Welcome to the Thystran Art Gallery, where images created by Wulf's readers may be viewed and appreciated. They are organized by artist, and provided in thumbnail format for ease of viewing. To see the full-sized version of each image, just click on the thumbnail. Some of the small images are pretty blurry due to resolution issues, and due to the fact that they are taken from scanned pencil originals, but go ahead and click them -- you'll be impressed!

Please note that all the art here is copyright by its respective creator. It cannot be used anywhere else without that artist's explicit consent. If you're interested in talking to any of these artists about commission work or other arrangements (which I strongly encourage), please contact them through the sites or e-mails listed, or drop me a line and I'll get in touch with them for you.

Below are links to the different artists. I originally had them all on this page, but there was too much material and folks with slower connections were getting killed. Click on the artist's name to see his or her art.

Christi Smith Hayden
Christi is (among other things) a Gargoyles fan artist, and is now producing some outstanding Wulf-related material.


A prolific and talented artist, Morgalla has sent me a wide range of pictures spanning the entire length of the Wulf saga.

An artist from the exotic east, Drool draws in an anime-influenced style that is perfect for Wulf illos. I also include some non-Wulf pictures here, though I'm considering writing stories around them so they'll fit.


Cyanure 99
A french artist who has been producing a goodly number of pix for us of late, he's the latest to have so much as to merit his own page. Nice pencils, and a couple of great color versions. I've added a whole bunch of stuff that he's sent me over the past few months, some of which date to before the great site Meltdown of '04... I've finally added them and given his artwork the place it deserves. There's some outstanding 3D Poser work here, including some images of Narisha, Livia, and some characters of Cyanure's own creation. There's even a couple of guys, but of course they're outnumbered by the babes...

Cyanure has taken to 3D Poser art like the proverbial duck to water, so I'm moving his 3D stuff to a separate page here.

I ended up putting Tanelin into some of the Wulf stories, and now he's come back with yet more cool 3-D art. See if you recognize the characters..



Kurt H. Moller

Kurt's another guy who just kind of popped up unexpectedly. He did three pieces for me as therapy while stuck working a frustrating job in Australia. Hope you like 'em.


Damien Tobin
Some fine anime-style sketches from one of our newest contributors. As always, Wulf's girlfriends get all the attention ;).

Daniel Abad Palacio
This artist hails from the ancient and storied land of Spain, and has a real fondness for lion-folk. His latest is a cover illo for Heart of the Lion, and I hope to see lots more!

Eric Soto
Another new artist, this guy has Narisha, Skrall, Squit, Ezikhan and the Snake Daemoness down cold. I look forward to more from this man.

Freidrich Kiefl
Freidrich, a native of Germany, has been sending me some outstanding art for quite some time, to the point where I've moved him to his own page. Enjoy.

Meet my friend, Faith, a beautiful and talented artist from NYC, the capital of the world.


Allison lives, she tells me, on a farm in the rural east, where she works six days a week, and gets one day off to read my stuff and produce material like this. It's the first pic of Akumi, Wulf's wolfen lover (how's that for alliteration?) and, she tells me, was done with ball point and felt pens. Personally, I think she needs a few more days off each week to work on more stuff like this.


Andreas Oeltjen
The latest art comes from Andreas, an inhabitant of Oldenburg, Germany, who has waited VERY patiently for me to get off my ass and post these kickass pictures of both Wulf and Narisha. Keep 'em coming, Andreas!

These artists each sent one or two pictures, so I'm lumping them together on one page (for convenience's sake only, believe me!). Check 'em out and enjoy! Those guys who have web pages are linked... Phoot, write to me and let me know where you are :) I think Jay's is a little outdated, but it's the best I could find.

Noelani Manawolf



Jay Sprenkle
