He turned again and said:
"The Darkness, the Enemy, on the other hand, received three hard blows and suffered three wars and menacing perils on the part of the Light in these three wars."
"The first blow: He was removed from the center and separated from his
Land of Darkness, from whence he had come.
He was vanquished in the first war and seized and bound by the Living
"The second blow: This is the time when he is dissolved and melted away in the great fire and destroyed and annihilated, out of the images, which are all the things in which he exists, and gathered into the fetters corresponding to his first appearance, and so he shall become as he was at the very beginning."
"The third blow, which will strike the Enemy, is the setting in of the end, and the male is parted from the female. The male shall be chained up in the bolos [heap] but the female shall be cast into the grave. He shall be divided into pieces [lacuna] stone in their center of all generations and eternities."
"This is the manner the Enemy shall be bound, in heavy and painfull bondage from which there is no way out, ever, but they have succeeded in separating him off and have separated him off for eternity." "For this reason I say to my loved ones: Hearken to my words which i proclaim to thee. Hold fast to the works of life!" "Endure persecutions and temptations, which will come to you, fortify yourselves in these commandments which I gave you, that you may escape the second death and these last bonds, in which there is no hope of life, and that you may avoid the evil end of the deniers and blasphemers who have seen the truth with their own eyes and have turned away from it. They shall come unto the Place of Punishment at which there is no day of life. For the shining Light shall hide from them, and from that hour onward they shall not see it. The wind and the air shall be taken from them, and from them they shall receive no breath of life from that hour onward. Water and dew shall be removed from them and they shall never again taste these." "Hail to all those who escape the end of the sinners and deniers and avoid the ruin which confronts them in concealing for all eternity!"