A Manichaean Hymn in Parthian.
I will bring praise to your Light,
Second Great One, God Narisaf,
Beautiful form, radiance,
Judge and observer of all ...
Light with a thousand eyes ...
Where you set is extinction, and Light is where you arise.
With you lives the Mother of the Righteous,
with you abides also the Living Spirit;
With you are the mighty Fathers that gathers pearls,
The twin lights, the two great lamps.
It is a house of peace where the gods abide,
They move the world and radiant light.
Full of joy are the divine abodes,
The noble ships, the ferries that are created by the word.
The mighty powers, the giants eager for battle,
Withdraw Light from all creatures.
In two bright forms they seduce the demons of wrath,
As in open joy of heart
They come and go independently and in wondrous power.
The chariots of Light are the gate to the Kingdom,
Joyful are the melodies that sound from them.
You will I praise, God Narisaf,
Honor first to you and to your whole Greatness;
In your mercy redeem even me, your child.