[God warned us that He would pu]nish all our iniquities, but because [we] did not listen to [the war]ningl that all these things would befall us, now is there naught we can do.2 By the evil of [our deeds3 we have cancelled) His covenant (with us) .4
Woe unto us!
5 [Our temple] has gone up in flames;5 the [shrine] which was our pride8 has been turned into [rubble]; no more is there within it the sweet savor of sacrifices.
[Men have come trampling] in [their sandals]7 the courts of our sanctuary.
[All the sacred] ve[ssels] have been [carried away] (?).8
Jerusalem, which was once a [joyous] city, is made over to wild beasts,9 with no one to [rescue her].10 [Deserted] are her squares,
10 her mansions all [abandoned], [her highways] desolate, with never a pilgrim upon them.11
All the cities of [Judah have been laid waste;12 the land of) our heritage has become like a wilderness, an un[inhabited] tract.18 No sound of merriment is heard anymore within it, [No one] seeks [our welfare,14 nor is there] any man [who has carried the lo]ad of our pain;15 and (all the while) our foes [have been lolling at ease].16
15 Our transgressions [are past all counting], and our sins [have denounced us).17
Woe unto us!
God's anger flared [against us],18 and we shared the defilement of the dead,19 Is[rael became) like a wife grown loathsome, [Our mothers showed no pity] for their babes; Our womenfolk were turned into harpies,20
5 [shorn of all the charm of] their youth.21 Our sons were undone;22 [numbed] by winter's cold, our daughters, instead of dwelling [secure] in [their fathers'] homes, [hugged] the dunghills23 with wizened hands; when they begged for water, no one pou[red it for them]. They that were worth their weight in gold
10 [were deemed but] worthiess [shards],24 reared though
they were in purple,25 decked in fine gold, garbed in [linen]
and lawn, man[tied] in blue and brocade.26 The (once) tender
maidens of Zion [became
.. ].
* * *
[Ah, how she sits] alone, [the city once full of people!]27
5 Once the princess of all nati[ons],28 now is she desolate, like a woman abandoned! all her daughters too like a woman abandoned, like a woman cast down and cast off.29
Her mansions all and [her] wal[ls], (empty of all life,) are become like a barren wife,80 and all [her] roads like one left destitute.31
Her .are like a woman in bitter grief,82 and all her daughters like those who mourn their mates; ...her [matrons] are like (mothers) bereaved of an only child.33
Bitterly Jeru[salem] weeps, [and her tears run] down her cheeks;84 on account of her sons [ ]
10 she [has been wa]il[ing] and moaning.85