rough; most times she relished it, but this time, the "problem" he'd posed was difficult, and the penalties just a little more painful than she cared for...
Tanj stood with legs WIDE apart, held apart by a spreader bar almost as long as she was tall. A chain ran from her collar to a ring in the center of the spreader bar, pulling her into a bowed position. To make matters worse, her Master had tied cords from her nipple rings to her ankle cuffs, pulling her over even further, pulling her breasts apart. He said this was to make it easier for him to apply the quirt, and she had to agree it seemed to be working. Her arms were bound behind her at the elbow, but free at the wrist. He'd pulled her back, slightly off balance, his thick cock buried DEEP in her pussy. At least he'd "lubricated" it first, allowing her to lick at it until it was dripping with her saliva.
Now he was insisting that she make him cum... but without moving her body. She was NOT allowed to rock her body back and forth, to slide his cock in and out of her sex... Every time she tried to sneak in a motion such as that, the quirt stung her. And as she looked about, trying hard to work her vaginal muscles around his shaft, trying to milk him, she realized that while that would definitely hold his interest, it wouldn't be enough to bring him off. And if she didn't think of something quick, she'd feel the sting of the quirt again...
Suddenly it struck her; she knew what she had to do... There, lying on the floor was one of her "toys", a latex dong, rather thick, and heavily studded... Given the position her paws were bound in, she reasoned that if she worked it in and out of her ass, the sensation, transmitted through the thin membranes that separated her back passage and her vaginal canal would be enough to bring off her master! "Um, Master?" Tanj purrrred... "What is it, Slave? Solved the problem yet, or shall I reacquaint you with the quirt?" Tanj smiled at his rough growl, and wondered how he'd sound when he realized she had a solution... "Would you hand me that dildo on the floor?" The Lion chuckled and reached around her to wrap his paw around it. Lifting it, he put it in her paws, by the small of her back. Tanj purrred; "Um, I don't suppose it would be too much to ask for some lubricant on it?" The Lion just chuckled; "I think you can scrape up a little, if you need to, as wet as you are..." Tanj sighed and turned the dong in her paws, stroking its head down into the furrow of her ass, to tease at the back periphery of her sex. The Lion's shaft was well coated with her juices, but as she moved, ever so slightly, trying to transfer some of that slickness to the dong, she felt the quirt strike up at her left breast. Gasping she jerked, and then brought the head of the dong up to her ass. Slowly she pushed, groaning as the mostly unlubricated shaft worked its way into her back passage.
The Lion purrred in agreement with her solution, a deep basso rumble. Tanj gasped as each of the bumps on the dong's shaft blipped past her anal ring, first on the way in, and then out; still, it was obvious from the way the Lion's claws twitched out, pricking her hips, that she was having the desired effect on him. And then he was reaching around her, one finger rubbing at her clitty even as he whispered a warning in her ear NOT to move... Tanj panted harder, her paws straining to work the dong in and out of her ass, to stimulate her Master's cock by proxy, until his teasing of her clitty caused her to loose all control, writhing as her climax overtook her. To her amazement, she wasn't punished for her movement, but instead was rewarded with the feel of her master's cock spurting, as he came, filling her pussy with his jism.
The Lion had insisted she leave the dong, in her ass, for now, as they cuddled on the bed, trying to regain their breath. This necessitated that she lay on her stomach... and in this case, that meant laying on top of her Master, as he insisted she hold his softening cock in her sex for as long as possible. As the Lion broke yet another kiss, he looked at her for a moment and then purrred; "And have you solved the OTHER problem?"
Tanj groaned; she didn't want to get back to business so soon! Their interlude hadn't been QUITE what she'd had in mind, but it was still preferable to their running argument. "No, Master I have not. I don't care WHAT jucy tidbits Trotskie says he has for us, you are NOT going down to Elysium to meet him. I can't tell you why, but I don't trust the bastard, and after the affair on Imroc, I'm insisting on increased security for things like that. If he doesn't want to send us a data crystal with the information, he can either come here, or send a messenger, or meet us somewhere "safe"." The Lion looked at Tanj for a moment; "And where would you feel safe?" Tanj snorted and then grinned wickedly; "How about the Black Fleet's station... That ought to be neutral enough." The Lion just laughed.
Tanj grumbled as she waited by the personnel lock of the freighter "Agnes Scott." The Lion hadn't liked the idea of meeting at Jenka's station as "neutral ground," and Trotskie had vehemently objected. Finally they'd resolved on a meeting in deep space near the Elysium system. The Scott was owned by one of the "dealers" (i.e. "fences") that the Brethren frequently used to move their booty, and Tanj'd had to make a run out to deliver a cargo anyways. Now her ship sat a short distance away, cloaked and ready, in case of betrayal. Hinoki was with Tanj, looking grim in his pirate's combat armor. And Trotskie's shuttle was docking.
The Bear squeezed through the personnel lock and beamed at Tanj; "Ah, there you are! I'm delighted to finally meet you in person; I've heard so VERY much about you!" Tanj nodded politely; "Greetings, uh, Comrade Trotskie. I'm glad you could come. I have some interesting intelligence summaries to share with you... If you'll follow me, we can talk in the crew's mess."
Tanj led the way, Trotskie following, with Hinoki bringing up the rear along with Trotskie's bodyguard, a silent and stern looking Panther. Tanj had her briefing information spread out on the table of the Mess, with maps and charts tacked to the wall. All of the information dealt specifically with the areas of operations that the Reds were currently active in. And there was pointedly nothing present that dealt with the Blues or any of the other Rebel groups. Trotskie walked around the room, paws behind his back, looking at the maps and charts, nodding to himself. Turning at one point he grinned at his bodyguard; "See here Ioseph! I told you she was good! Look at this! She shows the disposition of the 23rd Grenadiers in and around Hagarsburg! And look at this! They're supported by the 415th Military Police detachment? Excellent!" The Panther growled softly; "Just because she says it, does not make it so!" The Bear made a dismissive motion but Tanj nodded; "No, he's right; no intelligence is perfect, and I've been misled before. Be wise and check out the information you see here. This is the best I have; the latest I have; but it could all have changed by now." Trotskie chuckled and nodded, and turned to take the chair at the table across from Tanj, obviously ready to begin the formal briefing.
"... and that's why we think the fusiliers are there. There might be another reason, but we think they're there for reconstitution, and do not constitute a significant combat force." Trotskie nodded, making another note in his notebook. "Your information will be of a great help to us. Now tell me; what of the mood of the people? Are they frightened by the revolt? Do they yearn to throw off their chains? Were they content with what was and wish we'd all go away?" Tanj thought for a moment and then shrugged; "As with most things, there are those that are passionately for the Revolution. And there are those that are passionately against the revolution. But most lie somewhere in-between. Those with money lean most towards the status quo. Those without, those with less to loose are more likely to side with the revolution." Trotskie smiled and nodded; "You are very wise. I agree! In order to involve more of the people with our revolution, we must first insure that they have little to loose. And if it is the government that takes what they have from them, so much the better!" Tanj nodded, as she thought furiously; that hadn't been quite what she'd said, but she could agree with his logic. But she wondered; how would the Reds manipulate the government into taking away what the people had?
Trotskie smiled again, and looked from Hinoki to Tanj; "Perhaps you could help me with another question?" Tanj nodded reservedly; her briefing was over, and she was more interested in what information Trotskie had for her than in answering his philosophical questions. Still, what he asked surprised her... "I see you wear the collar of a slave, as does your associate. If you have escaped the Government, why do you still wear it? Or do the Brethren fight for freedom while keeping slaves?" Tanj chewed on her lower lip as she considered her answer. "First, as you know, many of the Brethren are... Mercenaries, fighting only for profit. Few of them care if the booty is ships, or cargo, or slaves. In order to maintain our... Operation, to be a benefit to the cause, we have to deal in slaves, despite our standing philosophy against it. Oh, we give the prisoners every chance to ransom themselves, but for those that can't, or won't pay, they get... wholesaled. As for me, and for Hinoki... well, I can't speak for him, but for me, I have more than enough money to purchase my freedom, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to do it. I have a... good relationship with my master, and I guess I fear, that if I were to be free, it might change. On the other hand, its entirely possible that the conditioning I received in my training is inhibiting me." Trotskie nodded, as if considering her words. After a while he spoke again; "I understand you were trained as a sex slave, no? If I were to ask you to grant me a sexual favor, what would you do?" Tanj's mouth dropped for a second, and then she closed her mouth. After a moment she shrugged; "As I have no instructions from my Master to the contrary, I would accede to your wishes. What is it you would like me to do?" As Tanj started to rise from her seat, Trotskie waved both paws; "Oh, no, no, you misunderstand! Believe me, I would never ask you to do something against your will! I am completely opposed to slavery and would never command ANYONE in such a manner; I was merely seeking to understand!"
Tanj settled back into her chair, watching the Bear, wondering if he was, in some strange fashion, making fun of her? Or was he serious? After a moment of studying her face, Trotskie smiled again; "I think you've given me another piece of the puzzle. In order to liberate the people of Elysium, we must break their conditioning, for if the Government was SO efficient at conditioning the slaves it trained, surely they must have conditioned their citizens against revolt!" Tanj frowned and shook her head; "I'm not sure they conditioned the general pop..." But Trotskie was grinning widely and nodding his head; "It is the only possible answer; its why there has been so little popular support for our forces!" Tanj sat back and thought "That or perhaps its due to the fact that your forces seem to kill indiscriminently..." Trotskie thumped the table with both paws, and nodded in delight. He started to rise, but then, almost as an afterthought, he settled back into his chair; "Ah! I almost forgot!" Fishing in his pocket, he produced three data crystals, and placed them, one by one on the table in front of Tanj; "These are the reports of all my field agents and centurions. Hopefully you will be able to produce more miracles of data analysis from the information they contain." Tanj looked doubtfully at the data crystals, thinking "Oh, great. More rumors and hearsay from amateurs. I bet it takes me a month to wade through all the crap!" Then, with an even grander flourish, the Bear produced one more data crystal; "And this, this we took from an Imperial courier. I don't know what it contains; its code proved to be too much for us; but considering the way it was defended, I'm certain its something important." And with that, Trotskie rose and after a small bow turned and left the compartment.
Tanj was still sitting at the table when Hinoki returned; "They're gone. Left quietly." Tanj nodded and turned over the Imperial data crystal in her fingers. "He said they couldn't break the code on this one. I wonder..." Hinoki sat down opposite Tanj, in the chair that Trotskie had occupied; "Do you think it's a plant? A fake?" Tanj shrugged; "Dunno. We'll check it out." Hinoki looked at her for a moment and then sighed; "And what do you think all that nonsense about the Elysium Government brainwashing the populace was?" Tanj shrugged; "I'd never thought about it before, but come on, you have to admit its possible. Subliminal messages in the Holo shows... Subtle messages in the education of the children... Hell, if their advertising agencies can sell some of the stuff they do, maybe brainwashing of the populace ISN'T so far-fetched. What scares me is that he might decide to try and counter-program everyone into supporting HIM just as loyally!"
Trotskie grinned at Xylex as he exited the shuttle. The Wolverine really was being useful, making it very easy for the Leader of the Reds to come and go, among other things. "You gave her the crystal?" the Wolverine growled. Trotskie nodded; "Of course. And her intelligence really was quite good. It was almost dead on, compared to what you've been giving me." Xylex nodded and shrugged. The Bear grinned and clapped the Wolverine on the back; "More than that, she gave me the most marvelous idea. Tell me; do you think we could start a covert campaign to subliminally brainwash the populace to support us? Maybe if we were to find a way to insert messages into the advertising..." Xylex looked at the Bear and broke out laughing. Trotskie looked hurt, for a moment, and then his face hardened; "You Want To Tell Me What's So Funny?" Xylex struggled to control himself and finally he was able to gasp out; "Oh... You mean...you're just NOW... thinking of... that?" Shaking his head, the Wolverine grinned at Trotskie; "The government's been doing that forever; and it's a lot more subtle than mere subliminal suggestion. Of course, its limited in scope, as they want to keep it below notice. In fact they try to keep it subtle enough that even a casual examination turns up no evidence... But I tell you what we'll do. I'll tell you where to raid, to "uncover" the foul Government plot... spread THAT information, and it'll hurt the government two ways. The populace will be enraged at being tricked AND they'll all start avoiding certain information services. They'll have to depend on US for information. And then we'll pull the same trick!" Trotskie just grinned.
The raccoon shook his head as he handed the crystal and a sheaf of papers to Tanj. "The crystal was genuine all right. Only the Imperials use crystals of that quality, and format. And they're jealously guarded; you don't find used Imperial data crystals on the black market. And the code was a recent Imperial code. In fact, we'd only broken it about three weeks ago, and only with the assistance of intelligence YOU provided. The Transcript of the information is there. I'm sure you'll find it interesting."
Tanj sipped her coffee as she read the transcript. Why would the Imperials send a messenger to tell the Elysium government that a messenger would be coming? It sounded a little suspect... But then frequently bureaucracies did stupid things just like that... It seemed that the Imperials had finally decided to intervene, to accede to Elysium's requests for significant assistance... For troops on the ground. And the courier that was being sent would carry the data on what was being sent, and when. The entire Imperial Assistance Plan. And it even listed the route the courier was to follow. Tanj sipped her coffee, and smelled a trap... and yet the data crystal seemed to be genuine, seemed to have the proper background, and history, seals and authorizations... If it was a trap, it was a trap conceived of at the highest levels. Gathering up her transcript, she finished her coffee and rose, to go find her Master.
The lion nodded as he read the transcript. "Yes, it might be a trap, but if it isn't, that's information we want. I suggest you set up a mission to intercept this agent, taking all possible precautions against it being a trap." Tanj smiled, and nodded; "Looks like I'm going to have to requisition Mark for the operation, and I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take Mala either..." The Lion just shook his head no as he handed the transcript back to her; "I'm afraid I've got Mark on a... Special Project. And I believe the Overlord left the station about two hours ago, with Mala on it. Make do with what you've got; you know how thin we're all running right now. Let me see your operational plan by tomorrow evening. Best get goin', you don't have much time!"
Tanj looked at the scrap of paper in her paw again and shook her head; "Tunnel 42, Frame 17B, Compartment A247? I've been living in this station for... Years, and I've NEVER heard of this place!" Shrugging she looked up at the sign on the corner of the cross-corridors, and turned to head down a little used tunnel. After what seemed like an hour of trudging, as the tunnel became increasingly rough, the floor changing from smooth-as-marble to rough as cement, to uneven rock still showing the marks of the drill bits, as the lighting faded to an occasional maintenance light, she finally found the door she was looking for. Twisting the handle, she found it didn't want to open, and it took all her strength to force it. What she found inside was NOT what she expected.
The chamber inside was huge, a hemispherical bubble hollowed from the rock of the asteroid. Some valuable ore body must have been here once, its removal leaving the large somewhat irregularly shaped chamber. Now it was brilliantly lit, with cables thick as her thigh snaking across the floor to... somethingvaguely resembling a sculpture of a half-melted flower made of a flaking, greenish metal. A moment later, Tanj spied Mark, who stood right next to the thing, one finger lightly tapping his muzzle, apparently completely lost in thought. Grinning, she padded over...
Before she could speak, the Mouse held up a hand for silence and carefully wiggled a couple of blunt spikes protruding from the... thing right where he stood. The lights in the chamber dimmed for a moment as the metal pulsed visibly, and then returned to normal as Mark returned the spiked to their original position. He nodded, scribbled a note onto a pad and finally turned to the Cheetah. "Well, Hi, Tanj. What brings you down here?" Tanj chuckled a bit uneasily, stealing looks at the "flower" as though it might sneak up and grab her at any moment; "Oh, just wanted to say goodbye. Heading out on a "snatch-and-grab" mission." Mark nodded; "Yeah, I heard. The Imperial Courier. Should be an interesting mission." Tanj Chuckled; "Interesting... Yeah. I just hope its not a Trap. I sure do wish you were coming... But the Boss says you're needed here... On... Whatever this is." Mark nodded and waved his paw for a moment; "That's just what I'm trying to do here; figure out just WHAT it is. Its one of the alien gizmos the Boss got from the Brou. We THINK it might be some sort of teleportation device... Or it might be a way to open a door between dimension... or it MIGHT just be an alien garbage disposal... Or the Brou's idea of a practical joke. Pretty definitely one of the four..." Tanj grinned; "And how come YOU drew the job of figuring it out?" The Mouse smiled mischievously; "For SOME reason, nobody else wanted much to do with a device that makes things just... disappear seemingly at random. Me, I don't mind - if anything, it reminds me of my last Weird Tech project." Tanj smiled and leaned over to kiss Mark goodbye; "Well, I've got to get going..." Pausing at the door, and giving the Brou device one last look, just in case, she turned back towards him; "Uh, you don't foresee any... significant problems with my mission, do you?" Mark Hmmmmmm'ed and closed his eyes in mock concentration, one hand cupping his forehead. "I see a tall, dark, hansom stranger... No wait, that's the NEXT mission. Sorry." He opened his eyes again and shrugged with a grin. "Harmonic patterns, dear. I'd tell you not to do anything I wouldn't, but knowing you, you will anyways..." Tanj stuck her tongue out at him, and then chuckled, waved, and wrenched the door open again, and padded towards the main portion of the station.
Tanj found Wanda in the station's medical facility. Since she'd gotten her RN licence by sub-space correspondence she'd been working there full-time, in the "emergency room." The Wolverine lass looked at Tanj and sighed; "I STILL wish you'd consider taking me!" Tanj nodded; "I know, and I wanted to, but the Boss overrode me. While he insists its too dangerous for you to go, he can't seem to find any more resources for me. We're going with a minimal team, I'm afraid. Everyone's just stretched too thin these days." Wanda nodded and sighed; "Yeah, I know; with the fighting on Elysium, and all the raids we're pulling, our shop here is busier than I care to think about. But at least I'm learning a lot..." Tanj nodded and kissed Wanda goodbye; "Take care, Dear, and I'll try and bring you back a little something." Wanda grinned; "You DO that! Male. Good Looking. And well built!" Tanj just laughed..
Tanj sat at the end of the bar and quietly sipped her drink as she watched the crowd. It had been a whirlwind of activity, leading through anxiety to boredom... She'd put her team together, requisitioned the required supplies and personnel, worked up a plan, briefed the command team on the plan, revised the plan, added contingency plans, re-briefed the command team, gotten approval, loaded her ship, gotten flight clearances, made the trip to the interception point, established their cover, ... and now they waited. And waited. In a way, it had all worked out to their advantage; they were in place on Pharrpoint Station, with plenty of time to scout the place out, to search for traps, to watch for suspicious characters... The courier's ship had been delayed; in fact it was three days overdue. At first Tanj had wondered if they'd been raided by pirates; someone else after the prize; then it turned out it was a simple combination of things; delayed by customs at one port; a mechanical problem in another... The connecting ship that the courier had been scheduled to depart on had left four hours earlier, and that only made Tanj's task of kidnapping the courier easier. If the courier chose to charter a ship to continue the journey, to make up lost time, that wouldn't set off any alarm bells, would it? It didn't seem like a trap; Tanj thought it was MUCH too unorganized to be a trap. But that nagging worry remained. She'd wished that she'd been able to bring Mark; if there were any storm clouds on the horizon, she was sure he could have spotted them. Tanj and her team had gone through the motions of checking out the station for hidden assassins and commandos, trooping about, poking their noses into this or that area... But all they'd found were a few smugglers and one floating BarLac game that Zassa had immediately joined. Until she ran out of cash, much to Tanj's amusement. So now they waited, spending their days roaming the station, trying to look as if they belonged there, and their evenings in the station's bar, watching the arrival board.
Zassa watched the bartender struggle to staple a large piece of paper to the bulletin board near the bar's front door. It was large and gaudy, with clashing colors; but it succeeded in drawing attention, and as the bartender returned to his position behind the bar, the vixen rose from her seat to move closer, to look at it. As she read, a huge smile formed on her face; turning she strode across the bar to where Tanj sat; "Skipper, you have GOT to come look at this!" Taking the Cheetah insistently by the paw, Zassa dragged her from her barstool, to look at the poster.
Tanj blinked and then chuckled; the poster read; "Do you think you have what it takes? Got a good body? Know how to use it to please your partner? Know any "party tricks?" Enter our Annual Sex King/Sex Queen Contest! Show the Universe what you got! Competitions for Best Male and Best Female in the following categories: Male/Female, Male/Male, Female/Female, Solo, Group, Freestyle, and Dom/Sub. Enter Today! Contest Starts 2000 Hrs, Stardate 2399.12" Tanj grinned wickedly and took a sip of her drink; things had been dull; there didn't seem to be any danger present, and the contest was the night before the Courier's ship was due to arrive, assuming the latest estimates were accurate. Maybe it would be fun to see what they could do; to see how they stacked up against the other contestants. The prizes listed weren't too shabby either...
Zassa watched Tanj's face and then grinned; she knew that calculating look... Turning she padded back to her table to whisper to Hinoki, already thinking about what they might do...
It was late when they got back to the ship, but not too late for Tanj to head down to Engineering... She had some ideas she wanted to work on, ideas for their "show," and she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep well until she'd checked them out...
Tanj looked up as Hinoki wandered into Engineering carrying two steaming mugs of coffee. Her workbench was covered with strips of leather, pieces of velcro, and short lengths of chromed and black anodized aluminum tubing. Grinning, Tanj pushed a lock of hair out of her eyes and set down the gizmo she was working on. As she reached for the mug Hinoki had set on the counter, she purrrred; "Glad you're here; as soon as the oven times out, I think we'll be ready for fitting..." Hinoki blinked; "Oven? I thought I smelled burning rubber in here... what HAVE you been working on all night? Or shouldn't I ask?" Tanj blinked and swallowed her mouthful of coffee; gasping, she mumbled; "Huh? All night? What time IS it?" Hinoki chuckled and sat on the edge of the workbench; "Oh, its about 0900 Hours..." Tanj opened her mouth, obviously to say something, but then the timer by the oven dinged and she was dashing over, to find the insulated gloves, to remove a ceramic mold... Setting it on the workbench to cool, she turned back to close the oven door and then shut it off. Turning back to the mold, she looked at it critically as she spoke; "I got the idea from that drum of surfactant we picked up for the water recycling system..." Hinoki straightened; "You mean that slime that looks kinda like a barrel full of cum?" Tanj grinned and nodded; "The stuff's non-toxic, and it doesn't even smell bad, but it DOES look like jism, doesn't it? Anyways, I was thinking about entering you and Zassa in the Dom/Sub competition, ordering you to use Zassa, to cover her in cum. But of course, even with your, ah, "significant" prowess, that'd still take all night. And the contest segments are only an hour long, max. Therefor, I thought you'd need a little help..."
Hinoki had slid from the edge of the workbench, his coffee forgotten as his eyes roved over the bits and pieces scattered over the workbench top; "Um, just what DO you have in mind?" Tanj chuckled and gingerly tested the heat of the ceramic mold, finding it still just a little hot to hold; "Oh, first off, I thought a nice chrome and black leather cock and ball harness might be nice... It'd keep you nice and hard, and provide some interesting stimulation for Zassa... AND provide a hiding place for the tube..." Hinoki looked down at the table again; "The cock and ball harness sounds ok, but "the tube"? You don't mean to tell me..." Tanj grinned and nodded rapidly; "Yup. We're going to give you a little assistance in covering Zassa with "cum"..."
Hinoki shook his head and grinned; the device Tanj had built was a marvel... the cock and ball cage was bright chrome tubing, seemingly seamless... and it gripped him mercilessly, one ring encircling that space between his balls and his body, another, oblong ring going from behind his balls, framing his sheath, to hold a smaller chromed ring over its opening, with all sorts of cross-members, making it look almost like a piece of armor...except for the tender bits of flesh squeezed between the metal. And of course there was the obligatory section that traveled from back to front, separating and spreading his balls... The trick was that it WASN'T all one piece, but was several segments that snapped together... Tanj had this magnetic wand, that when she waved it near the junctures, the thing literally fell to pieces. At the tip of his sheath, the device turned to leather and elastic, and more chrome; it was the classic "gates of hell" just waiting for his cock to grow from his sheath... and of course, the underside of the assemblage held a hidden, black anodized tube...
Hinoki grimaced as he bent over the workbench. "Hold Still" Tanj chuckled as she tried to maneuver the special rubber butt plug she'd made into the Cheetah's ass. Hinoki squirmed again; "But its COLD; the least you coulda done was warm it up some..." Tanj slowly worked the device into Hinoki's ass; "Hmmmmm; I had to use a very flexible rubber for this thing, but that's made it just a bit soft and hard to get in... There, finally in place." Hinoki smiled and wiggled his bottom experimentally; "Doesn't feel that big; I've taken worse..." Tanj just chuckled as she grabbed the base of his tail, to try and hold him still; "Oh, this'll be worse. The part inside you will expand as I fill it with the surfac... the goo. Let me know when it gets too much for you..." Hinoki nodded, his head turning to look back over his shoulder as Tanj connected a tube to the center of the buttplug and slowly started to pump in the pseudo-cum with a small hand-pump. Tanj couldn't help but chuckle as the expression on Hinoki's face went from a soft smile to a wide-eyed look to a grimace as the head of the plug expanded, swelling, filling his bowels... The butt- plug itself might have been cold, but she'd thought to warm the goo to just above body temperature, figuring the warmth would help relax his muscles. As she pumped she panted; "Gotta get a larger pump; this one's made for high pressure and only does 5 cc's per stroke. But then, at least that'll give you time to adjust..." Finally the cheetah gasped; "That's it... Best stop there..." Tanj chuckled and shook her head; "Oh, come on, Hinoki, you're barely starting to show! You can take more, I KNOW it; why, if I remember correctly, your record is eight liters!" Looking at the Cheetah male, Tanj chuckled and thought she knew what he really wanted... Rising, she grabbed Hinoki by the scruff of his neck, and growling with mock ferocity, pulled him back from the workbench, forcing him to his knees. She laughed as he squirmed, the four liters or so of goo within him surging as he moved, putting pressure on his insides. As he knelt, she moved behind him to shackle his ankles to the opposite legs of the workbench, holding them well apart. A few more straps secured his wrists behind his back, pulling them up towards his collar, and another strap was run from the front of his collar to a tie-down ring in the floor, leaving him with his ass high in the air.
Going back to her pump, Tanj slowly started to pump the warm goo into the Cheetah's ass, filling the inflatable plug, and as the plug widened, distended, extended, so did the male's eyes widen. Hinoki yowled, and squalled, squirming, his claws raking ineffectually at the air above his back, and while he was struggling like mad, his face wore a curious expression of both pleasure and pain. Grinning, Tanj reached around with her other paw, to rub his slowly swelling tummy, to try and help relieve the growing pressures... and of course as she did so, she occasionally stroked his sheath, and his balls... If you didn't know him, you wouldn't think the growing bulge of his belly all that remarkable, but now the normally sleek Cheetah male was starting to look a little plump. Tanj grinned as she used one paw to stroke his growing belly, to fondle him occasionally, as she pumped in the last of the goo... Disconnecting the pump from the butt-plug, Tanj watched Hinoki as she struggled to connect up the tubing the way she wanted it.
Hinoki groaned and squirmed; the sensations were... Unique. The combination of being tied down, and filled so full was something that strangely delighted him... But he'd never let Tanj know that. As Tanj fiddled with the plumbing he groaned and panted...
Tanj finally finished and gave the male Cheetah a playful slap on the ass; "There you go. Now all you have to do is keep your asshole clenched until the proper time... then all you have to do is relax." Releasing the Cheetah's bound feet and then undoing his collar from the tie-down, she helped him stand, to lean back against the workbench. His stomach did have the most delightful little bulge...
Hinoki winced as he moved, rising to a standing position. Turning to look at Tanj, he gave her his best "dirty look." Tanj just laughed; "Oh, come on; its going to be great; here, let me show you..."
Hinoki leaned back against the workbench as Tanj knelt before him, her tongue stroking over the chrome and leather binding his sex; it took almost no provocation for the Cheetah male to become aroused, his cock expanding from his sheath, slipping between the waiting rings... As he hardened, as he grew, the flesh of his cock strained against the encircling rings, pushing against the elastic that held them together... by the time Tanj's tongue had added a sheen of saliva to his sex, Hinoki's cock was straining, tightly encircled in chrome, outlined in black leather. Tanj took her time, her rough feline tongue stroking those exposed, most sensitive places, toying with him, teasing...
Hinoki squirmed under Tanj's tongue; it was a constant effort to keep his asshole clenched, to hold in the goop, especially when he would much rather have released it, easing the pressure in his bowels. That effort, that concentration subtracted somewhat from the pleasures of Tanj's tongue, but it wasn't enough. Tanj hadn't told him to hold back his orgasm, and he gripped the edges of the workbench fiercely as that moment approached.
Zassa looked up from her console as she broke the connection with Pharrpoint traffic control. The Courier's ship was still a good eight hours out. Maybe more if they got held up at the Sou'gre jump point. That place was always a mess. Zassa grinned as she thought of the wolf she'd met in the bar, the one who worked in traffic control. It was amazing how a little loving could loosen someone's tongue. She'd told him that an old friend was on that ship and that she was eager to see her, and the Wolf had most obligingly, between kisses, and some petting, related the ship's flight plan, revealing to her the whole route the ship was taking. Zassa had been amazed that the behind-schedule ship would take a path through the most backed-up traffic jam in the quadrant, but it seemed in character with everything else the ship was doing... Glancing at the Chronograph, the Vixen wondered just what had happened to Hinoki. He'd gone to look for Tanj almost two hours ago... Rising she proceeded to head for Engineering, to see if she could find them, wondering what was up.
Katherine van der Beck growled in frustration. The Mink had been to see the ship's purser several times, each time getting nothing but platitudes and excuses as to why the ship was so far behind schedule. They'd told her they were doing the best they could, and to please shut up and be patient. And it was supposed to be such a reputable passenger line, too! Growling she turned and strode from the purser's office towards the Port lounge. Turning a corner she almost ran into a rather large, elderly and quite overweight Bison, who was maneuvering himself through the corridor with the aid of two canes. Somehow, as she tried to keep from knocking him over, one of the canes jabbed hard at her foot, making her squall. And then they had stepped back from each other, the Bison all apologies and concern. Kathy just shook her head and assured him she was fine, and limping slightly, resumed her trek to the lounge.
As soon as she was around the corner, the Bison straightened, no longer leaning on his canes. Grinning he examined the tip of one of them, and then nodding in satisfaction, turned, and twirling both canes like a showman, headed off down a different corridor.
Zassa smirked as she entered engineering, to find Tanj on her knees, tongue stroking the male Cheetah's cock. From the look on Hinoki's face, he was about to explode, but what happened next surprised even Zassa. Throwing his head back, Hinoki yowled loudly, and as his cock started to spurt, Tanj sat back, his jism splattering her chin, throat and chest. But the Cheetah didn't stop; his cock seemed to spurt for minutes, to spurt until Tanj's whole front was a white sticky mess... and the look on Hinoki's face was somewhere between terror and ecstasy. Zassa just stared in amazement, as Tanj started laughing... Finally the Cheetah ran dry, and his eyes opened, and then widened as he saw Tanj. Tanj took one look and started laughing again, little white droplets flying from her as she shook.
Zassa shook her head in amazement, as she padded closer, her eyes moving from the laughing, cum-covered Tanj to the panting Hinoki; "Tanj what have you DONE to him? How'd you make him... I mean he's never... I've never seen even a stallion or a bull cum that much!"
Tanj chuckled and rose to her feet, to look down at herself; "Hinoki, you show her what we've been up to; I've GOT to find a towel or something..." Dripping, Tanj padded across the workspace to look for something to wipe up the mess with, as Hinoki grinned at the Vixen; "It's a pretty interesting device, really... It all works from this VERY inflatable butt-plug... and you wouldn't believe the sensations; when I came; it was like I lost ALL control, my ass spasming around the plug, the sensation of the goo flowing out, my belly deflating, it all just seemed to combine to keep my orgasm alive for hours... And the look on Tanj's face! It was Great!"
Kathy sighed as she sat down in the Lounge. That damn Bison should have looked where he was going. SHE should have been looking where she was going. Bending over, she looked at her left foot, where the Bison's cane had jabbed her. Sure enough, there was a tiny drop of blood on her fur. But it didn't look too serious. Ignoring it, she signaled the bartender, deciding on something STRONG to drink...
Tanj was still chuckling as she headed down the corridor towards the head; she'd used up half the disposable wipes in Engineering trying to clean herself up, but she was still a mess. At least the surfactant didn't dry like genuine cum; it was still a sticky smeary mess. As she rounded the corner, she almost collided with Hinoki; panting the male Cheetah gasped; "Good think I caught you in time; I got to thinking...Tanj, if you try and wash off all that chemical, you'll screw up the water recycling system royally. You should know better!" Tanj stopped and stared at Hinoki for a minute and then groaned. "Dammit, you're right. I hadn't thought of that... Oh, Hell, NOW how am I gonna get clean?" Hinoki just chuckled and shrugged and gingerly stepped around Tanj, continuing on his way, leaving the messy Cheetah fem in his wake.
It'd taken Tanj another couple of hours, but she'd rigged up a "bath" in Engineering, from some shipping containers and some plastic sheeting, and had finally scrubbed herself clean enough to use the shower... Rising from the "tub" she grinned; she felt like she'd been slimed... Still dripping on the floor, she rigged a transfer hose to let the vacuum of space suck the slimy water from the tub. Then the plastic sheeting went into recycling. And the shipping containers were collapsed and stored. And THEN she padded, nude, and still dripping, towards the shower...
Tanj was yawning by the time she finished the nice hot shower. As she let the hot air from the fur dryer swirl around her, she fantasized about a soft bed and clean sheets... When the dryer clicked off, she straightened up the bathroom and headed for her cabin... Only to run into Zassa as the Vixen headed towards the bathroom; "Contest starts in about two hours! You gonna be ready?" Tanj blinked at the Vixen, and then mumbled an assent. Slipping into her cabin she groaned as she saw the Chronometer; she'd worked all night, and then spent all morning with Hinoki, and then all afternoon trying to get clean... and now it was time to get ready...
Tanj was still yawning while she fiddled with the tubing connections. She'd done her hair, decided on a "pattern" for her living dress, consulted with Zassa with respect to what she had planned for her part of the scene with Hinoki, and on what the Vixen was going to wear (or not wear, as the case may be), and now, finally, just before they were to leave the ship, Tanj was again on her knees, in front of Hinoki, as he perched on the edge of the workbench. Hinoki, for his part, was wearing a stout leather collar, with chrome bosses and buckle, and the cock-and-ball harness Tanj had fabricated, and nothing else. Bending over, he tried to both watch and not fall off the workbench as Tanj connected the tubing to the hand pump, and slowly started to fill his ass with the warmed surfactant. Tanj's gaze alternated from the Cheetah's face to her pump, to the tubing connections and back as she rhythmically squeezed the hand pump, loading the inflatable butt-plug in his ass with the goop. Finally she exchanged looks with Zassa and then, looking up at Hinoki; she growled; "That's where you were last time; want to stop here?" Hinoki grimaced and then shook his head no; "Last time there were spots of you that HADN'T been covered; lets go a little more. After all, if we're going to do it, lets do it RIGHT!" Tanj grinned and gave the hand pump a dozen more strokes, and then disconnected the line. She'd added a tiny, remotely activated valve, tucked into the leather behind the Cheetah's balls; he wouldn't have control over the device until she was ready to "let him loose"... After all, none of them knew how long it might be before it was their turn to perform...
Kathy groaned as she lay nude on the bunk in her stateroom. She'd had MUCH too much to drink. Her head was swimming, her vision blurry. And for some reason she was horny as hell. If she'd felt just a little better, she decided, she'd go back to the lounge and find a suitable male... As if there was a suitable male on the whole flaming ship... Sighing, she blinked, and resigned herself to being alone tonight. Watching the ceiling slowly revolve, her paws moved to stroke between her thighs. LORD she was wet...
They had to walk carefully, but it wasn't any worse than walking in the coffle back at the academy. Tanj's living dress sheathed her in gleaming black, coating her like a second skin. The middle of it resembled a corset, with half-cups, barely supporting her breasts, but doing the job in making them stand out prominently. It descended from the corset to form a miniskirt of indecently short length. And from her exposed nipples, thin gold chains ran from her nipple rings, one to the ring in the end of Hinoki's hard cock; the other to Zassa's clitty ring. Her left hand held a small purse, swinging at her side, but her right held a short riding crop, symbol of her authority over her slaves. Both Zassa and Hinoki were more or less nude, both wearing matching collars. Hinoki was outfitted in his cock-and-ball harness, the leather and chrome seemingly making his sex all the more prominent. Zassa sported short chains ending in jingle-bells from nipple and labia rings, and she made music as she walked. From the way their little parade had turned heads on the way to the bar, Tanj was sure they were going to make a classic entrance.
Sure enough, despite a room full of sexily dressed, scantily clad, or just plain nude furrs, all eyes turned when Tanj and her slaves entered the bar. Hinoki's tightly bound cock and balls, and Zassa's bouncing breasts drew their share of appreciative looks as they moved through the crowded bar. As Tanj signed them in Zassa and Hinoki knelt behind her, showing very good form (although Tanj was convinced that they were teasing her, considering the way the chains between her nipples and them seemed to go tight from time to time... Tanj was assigned a number, and flicking her riding crop as a signal, Zassa and Hinoki rose smoothly as they wheeled and moved off to a vacant table near the stage.
After Tanj had sat, Zassa and Hinoki at her feet, Tanj bent over to whisper; "We're Number 17. They're currently on Number Eight, so we've got a while to wait. Think you can handle it, Hinoki?" The Cheetah just nodded. Tanj sat back and when the waitress came by, ordered a pitcher of Sangria. Periodically giving Zassa, or Hinoki a sip, she settled back to watch the show.
Tanj smiled as the male/female act finished up. She had to admit she'd never seen a Mouse/Clydedale couple before... and the Mouse had to have been the best-hung Mouse she'd ever seen. Still, she thought the Mare's cries of ecstasy were just a little... staged. The Master of Ceremonies (the Bartender) waited until they were off the stage and then stepped into the spotlight. "Thanks to Brent and Dahlia for an ... interesting performance. Judges are you ready for the next act?" After a moment the head judge nodded and the bartender turned back to face the audience; looking down at his notes, he grinned; "Next we have Duke... and Bruce, the third contestants in the Male/Male category." Tanj sipped her Sangria and smiled as two muscular and well- formed Rottweilers took the stage. One of them grinned at the other as he pulled off his shorts; "Standard Rules? We wrestle for who's on top?" The other Rotweiller grinned back and nodded, and slipping off his own shorts, fell into a wrestler's crouch. Tanj smiled as she admired the way their muscles moved as they circled each other, thinking this could be interesting...
Kathy was panting hard. She'd never had a hangover like this before. Her head was pounding, and she was sweating bullets. And her mouth felt like a battalion of Imperial Marines had marched through it in their sweatsocks. The liquor she'd had the night before must have been real rot- gut... And she was hornier than ever despite the fact that through the sleepless night she'd stroked herself to at least a half dozen climaxes... Panting she hoped she'd be feeling better by the time the ship docked in a few hours. She was scarcely in any shape to be seen like this...
Tanj winced as she watched, her mind flashing back to her time in the academy. The Dom/Sub scene that had come up next in the contest's rather random order seemed to consist solely of the heavyset male wolf showing just how much pain his partner, a rather svelte lady Rabbit could absorb. He'd brought in a portable bondage cross, lashed her tightly to it, and started with a paddle, working over her ass until she squirmed. Then he'd exchanged the paddle to work over her back and her upper thighs with a cane. As Tanj looked over the crowd, she noted that most of them were having the same reaction she was... And the Judges didn't look too happy either. On the other hand, the Sub still tightly clutched the white handkerchief in her left paw. That was her "safeword"; if she dropped it, her Dom was honor-bound to stop... and thus it went on. Bending over to give Hinoki a sip of Sangria, she looked into his eyes for a moment and they both nodded to each other; they'd been through things like this in their respective training, and had both found it something to be avoided. Turning to give Zassa a sip, however, Tanj found her eyes bright with facination; the Vixen was almost squirming in place. After taking a sip, Zassa whispered back; "LOOK at her! She's LOVING it! Look at how WET she is!" Tanj lifted her head to look, and sure enough, the Rabbit's thighs were matted with her juices. And when the Wolf exchanged the cane for a heavy bullwhip, in a bar suddenly gone deathly quiet, Tanj caught the low moan of delight and anticipation from the Rabbit. Sure enough, by the third stroke, the bound Rabbit was writhing through the throes of a powerful climax. The Wolf finished up with a powerful stroke with the bullwhip, bringing its tip up to snap between the Rabbit's well-spread legs, its sharp pain seeming to only drive her further into her climax, her juices visibly flying from the impact. After a moment, the Wolf untied her legs and then her arms, and the Rabbit turned, to throw her arms around him, to kiss him hotly. Slowly, he helped her off the stage, someone else coming to retrieve the cross.
The Bartender again stepped into the spotlight, looking a little shaken, staring off stage at where the Wolf and Rabbit had gone. Then, clearing his throat, he looked down at his notes. "Ah, our next contestants are ... Muffy and Buffy, the sixth contestants in the female/female category..."
Kathy grumbled as she tried to brush out her hair. She'd taken a long, cold shower, and had packed. The ship was about to dock, and while she felt a little better, the headache receding, she still felt hot, as if she was running a low-grade fever. And she was still horny as hell. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she'd NEVER felt like this before. No matter. She had a ship to catch, if it hadn't already left. She was an Imperial Courier; she could handle this.
Tanj softly stroked Hinoki's head as she watched the next act. The fact that the lady Porcupine was doing a "solo" act hadn't really surprised her, but the way she was using a variety of fruits and vegetables... Tanj just had to grin. Finally, she'd brought herself to a screaming orgasm squatting above a rather large gourd with the most amazing protuberance on top, and as she padded off stage, the Bartender once again took the spotlight. "Um, if our judges are ready, our next act is Bartholomew and the Gibbs sisters..." Tanj took another sip of her Sangria and smiled as two nude White Tigresses led a rather short Bobcat to the stage.
Kathy stood in the middle of the Pharrpoint station embarkation area and groaned. Her connecting ship was LONG gone. And there was nothing else heading towards Elysium for almost two weeks! Grumbling she checked her bags in a locker, and turned to see if she could find a ship to charter. As she headed towards the station's offices, she stopped to look into the bar, in response to a loud cheer.
Tanj did her best to maintain her composure when, as the two ladies led a rather exhausted and drained Bobcat from the stage, the announcer called her name. Taking a final sip of her Sangria, as the spotlight swung to her table, the Cheetah fem took her time, rising only when she was ready, Hinoki and Zassa rising smoothly behind her to follow. Gaining the center of the stage, Tanj paused to release first Hinoki's chain from her right nipple ring, and then Zassa's chain from her left. Bending, she passed the end of one through a convenient eyebolt towards the edge of the stage, and then connected one chain to the other, effectively securing both her slaves to the stage. Straightening, she looked at Hinoki and then at Zassa, and then growled; "Slave, I command you to cover the vixen in cum. Use her any way you like; command her as you will, but do NOT leave this stage until she's inundated!" Shifting her gaze to Zassa, Tanj growled; "Obey this slave; do as he wills, and do NOT let him leave with a drop of cum still within him!" Turning, Tanj walked as Regally as she could back to her table, to resume her seat.
Hinoki grinned down at Zassa, his face almost forming a snear; "On your knees, you worthless slave. How low can you be, to be a slave to a slave? Put your paws behind your neck, crawl over here, and lick me!"
Kathy watched from the doorway, and something within her stirred. For a moment, she wondered what it would be like to be that naked and collared vixen in the middle of the stage, commanded to lick the male? Shivering, she looked towards the station's offices and then sighed; they were probably all closed at this late hour anyways. And she could use a drink. Slipping through the doorway, she found a barstool, and ordered a soft drink, her eyes on the couple on the stage...
Hinoki stood there, hands on his hips as the vixen ran her tongue over his hard cock. He was turned at an angle, so that most of the patrons of the bar could appreciate the Vixen's talent in using her tongue. Zassa first ran her tongue, not over the Cheetah's bound cock, but over his bulging balls, stroking him with the tip of her tongue, as if to call the attentions of the onlookers to the way the chrome and leather so tightly encircled the male's sack, how it made his balls bulge, and strain, how forcefully they were held away from his body. Slowly Zassa's tongue worked its way up along his sheath, until it got to the bright pink of his hard shaft. There, she lingered, stroking her tongue over all the exposed portions of his sensitive flesh. And the results of her actions were seen on his face. Hinoki's eyes closed, and a delighted smile spread over his face. He suffered her attentions for a while, and then looked down at her and growled; "Enough. Turn and crouch before me, ass high. And don't take your paws from behind your neck!"
Kathy watched intently, her drink forgotten. She could feel herself getting VERY wet at the scene being played out before her; so wet she worried about spotting through her dress. But she couldn't bring herself to leave, to tear her eyes away.
Zassa turned meekly, showing her left side to the majority of the bar's patrons, her legs spread, her tail held high, her generous breasts squashed against the floor of the stage as she held her paws behind her head. Hinoki stroked a finger across her rump, a gentle caress, followed by a quick surprising slap to her ass, making her flesh bounce delightfully. Moving up behind her, he presented the chrome and leather encased cock to her pussy, and slowly shoved forwards. Zassa took the cue and pushed back against him, moaning as she felt the rings surrounding his shaft force their way inside her, stretching her a bit wider than usual. Hinoki moved slowly, always pulling out enough to show the crowd that he was indeed burying his cock in her pussy, her juices causing his shaft, and the leather to shine slickly. She was panting hard, and obviously on the verge of a climax when he stopped and pulled out. The Vixen let a small whimper escape as she felt his cock leave her, and that only earned her another slap on the ass. Then Hinoki was pressing the head of his cock against her anal ring, and the Vixen HOWLED as he slowly drove his beringed cock into her ass, the chain from the ring in the "eye" of his cock being dragged along. The Vixen writhed in both pain and pleasure as Hinoki fucked her ass with increasing fury, each ring shoved through her anal ring making her gasp.
Kathy moaned softly to herself as she watched, and literally had to force her hand away from her crotch; she wanted soo much to touch herself, as she noted so many others doing in the bar... As she watched, she wished more than ever, that she was the one on her knees on the stage, instead of that flame-hued vixen.
Tanj grinned and thumbed the remote from "safe" to "armed." It wouldn't be long now...
The Cheetah on stage grinned wickedly and snaked one arm around her waist to rub between her thighs, to tease and torment her empty pussy... until at last Zassa convulsed, a powerful climax ripping through her. Hinoki slowed a bit, but didn't cease his motions, until at last he jerked his cock out of her. Zassa moved quickly, and the suddenness of her move, the wantonness of her action made even Hinoki's eyes go wide as she slurped the Cheetah's throbbing cock back into her mouth. Seconds later he was spurting, his cum flying from his cock... and as his muscles spasmed, as his whole body shook, he lost the tight clench he had around the plug in his butt, the pressure of his bowels forcing the fake cum through the tube. Zassa had pulled back, and was grinning, eyes closed, as Hinoki's cum rained down on her, bathing her. From the expression on her face, you would have thought that it was the most sensual experience she'd ever had...
Hinoki panted and managed just enough control to rhythmically clench his ass, making the "cum" seem to spurt from his cock. He took his slick shaft in hand and played the globs over the vixen, covering her face, her breasts, and on down over her belly and thighs... it seemed to go on forever.
Kathy watched in amazement as the Cheetah seemed to spurt endlessly. Never in her life had she ever seen ANY male cum like that! It looked marvelous, and as she gazed in rapt attention, her paw unconsciously stealing to rub at her crotch, she decided she HAD to find a way to have the Cheetah slave do her, like he'd done the vixen. Perhaps she could approach their owner about borrowing or renting him...
Tanj's eyes weren't on Hinoki and Zassa, but were on the crowd. Aside from the very liquid noises coming from the stage, from Hinoki's grunts and Zassa's moans, the room was dead quiet. Here and there, one fur or another caressed themselves or a partner, but for the most part, Hinoki and Zassa had captured the audience's complete attention.
Hinoki sighed as the last of the fake cum dribbled from his harness. Winking at Zassa, he turned to face Tanj, adopting a proper kneeling position, as if awaiting her next command. Zassa, already kneeling, just grinned... And dripped. A not inconsiderable puddle was slowly forming under her. Tanj arose, languidly, as if the performance had been merely satisfactory, and padded to the stage (being careful of where she stepped), to unchain her slaves. Heedless of the crowd, she took their chains in her left hand and headed back for her table. And THEN the crowd burst into cheers and applause!
The Bartender mounted the stage, also being careful of where he stepped. Gazing down at the puddle, he shook his head, and then he turned to glance at the judges. "Um, if everyone's ready, the next contestants are Bethany and Samuel, Contestants Number twenty-three in the Male/Female category..."
Tanj gave Hinoki a long sip of Sangria and then gave Zassa a sip; "Very good, you two, I'm PROUD of you!" Zassa giggled and shook herself a little, droplets splattering everyone for several tables around; "That was GREAT! But how do I get clean?" Tanj chuckled; "We'll get you clean when we get back to the ship. Right now, you just kneel there and look incredibly sexy." Tanj clipped the chains to the leg of the table and sat back, to wait her turn in the solo competition...
Kathy watched the couple on the stage make slow, tender and passionate love to each other and just sighed. That wasn't what she wanted. She wanted something rougher, something more forceful... Maybe, given her job as a courier and liaison for the Imperial government, a position of some power and authority, had left her hungering for something else... Her eyes kept straying to the Cheetah fem in the strange dress, with the two slaves. As the current act concluded, she had just about made up her mind to approach the Cheetah Fem, and ask her if there was some way she could borrow her male slave...
Tanj smiled when the Bartender again called her name. Moving gracefully, she mounted the stage, to stand in the spotlight. As she moved into position, she formed a mental image, commanding the creature that was her living dress to shift, to shrink, to form a thick, tight corset, pulling in her waist, pushing up her breasts. As the creature flowed over her she heard a collective gasp from the audience, and the buzz of conversation. Smiling at the crowd, she squatted, center stage, knees widespread. Dropping one paw to her crotch she relaxed her muscles and slowly a standard pool ball appeared, squeezed from her pussy. Grinning she held it up so that everyone could see it was the No.1 ball...
Zassa leaned over to whisper to Hinoki; "Where'd she get those?" Hinoki chuckled and shrugged; "Must have been holding them there since we left the ship, a feat, I'd think on a parallel with me holding the opening to that inflated butt-plug shut all that time"! Zassa just giggled and shook her head; "Noooooooo, she's been sitting, remember! Easier to hold when you're sitting." Hinoki just chuckled softly and turned back to watch.
Kathy blinked as the Cheetah produced a solid-colored ball, numbered "2", and then another striped ball numbered "3", each glistening with her juices. Then, as everyone watched, she made great show of holding up the Number 1 ball, and reinserting it into her pussy. Then the No.2 ball disappeared in the same fashion, and then the No.3 ball. The Cheetah rose, to do a small dance, twirling about, as if she were in the middle of some exotic dance routine, and then she again fell into a squat, immediately in front of one of the stage-side tables. Grinning at the male Stag there, she calmly produced, again, the No.1 ball, then the No.2, and then the No.3... for a moment it was lost on the Stag, and it almost looked as if he were about to shrug, to say "so what?" And then realization dawned on his face. The No.1 ball had been the first she'd inserted into her sex, but it had been the first one out! No.3 had been the last one in, but it also had been the last one out. The Stag's mouth dropped in surprise and Tanj laughed and bent forward to kiss him on the nose; "Tell me sir, what order should I put them back in, and what order would you like to see them emerge in?" The Stag grinned; "Put them in, one, two, three, and THEN I'll tell you what order to remove them in!" Tanj just laughed and nodded, making a great show of spreading her labia with the fingers of one paw, inches from his face, and inserting the pool balls as requested. The Stag nodded as the last disappeared, and then chuckled; "Now, lets see you remove them, two, one, three!" Tanj rose, as if to resume her dance but the stag grabbed her tail, pulling her back down; "No, no" he chuckled; "I don't want you pulling any kind of a switch. I want you to stay RIGHT here." Tanj chuckled and dropped one paw to her mons as she squatted at the edge of the stage, shamelessly caressing herself. After a moment or two, she let out a low moan, her body shaking, as she teased herself to a small climax. Then, grinning at the Stag, she expelled the No.2 ball, then the No.1 ball, and finally, with a flourish, the No.3 ball, which she presented to the Stag. Rising, she bowed to the judges and with a saucy walk, sauntered back to her table. As she moved, her living dress expanded, flowing up and down her body, to form a strapless sheath that covered her from just above her nipples to just below her crotch.
Kathy shook her head in amazement; either the Cheetah Fem was a master at slight-of-hand, or her vaginal muscles were incredibly dexterous... Deciding that perhaps this Fem was just the one that could help her with her sudden... itch, the Mink left her barstool, almost untouched drink in hand, to push her way through the throng.
Tanj was still smiling, when her eye caught the motion. Turning to look, she had to make a conscious effort not to let her mouth drop open. There, pushing through the crowded bar was a female Mink, looking almost exactly like the ID picture that had been on the Imperial data crystal... the ID picture of the Courier! Grabbing Zassa's head, Tanj turned her forcibly to look in the direction of the Mink, and bent to whisper in her ear; "Do you SEE what I think I'm seeing?" Zassa reached up to the table and grabbed the glass of Sangria, to take a quick gulp. Blinking she looked again and then turned her head up to look at Tanj; "OHYEAH! And if SHE'S coming here, maybe this IS a trap!" Tanj took another look at the oncoming Mink, now stymied by two large Bears that seemed to be having some sort of argument. The Mink was looking left and right, as if trying to find a way around the two arguing ursines. Tanj scanned the crowd but couldn't spot anyone who looked like security forces, or commandos... Unless you counted the lady Hippopotamus in the sheer Teddy... but no, she looked much too happy to be preparing for a fight. Hinoki had shifted, following their gazes and had nodded sagely; "Yup. If its NOT a trap, I'd love to know what's going on, as it's the DAMNDEST coincidence. And us not armed with anything more powerful than a thoroughly drained cum shooter..."
Tanj hissed at her two "slaves" to behave, to kneel as they should, and as they adjusted their postures, Tanj slipped her right paw into her purse, to grasp the small nerve disrupter she had placed there, as surreptitiously as possible, as she turned to look at the approaching Mink.
Kathy sighed and then GROWLED as the two bears continued their argument, blocking her way. As one, they turned to LOOK at her, and then without a word, each stepped back to let her through. Moving carefully as to not spill her drink, Kathy stepped between them with an icy "Thank You" and resumed her trek towards Tanj & Co.
Tanj looked up curiously as she sipped her Sangria, holding the glass in her left paw. Frowning she looked at it; somehow it had been almost completely drained... Ah... Hinoki and Zassa had been into it without permission while she was on stage. Naughty. She was going to have to "punish" them for that... A polite cough from the Mink brought her attention back to her and she tried to look up with the cool haughty smile of a Mistress.
Kathy looked down at the Cheetah fem and blinked; "Um, Ma'am, I couldn't help but notice the ... performance of your slave a few moments ago... And I was wondering if I might... If I could arrange to..." As Tanj looked at the stammering Mink, her nose told her that this lady was very aroused, and she smiled, having a flash of insight. "You liked what you saw, there on stage, didn't you" Tanj interrupted. The Mink's gaze flicked from Tanj to Hinoki and back, and she nodded, a quick almost convulsive jerk. Tanj smiled softly; "And as you watched, you wished that you were in the Vixen's place, the subject of his... attentions." Again, the Mink's head jerked up and down, in a quick nod. Tanj smiled and reached out her left paw to stroke Hinoki's head; "I can understand that; he's really QUITE good... But he's not for sale. Or for rent. On the other hand, under certain circumstances, he MIGHT be available... As a favor." Kathy swallowed; "Um... What conditions might you have in mind?" Tanj smiled again and abandoning her caresses of the Cheetah male's head, picked up her drink to sip slowly. "I'm always in search of... amusement. I think that you're interested in exploring your... Submissive side, am I right?" Again, Kathy's head nodded. Tanj looked at her and noted that she hadn't pulled out one of the other chairs and sat, or even asked if she could sit down. Instead she stood, as a supplicant, as if awaiting her mistress' permission, or acknowledgement. Nodding to herself in approval, Tanj smiled; "Let us take you to somewhere quiet, and we'll see if we can fulfil your fantasies. For a time of my choosing. Activities of my choosing. We'll see how well you care for that side of life. And while I won't tell you exactly what will happen, or exactly what we'll do to you, I will promise you that you will get all of the stud you could ever want. And all of the Vixen too. And possibly, if I'm pleased with you, I'll take you into my own bed."
Kathy listened with growing agitation. It was just what she wanted. Exactly the sort of thing she wanted. But she was on a mission... But she'd missed her ship and the next one wasn't for almost two weeks. She had authorization to charter a vessel, but no mandate to do so... Would anyone miss her if she took some time for herself? With a groan, she felt herself get even wetter as she considered what it might be like, felt her nipples stiffen, and she knew she had no real choice...
Tanj smiled as the Mink whispered softly; "I agree. As long as no one gets seriously hurt... I'm yours to do with as you will."
Tanj shook her head; it just couldn't be this easy. Something HAD to be wrong. But what? Still, she'd be a fool if she sent away the furr she'd been sent to kidnap. Smiling, she indicated a place between Hinoki and Zassa; "Take off your dress and kneel there. We have some unfinished business here but soon we'll leave." Tanj watched carefully to see if the Mink would obey, or if she'd back out. Or if she'd call for security or go for a weapon, or simply vanish... To her amazement, the Mink bit her lower lip, in a moment's indecision, and then with one quick motion pulled her dress off over her head, to step between Hinoki and Zassa, to turn and face the direction they were facing, kneeling as they knelt. After a moment, Tanj bent to undo the chains from Zassa and Hinoki. She clipped the ring on the end of Zassa's chain about the length of Hinoki's chain, and the ring at the end of Hinoki's chain around the length of Zassa's chain, forming a noose that could slide if tugged from either side. Knowing it would be grim for her friends if the Mink decided to bolt, Tanj slipped the noose over the Mink's head, lifting her hair from the nape of her neck as she did so. Then, smiling, looking at her THREE slaves, she sat back to finish the Sangria.
The Gerbil smiled and shook her head; The Pirate had indeed made contact with the Imperial Courier, although she'd NEVER anticipated THAT approach! It was almost as if the Pirates KNEW what was to come, and had acted accordingly. COULD they know? Could they have a spy inside the Red's organization? Inside Xylex's organization? Could they have THAT complete a psychological profile of the courier? Shrugging, she finished her drink and headed out of the bar. She'd report what had happened, and let THEM sort it out.
Tanj smiled as the winners were announced. In general she agreed with most of the Judges' decisions, even agreeing that the Tigress that could tie the most amazing knots in a piece of string using just her tongue was more impressive than she'd been in the solo/party tricks category. Of course, going on to demonstrate just how useful so dexterous a tongue could be on one one of the Judges probably hadn't hurt... Still, Tanj was satisfied with the second place prize, and the money that it brought. And as she'd hoped, Zassa and Hinoki had taken first place in the Dom/Sub category. When all the congratulations were concluded, and the prizes handed out, Tanj signaled her slaves and without looking back to see if they were following, left the bar, and headed for her ship.
Zassa watched the Mink from the corner of her eye as they walked. Hinoki was carrying the trophies and Zassa had the cash, and both were walking to either side and just behind the Mink as they followed Tanj. That way, they could anticipate sudden "tugs" on the chains that were still attached to their most sensitive parts... But so far, she was following Tanj meekly, her eyes seemingly locked on the Cheetah fem's swaying ass...
Tanj keyed open the airlock, checking her telltales for signs of tampering, or unauthorized entrance. It looked OK... Padding through the airlock and waiting for the others to follow she closed and sealed it. "Hinoki, take our new friend down to the Cargo hold. Lay out a mat, and then hog- tie her. Tightly. I'll leave the use of the "dancing egg" vibrators to you, but I do NOT want her to climax. Not yet. Then report back to me. I'll be... trying to clean up Zassa" Hinoki chuckled and reached up to undo his chain from Zassa's, handing the Vixen the end of her own chain. Twirling the end of his own chain in his left paw, the Cheetah male wrapped a paw around the Mink's upper arm and guided her down the corridor...
When they were out of sight, Tanj turned and looked Zassa up and down; the vixen had stopped dripping but her fur was a matted sticky mess from her chin to her knees. Combining a sigh with a smile Tanj shook her head; "I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave you to your own devices, Dear. Our... guest checked her luggage in a locker on the station, and I need to go retrieve it before we leave." Zassa blinked and shrugged; "That's OK, I think I know what to do to get this stuff out of my fur. But don't you need a palmprint to open the locker? Those things are supposed to be tamper-proof." Tanj just chuckled and winked; "Oh, some of our friends back home have taught me a thing or two. I think I can do it..."
Tanj entered her cabin and ordered her "living dress" into its container. Obediently, the creature flowed up her body, and then down one arm, almost completely filling the container. Tanj looked at it and grinned, thinking she'd been feeding it too much lately. What would she do when it got too large for its container? Would it subdivide? Or just keep getting larger and larger? How DID the thing reproduce? Putting it away, she pulled on a pair of jeans and a khaki top, gathered a few items, and dashed out. She wanted to empty that locker, and undock from the station before anyone started wondering where the Courier had disappeared to.
Zassa purrred as she ran the water in the shower, getting it adjusted to steamy hot, before stepping into it. The goop on her fur was supposed to be non-toxic, but she still wanted it out of her fur as soon as possible. Grabbing the giant economy sized bottle of liquid soap, she slid into the shower and sighed.
Hinoki grinned and pointed to the gym mat in the center of the Cargo Bay. They'd never had the hold so full of cargo that they'd had to move it, and that mat had seen some truly wild sex in the time they'd been together aboard the Freighter. Obediently, the Mink moved to kneel on the mat, adopting the same posture she'd seen Hinoki and Zassa use. Hinoki pawed through the "toy box" for a while, finding a few items, and then, paws full, strode back to the Mink.
Kathy watched from the corner of her eye as the Cheetah male moved. He was in good shape, lean and muscular, his muscles rippling under his fur as he moved. Her loins were still burning, her pussy literally dripping with anticipation, her mind filled with the images of things she'd seen, things she'd read about and heard about, and only imagined. When the Cheetah male returned, to buckle a stiff, wide leather collar around her neck, she almost moaned, her eyes closing at its embrace.
Hinoki worked smoothly, efficiently. Cuffs went around her wrists, locked in place, and then locked together. Other cuffs went around her ankles, again locked in place and locked together. A soft rope went around her waist twice, tied with one end dangling in front of her. And then Hinoki gently lowered her face down onto the mat. The loose end of the rope was retrieved from between her knees and brought up through her crotch, to be tied to her wrist cuffs, the strand pulled so tight it spread her labia, burying itself out of sight in her sex. And then another piece of rope was tied from her ankle cuffs to the back of her collar, bending her back in a slight bow. Hinoki looked at her for a second and then looked at the pressure door at the entrance to the Cargo Bay. Looking back at the bound Mink he chuckled; "Mistress will never know, and probably not care... And after all, she only said to make sure YOU don't come yet." With that, he wrapped his left paw in the Mink's long hair, to pull her head back, as he moved to press his still-bound sex to her muzzle; "Lets see how good you are, as an amateur; if you do REAL good, I'll leave you with that vibrator... If not, I'll just leave you here for a while."
Kathy groaned deeply, her tongue flicking out hungrily to explore the chrome and leather that still encircled the Cheetah's bound cock, her tonguetip toying with the chain that still dangled from the ring in the end of his cock. As the Male groaned "OhYES!" she took the head of his cock into her mouth, to suck hungrily.
Tanj smiled; the locker was an old one. She shouldn't have any trouble at all. Sliding the magnetic key card into the slot, she put the little black box against the scanner surface and laid her own paw over the box to conceal it. Soft buzzing noises were heard, and then a BEEP and the locker popped open. "Piece of cake" Tanj thought to herself as she gathered the two suitcases and the carryall. One quick look to make sure that the locker was completely empty, nothing taped to its ceiling, nothing hidden in a crack, and she slammed it shut, to heft the bags, to head back to the ship, humming happily.
The Gerbil looked at the Mongoose and grinned; "See. Told you she'd have no trouble with the locker. They're supposed to be Professionals, Remember?" The Mongoose shook his head; "I dunno. This is working all too smoothly. NOTHING happens this easily..." The Gerbil sighed and nodded; "Yeah, I know what you mean... but honestly, do you think Xylex has sold us out? And HOW? Even if the Pirates and the Imperial Courier are in cahoots, something I think is extremely unlikely, even if they're just going through the motions pretending to capture her, how could that hurt US? And don't forget what we did to the Courier! You don't think they've got a vaccine against that, DO YOU?" The Mongoose just shrugged; "I don't know... but it wouldn't hurt to let the Reds know we got our suspicions... Just in case someone DOES pull something on us..."
This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories are copyright Kittiara's player, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Hinoki, Zassa, and Jenka copyright their players, also to be found on FurryMuck. Mark is copyright Ann'katar, also of FurryMuck. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.