Early Church Fathers (only a few of my favourites)

The Didache
The Martyrdom of Polycarp
Adrian in behalf of Christians
1st Apology of Justin Martyr
2nd Apology of Justin Martyr
Justin’s Discourse to the Greeks
Justin’s Hortatory Address to Greeks
Justin-sole government of God
Justin-the Resurrection
Fragments of Justin’s writings
Epistle of Antoninus
The Epistle of Barnabus
Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians
The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus
1st Epistle of Clement of Rome
2nd Epistle of Clement of Rome
Fragment of Papias
(Not online yet)
Martyrdom of the Holy Martyrs
(Not online yet)
Marcus Aurelius to the Senate
The Shepard of Hermas

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