Lisa's Story
Part Two
written by Snowdog

Lisa Slipsunder growled to her self as her footpads softly crunched thorough the fresh snow.     The lynx felt the situation was deteriorating rapidly, with enemy forces in the area, Brigade HQ destroyed  (privately she sort of envied the cadets at Brigade, since they were simulatedly 'killed' they could go back to bed, out of the engagement, while she was still up at 2 30 in the morning), her executive officer missing, and most of her troops boinking each others brains out.   She was heading for Raymond’s tent, as that was the last one Julie had been seen with, behind her she hoped the platoon leaders had managed to pull them selves out of each other and get busy.   Preoccupied with her thoughts, she did not see the arm come out of the darkness until it had snagged around her neck, pulling her into the trees, paw claming over her mouth to keep her from crying out.    She squirmed and kicked, hearing a satisfying ooof from the one behind her as her foot contacted something sensitive, only to look up to see the butt of the rifle slam into her gut, knocking the wind out of her, dropping her to her knees.   As she fought to catch her breath, she heard a familiar and unwelcome voice...Cadet Major Rick Baker of Steelbourgh University. 

"Well well, what do we have here boys?" he said leeringly   "it seems we have captured a prisoner...and we ALL know what happens to bitches who get captured don’t we?" 

Lisa panted , growling weakly "That is the only way anyone would ever give you any dickweed--OOOF!" she winced as one of Rick’s pals viciously kicked her in the ribs..

Across the compound Jeb growled deep in his throat as he watched though the IR, but as he began to push himself upright Pinky's paw stopped him 

"Don't Sir” she said softly  "She's got to handle this herself, besides, Mission first." 

Jeb bit his lip and nodded, Diane was probably the only one who could have stopped him at that moment...for he was with her when her lover was hit on a mission.   Shelia had insisted they complete the mission, recovering her on the way back out... only to find her lifeless on their return.     She understood what the samoyed was going through however, and hand checking her pocket reassured herself that the magazine of live ammo she had for the sniper rifle was still there.   IF the cadets did do what it looked like they were going to.... 

Lisa's head swam from the pain, looking up she saw that Rick was fumbling with the snap to his pants, the otter grinning holding her weapons, while the rat held her arms at her sides. Focusing on something Jeb told her while working out one day, she purred softly, twisting her hand up enough to undo the button on her pants.   Catching their eyes she purred "I've never had three at once...this will be a first." 

Rick laughed as he nodded to the rat to release her, the three standing warily around her.   Lisa smiled seductively, slowly unbuttoning her field jacket, and her uniform jacket underneath, revealing white cotton sports bra.     Turning slowly she dropped her trousers to the forest floor, her thumbs hooking the waistband of her panties, pulling them off as well, her legs slightly spread so they could get a good look...unsnapping her bra she oopsed as she dropped it on the ground, turning around with her rear to Rick and the otter, she bent down in front of the Rat to pick it up, giving them a good view of her sex...  Then as she grasped the bra she smiled...and brought her fist up into the groin of the rat, who let out a soft squeak and fell over clutching himself.    Before Rick and the otter could react she kicked out, catching the otter in the stomach, knocking him backwards into a tree, his head hitting the trunk with a loud thunk.   Growling she spun around, dodging a clumsy strike by the fox as he had his pants half down his legs, her paw shooting forwards, claws unsheathed as she grabbed his scrotum and twisted, HARD.  Rick's eyes bulged out, and he turned an amusing shade or purple as he collapsed into a whimpering ball.   Panting she caught her breath as Rick soundlessly cursed at her, his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish as he writhed in agony 

"Next time Bastich, I’ll rip them off." growled Lisa as she picked up her clothes, and tying the three of them to the trunk of the tree, minus their clothes and weapons.

Jeb winced sympathetically as he watched his girlfriends treatment of the would be rapists, not that he didn’t think they deserved what they got, in fact he thought she let them off light, as he watched her through the IR Scope.  Next to him Pinky had her face buried in the snow to muffle her cackles of glee at Lisa's turnaround of the situation.   Catching her breath, she grinned up at Jeb
"That’s some girl you got there sir...I gotta meet her someday” grinning she turned her head at two soft beeps in her headphones "Alpha teams in position Sir, are we going to wait until she gets her clothes back on at least? 

He nodded, puling back the charging handle on his assault rifle then grinned "would you wait if this was the real thing Sgt.?" 

She grinned back, tapping twice on her COM.  Two miles a way the mortar team turned to their tubes, picking up the flare rounds and with the third tap, fired. 

As Lisa stomped angrily back towards the compound, she froze as the flare burst several hundred meters directly overhead.  Cursing she dove to the ground as the pop of automatic weapons began to fill the air. Low crawling into the bunker, she scrambled to her feet looking into the smirking gaze of her XO at her lack of attire "Gee Lisa are you following the troop's example now?" 

Lisa glared, shooting Julie the finger as she pulled on her field jacket and web harness, "What’s the situation?" 

“We’re taking fire from the treeline to the west Cadet Springer spotted them and warned us just in time." she replied 

"Its just a diversion, get the other Platoon leaders on the line and tell them to be ready like we planned, they'll be coming from the south, and have them be on the lookout.”   As Lisa turned to head out to join her troops, still wearing only the jacket and harness, Julie asked quizzically "how do you know?" 

"Cause there’s no where near enough fire coming from the west, just enough for us to get excited. Besides, they'd have to cross that frozen stream, and no regular army troop is gonna willingly cross thin ice in this weather just for an exercise.  Have first platoon and the HQ platoon head to the west line, and, be loud about it" 


"Just do it!" 

Julie nodded as Lisa ran out into the snowy night, notifying the Cadet Lt.’s.   Within seconds the compound was filled with rushing bodies heading towards the western edge of the camp. 

Across the way to the south Jeb sighed "Tell Alpha Team to move in and hit them from behind...stupid cadets." 

Pinky nodded relaying the message, on the night sight they saw the fireteam stealthily slipping into the compound.  "They fell for it Sir, just like the Steelborugh ROTC unit..." 

Jeb nodded, sighing  "and here I thought they would have seen through it. Oh well...what the?" 

Pinky turned and looked through her sniper scope, as just ahead of the Alpha Team a lone figure appeared ontop of a snowbank.

Down below, Sgt. Duane Walker blinked as a semi nude lynx fem appeared 20 meters in front of their team.  The mission had gone like clockwork all evening, Bravo team distracted the ROTC unit and they walked in from behind and cleaned the cadet’s clocks.  The first two engagements had been too easy he thought, and from the noise of the cadets running towards the diversion in the west this would be no different, despite being spotted, probably a straggler he thought, raising his rifle when she spoke. 

"Hands up and drop you weapons!" yelled Lisa, training her rifle on the leader. Down below the team exploded in laughter at the Lynx. 

Duane sighted in on the lynx fem, only to suddenly hear a squealing in his earphones signifying he was "killed", fire erupting from the snowbank, Second and Third platoons cadets ambushing the ambushers.  The rest of Alpha team didn’t panic despite losing over two thirds of their number in less than 10 seconds, turning for the treeline, only to stop as a brilliant strobe light went off at Lisa's signal, the simulated anti personnel mines finishing Alpha team. 

On the hillside Pinky looked through the scope, stunned at what had happened, Alpha team illuminated by the blinking LED's on their helmets and harnesses signifying their being  "killed” Growling softly, she scanned the Cadets down on the snowbank, sighting in on a certain lynx... 

Lisa let her cadets whoop and holler for a few moments, then raised her voice over the din "Ok, that’s enough people. We don’t know if that’s all that’s out there, now if the "dead" will vacate our battleground, I believe there's some fresh hot coffee in the mess tent so you can thaw out.  Everyone else back to your positions."  Sgt. Walker nodded gathering his troops; they would have raided the mess tent for coffee anyway, though they had planned on being the victors.   Still, the CO continually warned them about underestimating the enemy, maybe next time they would listen. 

Julie stood up next to Lisa  "you don’t think that’s it for the night-aww crap" she said as her LED's went off.   Lisa hit the snow yelling "Sniper!” the cadets scrambling for cover. 

On the hilltop Pinky sighed "now WHY did she have to stand up right then?" 

Jeb just grinned "Don’t you believe in Murphy Sergeant?"

Julie grinned at Lisa  "Does this mean I get to go in and drink coffee too?" she asked, watching Sgt. Walkers butt as the wolf walked to the mess tent with the other “dead”. 

"Looks that way" She said, standing back up as the Red flares burst in the sky, signaling the end of the exercise. 

"Well that’s that it seems,” said Lisa as the sound of a helicopter could be heard coming in from the south. Sgt. Walker nodded at instructions from his COM unit, sending two troopers to guide the aircraft in.   Within moments it appeared, the red strobe anticolision lights flashing as it settled down in the snow and several figures emerged. 

Lisa gulped as she recognized the lead figure, the Commanding General of the ROTC.  Gulping at her state of undress, she awaited nervously at his approach. 

"Who's in command here?" he barked.  Lisa took a deep breath and stepped forwards "Cadet Captain Lisa Slipsunder" she said, saluting. 

The panther blinked at the lynx's nudity before returning the salute "Applying a little psychological warfare to get the advantage Cadet?" 

“Uh, well Sir." 

The General laughed in amazement "Do you have any idea what you did tonight?"   Seeing the puzzled looks of the cadets he turned to Sgt. Walker. "Sergeant, what unit are you with?" 

Sgt. Walker said embarassedly "Charlie Company, First Brigade, Special Operations Regiment." 

Lisa's and the rest of the cadet’s eyes got very big at that "y-you mean we-" 

"I mean you and your cadets beat Special Forces at their own game Cadet Slipsunder." replied the panther with a grin.  "Tell me did your Instructor warn you what you were going up against?" 

"No Sir!" she replied "All he told us was that it would be regular army troops like every year" 

About that time Jeb and Diane entered the perimeter, Diane's sniper rifle slung over her back.  Many of Alpha team looked down as the Samoyed walked by, he had specifically made a point before the mission not to underestimate the cadets, one they ignored, and paid for.  The cadets boggled even more as they recognized the Special Forces commander as their own (albeit temporary) instructor. 

"There you are Capt.,” said the panther "I don’t know whether to be upset at you for the way your troops were taken out, of happy for the way you trained these cadets." 

Jeb just stood there, his emotions torn over that himself when Sgt. Walker stepped forwards "Sir, Capt. Kincaid did make a point to warn us about being overconfident... a mistake we will not make again." 

The general nodded before turning back to board his helicopter "Good training for everyone then... Cadets, get some sleep, I'll want to see the commanders of both units tomorrow for debriefing at, oh, 1700...enough time for everyone to get some rest, you've earned it tonight." With that he boarded the helicopter, the cadets moving back as the pilot started the engines and soon flew into the night. 

Jeb turned to his troops "Sgt. Walker, I believe they have more than enough tent space here,” at Lisa's nod he continued "get some rest and we'll go over the after action reports in the morning." 

Duane nodded as he led the weary alpha team to the tents.  Diane grinned at Lisa "good job kid, I almost had you at the end when your friend there stood up." 

Lisa giggled "See Julie? You are good for something after all-EEEP!" she squealed as the vixen dropped a double handful of snow on the shorter lynx's head.   Diane laughed and followed the rest of the troops "See you in the morning Sir, don’t keep her up too late you hear?" 

Lisa giggled as the Samoyed blushed "I'll take good care of him” She sighed and looked in his eyes "are we considered off duty yet?" 

Jeb nodded then erped as Lisa jumped up into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, knocking him backward into the snow.  Grinning he looked up at her “Is this what you normally do to vanquished opponents?” 

She smiled, wiggling a bit as she sat over him, “prize of war eh? I kinda like that idea…” 

Jeb eeeped as she got up, dragging him up with her “come you! You are now a prisoner of the Barbarian Queen!” she said in a low sultry voice.  He followed her into the tent, only to blink as he saw Julie and Sgt. Walker, both nude, the vixen bound loosely on her knees, softly nuzzling the wolf’s cock.    Lisa blinked then giggled “Julie! We won the battle... he’s supposed to be your prisoner, not the other way around!” 

Julie giggled and blushed, continuing to slowly run her tongue along his sheath, as Lisa hmmed thoughtfully “although…that looks very good too... why don’t you give me some of what she’s getting?” 

Jeb grinned, lowering to his knees “yes o Mighty one” as he began to softly nuzzle and caress Lisa’s inner thighs, causing the lynx to moan softly.  Lisa lifted her leg, putting her foot on a storage locker, letting the Samoyed have better access to her damp folds, Jeb needing no invitation, his warm canine tongue softly lapping along the lynx’s pussy lips. 

Julie watched out of the corner of her eye, as she slowly licked down to the end of Duane’s shaft, her tongue slowly circling the head, causing the wolf to moan, and reach out for something to support himself... the only thing being Lisa.  His hands softly grasped her breasts, the lynx half turning, muzzle meeting his, kissing him deeply as Jeb did the same to her other lips, pressing his tongue into her tight wet sex.  She moaned softly, pressing her hips forwards against his muzzle, winking down to Julie who was slowly sliding Duane’s cock into her mouth, her tongue making small circles around the shaft.   Julie winked back at Lisa, her paw edging over to Jeb’s groin, unzipping his trousers and freeing the Samoyed’s hard cock…slowly stroking her fingers along its pink length. 

Jeb moaned, diving his tongue deeper into Lisa’s cunny, the lynx moaning and probing her tongue into Duane’s muzzle. 

Duane moaned softly, feeling Julie’s muzzle begin to bob along his shaft, slowly suckling.  He slid his paws down a bit, finding Lisa’s nipples, softly rolling them between his fingers.   Lisa moaned louder then looked down at Jeb, pulling back from his tonguing. 

“Uh oh” said the Samoyed “she’s got that look in her eye” 

“What look is that?” Asked Duane as Lisa pulled away. 

“The ‘up to something look’” 

Lisa giggled “Aww sweetie, what ever gave you that idea?”  She leaned down to whisper to Julie, who nodded eagerly and gave Duane’s member a parting lick, then laid down on her back, her hands supporting her largish breasts, Lisa getting down on all fours over her, the lynx’s pert breasts hanging inches from the Vixen’s muzzle. 

They both smiled at the two males and Lisa said “Now, I know you two can find someplace to bury those shafts of yours”, as she tweaked Julie’s nipples softly. The two males grinned, Jeb starting to head for Lisa only to have soft fingers close around his cock “no lover, I want you to take Julie... right in front of my face so I can see it all while this nice wolf fills me.” 

Jeb nodded, moving between Julie’s spread thighs, as Duane moved behind the lynx, his hard shaft rubbing against her thighs.  Lisa murred as she rubbed back softly, on paw softly caressing Julie’s breasts as her other reached down between her roommates legs, spreading her wet pussylips for the Samoyed.   Lisa licked her lips as she saw her lover’s shaft sliding into her friend’s cunt, squealing as she felt the wolf’s cock pressing into her as well.  She purred softly, bringing her head down to suckle at Julie’s breasts, feeling the tingle as the vixen’s tongue found her own. 

Jeb watched Lisa’s face as he pressed fully into the tight vixen…he could tell by looking when Duane was fully in her, as she started to purr and press back against the wolf.  He caressed his love’s ears softly as he began to move within Julie’s tight sex, pulling almost out then smoothly thrusting back in. 

Julie panted and groaned softly, suckling softly on Lisa’s breasts, arms stroking down the kitty’s sides, tilting her head up she could see Duane’s cock slowly pumping into Lisa from behind… getting an idea she began to lick a little lower, down as far as she could reach on Lisa’s belly, feeling her self filled by the hot canine shaft deep inside her. 

Lisa picked up on Julie’s motion, beginning to scoot forward slowly, Duane having no choice but to follow or pull out of her, and in his state of mind that was no choice…soon she was almost completely over Julie, Jeb’s shaft stroking faster in and out of the vixen, keeping time with her pitched yipping, Lisa’s own purring much louder, as Duane grabbed her hips and begin thrusting faster into her tight sex, her orgasm beginning to build.   She leaned forwards, and softly licked at Julie’s clitty, also getting a good bit of the samoyed’s cock with her tongue, causing both of their moaning to intensify…suddenly she Mrowled loudly, as Julie found her nub and suckled it into her muzzle, the twin sensations of her sex and clit driving her into a shuddering orgasm, gripping Duane’s cock tightly with her tight inner walls. 

Duane shuddered, howling as he came, followed by Julie and then finally Jeb, spraying his hot cream deep into the vixen as Lisa licked and suckled where the two joined…trembling as she came. 

Julie felt Duane’s cock shudder as it began to pour its seed into her roommate, after a few seconds she tugged softly, popping him out and clamping her muzzle around his shaft, sucking hungrily, as Lisa did the same to Jeb, each milking the males dry, until they all finally collapsed in a sticky tired snuggle pile of fur.

Lisa smiled wearily; her face sticky with Jeb’s cum   “ahhh. I don’t think I have the energy to move ever again.” 

Julie giggled softly and snuggled the wolf to her, Duane wrapping his arms around the cuddlevixen, Lisa finding Jeb’s arms somewhere in the pile and curling up, dropping of into a well needed sleep.

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