A Manichaean Text in Parthian.
... And like the highway robber who killed those sons, so you all who
stretch out your hands against the earth ... and harm it in every manner
... And with your whole body you trample and injure the earth ...
And you martyr and ill-treat this Living Soul from which you were born,
And it cries out and laments constantly because of your hands that
mistreat it. You auditors who stand there laden with so much sin and
guilt, you need absolution and grace once and for all for your many
Therefore ask the elect day after day for conventions(?) and absolution
so that they ... may bring grace upon you.
(eight lines missing)
They (the perfect auditors) are like a man who is ... healthy in his
body and free from pain, and who has no pain or illness of any kind.
Yet he scratches himself a little at some limb, and he stands up
restlessly and turns to it (that limb) again and again, and wonders
when this sore will be healed, so that his whole body will be well
and free from pain.
And again, they are comparable to a rich man who ... is not used to
borrowing anything from anyone. And the necessity for something
arises and he borrows a drachm from someone else.
Thereafter, he constantly thinks, "When will I pay back the drachm
to my creditor according to .. "
Similar to that ...