Wulf's list of companions has grown over the years, leading some to write me asking me to please, please, put them all in one place so that they can all be kept track of. Here is what I hope to be an exhaustive list of all the characters, big and small, male and female, lustful and otherwise, who populate Wulf's world. This section should serve as a suitable dramatis personae and handy overview of Wulf's various friends, enemies, lovers and rivals. The (d) indicates that the character is deceased. "Appearances" includes stories in which the character appears "off-screen" or is mentioned prominently.

This list is accurate up through (I think) Gates of Steel. I'll update it soon.

Aelfryn (d)
"You are the one called 'Wulf'?" the elf asked in a distant, vaguely arrogant tone, looking with disdain at the glass of 40-year-old Port Angel Mist which the serving wench had set before him. His gaze suggested that he would rather drink his own urine. -- Stormking

One of  Princess Theanna's defenders, sent by Nyta Silverheart to find someone to escort her to safety while not attracting the Stormking's attention. Unfortunately, Aelfryn was murdered by the Hunters soon after contacting Wulf. With Livia's help, Wulf disposed of Alfryn's body and escaped from Stoneburg, barely ahead of Lothaera and the Hunters. Appearances: Stormking

Through the opening came a remarkable vision. It was a woman -- human, and by the look of her hailing from Litharna or Murvane. She was short, pale-skinned, with a tiny, triangular face and large, brown eyes. Her hair was jet black, tied into a long braid which hung down behind her. She wore a pale lavender satin robe, which swished and moved alluringly as she approached me. -- Jungle Moons

A Xeshite slave-woman originally owned by Countess Xylara. Outwardly a highly submissive woman, Alrynna was nonetheless canny and intelligent. When Wulf persuaded Xylara to free her slaves, Alrynna stayed on voluntarily, continuing as lover to both Xylara and her sister Nineh. She later met and was briefly involved with Livia. Appearances: Jungle Moons, Jungle Goddess

Muscle-headed loser introduced to Livia by Rhaetha. Enjoyed various intimate relations with the two women while Wulf watched. Indulged Livia in her fondness for anal sex. Probably an athletics major or plays in a rock band or something. Appearances: Stormking

Human necromancer who served Lord Theamon. Also in service to his own dark gods, he had his own agenda, using his undead legions to destroy the Xeshite city of Xuin, and then to seek out and attempt to destroy the Jungle Goddess. If born, the goddess could drive his masters from Xesh and close it off to necromantic magic forever. Defeated by the Jarreks and the crew of the Skate, Breann fled to Xesh City, where he was slain by Theamon, who presented his head to Xylara as a peace offering. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

Brother Maynard (d)
Real name unknown. The Xehite nobleman Xulla’s annoying sidekick. Masqueraded as a Kyboran priest in order to help Xulla entrap women for his "collection." Killed by the invisible elf assassin on the Princess Xura. Appearances: Stormking

1) Wulf's alter-ego, an n'doro or Lion-Man, a guise he received as a practical joke from a Sholanti sorcerer. Captured by humans, he was sold into slavery in Xesh, where he served Countess Xylara. Later, he reassumed the disguise in order to infiltrate Lady Thae'Lynn's secret army. 2) Lost male from "Wulf's" pride of female n'doro. After defeating the Snake Daemoness, Wulf freed Chuma, but didn't bother to tell him that he'd fooled around with the females. Appearances: Heart of the Lion, Jungle Moons, Nemesis, Dragon's Eye, Gates of Steel

Cwynneth Devora, Lord
Dark elf nobleman. Second Scion of Dragon Cliffs, Defender of the Ninth Ring of Ma'ax, and Initiate of Trigon's Inner Chamber. Agent of Thae'Lynn N'Quy who made contact with Ilvraxx the Besieger, wishing to hire him to kill Wulf. Later served Thae'Lynn when she took control of the dark elf realms. Appearances: Night in Vosgraad

Dark elf noblewoman of House Yth'ela. Friend and sometime lover of Wulf, Narisha and Liva. Inadvertently responsible for Livia and Narisha getting together (but that story hasn't been told yet). Her family was killed by Thae'Lynn, forcing her to flee and seek refuge on board the Skate. Young, somewhat innocent, and a potentially powerful sorceress, she's as darkly beautiful as most of her kind, and is remarkably free of the taint of sadism and violence that normally plagues her race. United with Narisha and Maeth to help manifest the jarreks' jungle goddess, during which time they drove the undead from Xesh, closed the Dragon's Eye, and helped the Xeshites liberate their realm from the elves. Though she hasn't gotten vengeance on Thae'lynn yet, don't count the little minx out. Appearances: The Demon Crown, Nemesis, Jungle Goddess

Skeletally thin, with frosty blue hair, quiet, possessed of a cold and deadly intelligence. Daughter of a union between Count Utharzi and a Litharnan mistress, who died in childbirth. -- Jungle Moons

Sister of Countess Xylara.  Along with her brother, Thorvaz, Daeshi plotted against Xylara, then ran House Utharzi after their father's death. When Thorvaz discovered that she enjoyed orgies with the men of rival House Yamazz, he forced her to join his plot to kill Xylara and Nineh, thus taking total control of Utharzi, she was captured by Wulf (in his guise as Chuma) and repented of her evil ways. Appearances: Jungle Moons

Daevos (d)
Jae the stone elf's cousin. Died defending the Uxalt River garrison. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

Dakkin, Lord (d)
Best friend of Lord General Feanor. Slain in battle for Jarrek temple, then raised as a zombie by Ezikhan. Appearnaces: Dragon's Eye

Daughter of Captain Saquod of the Vile Raper. Blonde, full-bodied, lustful, and eager to please her education-minded mother, Sakkolia. Agrees that she needs a rich husband, and is busy learning every sexual technique in the cosmos in order to get one. Nice in her own way, but kinda creepy. Appearances: Stormking

Davalkar (d)
One of Thae'lynn's mad priests. Died at the hands of the black unicorn Valla, but died happy. Appearances: The Red and the Green

This was Dhruul, oldest and greatest of the dragons, his scales stained black with age, his spines as hard as diamonds and sharp as razors, his claws like the swords of a dozen angry gods. His name meant “thunder” and the last time he had awoken, a mountain lay splintered in his wake. To the elves, he was a god. To others, he was a devil. -- Nemesis

Though he slumbered, the dragon Dhruul was awakened by Lady Vaenetha and controlled by the magic of Duchess Thae'lynn. Corrupted and turned to the ways of evil, he aided Lord Feanor in his war of conquest. Appearances: Nemesis, Dragon's Eye

Doleath (d)
Brother of the elvish hero Halvarath. Slain by Halvarath, wielding the sword Vasha Kultha. Halvarath then started a terrible war of purification that almost destroyed the elven realms. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Dulak the Slaver
A human freebooter and slave trader who took Li Shu's sister. Li has sworn vengeance and continues to follow Dulak and her sister across Thytra. Appearances: Stormking

Durenna Snowtree, Lady
Elven noblewoman who opposed Lord Feanor's plans for conquest. Appearances: Nemesis

Elven Statues
Seven elf women transformed into eternal guardians of the demigod Valaron. They come to life when his tomb is entered, and challenge the intruder in a manner best suited to his nature. Needless to say, they all wanted to have sex with Wulf. Their real names aren't known, but they are now named for the substance of their respective statues: Onyx, Jade, Sapphire, Amethyst, Topaz, Ruby and Diamond. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Emeralis, Marshal
One of Thae'lynn's infantry commanders. Appearances: Nemesis

Eva (d)
Former Litharnan milkmaid, transformed into a vampire by Lady Yasmin, servant to the vampire lord Thazar. Attempted to transform Wulf into a vampiric slave, but was slain by the timely intervention of Livia. Appearances: All Souls Night

Ezikhan the Traitor
The greatest traitor in elvish history. Killed the High King centuries ago, and was sentenced to eternal torment. Unfortunately, Feanor, under the control of the dragons, summoned the damned sorcerer back to Thystra during the invasion of Xesh. Ezikhan then took defacto control of the invasion, using resurrected elvish warriors to enhance his undead legions. Appearances: Dragon's Eye, Jungle Goddess, Gates of Steel

Feanor, Lord General
High Commander of elvish armies and, until recently, loyal servant of the Silver Lady. Corrupted by Lady Vanaetha and persuaded to lead a "cleansing" crusade against the "inferior races," he is now thoroughly corrupted, allied to the liche Ezikhan, and engaged in a genocidal war against Litharna. Appearances: Nemesis, Dragon's Eye, Jungle Goddess, Gates of Steel

Captain of the Bluefin, which transported Wulf to Murvane. Something of a religious fanatic, he kept trying to lend Wulf his sacred books for study, a prospect which appealed to Wulf slightly more than committing suicide. Appearances: Stormking

Pegasus mount of the elf warrior Raven. Served Wulf when he agreed to avenge Sarra's death. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Halvarath (d)
Elvish hero who created the enchanted blade Vasha Kultha to utterly destroy his evil brother, Doleath. Upon slaying Doleath, however, Halvarath embarked upon a destructive crusade to purge elven lands of "evil" (or whatever he thought was evil). Halvarath ended up an undead monster, possibly slain by Wulf and Sarra during the orcish invasion of the elven realms. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Grey (d)
One of Nineh’s pleasure slaves. Helped initiate Xylara into the sybaritic pleasures of Xeshite society, but unfortunately died some time later when he didn't look out for dragon lizards while crossing a river. Appearances: Jungle Moons

Grofim (d)
Adjutant to Thrazz, leader of the orcish invasion of the elven realms. Died in final battle, slain by Thae'lynn's dark elves. Appearances: The Red and the Green.

Gshar (d)
One of Thae'lynn's minotaur chair bearer/sex slaves. Talented but dumb. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Guldor (d)
Commander of the Uxalt River Garrison. Killed by Narisha. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

Gustal (d)
Leader of the dissidents in Guldensberg. Wanted to worship in the old ways, contrary to the dictates of Litharna's leaders. Disobeyed Mayor Ulfred and went to the cemetery to observe All Souls' Night, but was transformed into a zombie by Lord Thazar for his trouble. Appearances: All Souls Night

Heatham, Lord (d)
Commander of White Empire's Veldtlands expedition. Arrogant to a fault, he expected the "natives" to easily submit to his army, but was slain by the Sholanti in the battle on the plains. Appearances: Heart of the Lion

Ancient high priest of the Xeshite jarreks. Granted that heralded the coming of the Jungle Goddess, he led his people to save Countess Xylara from the necromancer Breann, then took Daedora, Narisha and Maeth to his temple, where they helped birth the goddess herself. Heesh'kra still serves his people as spiritual leader in their endeavors to forge a new realm where jarreks, humans and elves can live in peace. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

Heldamar, Lord
An elven counselor who opposed Feanor's plans for conquest. Mysteriously vanished soon after Feanor's triumph in council. Appearances: Nemesis

Helgrun (d)
Local in Guldensberg who helped Wulf out. Killed by the zombies, unfortunately. Appearances: All Souls Night

Herula, Marshal
One of Thae'lynn's female commanders, a black-pelted tandu. Not a bad woman, overall, and gave Wulf's career the boost it needed. The pressures of command are considerable, however, and Herula enjoys being tied up, spanked and ravished wildly. Appearances: Dragon's Eye, Gates of Steel

Ilvraxx the Besieger, Lord
Professional assassin hired by the dark elves to kill Wulf. When Wulf, with help from Udo and Rhiann killed Ilvraxx's two nightstalkers, Ilvraxx swore vengeance. Appearances: Night in Vosgraad

Imral (d)
Elf warrior from Chalice Citadel. Highly hostile toward Wulf, he died when the orcish army arrived to besiege the citadel. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Barmaid in the city of Kordelis. Gave Wulf aid, comfort, affection and sex when he was feeling down, but then went totally off the deep end and accused him of using her. Go figure. Cute and multi-orgasmic, but not a really good long-term companion, despite Wulf's initial impressions. Appearances: Dragon's Eye, Gates of Steel

Female dragon, one-time associate of Ezikhan. Didn't have to be turned by Thae'lynn's agents, since she's always been kind of evil, but has covered it up since Ezikhan's time. Now she serves as mount to the resurrected necromancer. Appearances: Nemesis, Dragon's Eye

Female tatooist in Vosgraad, adds Rhiann's geas-required body decoration. Highly alluring, she nonetheless wears a heavy cloak and veil, making Wulf quite curious. Appearances: Night in Vosgraad

Ixalia, Captain
Commander of Xeshite ship Raven. Perished at the hands of Lord Feanor and the dragon Dhruul, though she was brave and went down fighting. Appearances: Dragon's Eye

Lover of Shendra. Was impersonated by one of Ilvraxx's nightstalkers, who then murdered Shendra after making love to her. Appearances (sort of): Night in Vosgraad

Expatriate elf and Dreamweed dealer. Companion of the ogre Violent Bahb. Tall, skinny, crafty-looking, and wields profanity the way a fine artist wields his brush. Appearances: Dragon's Eye, Gates of Steel

Karl (1)
Shark companion of the mermaid Pearl. Bore Wulf to the elven isles so he could warn of the orcs' invasion. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Karl (2) (d)
Local in Guldensberg. Another guy who helped out Wulf but got zombified for all his trouble. Appearances: All Souls Night

Barmaid encountered during Wulf's travels in Litharna. They had a brief fling, but her jealous husband showed up and threatened to castrate Wulf, forcing him to flee, ironically into a village about to be attacked by the evil vampire lord Thazar. Appearances: All Souls Night

Dwarf crewmen from the Skate, killed by a river monster in Xesh. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

Kyric (d)
Xylara’s brother. An athletic, muscular black-haired young man of great bravery, but little intelligence. Deceased. Fell off a roof while drunk. Appearances: Jungle Moons

Kytthu (d)
Daedora’s mother. Perished in the siege of Lizard Crag, House Yth'ela's citadel. Appearances: Nemesis

Li Shu
Kaitian warrior-female, companion and lover of Wulf. When her sister was kidnapped by the human slaver Dulak, she set on a quest to rescue her, and in the process met Wulf  on board the Bluefin. Later became a slave to the Stormking and was supposedly "tamed" by the wolfen Tanu, but she instead turned the tables and reduced the wolfen to servitude. She became lovers with the elven princess Theanna, and joined the orcish captain Skrall on board the corsair Conqueror, but intends to continue her quest as soon as she learns more of her sister's whereabouts. On the scale of Wulf's true loves, Li Shu is definitely one of the top candidates, along with Livia and Ushandra. Appearances: Stormking

Sorceress and all-around sex kitten, Livia was probably born in the White Empire under circumstances similar to Wulf. Experienced the horrors of domestic life in an abusive marriage, then discovered she had a knack for magic, and set out on the life of a Freelance. Saving money, she settled in Stoneburg, where she engaged in carnal excesses of every description with a wide range of men and women. Became lovers with the demoness Narisha when Daedora's love spell misfired (a tale which has yet to be told), then met Wulf while retrieving her skull wand from the vampire lord Thazar. She boinked him wildly under a waterfall in southern Litharna, but pretty much rejected him from that point on, finally changing her mind while under yet another love spell, this one the work of Narisha. She's since continued in her excessive carnal ways, being lovers with such diverse individuals as the orc pirate Skrall, the wolfen tamer Tanu, the muscle-headed Arlis, the dark elf Daedora, the Xeshite women Xylara and Alrynna, and many more. Once somewhat mercenary and self-involved, she's since mellowed under the influence of Wulf and Narisha, and has matured into a powerful sorceress. Appearances: All Souls Night, Night in Vosgraad (sorta), Stormking, The Demon Crown, Nemesis, Dragon's Eye, Jungle Goddess

Lord Faela M'Than, Lord
Dark elf. Lover of Lord Cwynneth. Patriarch of his house by the time of Nemesis. Appearances: Night in Vosgraad, Nemesis

Lothaera, Lady (d)
Renegade elf, noblewoman of House Sunfollower. The Stormking’s chief conspirator and leader of his elite guards, The Hunters. Ordered by the Stormking to seduce Theanna and reduce her to a state of utter subservience, Theanna instead fell in love with her prisoner, and turned on the Stormking, helping Wulf and Theanna defeat him in the battle with the Sea Griffon Fleet. Died at the Stormking's hands, but not before receiving absolution from the distraught Theanna. Appearances: Stormking

Sorceress serving with Guldor in the Uxalt River Garrison. A member of the sect known as the Renunciates, Maeth was sworn to silence, and performed her magic spells without vocal incantations. Captured by the crew of the Skate, Maeth ended up turning against the occupation of Xesh, eventually becoming lovers with the dark elf Daedora and Narisha. The three of them then became avatars of the Jungle Goddess an helped defeat the necromancer Maeth. Maeth has given up her vow of silence, and decided to remain behind in Xesh to help rebuild the realm, serving as an advisor to Lord Theaemon, leader of the Xeshite elves. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

Summoned from his hellish domain, the daemon lord Mazzor became Thae’lynn’s lover, and was stranded on Thystra when Valaron closed his gate back home. He now remains in the dark elf realms, serving as Thae'lynn's minion and chief ally. He hopes to one day return home or, worse, unite Thystra with his realm in hell. Appearances: The Red and the Green, Stormking, Nemesis, Dragon's Eye, Gates of Steel

Sholanti sorcerer who transformed Wulf into the lion-man Chuma. He later appeared to Wulf and urged him to use his magical powers to fight the Snake Daemoness. Appearances: Heart of the Lion

Naedor (d)
Elf of the Uxalt River Garrison. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

Nae’mitz, Admiral
Commander of the Silver Lady's Sea Griffon Fleet. Helped defeat the Stormking, then aided Wulf and the crew of the Skate during Lord Feanor's war of conquest. He remains in command, but secretly opposes Feanor's genocidal plans. Appearances: Stormking, Nemesis

One of  Thae'lynn's female lovers. Appearances: Stormking

Demoness, lover of Wulf, Livia, Daedora, and everyone else she can get her hands on. Daughter of Lord Cammon the Flayer, a prominent demon nobleman. She's tough, demanding, a monster with a sword, but is loyal to the end. Her association with Wulf began when she hired him to retrieve a lost crown, then continued when she ensorceled both him and Livia to fall in love with her. Interestingly enough, their emotional involvement continued even after the spells had worn off, and today the three remain together. Narisha likes to tease her lovers and can be an outright dominatrix when the mood strikes her, but she is in reality a kind and caring individual. Like most demons, she's obsessed with sex and sensorial enjoyment, but that's really what makes her so appealing, isn't it? Appearances: Demon Crown, Nemesis, Dragon's Eye, Jungle Goddess

Murvanian spy with a network of communication crystals that allow her to keep tabs on subjects throughout Thystra. Exhibitionistic minx with incredibly long hair and a body to die for. Friend (or possibly more) to Narisha, and associate of Wulf, whom she enjoys teasing. Appearances: Dragon's Eye, Jungle Goddess

One of Tha'lynn's male toadies. Did Lady Vanaetha while all the dark elves watched. Kind of undistinguished otherwise. Appearances: Nemesis

She lounged indolently on a low couch, naked but for light scarves draped over her body, more for aesthetic effect than for warmth or protection. Thick, golden ringlets cascaded from her head, across broad white shoulders, framing a round, soft-featured face. Vain and self-indulgent, Nineh wore cosmetics constantly, her large blue eyes surrounded by black lines of kohl, her eyelids painted sapphire blue and purple, her lips constantly stained blood red. The rest of her body, inadequately concealed by orange and red silken scarves, was lush and full, her breasts pale pillows with large pink nipples, now slightly erect and swollen beneath the light silk, her hips wide and flaring, stomach and thighs full and inviting. Though her rivals and those outside the family often made disparaging comments about her body, calling her fat or corpulent, but Xylara always thought that Nineh's body fit her exquisitely, rounded, lush, excessive, yet also aesthetic and pleasing -- the sort of body which invited adoration and exuded raw desire. -- Jungle Moons

Sister to Countess Xylara. Blonde, lush bodied, Nineh is generally thought to be dedicated to overindulgence in wine, herb-smoke and dream powders, dedicated only to more and more elaborate debauchery with her harem of slaves, the first of which she recruited when she was but fourteen years old. In reality, she is a canny and intelligent woman who wants the world to think of her as a brainless libertine. She aids Xylara in the administration of her household and, now, of all of Xesh. She's still a total perv, though. Appearances: Jungle Moons

Nur (d)
One of Thae'lynn's minotaur-cum-sex slaves. Betcha didn't know what "cum" really meant, did you? Appearances: The Red and the Green

Nuthru (d)
Daedora’s father. Died at the siege of Lizard Crag. Appearances: Nemesis

Wulf’s winged one healer. Healed Wulf in the way of her people (yadda, yadda), but really wasn't interested in getting emotionally involved. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Nyta Silverheart, Lady
Third ranking of House Nythorin., sorceress of the Eleventh Circle, and Mistress of the Sunblade. Helped Theanna escape from the Stormking and made contact with Wulf, asking his assistance. Present whereabouts unknown, but she probably opposes Feanor's faction. Appearances: Stormking

Nyxra (d)
Sister of Xylara -  dusky skinned and black haired, dedicated to her father and apparently untouched by the malevolence and perversity which lurked in the Xeshite soul. Drowned while sailing. Appearances: Jungle Moons

Member of Skate's crew, a shaven-headed woman with a tough demeanor. Survived an attack by a Xeshite river serpent. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

Parval Syxari
Xylara’s lover, betrays her to her brother Thorvaz. He's well rewarded, but when Xylara comes to power, he is mysteriously discovered in bed with an entire orc squat-ball team and exiled. Present whereabouts are unknown. Appearances: Jungle Moons

Mermaid who rescued Wulf when he was thrown from Thae'lynn's flagship. He implies he meets her again later, but we haven't seen that yet. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Rak (d)
Thae'lynn's favorite minotaur, for obvious reasons. Died in the final battle with Thrazz's troops. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Raven (d)
Husband of the elf druidess Sarra. Killed in a Cold Island raid on the Runehall. Returned as a spirit, urging Wulf to avenge Sarra's death. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Reanna Nythor, Duchess
Dark elf noblewoman. Mother of Baroness Shav’rae. Appearances: Night in Vosgraad

Red haired woman, lover of Livia. Introduces her to the muscle-headed Arlis. Really enjoyed watching him do her. Cute but shallow. Appearances: Stormking

Rhalatha (d)
Wulf’s sadistic elvish sergeant during the Veldt Lands invasion. Died at the battle on the Veldt. Appearances: Heart of the Lion

Lastlander warrior-woman who helped Wulf fight the nightshades in Vosgraad. Under geas to receive a new tattoo for every enemy she slew. Occasionally engages in... other activities while getting tattooed in order to distract her from the pain. Appearances: Nitght in Vosgraad

Rhyn Starseer (d)
An elvish heroine, bardic warrior whose voice was known throughout the land, whether barking orders or singing a heroic ballad. Slain in Xesh and transformed into a zombie by the evil liche Ezikhan. Appearances: Dragon's Eye

Rose (d)
Female centaur. In Wulf’s unit during Veldt expedition, died in battle with the Sholanti. Appearances: Heart of the Lion

Rytharim Blackhand (d)
Elvish master of the Swooping Eagle martial school. Known as a prime daemon-slayer, he was himself killed during the battle with the Jarreks in Xesh and was transformed into a zombie by the liche Ezikhan. Appearances: Dragon's Eye

Wife of Saquod, captain of the Vile Raper. She took a major interest in the education of her daughter Danni, insisting on counseling her in all the various ways of pleasuring a man, in hopes of getting her a rich husband. Wulf found the whole thing, well, kind of weird. Appearances:  Stormking

Captain of the Vile Raper. Husband of Sakkolia, and father of Danni. Quite jealous of his wife and protective of his daughter (and apparently blissfully unaware of their carnal excesses), once fed an overly-lustful crewman to a pool full of blood eels. Appearances: Stormking

Sarra (d)
Elf druidess who helped save Wulf from an undead dragon during the war with the orcs. Once married to Raven, she found new love with Wulf, only to be killed by goblins. She returned, briefly, to share some intimate moments with Wulf before returning to elven paradise, presumably to join her husband for eternity. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Shadera Yth’ela (D)
Daedora’s aunt. Helped her escape from Council Spire during Thae'lynn's coup d'etat, but perished in the seige of Lizard Crag. Appearances: Nemesis

Second-string sorcerer who ran a communications business in Snakehold. After rescuing him from thugs working for the local crime boss, Wulf recruited him into the effort against the Stormking. Shardin later joinge Skrall and company on board the pirate ship Conqueror. Appearances: Stormking

Shendra (d)
Friend and sometime-lover of Wulf’s from Vosgraad. Killed by the nightstalkers who appeared in the guise of her other lover, Jacku. Appearances: Night in Vosgraadi

Sherynia Dothalos, Colonel
Commander of the all-female mercenary unit known as the Furies. Seduced by Lady Thae'lynn, and now is pretty much under her thumb. Appearances: Dragon's Eye

A tandu, member of Skate's crew. Called upon by his ancestral spirits to defend the newly-born Jungle Goddess of Xesh, he fought ferociously on behalf of Daedora, Narisha and Maeth, eventually helping to lead the defense of the Jarrek temple against attack by Maeth's undead warriors. Like Maeth, Shiika decided to remain behind in Xesh and serve the new deity. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

Ushandra’s warcat. Appearances: Heart of the Lion

Sigurd (d)
Dwarf. Wulf’s companion in the Imperial Veldt expedition. Died helping him escape. Supposedly a distant cousin of Udo, but Wulf has his doubts. Appearances: Heart of the Lion

Silver Lady
Demigoddess and ruler of the Elven Isles. Though her story is not widely known to non-elves, in her realm her life is legendary. Immortal ruler along with the High King, she led her people wisely and well until her husband was murdered by the rebel sorcerer Ezikhan. Proclaimed the greatest traitor in elvish history, Ezikhan was sentenced to eternal torment, but was later released by the Lady's high commander, Lord Marshal Feanor. After the death of her husband, the Lady withdrew for centuries and ruled from behind the scenes. After the Stormking's rebellion and the disappearance of her daughter Theanna, the Silver Lady withdrew further, letting Feanor begin his campaign of conquest without objection. She is a vastly powerful sorceress, but rarely uses her abilities. She has grown old, quiet and very sad over the millennia, leading some to suggest that she may soon leave the mortal realm altogether. Appearances: The Red and the Green, Nemesis

Simenor, Prince
Eldest of the Dragon Princes, advisors to the Silver Lady. Dubious of Feanor's plans for conquest, but nevertheless allowed him to proceed when informed that the dragons were reawakening. Appearances: Nemesis

Orcish commander of the corsair Conqueror, and a hero of the struggle against the Stormking. Former first mate of the Vile Raper, he decided to join Wulf in an attempt to subvert the Stormking and plunder his wealth. He succeeded admirably. Highly homophobic, and concerned about his own sexuality, but may well have a thing for the wolfen Tanu. Time will tell. Appearances: Stormking

Snake Daemoness
Mysterious, beautiful and totally evil creature who captured all the male lion-men and sucked their vital energies through perverse sex acts. Almost did for Wulf, but he exiled her to the Heart of the Lion, where vengeful n'doro spirits hunt her for all eternity. Appearances: Heart of the Lion

Sonal (d)
Elf of the Uxalt River Garrison. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

Ratling stowaway on the Princess Xura, befriended Wulf, Li and Theanna. Heroic, if somewhat unsanitary and outspoken, threw himself alone against a storm daemon, saving Wulf's life. Presently a crewman on board the Conqueror. Appearances: Stormking

Stormking (d)
Initially believed to be a renegade elven sorcerer, the Stormking led a rebellion against the Silver Lady, but was later unmasked as a dark elf working for Lady Thae'lynn. Slain by Princess Theanna, whom he had sought to use against her mother. Appearances: Stormking (well, duh).

Blonde Cold Isle woman serving on board the Conqueror. May have a thing for Shardin. Appearances: Stormking

Ta’loren, Colonel
Dark elf, Second ranking nobleman of House Voal. One of Thae'lynn's chief adjutants. Appearances: Nemesis, Dragon's Eye

Taeleritha the Fair (d)
Elf warrior who singlehandedly held the gates of the Runehall against the Cold Islanders. Famous for her martial skill, she nonetheless perished during the invasion of Xesh, but was resurrected as a zombie by the evil Ezikhan. Appearances: Dragon's Eye

Taelvan Starbow, Lord
Nobleman of House Nythorin. Helped Theanna escape from the Stormking, and helped make contact with Wulf. Strong, quiet and apparently an absolutley deadly fighter. Appearances: Stormking

Wolfen "tamer" who was directed by the Stormking to break Li Shu's spirit and turn her into a submissive sex slave. Apparently successful, Li turned on him and reduced him to servitude instead. Now he is her faithful servant, and may or may not actually get involved with Captain Skrall. Appearances: Stormking

Tarnith, Sergeant
Recruiting sergeant for Black Legion. Shave-headed (except for a zebra-striped mohawk), with one side of her body tattooed in purple vines. Has an artificial silver finger whose precise function isn't yet clear. Perverse and amoral, cavorted with Wulf in his guise as Chuma. Appearances: Dragon's Eye, Gates of Steel

Thae’lynn N’quy
In’choreta, Protector of the Zhalha'sarr'im realms, Keeper of the Black Ring, Duchess of Darkoak Hill, and Mistress of the
Thirty-three Secrets (exactly what those secrets are has never been firmly established). Probably Wulf's most persistent enemy, and responsible for much of the evil which currently plagues Thystra. Thae'lynn first appeared leading the dark elven contingent during Lord Thrazz's invasion of the elvish isles. There she summoned the deamon lord Mazzor and became his lover, created the black unicorn Valla and had sex with him, tried unsuccessfully to seduce Thrazz and take over the invasion, captured Wulf a couple of times, had sex with him and tried to kill him, then killed Thrazz and barely escaped with her life and the enchanted Silver Chalice. Whew!

Since then, Thae'lynn has launched several more attempts to kill Wulf, and was responsible for the evil Stormking and his attempt to overthrow the Silver Lady. Her most recent plan is more complex and devious, using expatriate elves to seduce prominent elven nobles and goad the elves into a war against the rest of the world, one which they cannot possibly win. She's also collecting enchanted items and raising a huge army of mercenaries in preparation for a renewed invasion of the elven homelands.

Physically, Thae'lynn is a combination of the sublime and the profane. Beautiful like all of her kind, she has jet black skin, violet eyes, long silvery hair and a killer body. She's also addicted to body piercing, with rings and studs in about every location possible, and some that aren't (we haven't seen ALL of them yet...). Her subordinates have learned to listen for the jingle of her body jewelry and always make sure to look busy whenever she approaches.

Creatively perverse, she's also something of a bestialist, finding intelligent males (except Mazzor and perhaps Wulf) to be dull and stupid. She has a menagerie of male beasts which she uses for her pleasure, and is fond of watching her various toadies engage in orgiastic excesses. More into domination than the infliction of pain, Thae'lynn has also managed to seduce the dark elven high prince (while figuratively holding her nose) and rise to the position of military dictator of the dark elven realms. As to whether her current scheme will succeed, or what she plans for the future, none can say. Appearances: The Red and the Green, Stormking, Nemesis, Dragon's Eye, Gates of Steel

Thaemon, Lord Marshal
Commander of Xeshite occupation forces in Jungle Goddess. Dissatisfied with the position, and disgusted with his subordinate, the human necromancer Breann, in the end Thaemon surrendered to the Xeshites and appealed to their mercy, after first presenting them with Breann's head. He now leads the elvish faction in Xesh, and is considered a wise and thoughtful ruler. Appearances: Jungle Goddess

Thag (d)
Another one of Thae'lynn's minotaurs/boytoys. Useful as a sedan-chair bearer, but preferred for more specific body parts. Killed by Thrazz's orcs. Appearances: The Red and the Green

One of Nineh’s pleasure slaves. No real personality beyond the willingness to do his mistress any way she asks him to. Appearances: Nemesis

Thavaen, Lord (d)
Commander of Chalice Citadel. Befriended Wulf, but was slain by the daemon Mazzor. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Thazar (d)
Vampire lord. Stole the Black Wand from Livia and tried to use it to raise an army of undead to conquer Litharna. Livia and Wulf ganged up to defeat and destroy him. Appearances: All Souls Night

The Silver Lady’s youngest daughter. Aloof and arrogant when Wulf met her, she slowly learned better, and has since come to learn that other races are brave and honorable. Captured by the Stormking, she was compelled by Lady Lothaera to turn against her mother and act as the rebels' figurehead. Fortunately, Theanna proved to be made of sterner stuff, and turned on the Stormking, and in the end killed him, cursing him as he died. Since then, Theanna has served on board Captain Skrall's ship, Conqueror, and remains lovers with Li Shu and Tanu. Livia and company continue to search for her, hoping that she will help out in the war against Feanor and the dark elves. Appearances: Stormking

Dwarf, great patriarch of the Hillcleaver clan. Palmed the troublesome Udo off on Wulf when he showed up to tell them about Sigurd's death. Appearances: Night in Vosgraad

Thorvaz (d)
Brother of Xylara thin, weak, and gawky, but plainly the brightest and most dangerous of the family. Thorvaz had little time for the elaborate debauchery and affairs which Xeshite tradition demanded, but gave himself instead to the study of sorcery, and the development of an elaborate network of spies, informers and agents throughout his household, and among rival houses as well. Tried to kill Xylara in an attempt to seize total control of House Utharzi, but was slain by Nineh. Appearances: Jungle Moons

Thrazz, King (d)
Orcish king and owner of an extensive mug collection. With Thae'lynn, invaded the elven isles, and gained enlightenment by drinking from the Silver Chalice. Betrayed and slain by Thae'lynn before he could fully investigate his newly-found sensitivity, however. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Wulf’s landlady in Stoneburg. Greedy, demanding woman, as landlady's often are. Appearances: Stormking

Tyreth, Prince
Powerless figurehead of dark elven realms. His opinion and approval are important despite his lack of real political clout, and Thae'lynn easily seduced him, presently keeping him on a short leash and using him whenever she needs some extra clout. Appearances: Nemesis, Gates of Steel

Sister of Xylara- tall, slender, with long black hair that had never been cut, and who wished only to become a priestess of Phaedra; took her vows and renounced all claims on the family estates. Good move, evidently. Apperances: Jungle Moons

Sigurd’s cousin by marriage, twice removed. Drunken little perv, but swings a mean axe when he has to. Appearances: Night in Vosgraad, The Demon Crown, Stormking

Udra (d)
Sister of Xylara pale of skin, with thin, crinkly red hair and deep blue eyes, a schemer and dabbler in black magic. Allied with Thorvaz to destroy Xylara and Nineh, but was killed by Wulf in the battle at the Moon Pool. Appearances: Jungle Moons

Ulfred (d)
Mayor of Guldensberg. Killed by the undead Gustal. Appearances: All Souls Night

Sholanti maiden guardswoman, the only Sholanti to believe that Wulf was not a zombie when he was captured after the destruction of the Imperial invasion of the Veldt Lands. She proved that he was alive by banging his brains out, thus beginning a short but wildly passionate affair. Wulf still remembers her fondly, and since his departure she's had... Well, no... That would be telling, wouldn't it? Appearances: Heart of the Lion

Utharzi yi-Exyndra, Count (d)
Xylara’s father, family Primarch. A cruel, harsh man who nevertheless harbored some affection for his children. Known for his brutal treatment of slaves and his uncompromisingly violent style of military command. Massacred thousands of Jarrek prisoners after an invasion by the lizard-folk, and thought nothing of sacrificing hundreds of his own troops in useless assaults. Presented with evidence of Xylara's treachery, he did not kill her (as he had a right to do), but exiled her and decreed that she could never again enjoy the touch of a man. Died of natural causes, and many hope that he writhes in torment somewhere. Appearances: Jungle Moons

Uxanor, Commander (d)
Xeshite naval commander, died in battle with the elvish armada. Appearances: Nemesis

One of Countess Xylara's guerilla leader in the fight against the elvish occupation. Appearances: Jungle Goddess.

King of the Sholanti. Appearances: Heart of the Lion

Vaenetha Toliurim, Keeper
Former Mistress of Stag Vale and Protector of the Four Keys. Sided with the Stormking against the Silver Lady. After the rebels' defeat, she and about 200 expatriate elves fled to the dark elven realms and threw themselves upon Thae'lynn's mercies. She agreed to let them stay provided they work for her against their own people. Vaenetha was sent to seduce Lord General Feanor and persuade him to go to war with the humans and other non-elves, and to magically enslave the dragons to Thae'lynn's will. So far she has succeeded beyond all expectations, but the price has been high. Given completely over to excess and evil, Vaenetha seeks solace in increasingly perverse sex acts and the violence of Feanor's crusade. Appearances: Nemesis, Dragon's Eye, Gates of Steel

Demigod resembling a humanoid dragon. Believed to have created the elves themselves from the dragons. Slumbers in his tomb in the Elven Isles, guarded by eight living statues of elvish women -- whether automata created by Valaron or volunteers who wished to guard him for all eternity, none can say. Valaron was awakened by Wulf during the orcish invasion, and he returned to Thystra briefly to help save his people. He has since returned to his rest, and none know when or if he will stir again. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Created by Thae'lynn's foul magic, Valla is a black daemon-unicorn, evil and carnivorous. Originally a normal unicorn, Valla was transformed in a twisted rite of sex magic and now serves Thae'lynn in... well... a wide range of roles. Appearances: The Red and the Green, Nemesis, Gates of Steel

Violent Bahb
Silent ogre companion of the renegade elf Jae, Bahb is surprisingly intelligent and sensitive. He only speaks when he has something important to say, and spends much of his time trying to move small objects with the force of his mind. Appearances: Dragon's Eye, Gates of Steel

Vomoss Yth’ela (d)
Daedora’s uncle. Perished in the siege of Lizard Crag. Appearances: Nemesis

Wulf the Freelance
The man who calls himself Wulf was born on the streets of Godshome about 30 or so years ago. No one, least of all Wulf, knows much about his early years, other than the fact that he made his living as a beggar, street urchin and petty thief, before being befriended by the mages at the Imperial Magic College, which he attended until about age 18, when a magical mishap resulted in considerable damage, as well as Wulf's expulsion. Since then, he's made his life as a Freelance, or independent contractor, working variously as a thief, spy, mercenary, delivery boy, explorer, treasure hunter and adventurer. After wandering for several years, he settled down to a life of crime in Stoneburg, but after his fateful meetings with the sorceress Livia and the demoness Narisha, he ended up as part owner of the mercenary cutter Skate, sailing the world in search of adventure. He has a tendency to fall into bed with a wide range of attractive women, to be able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat (and sometimes vice versa), and to escape by the skin of his teeth when the going gets hairy. Wulf is a competent street fighter, a decent swordsman, a passable thief, and a magrinally talented magician. He has fought in wars on the Veldt Lands and in the Elven Isles. He has fought diverse enemies, from evil daemons to enraged orcs and savage wolfen. He's made love to women of almost every race and color, except perhaps dwarfs (and including orc and wolfen, but we haven't gotten to those stories yet). Wulf usually curses his luck, but most people would trade lives with him in a heartbeat. Appearances: Everything but Jungle Goddess

"Wulf's Pride"
A group of six female n'doro who had lost their male (Chuma), and adopted the transformed Wulf as their "male of convenience." After a night of incredible passion, they returned to their normal, non-sexual modes, and ended up persuading Wulf to find out what had happened to all the N'doro males. Appearances: Heart of the Lion

Voluptuous n'doro whose only clothing was a fine gold bracelet.

Distinguished by a silver necklace. Otherwise, as naked and insatiable as the rest of the pride.

N'doro female with soulful black eyes and a real enjoyment of sex during the mating season.

With Ghorra, youngest of Wulf’s “pride.” She made up with enthusiasm for her lack of experience. Spent quite a bit of time orally pleasuring Ghorra, the other youngster.

With Hrakhll, youngest of Wulf’s “pride.” Liked Wulf a lot, but seemed to like licking Hrakhll even better.

Eldest of Wulf’s “pride,” Khurra was polite enough to wait until all her sisters had had their way with him before letting Wulf take her. Experienced and enthusiastic, also very concerned about the missing Chuma.

Xulla (d)
Perverse xeshite nobleman (is there any other kind?) whose hobby involved "collecting" sex slaves of various races. When attempting to "collect" Princess Theanna on board the Princess Xura, however, Xulla was killed by an invisible elf assassin, along with his twisted companion, the phony priest "Brother Maynard." Appearances: Stormking

Xeshite noblewoman, daughter of Count Utharzi. A frail albino with poor health, she was ignored by her family for most of her life, until being introduced to sex and all its ramifications by her sister Nineh. After this, Xylara came into her own, plotting against her father and the rest of her siblings to take control of the household. Betrayed by her lover Parval, she was sentenced to exile at the Moon Pool estate. Further, her father decreed that she would never know the touch of a man. Probably a latent lesbian to begin with, Xylara lived for years at her estate, taking the slave woman Alrynna as her lover and contenting herself with watching males cavort with her various pleasure slaves. When Xylara's brother, Thorvaz tried to kill her and take control of the family, Xylara defeated him and took control of the household herself, voiding all her father's decrees. Since then, she's pretty much stuck with female lovers, however. When the elves conquered Xesh, Xylara led the resistance, eventually defeating the invaders with help from Livia, Narisha, Daedora and the crew of the Skate. Proclaimed Primarch, Xylara then abolished slavery forever, declared peace with the Jarreks and accepted the elves as Xeshite subjects. She and Nineh now rule the realm, taking lessons learned from Wulf and his companions and putting them into practice. She's still a complete deviant, of course, but that doesn't stop her from being an enlightened ruler. Appearances: Jungle Moons, Jungle Goddess

Yalvar (d)
Thae'lynn's tiger. Yes, she had sex with him. Perished during the orcish invasion of the Elven Isles. Appearances: The Red and the Green

Yasmin (d)
Vampiress, elder servant of Lord Thazar. Recruited the milkmaid Eva as a fellow bloodsucker, but both were slain by Livia when they tried to kill Wulf. Appearances: All Souls Night

Thae'lynn’s former friend, now slave/lover. Lost a running bet with Thae'lynn as to who could get the most piercings, and when Thae'lynn returned from her abortive campaign against the elves, the two renewed their friendship. In the end, Yawesh' agreed to be Thae'lynn's slave and lover, and now is pretty much her compliant sex toy, a role which she seems to relish. She's recently been shaved of all traces of hair. Appearances: The Red and the Green, Stormking, Nemesis, Gates of Steel

Another one of Thae'lynn’s female lovers. Appearances: Stormking

Zurm (d)
One of Thae'lynn's mad priests. Killed by Valla the black unicorn. Appearances: The Red and the Green
