Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, "There Ain't No Justice." As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, please!

Tanj's Tale: The Battle That Never Was, Chapter 3
By Kittiara
Stardate 2399.33

Wanda looked at the hand-held scanner and shrugged; "Tanj, you're running a low grade fever, but you don't seem to be congested. You say you haven't had any gastric distress?" Tanj blinked, and looked up at Wanda; "Uh... What?" Wanda smiled; "You haven't had the trots?" Tanj grinned weakly; "Uh... No. Not yet anyways. But I do feel all... Achy. I guess that's the best way to put it." Wanda nodded; "Its probably just a mild case of the flu. Too early to tell yet if its Rigelian, or Sammamian. With luck, you'll just have a mild case and feel out of sorts for a few days. Take a mild analgesic, try and get some rest, push fluids, and let me know if it gets any worse." Tanj nodded; "Um, any special precautions about contagion? I'd hate to pass this on, even if it IS a mild one..." Wanda smiled; "Oh, just don't sneeze on anyone. And wash your paws. That's about all you can do." Tanj nodded and looked at Wanda again; "I bet you guys down here catch everything that goes around. You must see every furr with an ache or pain..." Wanda just smiled and shrugged; "Some do. Dr. Farquar, for instance. Hell, I think he spreads as much as he cures. But me, heck, I NEVER get sick." Tanj grinned and slid from the examining table to give Wanda a hug; "I envy you. Thanks, and I'll let you know if it gets worse."

As Tanj walked down the corridor from Medical, she grinned to herself; her nose wasn't yet dripping, but it seemed like her other end was; for some reason she was randy as hell, and constantly wet between her thighs... As she headed towards the Intelligence office to check in, she wondered if she should have told Wanda about that? Could a symptom like that be important? She had the most powerful desire to go find her Master, to spend the evening as his sexual plaything... To be Mastered by him... But given how long it'd been since they'd had time for that, was it just her, or was it a side effect of this strange cold she'd caught? She'd heard a guy say one time that when he had a cold, he was always horny, but then he'd also had trouble cumming; could a flu, or a disease affect your libido as well as your physical health? Could the flu make her horny? Then again, she thought, from her, who'd believe it? Chuckling to herself about a flu that made her pussy drip, instead of her nose, she grinned and commented to herself; "Yup, Tanj girl, you've caught the Gorean flu..."

It was the off-shift at the intelligence office, and only the night crew was about. Waving hello, calling greetings as she moved towards her work station, Tanj got herself a cup of coffee, and sat down at her terminal. As she expected, she had a ton of e-mail. None of it looked really urgent, though, and she just wasn't in the mood to wade through it right now. And the coffee had been on the burner so long it was mostly acid. With a sigh she logged off and rose to head for the door. She was almost there, when strong arms encircled her waist from behind. Instinctively she turned to look to see who it was...

Sam grinned and kissed the startled Cheetah hello; to his surprise, she pushed him back as he broke the kiss; "Hello, Sam; I'm afraid that was a stupid thing to do right now; I seem to be coming down with the flu." The Wolf just chuckled; "Ah, Tanj, for a kiss from you, I'd brave the most terrible disease!" Tanj laughed and tilted her head up to kiss his cheek; "That's sweet; come see me when I'm over it, and I'll make it up to you!" Turning, the Cheetah fem padded out the door.

Sam sighed and idly rubbed the back of his paw across where Tanj had kissed his cheek; he'd really been in the mood tonight... And while Tanj'd been his first choice, well, there were other ladies he knew on the station. Maybe Kara was free tonight. Maybe she'd even be of like mind. Smiling to himself, the Wolf left the Intelligence office and headed towards the Rec hall...

Tanj found her Master in their cabin. He was sitting at the small desk, obviously buried in operational plans, his eyes locked on the computer screen... He hadn't even heard her come in. With a Growl, Tanj launched herself across the intervening space, knocking him from his chair; wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed the surprised Lion HARD! For a moment, the Lion kissed her back, their tongues dueling, and then as if he could read her mind, he growled, showing anger at the interruption. Tanj didn't care if it was staged, or real, she was in the mood for it rough. As they'd kissed, she'd rubbed herself against him, stroking him with her body, and feeling the tell-tale signs of his arousal, knew he wouldn't just chastise her and go back to his work...

As they broke their kiss, the Lion surged, rolling Tanj over, until he was pinning her to the floor with his body; "Uppity SLAVE" he snarled; "how DARE you do something like that! I can see you're long overdue for a correction!" Tanj tried to keep her eyes downcast, but a quick flick of her eyes upwards showed that despite his fierce demeanor, the Lion's eyes were smiling. Biting her lip, Tanj just nodded... and then he was rolling her over again, onto her stomach, one large paw pinning her to the floor as he reached for the box under the bed...

Tanj moaned into her gag, and squirmed; the Lion had outdone himself this time... taking his time, he'd carefully bound her paws together, using heavily padded cuffs. These he'd then chained to a stanchion high up on the wall. He'd then added more heavily padded cuffs to her ankles, and pulling them upwards, and apart, to chain them to stanchions on either side of her head, pulling her ass away from the wall, bending her so that her well-exposed sex pointed straight at him. He'd then tied her tail tightly to the floor, and added a pair of weighted nipple clamps and a large ball gag... And then he'd LEFT her there, hanging on his wall like some sort of obscene trophy! Returning to his computer, he calmly finished the file he was reading, as Tanj squirmed in her bonds.

Finally, after what seemed like an interminable time, the Lion rose, to padd over to her. Grinning, he ran his paw over Tanj's sex, as if testing how wet she was; "Is my little slave Horny? Does she want something? She must, the way she behaved earlier... And in truth, a proper punishment would be to deny you what you want so badly... But I don't think that would meet MY needs right now..." Tanj could do nothing but look at him, any sounds she might make muffled by the ball gag, her motions severely constrained by the way she was tied. The only noise she seemed capable of making was when she squirmed, and the chains jingled. The Lion just grinned at her, watching her eyes as his paw stroked her sex, rubbing softly until her sex was thoroughly drenched. Slowly he worked one, and then a second finger into her pussy, to pump her slooooowly a few times... And then stepping closer, he spread her with those two fingers, to nestle the head of his cock between her labia.

Tanj GROANED as his cock slowly slid into her, filling her, stretching her sooo nicely. The way he'd suspended her, her crotch was at exactly the right height for him; the way she was bent, her head naturally gazed down at where his thick tool slid in and out of her pussy. Panting, she settled back to enjoy the fucking...

The Lion grinned, his hips working back and forth smoothly, in an unhurried fashion. One paw reached out to tease one of the Cheetah's nipples, tugging lightly on the clamp, fingertip flipping its tip... the other rubbed softly at her mons, stroking her, adding to her pleasure. Slowly he fucked her, until he sensed her breathing increase, until he sensed her body start to tense... And then he sloooooowly pulled out. Wrapping his paw around his hard cock, he stroked himself until he came, his jism splattering the bound Cheetah from her breasts to her crotch.

Tanj's eyes went wide as he turned and padded back to his desk, to open another file on the computer. How could he stop NOW? She'd been soooo close! Groaning in frustration, she squirmed as much as she was able, completely unable to either scratch her incessant itch, OR to attract his attention!

Twice more, the Lion came to a stopping place, or finished a file, and rose, to torment Tanj, fucking her slowly, pausing from time to time, until she was on the very edge of a mind-shattering climax, only to pull out, to stroke himself within her field of view until he spattered her again with his cum, and again, leaving her unsatisfied, he'd return to his seat, to resume working...

Tanj's head jerked up as the door chimed. The Lion, still nude, growled from his desk for the door to open, and a moment later, Ben, the head of Operations, and Derrick, one of the logistics specialists padded in. Ben scarcely gave Tanj more than a wink and a nod, but Derrick came to a halt, to stare open-mouthed. "Looks like Tanj's been bad again..." Ben growled, and the Lion just pushed back from his desk to grin and nod; "Oh yeah. Had the audacity to pounce ME! Thought she needed a "cooling off period"..." Ben gave Tanj another look and just shook his head; "Dunno, she still looks pretty hot to me... But work first; what do you think of the draft plan for the Seagate operation?"

As they discussed the upcoming operation, Tanj did her best to listen, to follow what they were saying. Operation Seagate had been in the initial planning stages when she'd left to intercept the courier, and she was curious as to how the plan had developed... But for some reason she just couldn't concentrate. Her gaze kept flickering back to Derrick, watching how the young Skunk kept giving her glances. After a while, she made it a bit of a game, trying to predict when he'd give her a glance, moaning softly into her gag, squirming, writhing as sensually as she could, given how she was bound. And it was obvious that she was having an effect on him...

"So that's why I think Hans would do better on that operation. The Overlord's just a bit of overkill, and I know that they've been out a long time and could use a break, but he's got all the resources needed in one place." Ben looked over the Lion's shoulder at the monitor and nodded slowly; "Hans isn't going to like it, but I have to agree. I'll pass the operational plan along to him." The Lion chuckled and nodded; "Just remind him of the booty; that should ease his concerns a bit. That and the fact that he's got more than enough firepower for a raid like this." As he talked the Lion's gaze flicked from Ben to Derrick, and he grinned. After a moment's silence, he chuckled; "Like what you see?" Derrick just gulped and nodded. The Lion chuckled and nodded; "Tell you what, I need a break from all these damn reports and plans; why don't I run this down to operations, and you two have some fun with her?" Ben shook his head and smiled; turning to walk over to Tanj, he bent, and dragged his tongue over her very exposed sex, an intimate and teasing lick; then straightening, he sighed; "Nothing I'd like better, but work still comes first. And there's just too damn much to do." Turning back to look at Derrick and the Lion, he shrugged; "I'll borrow her from you later... but Derrick, you go ahead, knock yourself out. If we use the Overlord for this, we won't need any of the resupply facilities we'd been talking about."

Derrick watched, wide eyed, as the Lion rose, pulled on a pair of pants, and he and Ben padded through the door, talking over yet another operation. Turning he gazed at the bound Cheetah, suspended, hung on the wall like some exotic sculpture... Tanj moaned into her gag, and rocked her hips as invitingly as she could... and then grinned to herself as the Skunk exploded into motion, ripping his pants off, and kicking a footstool over, to stand on, so he could drive his hard cock into Tanj's waiting, and very wet sex...

Sam purrred and kissed Kara again; he'd used his best technique, his best lines, all the tricks he knew to seduce a lady into his bed, and it had all worked. He'd made slow, passionate love to the gray Vixen, and now they lay, exhausted and panting, amongst the rumpled bedclothes. But as he stroked her, as he cuddled, he felt the stirrings once again in his loins. Surprised that he'd be ready to go again so soon, he nibbled his way down between her breasts, wondering if he could persuade her into another roll in the hay...

Bo groaned and stretched. For some reason, his cabin was seeming to be very small tonight; the air hot and still. Feeling a little warm, he grabbed a pair of pants and padded out, looking for someone, or something, just what he wasn't sure... Maybe he could find Zassa, and get another kiss from her...

Joline thrashed in her bed; she had kicked off all the covers and then stripped off her nightgown, and still she was too hot to sleep. And somehow her paw kept snaking its way down between her thighs, to caress her most intimate places softly... Growling to herself, she rolled over, burying her head in her pillow... Why couldn't she sleep?

Derrick panted hard as he teetered on the footstool, his cock driving into the Cheetah again and again; she felt so good, so wet and so tight and so HOT... and the way she moaned, the way she squirmed, he got the impression she was just eating up his attentions... Growling, he thrust at her a little harder, gasping as her pussy seemed to clench around his cock, gripping him in a velvet vice...

Tanj mewled softly into her gag; the Skunk had driven her to one quivering climax, and was rapidly pushing her towards another; she would much rather have had her Master do it, but after all his teasing she was in too great a need to much care WHO satisfied her... Groaning she squirmed, fingers and toes splaying, wriggling as she bounced back and forth between the energetically humping skunk and the wall... she was getting soooo close!

Zassa purrrred and looked into the Rec room. Slowly, the conversation from the card game trailed off, as one by one, heads turned to look at the Vixen. Zassa was wearing thigh- high leather boots, and a very tight, matching corset, leaving her sex, and her breasts bare. Her arms were covered in leather gloves that reached almost to her armpits, and in her right paw she carried a coiled bullwhip. Grinning at the guys at the card table, she cooed softly; "Now tell me, boys, who's been BAD?"

Derrick yipped and shuddered as he felt the Cheetah's pussy spasm once again around his cock, her vaginal muscles squeezing him hard! She was obviously having a powerful climax, and looking at the pleasure reflected on her face was all he needed to cum, and cum hard! Clutching hard at her hips, he forced his cock as deep into her as he could, as he pumped his jism into her...

Tanj panted, trying to regain her breath, hanging limp in her bonds as she watched the Skunk try and release her. Finally he got her left ankle cuff unclasped from the wall, and then her right, and with a Groan, Tanj did her best to stand, to take the tension off her wrist cuffs. As she moved her shoulders and her back and her hips ached, and she had to move carefully to keep from falling. Derrick undid the gag and gave her a quick kiss, and mumbling his thanks, all but fled, as if suddenly embarrassed to be there. Tanj for her part, staggered off to the bathroom, in search of a nice long, hot bath...

Joline yawned sleepily when her roommate, Amanda returned at the end of her shift; She still hadn't been able to do more than doze fitfully, the periods of semi-wakefulness filled with soft stroking. What dreams she'd been having, in her brief periods of sleep, had all been of an erotic nature, and the rabbit lass was quite aroused. Accordingly, as Amanda slipped into their small room, Joline stretched, and yawned, the bedcovers slipping from her nude body. This of course drew a smirk from Amanda; "That's a different look for you, Jo..." The Rabbit just smiled and shrugged; "Can't seem to sleep. For some reason I'm very warm tonight, and feeling... strange..." Amanda shucked out of her clothes, preparing for bed, and with a cotton nightshirt in one hand padded over to sit on the edge of Jo's bed, to feel her nose; "Hmmmm, you DO feel a little warm..." Jo chuckled and reached up to pull her surprised roommate down into a kiss; "Positively HOT!"

Zassa smiled to herself; her "attitude" with the boys playing poker had worked. A few snaps of her whip, letting it lightly touch one or the other of the guys, and before she knew it, they'd decided to "turn the tables" on her, and now it was she that was being "punished" for being "bad"... Of course, several of the furrs at the table had been old "playmates" of hers, and knew just what she liked... and they seemed to be guiding things quite nicely... They'd tied her paws together and had hung her from the ceiling, other ropes pulling her feet apart to the sides until she hung completely off the floor. And then they'd slapped, and pinched her, demanding an "apology," which, of course, the Vixen had NO intention of giving... not yet, anyways... In fact she'd told them as much: Harry, a rather large bear, had stepped up to her, to take her right breast in his paw. Squeezing hard, he'd growled out a demand for an apology, "or else." Zassa had just growled back that they'd have to beat and whip it out of her, and even being gang-raped wouldn't make her apologize to such scum! The vixen had had to suppress a grin as some of the guys went wide-eyed in surprise at her statement, but Harry just growled and stepped back to deliver a stinging slap, first to her left breast and then to her right... and then he was stepping back, to take the bullwhip from Art. The first stroke was upwards, the whip stinging her pussy, its tip flicking her pussy, sending a fine spray of her juices out. Harry nodded in appreciation and turned to wink at Art; "Let me "warm her up" some, and then you can take her in the ass while I fuck her cunt..." Zassa just purrrrrrred to herself...

Tanj found that despite the relaxing bath, despite her tiredness, sleep wouldn't come. It was as if something were nagging at her, something worrying... As she tossed and turned on the bed, her mind went over the mission, over her job in intelligence... Nothing she could think of seemed so urgent as to prevent her from getting some sleep, and yet SOMETHING was bothering her... Groaning, she buried her head under the pillow and tried to will herself to sleep.

Reggie groaned as the Mink sucked his cock; she was on paws and knees, Slasher's cock buried deep in her sex... And the slave rocked back and forth between them, as if she just couldn't get enough of them. Reggie thought, as he stroked her head, watching her devour his shaft, that with a little training, this one could be a world class bed slave; she certainly had the right attitude, instantly obeying their orders... In fact she'd been SO good, they'd still not gotten around to taking her down to the kennels... Lifting his gaze, he watched Slasher's face as the Ferret pounded his cock into her pussy from behind, bucking her forward with increasing power, driving the Mink's mouth forward, making her take more and more of his shaft... It was simply exquisite!

Bo grinned and kissed Hannah again as they padded down the hall towards her quarters. Pausing at the door to the rec room, they watched for a moment as a rather large bear and a very well built wolf fucked a very well tied up Zassa. The Bear and the Wolf were jerking their hips in unison, the bear's thick shaft driving into the vixen's dripping pussy, while the Wolf drove his shaft into her ass; each of their motions literally drove the vixen up into the air, the ropes to her ankles going TIGHT, the rope holding her paws over her head going slack. In unison the three grunted with each thrust... Bo's stare was interrupted as Hannah ran her paw over his chest; looking down into her smiling eyes, he listened in surprise as she grinned; "Looks like fun, doesn't it?" Bo just nodded, grinning in return and turned, to drag Hannah off, and in a moment the two were laughing, dashing down the corridor, already starting to shed articles of clothing...

The Lion ran a paw through his mane, and shook his head; turning to look at Ben, he asked; "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" Ben blinked; operations was usually kept rather cool, a side effect of efforts to counteract the waste heat of all the displays and computers... "Um, it must be you. I don't think its unusually warm in here." The Lion nodded, and shrugged and turned back to the tactical display...

Slasher grinned; he loved it when they were able to do this. He was flat on his back, the Mink slave laying on top of him, holding his cock tight in her pussy. Reggie knelt behind her, between the Ferret's legs, slowly working his cock in and out of her ass. And between them, the Mink writhed and panted and moaned and moved in SUCH a delightful manner... Slasher reached out to pinch each of her nipples, to try and slow her down, to keep her from moving so wildly... he wanted this to last, and he wanted to make sure that he and Reggie came at the same time...

Kathy MOANED as the ferret pinched her, tugging hard at her nipples! These two were so good, knowing just how to use her, just how to master her, to bend her to their will, and still satisfy her needs... she panted and clenched her anal and vaginal muscles, gripping them, hoping it would never end...

Ben picked up the Coffee mug and took a long swig. Looking down at it he made a face; he'd taken the boss's mug by mistake; he liked his with sugar and this was a bitter, black brew. Sighing he took a look at how the Boss was doing on the operations coordination schedule and then turned to get both himself and the Boss another mug of coffee. It was already a late night, and with all that they had going, it was going to go even later...

Tanj finally sat up, abandoning her attempt to find sleep. Something was wrong, somewhere, somehow. Even if she didn't know just what, something was wrong. Maybe if she checked in at the Intelligence office, and at Ops, maybe she could figure out just what... Grabbing her dress, she headed for the door.

Franz stared at the viewscreen, and drummed his fingers on the arm of his command chair. Their instructions were clear. It would take time for the virus to infect enough folks on the pirate base for their efficiency to drop. He just had to wait. As he stared at the image of the asteroid mining base on his monitor, he shook his head; who would have EVER thought that the pirates could have their base SO close to those hunting them, and never be detected? These guys were good, he had to grant them that...

Zassa bit her lip as her climax raged through her; one of her tormentors was working a rather large studded dildo violently in and out of her pussy, while another was attaching weighted clamps to her nipples. A mate to the pair already swung from her distended clitty, knocked too and fro by the furr cramming the dong in and out of her. And Harry was passing the bullwhip to one of the newcomers, gesturing, instructing him how to use it. She was in heaven...

Bo grabbed Hannah by the hair and pushed her head down; they'd finished making passionate love a little while ago, but now he was feeling rather randy again, rather... Rough. As Hannah eeped, he shoved her head down towards his crotch and growled; "Lick me, Girl. Lick me well, lick me till I'm hard and your reward will be another good fucking." One small part of him marveled that Hannah did exactly as he demanded... but soon that thought was lost in the pleasures of her tongue stroking him...

Derrick grinned at June, and padded over towards her; normally he was rather shy, and would never be so bold, but tonight... maybe it was his time with the Boss's Slave earlier that had emboldened him. But for whatever reason, he let his arms encircle her waist from behind, turning her to give the surprised squirrel a kiss; "Hey, Beautiful, what say you and I go sneak off for a while? Won't take no for an answer!" June blinked in surprise and then smiled...

Zassa sighed as the rope went slack and she collapsed on the floor. The cardplayers, and what friends had wandered in, had all finally had enough, and had tired of their sport. Harry, the last to leave, had remembered to let down the cum-covered, bruised vixen, and shaking his head at her pleas not to quit just yet, had turned out the lights and padded off down the hall. Rolling over onto her stomach, working her sore arms, Zassa shook her head; "No staying power. I outlasted them all, and never did give them the apology they demanded." After a while, she gathered up her whip, and moving carefully, headed back towards her cabin, and its shower, all the while wondering who else she could find to help her scratch this persistent itch?

Kathy blinked as Reggie and Slasher led her to, not the kennels, as she'd expected, but to a private room in a residential section. When the door was answered, a rather junoesque lady rabbit in a kimono stood in the doorway, blinking in surprise; "Well HELLO Slasher! Heya, Reggie! Lord, I haven't seen you two in AGES! And who's your friend?" Reggie grinned; "Oh, just someone Tanj brought back from some Op. Her name's... Hmmmm. Kathy just doesn't sound right for a slave..." Grinning at Slasher, Reggie turned back to the lady Rabbit and smiled; "Betty, this is Kath. Kath, Betty is an OLD friend of ours, and we thought she might just be able to do something for you that would leave you looking a bit more like the sumptuous sex slave you are. Call it something to remember Slasher and me by..." Betty cocked her head to one side, one ear drooping down, the other standing straight up; "Um, you're not thinking of a Kajira brand, are you? If Tanj brought her in, she might just object..." Slasher grinned and stepped forward to part the halves of Betty's Kimono, revealing large, soft breasts. Hefting one in each paw, his thumbs played over the thick rings in her nipples; "No... these" Betty laughed and nodded, and leaned forward to kiss Slasher on the nose; "Yes, I can see how they'd make her look MUCH better, and they're so handy on a slave. Bring her on in, Boys, and I'll see what I can do."

Kathy watched as, once inside, the rabbit shed her kimono, hanging it on a hook on the back of the door. She got the impression the rabbit, or the bunny as she was starting to think of her, preferred to wear just her fur in her quarters, and kept the kimono handy for when someone came to call. Watching her move, Kathy became aware that more than just her nipples were pierced. She must have had six earrings, of a similar style, but diminishing sizes along the outside edges of her ears, along with one comparatively large hoop earring in the tip of each of them. "Must be an effort to get her ears to stand up straight" Kathy thought to herself. Letting her gaze travel down, she observed that the bunny wore a waist chain, that was looped through her navel ring, even though it was in no danger of falling past her generous and well-rounded hips. And as the bunny bent to retrieve a wooden box from under a chair, the Mink gasped at the rings, at least three in each labia, framing her sex. And there was a smaller one where the labia met; she'd had either her clit hood, or her clitty itself pierced!

Betty turned in time to catch the Mink's wide-eyed stare; "You like that? I have custom made jewelry that I can hang from all my rings; when I walk, they sway, and produce the most MARVELOUS feelings... And sometimes, when I'm feeling particularly kinky, I let my lover chain me up by them... Now come here, girl, I promise this won't hurt as much as you think it will..."

Tanj stood in the middle of the Intelligence offices. The place was dark; it didn't always run around the clock, but with all that was going on, she thought SOMEONE would be here, even if it WAS the middle of the night. Shrugging and sighing she turned, to padd towards Operation, sure she'd find her Master there...

Kathy bit into the ball gag as they led her towards the Kennels. The piercing had taken MUCH longer than she'd expected, mostly because Reggie and Slasher had "compensated" Betty for her time and trouble and hardware by making long slow love to her, letting Kathy lick them all clean when they were done. As she walked, she felt the heavy rings sway with each step, sending little twinges of both pain and pleasure through her sore nipples. She had the feeling that when they healed, she was going to love them, but for the moment she was glad Slasher hadn't hooked her leash to one of them as he'd teased...

The Lion yawned widely as he closed the file; "Ben, I think that ought to do it. Until we get more information, I don't think further plans would be advisable." Ben nodded and scratched behind an ear idly; "Yeah, I agree. I think I'm going to go find myself a nice cold shower and a soft bed. Suddenly I'm feeling just a little hot..." The Lion nodded; "Yeah, I'm feeling a mite warm too. Tanj was complaining of being under the weather earlier, some flu bug or something. How much you want to bet she gave it to both of us?" Ben just chuckled; "If she did, I hope you'll let me personally punish her! If she brought a bug home, she deserves to be... Tickled to death!" The Lion chuckled and nodded; "Tickled. Yeah. In fact, I suppose I should go let her down; she's probably pretty sore from hanging there all this time. I'll see you in the Morning. The LATE morning." Ben just nodded and waved bye as he headed out the door.

Hinoki purrrrred; he had a nice chilled bottle of wine, and the two dozen genuine roses had cost him an incredible chunk of change. He was nicely dressed, and even smelled good. Knocking on the Duke Sister's door, he smiled to himself. Strangely, he was in the mood for romance, and he knew these old friends of his were suckers for roses...

Bo growled as he came inside Hannah's pussy once again. He'd rewarded her for the magnificent blow-job by turning her over, tying her to her own bed using the remnants of the clothes she'd been wearing, and articles of clothing he'd found in her quarters. With her ass high in the air, her arms between her legs tied to the foot board, her knees pulled forward and tied to the opposite sides of the headboard, he'd fucked her roughly from behind, until they'd both screamed with pleasure. Falling back, to sit behind her, his slick cock slowly softening, he grinned at her posterior. Reaching out a paw, he stroked one of the globes of her ass softly; "Like that, did you?" To his surprise, her response was a muffled; "Oh, YES!"

Jo smiled as she found she no longer had to pin Amanda to the bed; her tongue had been VERY busy between the ferret's thighs, and now, after what must have been three climaxes, the ferret lass was starting to lick back at her. Moaning, Jo only shoved her muzzle harder against her roommate's sex, her tongue wriggling, squirming hard against all the places, so recently discovered, that would make her roommate squeal with pleasure!

Tanj blinked and shook her head. She was SURE she'd find her Master here. Ops was quiet, only the night staff present, and even then several of the station chairs were empty. Padding over to the Duty officer, Tanj raised an eyebrow; "Evening, Jim. Looks like you're running a bit thin tonight." The Beaver just nodded; "Yeah, I had three furrs fail to show up for duty! That and Emmie was complaining of feeling hot and achy. I sent her down to Medical." Tanj nodded; "Yeah, there's something going around; think I've got it too. But it doesn't seem to be TOO bad. I'm surprised those folks didn't at least call in to let you know they couldn't make it." Jim just shrugged; "Yeah, but they'll hear about it. Believe me, they will. Oh, by the way, if you're looking for the Boss, he left about a half hour ago." Tanj grinned and leaned over to kiss the Beaver on the nose; "Thanks Jim, I'll see if I can catch up with him." As Tanj left, Jim wiped the back of his paw across his nose and sighed, grinning after the shapely Cheetah.

Kara squirmed in the bed. She and Sam had had a marathon sex session, more than she'd ever thought Sam capable of. Almost more than she'd thought SHE was capable of! But Sam had been so persistent, so persuasive... And so tender. But now, he was sound asleep, and she was feeling hot, and restless. Rising, she looked down at him and wondered if she should wake him; amazingly, she still felt the itch... but no, the poor dear was obviously exhausted. Pulling on a simple dress, she quietly let herself out and headed for the Rec room on level four...

Bo shook his head as he stroked Hannah softly; "You really ARE a sweet little thing. Why've you been hiding it all this time?" Hannah, gagged with a pair of her own panties, secured in place with a scarf, could only make mumbling sounds in reply. But there was a light in her eyes, a dancing gleam that told Bo she wasn't anywhere close to objecting to how he'd been treating her. Smiling, he wondered just how far he could take this? Rising, fetching a pair of her panty hose, he loosely knotted the end of one leg around her neck, and then taking the opposite ankle, tugged her to her feet; "I think you should stop hiding your bushel under a li... I mean hiding your light under a ... Huh! Can't remember the saying... No matter... I think you need to stop hiding what you've got, kitten. Come on, lets show the world the New Hannah!" Tugging softly on the impromptu leash, the still nude Bo led the still nude Hannah, her arms tied behind her with another scarf, from her quarters.

Kath sighed as Reggie and Slasher checked her into the station's Slave Kennels. She'd VERY much enjoyed her time with them, and had kinda hoped it wouldn't end. But the prospect of being on the inside of a genuine slave kennel, not only as a prisoner, but as a naked and bound sex slave intrigued her as well. And the Gray Wolf keeper was fairly muscular and hansom... she wondered how he'd treat her, and if he was as good as the Rabbit and Ferret...

The Lion stood in his quarters and blinked. The stanchion where he'd hung Tanj was empty. The bonds were lying empty on the floor. Growling, shaking his head, completely forgetting about Derrick the skunk, he wondered how his slave had managed to escape? And why hadn't she cleaned up the "toys," putting things back where they belong? And who'd told her she could leave his quarters? Growling, he turned, to seek out and punish his slave. After all, she'd been bad, hadn't she?

Tanj sighed as she found the Lion's quarters empty. Still, his scent lingered in the air; she knew he'd been here recently. Figuring she'd have a better chance linking up with him if she just waited here, she looked around, thinking...

Rafael, or Rafe as he was known to his friends, looked at the new slave; the Mink was comely enough, but she was a mess. Reggie and Slasher hadn't done much to clean her up, and her fur was a matted, sticky mess, especially between her thighs. Hooking a leash to her collar, he growled; "Come on, lets get you cleaned up..." Kath meekly followed, her eyes watching how his tail swayed as the Wolf walked...

Rafe led the Mink to the baths. As it was the off shift, and not much was happening, he decided he'd wash her himself, instead of waking one of the other slaves. Unhooking the leash, and removing her leather collar, he replaced her leather cuffs with a simple plastic wire-tie, keeping her wrists bound behind her. The Ball gag also got replaced with something a little more water-tolerant; while the rubber ball was made to be drooled on, the leather strap wouldn't handle the hot water well. Dropping his shorts, he gestured to the pool of steaming water.

Kath smiled to herself, as her tongue explored the new, plastic gag, her eyes on the Keeper's crotch as he kicked his shorts away from the pool. Stepping down into the hot water, she turned to watch the Wolf follow her, one paw filled with a gallon-sized jug of liquid soap. The Wolf looked at her, neither smiling nor frowning, and filling one paw with the sweet-smelling soap, he placed one paw on the top of her head and proceeded to dunk her.

As Kath came back up, she leaned forward a bit, to rub herself against the Wolf, her nose briefly nuzzling his crotch. As she regained her standing position, the Wolf just put the handful of soap on the top of her head, and started rubbing it into her hair. "Uh Huh" he rumbled; "Now I can see why Tanj took you. You like this, don't you?" Kath just nodded, and flexing her knees, rubbed herself up and down against the Wolf again. She remembered her "shower experience" with Hinoki and Zassa, and wondered if the Wolf wanted her to scrub him as she'd "scrubbed" them... As he worked his way down over her ears, to her shoulders, the Wolf just growled; "turn around, wench." Kath giggled and complied, and as he worked his fingers through her hair, down past her shoulders, she rocked up and down a little, stroking her ass against the Wolf's growing erection.

Tanj had set the table, with two candles burning. She'd used her best tablecloth, and what passed for her best china and silverware. A casserole was baking in the oven, and the wine was airing in an ice bucket. She'd changed into her best, sexiest dress, an almost translucent cream-colored affair that was off one shoulder, with a neckline that flattered her bust. She'd even dragged out her best perfume. And now she sat, waiting, her chin propped up with one paw. When she'd returned from her mission, she'd tried one technique with her Master, a technique more dictated by the spirit of the moment, and given the results, she wasn't really sure it'd worked... now, somehow, she was in the mood for something softer; she burned to feel his strong arms holding her, to just kiss him, to hug him, and maybe, to make the slow transition from cuddling to slow and sensuous lovemaking... And he was nowhere to be seen.

The Lion stopped and blinked; at the intersection of two corridors, a nude and bound Hannah, from maintenance, was on her knees, hungrily sucking on the cock of one of the chipmunks from Logistics, while Bo stood by, holding the end of a... leash? It looked like he'd fashioned it from a pair of panty-hose... Bo just gave him a silly grin. The Lion shook his head, and rumbled; "Any of you seen Tanj?" The Chipmunk and Bo both shook their heads, Hannah oblivious to all but the task before her. As he padded off down the corridor, the Lion wondered to himself, why he hadn't been able to remember the Chipmunk's name. He thought he knew the name of Everyone in the Brethren...

Somewhere in their lovemaking, Jo and Amanda had rolled off the bed, and onto the floor. As the night had worn on, Jo had found Amanda's tongue gaining more and more skill, granting her more and more climaxes... And now they were both exhausted, just cuddling. After a while, Amanda chuckled; "Jo, I NEVER would have guessed. Never would have thought you were bent that way, and I NEVER would have thought that I'd enjoy it so much! Thanks for introducing me to a whole new world..." Jo shook her head, and rolled a little to her right, to kiss her roommate. Breaking the kiss, she sighed; "Before tonight, I never would have dreamed of it; don't know WHAT came over me... Or what's still over me. I'm as itchy and twitchy as ever!" Amanda nodded and stretched; "Say, is it hot in here or is it just me?" Jo smiled; "It IS hot in here; what say we go find somewhere cooler? Hey, you know Mary Kay, down in Personnel? I wonder if she'd like to "play" with us?" Amanda giggled and rose to her feet, tugging at Jo's paw; "Dunno, but what say we go find out?" Still nude, the two girls headed out to find their friend...

Kath purrred, and moved her body from side to side; the Keeper had finally just poured the jug of liquid soap over the bound Mink, commanding her to wash him. And now she was stroking her soap-slick body back and forth against him, her nipples hard little points leaving furrows in the soapsuds on his chest, practicing what she'd been taught. And from the look on the Wolf's face, he was appreciating her new- found talent...

Jim turned, his eyes going wide as he beheld a nude Bo come through the door, leading a nude and bound Hannah behind him. "Where in the HELL have you been, Mister? Your shift started almost four hours ago! And what in the HELL are you doing with her?" Bo blinked; "Am I on the schedule for tonight? I thought I was off! Oh, and we're exploring Hannah's submissive side. Having quite an evening, we are... Tell you what, you take her and let her practice her fellatio, while I go check the duty schedule. I was SURE I was off tonight." Handing the end of one leg of a pair of pantyhose to the surprised Beaver, Bo padded across Ops to log into a terminal. Jim's eyes snapped back, traversing from Bo, to Hannah, to find that she'd knelt next to him, and was slowly nuzzling his crotch... Blinking, for a moment, duty warred with desire in the Beaver's mind, and then he sighed. Keeping one eye on Bo, he whispered; "OK, slave, if you're REALLY going to be good at this, you'll have to learn to pull the zipper down and undo my pants with your teeth. Lets see just how good you really are..."

Bo scowled. He was sure the duty schedule was on this page on the station's web. But try as he might, he just couldn't seem to find it. After a minute, he gave up, turning to watch Hannah suck enthusiastically on Jim's cock. Looking over to to a wide-eyed lady Coyote at the sensor console he wondered what her name was... he should know that, shouldn't he? He did work here, didn't he? He should know who he worked with... After a moment of confusion, he winked and grinned at her; "Hey, Babe, you up for some fun? Doesn't look like the boss will mind if you take a small break with me..."

Kath purrrred behind her gag. The Wolf, after having made sure she'd cleaned every bit of him, and her, had led her from the bath, only to tie her over a wooden grating. Her feet were linked to the wooden grate, spread wide. As her collar hadn't been replaced yet, the wolf had taken a length of string and tying it to her left nipple ring, had threaded its end through the grate just in front of her. Tugging on the string, he forced her to bend over, WAY over, before tying its other end to her right nipple ring. Kath teetered, trying to keep her balance, bent over, her legs spread, ass high in the air, as the Wolf padded off somewhere, leaving her... Suddenly a hurricane of warm air blew up from the gate, forceful enough to make her still- damp hair fly straight up. And then the Wolf was behind her, working his hard cock into her dripping pussy... his paws on her hips steadying her against his thrusts...

The Lion blinked as he encountered Kara coming down the corridor in the other direction. Nodding to her, he asked; "Have you seen Tanj, lately? She seems to have escaped..." Kara giggled; "Escaped? From YOU? No, I can't believe that!" The Lion just grinned and shrugged; "So it seems..." Kara smiled and stood on tiptoes to kiss the Lion; "I just can't imagine ANYONE wanting to escape YOU..." Somewhere, in the back of the Lion's mind, something clicked, and his search for Tanj forgotten, he wrapped his arms around Kara, to kiss her hard...

Ben sighed as he stalked the corridors, hands jammed deep in his back pockets. He'd been unable to sleep. That sometimes happened, he thought to himself, when you were seriously over-tired. His quarters had seemed hot, stuffy, and he'd decided to go for a walk, initially keeping to the less traveled corridors. However, as he'd walked he'd found even less furrs than he'd expected, and now he was moving closer to the more well-traveled portions of the station, wondering where everyone was...

Kath sighed, as the Wolf gently pushed her into one of the cells. The doors were all low, so low you had to crawl into them, despite the fact that there was almost enough room to stand in the cell. Figuring it was to reinforce the idea that you were a slave, or possibly to make it difficult for an enraged prisoner to effectively attack a guard when the door was opened, Kath did her best to squirm her way into the cell. This was difficult, as her paws were still bound behind her, her arms encased in a pouch of leather, with straps over her shoulders... it was as if she had folded her arms, forearm to forearm behind her back. It was comfortable, and obviously intended to hold her for long periods of time. But it made it damn hard to crawl through the door. Finally, doing an impression of an inch-worm, Kath made it through the door, her still-sore nipples dragging against the stone floor. As the door clanged shut behind her, she did her best to stretch out on the pallet that covered most of the floorspace, obviously face down. She couldn't remember the last time she'd slept, and she was exhausted... But that damn itch between her thighs was starting again. As the keeper padded off, keys jangling, she wondered how she was going to scratch her itch, bound as she was...

Rafe grinned as he turned away from the Mink's cell. She certainly was a hot little thing. In fact, he felt rather warm... He'd have to check the thermostat. Grinning to himself, he nodded; she'd certainly lit his fire... in fact, maybe it was time to give that other new slave, the Tigress a bit of a workout. One of the perks of his job was getting to use one of the slaves whenever they weren't busy... Forgetting about the thermostat, he turned to find the Tigress' cell.

Kara moaned, a long, heartfelt sound. The Lion had proven to be a real animal; after a long, passionate kiss, he'd proceeded to lick and nuzzle down from under her chin, literally ripping her dress down the front to bare her breasts, and then her sex. Before long, she was lying flat on her back, in the middle of the corridor, the Lion's rough tongue slurping noisily between her thighs...

Hinoki smiled as he quietly poured another glass of wine. The glass was resting on Betty Lou Duke's bare tummy, as she lay, nude, in front of the holographic fireplace. As he put the bottle back in the ice bucket, he turned to find Emma Lee Duke softly lapping at the liquid in the glass, splattering droplets of wine all over her twin sister's stomach. "Here now" the Cheetah purrred; "You're making a mess Emmie! Better let me clean that up!" Bending, being careful of the glass, he started to lick softly all around where the glass lay. This however, only elicited giggles from the sisters, and soon there was a LOT more wine to lick up...

Zassa grinned at her "prisoner" and slapped the paddle in her right paw against the palm of her left. She was still wearing the thigh-high black leather boots, her tightly laced corset, and nothing else. Lucien was an old playmate of hers, and except for various leather straps and other restraints, was completely nude, kneeling in the middle of the exercise mat. They were a strange couple to look at; the Cape Buffalo must have been twice the vixen's height, and five or six times her weigh, a dark mass of rippling muscle. And for reasons neither of them could explain, he just LOVED to be "punished" by the vixen. Now he knelt before her, tightly bound. Padded cuffs, made especially for him, surrounded both ankles and just above both knees. Spreader bars attached to these cuffs kept his legs well apart. More padded cuffs around his wrists were locked to the back of his thick collar. With his hands behind his head, his back was exposed from his ass to his shoulders. No snap-hooks here, Zassa had used stout padlocks. He wasn't going anywhere until she released him, and they BOTH knew that. A strap from the front of his collar to the bar between his knees pulled him into a bowing position, his muzzle almost touching the floor. Zassa grinned; this left his ass slightly raised and well exposed to her paddle. Bringing the paddle down on the left asscheek, right on the "sit-spot," the vixen watched in amusement as he jumped in surprise, the weights dangling from the "parachute," the soft cone of leather she'd snapped around his pendulous balls dancing from his motion. His bellow was more of surprise than of pain... Bending a little she took another peek at his massive erection, watching it bob up and down for a moment as he breathed. He was MUCH too big for her, but when she was done with him, she'd roll him over onto his sore back, and then stroke that monster between her breasts until she'd brought him off... but that time was still a long way away. Taking a step to the side, she gave his other asscheek another swat, and smiled, waiting for the weights dangling from his balls to stop swaying before she smacked him again...

Hannah groaned around the cock in her mouth. Things in Operations had come to a standstill as the crew on duty availed themselves of her. Right now, she was astride one, his cock buried deep in her pussy, while another crouched between their legs, energetically fucking her ass. And Jim still stood, straddling the bottom furr's head, his cock still in her mouth, even though she'd sucked him to two orgasms already. But she didn't mind... They seemed to be as insatiable tonight as she was, and that was just fine with her...

Kara panted hard; the Lion, having licked her to one smashing climax, had roughly flipped her over onto all fours, and was now taking her from behind. As he drove his hips forward, his paws around her waist, he growled deeply, as if he were some feral animal that had captured her... Lowering her chest to the floor, she braced her paws against the deck, and did her best to push back against his hard thrusts, loving every second of it...

Ben blinked as he came around the bend in the corridor. He shouldn't have been surprised, he thought, but he was anyways. So far, he'd seen two naked females chasing a laughing male. And at least two other couples making love in semi-public places. But here was the Boss fucking a gray vixen in the middle of the corridor! As he stood and stared, the Lion raised his gaze, and without missing a stroke, he growled; "Ho, Ben! Look what a fine prize I've caught! Come, join me! Share this fine captive with me!" Ben blinked, but then something clicked in his mind, and before he quite knew what he was doing, he was unfastening his pants, to press his crotch against the Vixen's muzzle.

Kara was so close to her climax, so lost in the haze of pleasure that she didn't see the Wolf until he was almost directly in front of her. Her mouth was already hanging open as she panted, and as he presented his cock to her, she instinctively took it into her mouth, to suck hard, her tongue stroking it fervently.

Jo peeked around the corner of the Personnel office. Their friend, Mary Kay, was in early, already at her desk. Looking back at Amanda, she winked and then crawling low, moved through the door in the best tradition of the ninja... Mary Kay never saw them coming; suddenly she was knocked from her desk chair by two nude, furry missiles, landing on the floor with a WHOMP!" Looking up, blinking, she found herself staring into Jo's smiling face; "What in the...?" was all she managed to get out before Jo had lowered her head to kiss her friend hotly. Amanda chuckled and proceeded to start removing the clothes from the squirming Mary Kay, helping Jo hold her down...

The Lion roared loudly as he came, his cock driven deep into Kara's pussy, held there as it throbbed and spurted, filling her, flooding her with the warmth of his seed. The sensations were delicious, and Kara moaned around the Wolf's cock as she savored them. But she was not allowed to dwell on them long, as the Wolf's hips were bucking, and he drove his shaft in and out of her mouth, fucking her face roughly until he too came, splattering the back of her throat with his cum. Panting, the Wolf finally pulled back, and sat on the floor, grinning. Looking up at the Lion, he chuckled; "You're right, that was a good piece. A most excellent catch. Makes you wonder what other such fine prey might be hereabouts." The Lion nodded and turned to retrieve the remnants of Kara's dress. Bending over he pulled her paws behind her back and used the fabric to tie them there, knotting it tightly. Pulling the exhausted vixen to her feet, he gave her a rough kiss and then swatted her on her rump; "Go, run and hide, and we shall pursue. If we catch you too easily, you'll be punished, but if you give us a good chase, you'll be 'rewarded.'" The leer on the Lion's face told Kara exactly WHAT kind of reward she might expect, and with a nod and a giggle she turned to trot down the corridor.

The Lion watched her go and then turned to grin at Ben; "She's good sport, but somehow I feel I should be hunting another..." Ben shrugged and chuckled; "Well, lets go see if we can find others to hunt. Maybe we'll catch the one you're after..." The Lion just nodded, and together they headed off down the corridor.

Mary Kay was still protesting, still insisting she had work to do, and that they were all going to get in trouble. Jo and Amanda had shoved all the folders and papers off of the top of her desk and had tied her spreadeagled across its top. Mary Kay HAD been protesting that she wasn't into girls, but that refrain had died out as Amanda softly applied her tongue to that spot between her thighs. Now even her protestations about how they were all going to get into trouble were interspersed with gasps and moans...

Jo looked up as another furr entered the personnel office. This one was a young male Marten, and Jo thought she SHOULD know his name, but for some reason she couldn't remember. The Marten looked like he hadn't slept well the night before, his fur a bit disheveled, and when he caught sight of Jo and Amanda and Mary Kay, he just stopped and stared... for a moment. Jo grinned at him and crooked her finger, motioning him over. The Marten just grinned and with a silly grin on his face, padded over to stand before her...

Tanj sighed; while she'd dozed fitfully, strange dreams flitting through her mind, the candles had all burned down, the ice in the ice bucket had all melted... and her Master had never come home. Rising, stretching, she shook her head; if he was still out in the Station somewhere, something must be wrong. Padding to the door, she decided she'd better go look for him; she might need her help...

Rafe smiled and petted the Tigress' head; she had been quite compliant, obeying his commands quickly, if not exactly enthusiastically. Now he stood before her as she licked his cock clean. Rubbing an ear gently, the Wolf smiled down at her; "I think you deserve a reward for the way you behaved, Kitten. Something special... Stay here, in the kneeling position, while I go set it up..."

The Tigress watched her keeper padd off, and sighed to herself; she really wanted nothing more than to go back to her kennel, to go back to sleep. She had no idea what his "reward" would be, but she was willing to bet it would be something sexual. While she dared not shake her head, if she could have, she would have, just to reinforce the thought; "Didn't these furrs EVER get tired of sex?"

Rafe smiled as he led the male slave back into the center of the Kennel area. Grinning at the Bear, he pointed to the floor; "Lay down, on your back." The Bear was new to being a slave, but he knew that if he disobeyed, if he tried to escape, even if he killed this uppity Wolf, he could never regain his freedom, and that his circumstances would only get worse. With a barely repressed sigh, he obeyed, laying flat on the floor. Rafe measured the Bear's reluctance, and nodded at his compliance. Taking several of the restraints he'd picked up, he proceeded to fasten the Bear to the floor, his arms stretched out above his head, his feet only slightly apart. Grinning, Rafe turned to beckon to the Tigress kneeling a short distance away...

The Bear's eyes went wide as the Wolf had the rather well- built Tigress kneel astride him. Where he'd come from, the chance of him getting to make love to a beauty like this was vanishingly small, and just her presence this close, her scent and the warmth of her body was making him hard...

Rafe grinned as the Tigress moved; she seemed to know JUST what was expected of her; with a very neutral look on her face, she rubbed her crotch back and forth across the Bear's sheath, until he was rock hard, and then, sliding forward a bit, she positioned herself just so, and then slowly drove back, working his thick cock into her still-wet pussy. As she moved, the Bear just groaned softly, a look of indescribable pleasure on his face. Rafe watched and then shook his head, hoping the Bear wouldn't loose his load too soon... Moments later, the Tigress was strapped tight to the Bear, the cuffs around her ankles locked to broad cuffs around his thighs, and a short length of chain from the leather and chrome band around her middle to the similar band the Bear now wore. When he was done, he stood back and watched the Tigress move experimentally; the chain was just long enough to let her ride his cock, but not long enough for her to rise off it, at least not while he was still hard... Grinning, Rafe turned to padd through the kennels, looking for the next slave to join his work of art...

Tanj stopped and stared as she went past the open door to personnel. The office appeared to be staffed with the normal crew... But it certainly didn't look like any work was getting done. Mary Kay was nude, bound spread-eagled across her desk, with a male eagerly fucking her on one end, and a female crouched over her muzzle, obviously relishing the actions of the bound squirrel fem's tongue. And over there, Amanda and several other male and female furrs were in a writhing knot, all doing their best to pleasure each other. As she looked across the office, she caught Jo's eye; Jo was sitting in an office chair, but both her feet were up on the desk... and it was obvious that someone was crouched beneath the desk, licking at her sex, from the silly grin on her face, and the glazed look in her eyes. Still, Jo found the presence of mind to wink at Tanj and to crook her finger in the "come hither" gesture. Tanj just grinned and shook her head no, and continued on towards the Intelligence office, wondering if there'd been an office party scheduled that she hadn't heard about...

Zassa looked up as the crowd pushed into the gym, her right paw raised, behind her head, the riding crop poised for another stroke. "Oh Ho, WHAT do we have here?", the large Lion growled. "Looks like the Vixen's being Baaaaaaad!" The Wolf behind him grinned and nodded; "Think we should DO something about this! Grab her, Boys!" As Zassa went down under the charging furs, she shook her head, thinking she really should know these guys... Shouldn't she?

The lion looked at the Vixen being held before him. She certainly was a pretty little thing. Well built, almost voluptuous... And so sexily dressed too. She almost reminded him of... whatshername. The Vixen from the Cheetah's ship... His slave's ship... what the heck was HER name? Jerking his attention back to the vixen being held before him, he grinned; "I think you need to be punished for treating the Buffalo soooo very nastily. Pity he's so big; If I could, I'd tie you to him, and then let HIM run as Prey in our hunt..." Behind him, a lady Black Panther growled softly; "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that... when I get done fisting her, she'll be plenty stretched out for him!" Zassa groaned, her knees suddenly going weak, as she contemplated what they were suggesting...

Rafe smiled and led the Coyote male to his little ensemble. The Coyote wasn't particularly well hung, but his cock, while slim, was fairly long. Pouring some lubricant into his paws, he bid the Coyote to kneel behind the Tigress...

The Bear groaned, and tried to raise his head to see. The Tigress had stopped moving almost as soon as the Wolf was out of sight; and that was just as well too, as he'd been on the verge of cumming. And he knew what happened to slaves that orgasmed without being given permission... now, the keeper was strapping the Coyote to the Tigress, and from the look on her face, the Bear had a pretty good idea of where the Coyote's cock was.

Rafe stood back and with a light flick of his whip, encouraged the Coyote to "move." Standing back he watched, an amused smile on his face, as his "kinetic sculpture" swung into motion; the Coyote was driving his cock into the Tigress' ass hard enough for her to move on the Bear's cock, and the looks on their faces were indescribable. As he enjoyed the scene, Rafe wished he had a camera... Now, who else could he add to the ensemble? And how?

Tanj looked around the Intelligence office; the place was still dark, even though it was mid-morning. Sighing she wondered where everyone could be? She was beginning to get the impression something was very, very wrong. Turning she headed out of the darkened offices, headed for Ops.

Rafe smiled; the addition of the Otter, tied in a kneeling position astride the Bear's head, was good. Of course, the head harness on the Tigress, strapped to the Otter's middle, forcing his cock into her mouth made it even better... The four furrs on the floor slowly undulated, muffled sounds coming from them, accompanied by the squeak of the leather and the rattling of the chains... music to Rafe's ears.

Tanj blinked as she stepped into Ops... Hannah was bound in a kneeling position on the floor, her head tilted back, her muzzle pressed tight into a lady rabbit's crotch; the rabbit stroked her head, cooing encouragement as Hannah apparently licked her with enthusiasm. Tanj was just about to comment on the situation, when arms encircled her waist from behind...

Sam grinned; "Well, HELLLLLOOOOOO there, Sexy! Come spend some time with me..."

Something inside Tanj melted as she felt the hard cock press against her ass... surely the world wouldn't end if she took a moment, and did something about the itch that was building inside her... grinning, she wiggled her bottom, turning her head to look over her right shoulder; "Well hello to you too..."

Zassa screamed as she felt the Black Pantheress form a fist, her entire paw now held within the Vixen's clutching sex. The vixen felt like she was about to split in two, the pain warring with the incredible pleasure as the Pantheress started to move her paw back and forth with short little jerks...

Tanj panted hard; she was on hands and knees, her dress thrown up almost over her head, as the Wolf took her from behind. Lowering her chest to the floor she groaned in pleasure, and tried her best to clench her vaginal muscles around his driving cock; it just felt soooooo good!

Rafe turned and looked as the Stag walked up. The Stag regarded the "living sculpture" for a moment and then grinned widely; "I like that... especially the way when one moves, everyone else seems to move in response... you kinda get a wave effect, motions rippling through the whole..." Turning to look at the Wolf, the Stag chuckled; "I'm kinda in the mood for some... wild sex tonight. I'm feeling a little... "toppish". Got a slave that I might borrow for a ... Until I work off this feeling?" Rafe smiled and stepped towards the sculpture, to tighten the straps holding the female Mouse's crotch to the Otter's mouth, and nodded. Stepping back, he adjusted the suspension bondage of the mouse just a bit as he said; "Sure, keys are on the desk; help yourself. Just remember to bring 'em back in good condition." Turning back to his sculpture he sighed; things had gotten very complex as he'd added the fifth, sixth, and seventh furrs. It was getting so you could barely see the Tigress at all. He certainly hoped she was appreciating his work of art...

The Stag just chuckled and turned, to padd down the row of cells. The Wolf had a good number of the slaves wrapped up in his pet project, but there were still plenty left. Like this bound Mink who seemed to be trying desperately to rub her crotch against the bars of her cell...

Tanj purrrred softly as she tried to recover her breath. She lay flat on the floor, her hips elevated just a little as the Wolf knelt behind her, his "knot" a palpable presence in her sex. As she waited for him to subside, she wondered what had gotten into her. After all, you couldn't fuck in Ops.. could you? Wouldn't her Master get mad? Where was he, anyways. And what had gotten into everyone, herself included? Orgies in Personnel just weren't that common... As she felt the Wolf behind her stirr, attempting to pull out, Tanj decided something was VERY wrong, and that she'd better start looking into just what it might be...

Kath purrred to herself as she followed the Stag, at the end of her leash. At last she thought she'd get some relief from that damndable "itch" between her thighs! As they padded out of the Kennel area, Kath's eyes widened in surprise, as she gazed at the mass of furr all bound and tied in the middle of the floor. It was a concert of licking tongues and thrusting cocks, the whole mass moving like some bizzare creature. As the Stag jerked the leash, as she padded out behind him, she gazed longingly over her shoulder, wondering what it would be like to be a part of such a thing...

Deep within the pile of bound furry bodies, the Tigress moaned as the Bear underneath her came yet again. She had cum dribbling from her muzzle, from her pussy, from her ass, and there was what seemed to be a constant rain of it from above. The straps cut into her tightly, and she felt like she couldn't breath, but she'd lost count of the climaxes she'd had. And now that energetic, seemingly insatiable Bear beneath her was moving again, setting ripples in motion through the mass of fur, bodies rubbing against her, cocks pressing into her, until once again she was mewling, on the verge of yet another climax...

Tanj had escaped from Ops, when the Wolf had turned and tackled one of the other ladies milling about there... If anyone noticed her slipping through the door, she wasn't aware of it. Shaking her head, she straightened her dress and turned to head for auxiliary control. Maybe things were quieter there, and she could check on the base's status without interruption.

Tanj paused at the cross corridor, at the sound of approaching hoofbeats. Someone was running in her direction. Standing there, she gaped in amazement as an absolutely huge Cape Buffalo trotted past. His hands were bound tightly behind him, and weights swung wildly from his bound balls as he ran, but what the Cheetah found more startling was the tightly bound Vixen strapped to his front, his truly enormous cock buried deep in her snatch. As he ran, she bounced, her body jostling up and down against his front, his thick shaft working in and out of her overstretched pussy... They were both tightly gagged, and moved almost in silence, only the muffled grunts of the Vixen and the Buffalo's hoofbeats echoing down the corridor... And then they were gone. Tanj blinked in their wake and shook her head; brushing a strand of hair from her eyes, she muttered; "What in the HELL is going on here?"

The door to Auxiliary control beckoned. It was at the end of the corridor, about 30 meters away... but there was a rustling in the shadows... Something, or someone was stirring in the cross corridor just shy of the entrance... Tanj shrugged off the feeling of danger; after all, so far no one that she'd run across had threatened more than a good fucking... And she was sure she didn't have any enemies amonst the pirates... Calming herself she strode confidently towards Auxiliary control...

She'd just stepped into the intersection of the corridors when she heard a low growl; before she could turn, to look to see where it had come from, to see who had uttered such an animalistic sound, several furry bodies hit her from the other side in a flying tackle, driving her to the ground. Struggling, growling back, she fought futilely... After a moment, strong paws gripped her, dragging her up into a kneeling position, and blinking she got her first look at her attackers. Her eyes widened as she beheld her Master, completely nude, the fur of his crotch matted, and sticky, surrounding a massive erection. He grinned at her ferraly and nodded; "At last, we catch the wayward slave!" Behind him, Ben, equally nude and equally aroused just chuckled and nodded, starting a chorus of laughs amongst the other furrs in the party...

Tanj panted hard; they'd dragged her to the Cafeteria, and hung her by her bound paws from the ceiling. Ropes encircled each ankle, the opposite ends tied to table legs, pulling her ankles wide apart. And a rubber coated ring gag had been forced into her mouth; she could plead but only inarticulately, and the noises she made only seemed to excite and arouse the crowd... When she'd been bound, the Lion padded over to her to look into her eyes; "You've been bad. You know you have! And accordingly you shall be punished. Punished until I deem you sufficiently chastised." Nodding, he turned and padded back to one of the tables, his paw reaching into a box... Extracting a large feather, he turned to grin at her; holding it like a weapon he handed the box to Ben, and then slowly approached the bound and struggling Cheetah.

Kath panted hard, concentrating on the feel of the Stag's shaft driving in and out of her. He wasn't much for bondage, and had untied her almost completely, only a chain padlocked to her collar on one end, and to a ring bolt in the floor on the other end holding her in place... And now the chain was bowstring tight, quivering between her breasts, as she strained against it, his hard thrusts driving her forward on hands and knees until the tight chain forced her to lower her head towards the floor. While he wasn't much for cuffs and restraints, the Stag did know how to master her, commanding her to use her mouth to get him hard, directing her actions until he'd cum, spraying his load over her face and chest. And now he was taking her from behind, in a most forceful and pleasing manner...

Hinoki smiled and softly kissed one of the ladies; he couldn't remember which of the sisters this was... what was her name? But she was such pleasant company. Purrrring he snuggled her and her sister, idly wondering if there were any more of those delightful little appetizers left...

Bo grinned at the crowd of nude furrs; "A hunt you say? That DOES sound like fun! Count me in! Now... Who's going to be the "quarry?"..."

Tanj screamed wordlessly, as a dozen feathers tickled her; they tickled her between her thighs and beneath her breasts, on her nipples and under her armpits, they tickled the edges of her ears and under her chin... And on the soles of her feet; that was the worst! Squirming as best possible she howled and yelped and sought escape, only to find escape impossible...

Kath was softly licking the Stag, both cleaning his shaft and getting him hard for another round... a round she felt sure would include him taking her in the ass, something she wasn't looking forward to, considering his size and power... While he'd been responsive to her performance, she had the feeling that something was wrong, that she just wasn't slaking his lusts like she was supposed to... Her concentration was broken by the sound of approaching hoofbeats, the Stag turning his head to look, even as one hand forced Kath's head back down onto his cock. From the Corner of her eye, Kath beheld a bizzare sight; a massive Cape Buffalo stood panting, his chest heaving... and bound to his front was a Vixen, the Buffalo's cock buried balls deep in her widely distended snatch. Both the Buffalo and the Vixen seemed to be covered in criss-crossed leather straps, and Kath found herself staring at where the Buffalo's cock disappeared into the Vixen; even his breathing was causing her to move up and down, minutely fucking her...

The Stag grinned and giving Kath a small shove, rose to his feet to capture the end of the leash dangling from the Buffalo's collar. "What have we here?" He mumbled as he looked over the two. "You know, the Mink's good, but she's just not quite what I'm looking for, at the moment... You, my fine stud, you might just fit the bill. Now stand still while I get this limp hank of hair off you..." So saying the Stag tied the end of the leash to a convenient doorknob, and turned to start to unbuckle the straps that held the Vixen in place... One arm caught her as she started to sag, and then the Stag was lifting her free, to place her on the floor. Turning back, he looked at the Buffalo's rampant cock and nodded; "Oh, yes, I think you're JUST what I'm looking for..." Untying the leash, the Stag turned to lead the panting Buffalo off, Kath forgotten behind him.

Kath watched the two go, and shook her head; somehow she just couldn't believe that the Stag'd prefer a male over her! And here she was starting to think she was irresistable. Turning to look at the semi-comatose vixen, Kath smiled and shrugged, and moving to the limit of the chain locked to her collar, she started to softly lap at the Vixen's gaping sex.

The Fennec Fox watched the writhing Cheetah and grinned; she was close, he thought; pushing through the crowd, he shoved his way beneath her, between her widespread thighs, and taking his feather he proceeded to tickle straight up, tormenting her sex. It was obvious that she couldn't squirm any more, but the volume of her cries, made inarticulate by both the ring gag in her mouth and all the feathers tickling her, signaled her increased distress... if he did this right, he'd be rewarded for his efforts in a little while...

Zassa moaned and shuddered, her eyes gradually coming open; the feel of a tongue softly stroking her incredibly sore pussy was heaven... That ride on the Buffalo had been something out of one of her most fevered imaginings... first the fisting, driving her to several powerful climaxes, and then all those paws holding her, lifting her, forcing her down on his shaft... All the straps and cuffs and restraints holding her in place, most of her weight supported by the huge organ splitting her up the middle... And then when they'd snapped the whip on the Buffalo's hind quarters and he'd taken off at a dead run... Zassa had thought she was going to die, from the pain, and the pleasure of bouncing up and down on him... And it had been obvious that the Buffalo had loved it; he'd run and run and run, never stopping... He'd run MUCH further than he'd had to, to keep away from the hunters... He'd run until one final massive climax had robbed Zassa of consciousness. Now, as she looked about, she recognized the chamber as an out-of-the-way break room, and she wondered how she'd gotten here... Lifting her head, she gazed down at the Mink, and smiled; "Well, HELLO! I know you... don't I?"

Kath purrred as her gentle licking brought the Vixen to a shuddering climax, but as the Vixen recovered, as she pulled away, out of the Mink's reach, she sighed; she'd just been getting started... Moving slowly, as if each motion hurt, the Vixen climbed to her feet, and then staggered over to a table by the door. There she picked up a set of keys, and after looking at them for a moment, turned to grin at Kath...

Jo panted and sighed; she was Exhausted, and would have liked nothing better than to crawl off into a corner and get some sleep; but it seemed she'd created a Monster. Amanda had gotten with several of the refugees from the Personnel office orgy and they'd conspired to tie Jo in a 69 position with Mary Kay. And now, between Mary Kay's licks, and the carresses from a half dozen other girls, Jo could find no rest...

Ben grinned and nodded to Bo; they'd slipped away from the punishment of the Cheetah Fem, along with a few others, to resume the hunt... His loins burned; he wanted a female in the worst way, and now the five of them stalked the corridors and passageways of the station, seeking their prey...

The Chain was still locked to her collar, an improvised leash, and Kath followed the Vixen obediently as she was led down the corridor. Somewhere in the distance someone was laughing hysterically, and after listening for a moment, the Vixen turned and headed in that direction...

It had taken much, much longer than he'd expected, much to the Fox's commingled delight and dismay, before the bound Cheetah fem was so tormented that she lost all control, and the contents of her bladder raining down on him like a golden shower. As he reveled in her discharge, he heard some of the furrs close-by express their dismay, or disgust. But not him; it was his opinion that watching a lady pee was incredibly sexy, and this was the best vantage point of all!

Mark carefully disengaged from the Brou device and switched it to standby before stretching to his full three and a half feet. The Mouse held the position for a long moment and then relaxed, turning to key into the nearest terminal. "Progress report. See file attributes for time and date. The last series of tests corroborates my earlier findings. The thing really is a teleportation device... Unfortunately there isn't really anything useful we can do with it, as I'm pretty sure the Brou knew." He paused for a moment. "First of all, the technology used is alien enough to ours that even with the best combination of adapters I've been able to come up with, regular station power won't let us move anything further than a few meters at best, and even then there's some sort of feedback effect that causes chaotic fluctuations in range. It would seem that the Brou supply their devices with some odd mix of regular electric power and more exotic energies, some of which we can't even begin to replicated at the Empire's current technical level. In fact, I haven't seen the like since I was with the... Uh, computer, strike that last..." The Mouse paused to clear his throat and then resumed; "Second, teleporting objects to or from anywhere except the device's immediate vicinity is risky; there's a chance that the transported item might end up in the wrong place or just disappear altogether and that chance quickly increases with range. The Brou get around that by using a second device as a combined beacon and receiver when they want to cover nontrivial distances, but until we somehow acquire another, we don't HAVE that option. Finally, the user interface is partially mental, and naturally tuned to the Brou thought process. In that regard, I've made some progress... Thankfully I might add, or I'd have even less to report because I wouldn't have been able to access what passes for an instruction manual in the device's ... sort-of-memory. Nonetheless, my recommendation is that we put further investigation off until we have some leisure time and manpower again. We won't be getting any practical use out of it anytime soon, and we can't even take the thing apart to try and analyze it until somebody finds a way to keep the living-metal outer hull from resealing instantly. End of file."

Zassa watched from the doorway, Kath's chain leash in her hand, and grinned as the tormented Cheetah Fem was tickled to the point of peeing. "Now that's marvelous" Zassa purrred; turning to look at the Mink, she grinned; "Tickling can be horrible torture; it does no physical harm, and yet, if you're tickled long enough, it becomes horribly, excruciatingly painful. Something you NEVER forget. C'mon, lets join them." Padding across the Cafeteria, pulling Kath by the chain, Zassa grinned at the group "This the WaterSports crowd?" A few furrs made disgusted noises and moved off, but the dripping Fennec Fox between the Cheetah's thighs nodded eagerly, little droplets of urine flying from his fur as his head jerked up and down.

Switching the terminal off again, the Mouse surveyed the silent chamber for a moment before adding; "And since its been about seventy-two hours since I've had anything solid to eat, I think I'll take a break before someone comes to batter down the door to see if I'm still alive... No comment from the peanut gallery, thank you." He listened to the continuing silence for a moment, grinned, and turned towards the door. Before he ever got there, however, a familiar neutral voice in his head broke through his idle musings. Priority transmission. Mark blinked, then half-closed his eyes to concentrate better. Receiving. What's up, I thought the next rapport wasn't due until tomorrow night? Incoming sensor report. Stand by... Mark frowned lightly and braced himself, and right the next moment the complex images and context data exploded into his mind not unlike a sudden flashback. It took him only a moment to sort out the cause of the disturbance: a cloaked cruiser trailing the Brethren's asteroid base, system status and internal communications proving it to be anything but friendly. Ouch. I see. Weapons not armed yet...must still be biding their time. Keep an eye on them while I see who's in sensor ops, and prepare to slip in a little phantom signal on my cue.

The Lion watched some of the crowd move off, and something in him called for him to go with them, to resume the hunt. Looking around, he spotted the Vixen holding the end of the Mink's chain, and a smile spread across his face. Stalking over to her, he handed her his feather; "This Cheetah needs to be punished. Continue her tickling while I resume the hunt!" Zassa blinked, and then, Grinning widely she nodded eagerly. The Lion nodded in return and turned towards the others just as a female Leopard, wearing the remnants of a torn dress stepped into the room. For a moment, everyone froze, staring at each other... and then she let out a small "eep!", turned and ran, the rest of the room charging after her amidst howls of "Talley HO!" and laughter.

Tanj panted hard, enjoying the respite; when she'd lost control, the tickling had slacked off and then stopped, and not being tickled felt SOOOOO good. But then the Lion's words filtered through her fogged brain, and she lifted her chin, to look at the Vixen. Recognizing Zassa, standing there with the Mink's chain in one paw and the feather in the other, and a maniacal look in her eyes, Tanj groaned, KNOWING it was about to get worse. Much worse.

Mark closed his eyes fully and mentally reached out. He knew just where to look, he'd been there often enough before...then with a mild shock realized that there WAS nobody in sensor operations. Nobody paying the slightest attention to the displays, at least... He paused to quickly scan around the station, trying to figure out just what could have HAPPENED in the time he'd spent lost in his research.

As Tanj tried to recover from the extensive tickling, her eyes followed the Lion as he and the others charged off... And then she was alone with Zassa and the Mink. Turning to look at the Vixen, Tanj tried to plead with Zassa, to tell her something's wrong; that there was no one in Ops... No one defending the base... But the ring gag made all her words unintelligible. The Vixen blinked and then shook her head, as if understanding the Cheetah's protestations; "Oh, no you don't; I've got my orders and I'm going to carry 'em out! You're not escaping... But on the other hand, misery loves company, and maybe you'd feel a little better if there was someone sharing your sorrow..."

Kath listened to the vixen, and shivered; the Vixen obviously had something in mind, and she would have bet a bundle it involved her... Part of her dreaded what was to come... but another part eagerly awaited it, curious at to what would happen...

After a few minutes of effort, Mark sighed and shook his head again. "So much for Plan A..." He sent outward again; Trouble on this end. For whatever reason, just about EVERYBODY onstation seems to be caught up in some kind of sexual frenzy. Even if I could get one or two furs to listen, there's no way we could muster any defense whatsoever in time. The reply came immediately, still not betraying the slightest hint of emotion. Is that an attack order, then? Mark paused, his gaze falling almost routinely on the Brou teleporter once more...then gave a little negative shake of his head again, more to himself since his invisible partner wouldn't likely see it anyway. No. At least not yet. Sound battle stations and stand by to intercept enemy fire if it comes to that, but I think I have a plan...

Zassa hummed to herself as she suspended the Mink, in mirror image of the Cheetah; face to face, almost nose to nose, the Mink now hung from the ceiling facing the Cheetah, her legs tied to the same table legs as Tanj's. It had taken the Vixen a while, but she'd finally found some string suitable for what she had in mind, and the Mink's left nipple ring was now tied to Tanj's right nipple ring, and vice versa. Giving the Mink a quick swat on the can, Zassa grinned as she jerked, her motions making Tanj move in response, as her tender bits were tugged at. The final touch was blindfolds... Then, with a feather in each paw, the Vixen started a slow dance around the two, tickling them in unexpected places simultaneously...

Kath moaned and giggled, and shrieked as the feather danced over her, moving from the soles of her feet, up the insides of her thighs, over her dripping sex, across her belly, over the undersides of her breasts, on up to her armpits, under her chin, and the edges of her ears; each stroke made her writhe and squirm, and each motion made her tweak her sore nipples. And of course, the Cheetah was writhing just as bad, her motions making the tugs on the Mink's nipples worse. And the Vixen had been right; after a while, the gentle stroke of the feather yielded ever increasing torment!

Zassa grinned maniacally as she wielded the feathers, tormenting the two bound furs. Somewhere along the line she'd forgotten just why she was doing this, but she knew she had to do it. As she let the tips of the feathers once again tease their sexes, she wished she had a couple sets of Ben-Wa balls; the way the two were gyrating they'd have driven themselves to a dozen climaxes so far... But alas, she didn't, all she had were the feathers... and the feathers were all she used...

Tanj panted, trying to gather enough air in her lungs for another scream; the sensations moving over the sole of her left foot was almost more than she could stand. Bucking wildly, swaying in her bonds as much as she could, she howled at the top of her lungs, just as she felt the Mink shudder and sag against her. Some deep recess in Tanj's mind realized that the Mink had passed out, the tickling more than she could absorb, and another, more cunning part of her mind whispered; "If you pass out too, the torment will stop." Mewling, Tanj surrendered, allowing herself to slide down into darkness...

Zassa sighed as the two went limp. She tried a few more licks with the feathers, but nothing happened. There was no response... Sighing, the Vixen took a seat at one of the tables, waiting a while to see if they would recover, but after a bit, she wondered what she was doing sitting there, and rose, to padd off, in search of some more excitement.

Franz sighed and shook his head, looking at the chronometer for the dozenth time in as many minutes. As near as he could tell, his cloaked cruiser was still completely undetected. Communications traffic from the asteroid base had tapered off almost six hours ago, no ships had departed or arrived, and it had been a while since there'd been any signs of life over there. Or at least of organized activity. The scanner showed plenty of life forms, but it didn't show any in the areas they'd tentatively as Operations, Engineering, or the Docking Bay... Looking up at his Exec he yawned; "Just about time. If Xylex's information is accurate they should be completely ... "distracted" in about another hour. Lets bring the ship to Battle stations, and make sure we've worked through all the checklists. One more hour, and we'll move in, and destroy them." The exec just grinned.

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This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories are copyright Kittiara's player, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Hinoki, Zassa, and Jenka copyright their players, also to be found on FurryMuck. Mark is copyright Ann'katar, also of FurryMuck. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.