Lisa's Story
Part One
written by Snowdog

The lynx crept silently towards the darkened bunker in the post midnight gloom; her breath forming small clouds around her as her pads softly crunched through the snow.    Frowning as she listened, Cadet Major Lisa Slipsunder slipped a grenade from her belt pouch, padding closer to the listening post.   Recognizing the sounds coming from inside the bunker, and catching the scent of sex on the cold morning air, she tossed the grenade into the bunker. There was a soft thump as it hit the rhythmic moaning and panting not slowing.  Counting to three, the lynx fem ducked under the blackout flap, removing the red lens from her flashlight, blinding the three persons inside, catching the two male canines mounting the female raccoon.  The Chow dog erped as he realized they were busted, quickly pulling out and snapping to attention, calling out “room, Attention!”
Lisa stood there for several moments, her hands on her hips just looking at the three, finally turning to the Basset hound  “Cadet Springer, what does the regulations state about sexual activity in the ranks?”
The basset hound looked nervous, lustfogged brain trying to pull up the information  “Ma’am, consensual sex between members of the Freelands Military is allowed as long as there is no degradation of morale or discipline, the parties are not in the direct chain of command, and they are off duty ma’am!”
“And we are in the field, behind the lines with Regular army troops looking for this ROTC unit to wipe us off the map, so are we off duty?  I told you to man this listening post, two of you down and one up, rotating throughout the night, and what do I find? All three of you boinking each others brains out, while anyone could have crept up and tossed a grenade in the bunker, like I did.”   The lynx bent down retrieving her grenade, true it was only a simulator, a flash and a loud bang but no shrapnel, but still the lesson hit home as the three of them winced “You’re DEAD boys and girls...fall in outside, now!” 

The Raccoon bent to pick up her clothes, but Lisa shook her head “like you are, move it cadet!”     The busted ones scrambled for the door. They stood in a line outside of the bunker, the gently falling snow clinging to their fur, and up to their calves, it having been falling steadily all day the day before.   Lisa stood off to the side, calling out “front leaning rest position, MOVE!” 

They quickly got down, assuming the push up position, the Raccoon’s breasts and the two males cocks inches from the snow.”IN cadance...exercise!  Onnnnnnnnnne....” said the lynx, as they dropped down until their upper arms were parallel to the ground, some rather sensitive areas buried in the snow, holding them as she held the count out long. "Two!” the three of them lifted back up until their elbows were locked.  “Threeeee...”down again into the snow.  "One!” as they snapped back, answering back “One!”
20 min.  and 100 slow  push ups later sex was the last thing on any of their minds as she released them , the cadets rushing back into the bunker.    She shook her head, thinking how none of the others took these exercises really seriously.  Many of there were in the Corps for the government to pay for their college, would put in the bare minimum commitment to their military service and leave.  She liked a roll in the sack as much as the next person, but there was a time and a place for everything , deep in enemy terrority, simulated or no was neither the time nor place.  making her way back to the command post for her unit, Lisa froze as a flare burst in the sky, then relaxed slightly as it was off to the west, where 7th Battalion  from Steelbourgh  University was located.   The ROTC units from there and her school, Salmon Hat university had been rivals for years, and Lisa was not overly fond of her counterpart,  Cadet Major Rick Baker, a extremely egotistical fox who considered himself God’s gift to women.    She has butted heads with him more than once, and last summer she ended up  going through airborne training with him.   He didn’t care too much for her either, since she was present when he broke down in the aircraft, refusing to go out the door, until Lisa, stuck behind him and not wanting to miss her chance to jump, kicked him out the door.   she continued down the path and lifted up the flap to her tent, blinking as she saw she was alone,  Cadet Captain Julie Walker wasn’t in the tent where she was when she left.    Pulling her sidearm, the weapon loaded with blanks and a laser transmitter attached to the muzzle which activated sensors in the harness everyone wore out here to determine if a shot was a hit or miss she looked around.  Deciding something was screwy, she rang the field phone to Brigade headquarters.

75 meters away in the brush, two figures in white camouflage were watching the lynx mix through the infrared goggles attached to their helmets.   The taller of the two didn’t even need any camouflage, his thick white fur blending in perfectly with the snow covered terrain, only the black of his nose and pads, and his ice blue eyes showing.   His companion, a female cougar, scanned the perimeter through her infra red scope on her sniper rifle “I Don’t know why they’re using us for this SD, I mean ambushing a ROTC unit is something we could do in our sleep.”
The Samoyed just grinned “Don’t let their lack of experience fool you Pinky, I’ve worked with  these cadets.  Besides, you know for a fact a lot of the times the units we go up against aren’t filled with crack troops, it will be good for the unit to run against them, and good training for the Cadets.”
The cougar nodded, scanning the perimeter  “So which one’s your girlfriend?” she asked slyly, chuckling as she caught the samoyed’s reaction  “yes we know what you been doing up there at Salmon Hat, more than just working on your masters degree I hear.”
Jeb chuckled “Lemme guess, Ears picked up something didn’t he?”
“Well, when you’re the commander of a DP unit, on extended leave or not, we still tend to keep an eye on each other.  Besides, She’s awful cute in the buff” she added with a quiet grin.
“Why that little rat...Sgt., remind me when I get back to have a little ‘chat’ with our elint tech,  I know he had to put a tap on my phone but a video feed..” 

Staff Sergeant Diane “Pinky” Pathmaker grinned at her commanders reaction “So, do you have any naked pictures of your girlfriend?  Want to buy some?”   She chuckled softly, the Samoyed finally giving in “its not like you didn’t know they were going to do that Sir.”
“True, just forgot about it” he said . “Hope Lisa doesn’t find out” 

“She’s the reason you dragged us out here isn’t she?”
“No, that was the General’s idea,  I’ve been watching her ever since I got ‘drafted’ into being the ROTC instructor, just because I happened to be there working on my pol sci masters degree when their instructor was hit by that bus, I’d met her before that, and was going out with her when it happened.  She may be green , but she’s damn good, and I mentioned to him perhaps we should keep an eye on her.”
Pinky nodded “I been trying to get a bead on her the last 5 min., no joy.   Kid moves like a pro.”
“She grew up on a  tropical island, she and her siblings used to play hunt each other in the jungle.”
“That would explain it “said the cougar quietly.   “how much longer?”
Jeb looked at his watch “nouther hour yet, shit, take a look in the third tent to the left.”
She swung her scope around and suppressed a giggle as on the infra red the picture of several people in various positions showed up on the scope, their movements unmistakable “Daaam Sir, these college kids are one horny bunch...maybe I need to go to college”
Jeb grinned “It isn’t all yiff Pinky,  hell, a lot of hard work actually.”
The cougar snorted “I can imagine, after all she’s what , 10 years younger than you?   how the hell can a old man like you keep up with  her?”
“It aint easy “ he said, watching her bury her face in the snow to keep from laughing.   Grinning, he waited out the last few minuets , thinking back.... 

7 months earlier, Salmon Hat university
Lisa cursed as she pedaled her bike across the campus, she was running late yet AGAIN...  she had gotten mixed up in her roommate’s  latest angst fest , trying to cheer her up after her boyfriend had left her for some vixen medical student, but instead had gotten pissed herself, Julie having to calm her down before she ripped Pete’s head off of his neck.   Dodging pedestrians’ right and left, she braked hard, leaning back as she rode down the long stairway, taking every shortcut she knew.   If she was late again for her analytical chem. class...especially with her mid term exam today. .she didn’t want to think of what would happen to her grades.    Suddenly rounding a corner, she eeeped and braked hard as the sidewalk was totally filled with people, having no where to go but into the bushes, the bicycle tumbling over her head  landing on top of her.   As she lay there stunned, she felt someone lift the bicycle off of her,  setting it off to the side “Are you all right miss?”
She blinked, slowly focusing on the source of the voice...he was taller than her , about 2 meters,  and very well built, that she could see as he only had on a pair of shorts and a backpack, the rest of him covered in thick white fur
“I, I think so” she said as she tried to find purchase to get up, grasping the offered hand as he helped her to her feet, moving to catch her as she winced, her ankle twisted when she fell “OWW! I guess I’m not after all..”   She limped back to she sidewalk , sighing at her now oval front tire. “Damn, now how am I going to get to class?”
The Samoyed picked up the remains of her bicycle,  offering her his arm for support “Where’s your class?  My car is in the parking lot over here, can get you there a lot faster than you will on foot, especially now.”
She smiled a bit “It’s in the Carpenter building, on the other side of campus, and I got less than 5 min. to make it there..”
“No problem” he said with a grin, picking her up and carrying her and the bicycle down the stairs to the parking lot, dropping the bike in the back of a older convertible, and holding the door open for her, then ignoring his own door, jumped in and  hit the starter, the 5.8liter V8 rumbling to life, roaring out of the parking lot.
Four minuets and 27 white knuckled seconds later (for various pedestrians, Lisa was loving the ride)  the big mopar pulled up in front of her building , Lisa’s class luckily on the first floor as she jumped out and hobbled as fast as she could inside , throwing a quick “thanks for the ride!” over her shoulder.
Two loooong hours later she emerged blinking into the light, her brain cells still smoldering from the exam of doom, the other students moaning and groaning as they filed out.  As she looked around, wondering if the strange canine had left her wounded bicycle for her, she saw the Mopar, the Samoyed under the hood tweaking something , her bicycle sitting next to the convertible, the bent front wheel fixed.
“Wow” she thought “he didn’t have to do that” she began to head across the parking lot when a unwelcome voice filled her ears .
“Lisa babe!” shouted  David Love, a vulpine in several of his classes who tried hard to live up to his last name.  She had politely rebuffed him several times , and a few times not so politely, when he tried to grope her at a party, despite the fact he had a sizable ‘harem’.  Still, no one had refused him as often as Lisa had, and it was a matter of pride with the tod, he was convinced that if he could just get her into bed with him she would be his.
She sighed, tired from the test , in pain from her ankle and not wanting anything to do with David, hoping the white dog hadn’t heard, but shit , he was looking over the hood as David caught up with her, his hand reaching out to grab her arm.
“That was some killer test eh babe?  Me an Sophie are goin back to my dorm room to unwind, how’s about you joining us for a lil' three way action...” he smirked , his hand sliding around her waist and up to her  breasts,  standing close behind her , pressing  against her rear.
Lisa growled, spinning on her good foot, grabbing the fox by his neck “Let me explain this to you in single syllable words so you’ll understand... I am not interested in you, I don’t want to go back to your room with you, nor do I want to go to bed with you, or your harem.   You walk up uninvited again and touch me like that and I’m going to bring a complaint against you, understand?”
“Yo, chill don’t know what your missing-“
“I’ve lived this long, I think I can go a while longer” she said as she turned away, only to be grabbed by David again...she sighed, grabbing his arm and throwing him head first into the fountain , sighing to herself.
“Great” she thought , seeing the Samoyed watching along with most of her classmates “I probably scared him off, thinking I’m Psycho Bitch or something.”  But the white dog just stood where he was, grinning as he closed the hood at her approach.
“Nice moves “ he said with a grin “Even with a screwed up foot, how is it anyway?”
“Sore, but I’ve had worse. Thank you for fixing my bike , you didn’t have to do that-“
“It’s not a problems miss-“
“Slipsunder, call me Lisa”
“Jebidiah Kincaid, just Jeb is fine “ said the Samoyed in return.  “Did you make it in time for your test?”
She nodded “barely, and might have even squeaked through on it to boot.”  She experimentally put her foot on the bike pedals, wincing a bit as she pushed down, which the sharp-eyed canine saw.
“You’re not gonna make it too far like that, tell you what? I’ll run you over to the clinic to get that looked at, then drop you off at your dorm.”
She nodded, opening the car door, too tired to argue, as he put the bicycle back in the back seat again, this time using his door.   From the edge of the fountain the soggy fox glared as the dog drove off with ‘his’ girl...
“That mutt’s gonna pay for this. “ he said as he dripped... 

Lisa was worse than she thought, she had a hairline fracture according to the x rays, emerging from the University clinic with her left foot encased in a fiberglass cast  “Damn it, I was going hiking this weekend with my roommate, looks like I’m staying home now.” she grumbled, then sighed “Could have been a lot worse I guess...what do you have on your agenda this evening?” she asked Jeb.
“Not a whole lot, finished my midterms yesterday, why?”
“Come on, I’m starving. I’ll buy, and I don’t wanna hear nothing, you went far out of your way for me today, the LEAST I can do is feed you.”
He nodded and opened the door for her, then got in on the drivers side of the convertible “Where to?”
“Anyplace with seafood, I’m feeling a bit homesick”...
Five hours and many many beers later, Jeb was trying to help Lisa up the stairs to her dorm suite.   She didn’t drink much, and it showed, as he finally had to pick her up and carry her.  They had  parked the car at her place and taken the tram into town, stopping at a Island cuisine restaurant, where they talked for hours, discovering they had plenty in common, Lisa was planning on entering the service when she graduated, and was the cadet commander of her ROTC unit, Jeb was a Captain in the Air Force, currently on extended leave while he worked on his master’s degree in Political Science.  He really wouldn’t tell her too much about what he actually did, just that he was in the Military Police field.  He was older than Lisa by about 9 years, not that that bothered the Lynx much.   He fumbled with the unfamiliar keys, Lisa currently hard pressed to open her eyes, much less the door as she leaned against the canine.    Opening the door, he picked her up again and carried her in, his sense of balance still intact, sitting her down on the couch.   She giggled, patting the seat next to her, where he sat down while she groggily reached for a note she saw on the Coffee table.... 

“Lisa...gone to a party with Trina, be back late, Julie” she read,   blinking “Gee, took her a whole day to get over Pete dumping her.”  She giggled, leaning against Jeb, eyes half closed , purring as his hand lightly scratched her ....

Lisa woke up with  a start, not knowing where she was at first, then groaning as her hangover found her, jumping onto her shoulders to remind her about her drinking the night before. She was in her bed, nude, the memory of last night slowly seeping back into her befogged brain.   Wondering...she slid her paw between her thighs and brought it to her muzzle, sniffing...the only scent was her own musk.  His stock rose a notch in her eyes, too many males on campus wouldn’t have hesitated in jumping her once she passed out.  Smiling to herself , she attempted to sit up, which her stomach informed her was  bad move, laying back down with a groan that carried through the suite , as a few moments later Jeb entered with  a tray containing a picture of coffee, cream sugar and a bottle of aspirin.
“Morning, I was a little too fogged to drive last night so I crashed on your couch, hope you don’t mind.”
“ drank more than I did, how come your so bright eyed this morning?” she grumbled as she clutched the bottle of aspirin, thankfully open, right now she didn’t think she could do a regular cap, much less the child proof ones..
“Many years of practice “ he said with a grin, ducking the pillow as it sailed past his head .  She sipped her coffee, feeling better by the second.
“Do you, uh, have to be anywhere this morning?” she asked , blushing a bit (must be the residual alcohol she thought)   He smiled and shook his head “ took my last final Thursday, I’m done for this semester, I have to fly down to Carolinga for a few days, but that’s not till Tuesday.” 

“You don’t do anything else besides schoolwork?” 

“Not at the moment, my unit is well trained.. they can handle anything that comes up, and if they cant its not like they don’t know where to find me.” he said with a grin.  “The Defense Ministry figures once they approve someone going for an advanced degree, its better to just put them in school and leave them alone until they finish.” 

“Hope they still do that in 10 years or so, when I want to go back “ she said , her tail swishing a bit.  He tried not to be obvious, but she knew he was looking.. she had to go to the bathroom, bad, but with her head still spinning, and her foot in a cast, wasn’t sure if she would make it in one piece, leaving one alternative. 

“Could you give me a hand in the bathroom please?” she said, blushing a bit. He nodded and helped her to her feet, the lynx sort of stumbling as she wasn’t used to the cast still on her foot, the dizziness didn’t help any either.     They entered the bathroom, Lisa sitting down on the toilet, Jeb gentlemanly not noticing anything.   She smiled , coming to a decision, a easy one actually “I need another favor please Jeb.” 

“Sure , what you need?”
The green eyed lynx looked up at the canine with a smile “Someone to wash my back, and maybe my front too, if you think it needs it....”
Jeb smiled and nodded, leaning over to turn on the water to the shower stall, adjusting the temperature “Do you think my cast can get wet?” she asked.
“Yeah, you can even swim with those though they wear you out, I’ve had them before.”
“But you can’t shower with these...” she said, her fingers unsnapping his shorts and pulling them down, unconsciously licking her lips as she saw his cock already erect.  She lowered the canines’ shorts to the floor,  then slowly ran her fingers back up his legs, as she sat on the edge of the tub.  He watched as her fingers slid between his legs, fingertips gently stroking along his shaft, then holding it in her paw as she leaned forwards, her warm rough tongue gently lapping along the underside.   Jeb murred softly, his tail wagging as she slowly licked from the tip down to his scrotum.   He purred softly, his hands softly stroking the side of her face as she ran her tongue around the tip of his shaft.  Lisa looked up, a twinkle in her eye as she opened her muzzle, taking him into her warm soft mouth, her tongue wrapping around his shaft. Jeb’s hands softly ran through her headfur, rubbing her sensitive ears as she began to move , her head bobbing along his cock , slowly at first, the tip pressing a bit deeper with each movement of her head, until her nose was pressed against his groinfur..
“ooohhhh yes..” he moaned as she suckled and licklapped his shaft, one soft paw gently stroking his ballsac.  Jeb’s hips began to move a bit as the lynx’s tongue lapped around his cock , lapping away the drops of precum coating her tongue.   She purred at his reaction, her shorter tail swishing as she suckled harder, her head bobbing up and down his length with increasing speed and suction.  Jeb moaned louder, and she could feel the trembling in his balls as she gently cupped them, slurping hungrily at his shaft until she felt him shudder, his hot seed spraying out into her waiting mouth, coating her tongue.  She yerfed and pulled back, letting the sticky fluid spray across her open mouth and face, then aiming his spray downwards, covering her fur on her breasts and belly.    She licked her lips swallowing her mouthful as he slowly came down, giggling a bit “now I really DO need a shower.” 

She smiled and stepped into the stall, letting the warm water wet down her fur, moving a bit as he joined her inside.  Giggling, she turned around , her wet breasts presses against his chest , arms around his neck.    Jeb reached over and got the shampoo, pouring some in his hands and rubbing them together, then running his hands down her back, lathering up Lisa’s fur.   The feline purred softly, feeling his hands massaging the shampoo into her,  the kissed him then turned around, pressing back against him, his hands moving in small soapy circles through her bellyfur, sliding up to cup her breasts, gently squeezing.  Lisa moaned softly, rubbing her rear against his cock, feeling it harden. 

“I want you inside me” she purrwispered, Jeb nodded as he nuzzled her neck, the lynx bending over, grasping the towel bar as Jeb lightly ran the head of his shaft along the swollen lips of her sex.    Gripping her hips, he slowly slid forwards, his shaft sliding into her tight wet tunnel. 

“Ohhh!” she mewed , pressing back against him, feeling the Samoyed deep inside of her...moaning softly as he began to thrust, his hips moving slowly,  thick cock rubbing along her soft insides, Lisa gently squeezing her muscles around his shaft.  Jeb murred deep in his throat, beginning to move a little faster, his hands leaving her hips, sliding down her body, around to her breasts, fingers gently stroking her nipples   Lisa mewed louder, turning her head to kiss him hotly as he mated her, her soft tongue sliding along his muzzle, into his mouth.   Moaning softly, he varied his movements, sometimes moving slowly inside of her, then accelerating, his shaft slamming into the lynx’s tight sex.   Lisa panted , thrusting and bucking back at him, her slick nectar coating his shaft as he moved, her claws flexing and retracting.

“yesssss.....” she hissed softly, clenching around him as she felt her orgasm building, the canine panting  now, his cock stroking in and our of her at a fast pace, his sac lightly slapping the backs of her thighs with each stroke, Lisa felt herself spin, and gripped his shaft tightly, crying out as her orgasm rushed through her, mewling as she felt Jeb hit his peak, hot streams of his seed spraying deep inside of her.   They both shuddered , gripping each other tightly as they came...then slowly, Jeb’s thrusting Lisa felt herself drifting, tied to the world only by the towel bar in her paws , the warm water spraying over her body, and the warmth of Jeb’s seed deep within her womb.   :Jeb wrapped his arms around her, cuddling her gently as the water washed over them...

“Yo, boss man,  got company coming in”  came the soft whisper, bringing Jeb back to the present.   He mentally cursed for losing his focus, bringing his mind back to the matters at hand, looking though the IR scope at the figures moving through the treeline towards the compound.
“What the Fuck? they aren’t supposed to be there!”
“Who isn’t sir?” asked Pinky
He quietly pointed towards the creeping figures “over on the far side, shit, they’re more ROTC, you can tell because they’re wearing the old style steel helmets.”  he replied quietly.   “They aren’t’ supposed to be here.”
The cougar sighted in on the lead one “I can take him easy Sir” she said, watching through the sniper scope.
“no. don’t have everyone in position yet....get ears on line, see if he has a RPV airborne. Let's see if we can figure out who these yahoos are.” 

Lisa sighed as she put down the fieldphone, seems the exercise had already started for Brigade anyway, the cadet she talked too only told her that she couldn’t talk, as she was ‘killed’ when the Command post was mortared.  Cursing quietly she ducked out of the tent again, her XO still missing.   Heading to the mess tent, she sighed as she heard a familiar sound....”not again” she thought, sure enough as she ducked under the blackout curtains , and most of the cadet officers in various states of undress, and in various compromising positions.    The lynx just sighed “has anyone seen Julie?”
Marcus, a ferret, nodded from where he was cuddling with a male canine “she left with Raymond a few min. ago...she doesn’t like crowds.” he said with a giggle
“That’s too bad.” she replied , her hands on her hips, “Because Brigade HQ has been wiped out...and we’re probably next to be hit, so we’ll have a LOT of company.”
The tent fell silent, as the import of her words hit them....various cadets reaching for clothes, or extricating themselves from some rather ‘interesting’ positions.   Marcus blinked, reaching for his clothes “So what do we do?”
“Get to your Platoons, get your people up quietly...I’ll go find Julie. Oh, and people...we are going to Talk about this when we get back...assuming we don’t’ get chewed up and spat out.”
The Platoon leaders nodded uncomfortably.   Lisa never yelled (well not hardly) but when she was upset, you knew it, and at the moment she was highly pissed as she stalked back out into the lightly falling would be bad enough  she thought , to fail an exercise back when Major Miner was the ROTC commander, but now that Jeb was their instructor.  she didn’t want to let him down.  In some part of her mind she wondered if she was pushing her people too hard, trying to impress him, an idea she quickly dismissed. Jeb kept his official and private sides separate, like many members of the Military.  Plus he was not the evaluator for this exercise, it was run by the 4th Infantry for the cadets. 

in the treeline 15 meters away, several figures watched the lynx fem as she headed through the encampment.   Cadet major Rick Baker watched through narrowed eyes, his unit had gotten hit earlier, if he and his friends hadn’t made a ‘tactical withdrawal’ they would have been captured too.  Now he was standing in the snow, watching the Lynx fem head right toward him...nudging his companions he grinned and whispered “What do you say we give the kitty a lesson in how they treat female POW’s?”
The other two nodded as they waited for their prey....

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