The BONDING STONE is a 28 page short story (not a comic) and has a non-explicit PG rating. It can be purchased through FurNantion Multimedia for $5.

All profits from on-line sales of this publication are being donated by the author to help support FurNation Multimedia.

Read an excerpt


Gallery / Fan Art



The auditorium section of the ship slowly darkened as the ambient light emanating from the inner dome faded and the seats reclined back. Trevor and Nakanna sat in total darkness with only the sound of the nervous lion's breathing. Then it started. Slowly Nakanna's eyes noticed a slight glow appear all around him but he could not make out the source. It seemed as if it was coming from beyond the dome. His golden eyes adjusted as the light grew stronger and a web-like pattern appeared. It grew in strength and as the brightness increased Nakanna could make out clusters of brilliant color. He clutched the armrests once again as he looked around the room for a reference point. There was none. The dome was fading away to total transparency and the ship was hidden behind the light absorbing floor.

"This is not a projection." Trevor whispered to his friend. The dome was now completely transparent. "You are looking at the Valcorn Nebula directly with your own eyes. It's almost a light-year across and is powered by a single star system. The light emanating from the gaseous..."

Trevor stopped as he looked at his passenger sitting in awe beside him. Nakanna was not interested in the scientific explanation to what he was seeing, but like a child exploring a wondrous new discovery, was lost in fascination. Although they were almost a light-year from the cosmic event, the brilliant threads of brightly colored lights engulfed the lion's entire range of vision. He slowly reached out one of his paws longing to touch the splendor that lay before him.

Trevor sat silent watching the lion bathed by the light of the nebula, open mouth and wide eyes beaming with wonder and fascination. Then Trevor noticed something he did not expect. The fur under the lion's eyes darkened as tears moved over his cheeks. The lion softly whispered.

"We come from the light. We go to the light.
Though the spaces between are huge and dark,
Let our love fill them so that they too might shine."

Trevor did not know how to respond, so he just sat silently gazing at the beautiful sight, the sight of the lion man sitting next to him.


Reviews (Readers who have read the 'work in progress')

It's rare to find a talented artist who can write as well as he draws, but we've found him. Known as Wookiee to his friends and fans, this artist/author is showing his quality.

"The Bonding Stone" is a touching, intense story... an engrossing yale of a difficult romance. And "romance" it is, in the purest sense of the word. The story, set in a science-fiction world, follows a human tour-craft operator (Trevor) as he meets an alien passenger that he cannot get out of his thoughts. At first an infatuation, the relationship grows as Trevor's interest becomes something more than simple attraction. The slow, stormy breakdown of the barriers between the two is utterly believable, poetic, and a thing of beauty.

And somehow, the fact that both are male just doesn't matter.

Look, if you're looking for a slam-bang space-opera, this isn't it. If you're looking for a bang-bang porno mag, this isn't it either. But if you want to follow two males as they fall in love, overcoming racial barriers and cultural suspicion, you're in the right spot. You old softie, you.

--Lance Rund
Creator and writer, "Associated Student Bodies"


This is truely a great story.. goose bumps and tears are instore for those reading. Thank you for this treasure.



As a soft love story begins to unfold before our eyes we are reminded that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." We also learn that our inner-hearts reveal more about ourselves then we care to let be known. But when you meet that someone special all you can think about is letting them into your heart as they seem to touch your soul with their very being. The wonderful thing about love is that it transcends many obstacles, and the wonderful thing about this story is we get to see that happen.

Trust me, you will enjoy the read.

David g.


This is a moving story that reaches across species boundaries. In a truly cosmic setting, a human and a lion-man experience the beginnings of a bond that will be life-changing for both of them. Not to be missed!



It puts you in as passager on the Star-View, sharing Trevor's love and pain and Nakana's first experiences in the beauty of deep space.




Gallery (click images to enlarge)

"Don't be silly. I just enjoy my job," Rokk replied as he picked up a glass and started to wipe it with a towel. Trevor always thought this behavior was strange since Rokk had a machine that washed the glasses for him.
Rodin wiped his fuzzy mouth, got up from his seat and crossed all four arms across his chest. "What seems to be the problem this time? You know, if you just got yourself a girl friend, you wouldn't need to..."

"No! It's not me." Trevor interrupted. "One of the passengers is missing."

'Bonding Stone' has to be one of the most visually enticing stories that I've read in quite awhile! Wookiee seeks to effortlessly pull forth the imagination of anyone who reads this bittersweet tale and make the reader FEEL.

'Bonding Stone' is art, pure and simple... and art inspires art. I was inspired to try and capture even a fragment of this creative wonder to share with him and everyone... though I shall perhaps always feel inadequate to the task. Still, for this touching story to have inspired creativity in others is perhaps the greatest gift it has to offer.

Thank you Wookiee! :)

Lunarwolf MoonPhaser
