Part Four
written by Snowdog

December 19, 12750
Freedoms Run, The Islands, Freelands

Sylvia Slipsunder yawned softly as she stretched on the bed, the two tigers still asleep  Rick and his wife Cindy had been coming to the island since Sylvia was a child, spending  their winter break here away from the cold winters at Salmon Hat university, where they were both instructors now.  She looked down at the sleeping couple fondly, remembering the night before, Rick may be approaching fifty but that hasn't slowed him down in the least.   She thought for a moment about waking them for round seven, but decided to wait a bit.   Carefully slipping from the bed she padded into the kitchen, she saw gratefully that someone had already made coffee earlier when they got up.  She could hear faint arguing from the TV room, as the kids 'debated' over the channel, Brad was doing a project for school, and watched FNTV religiously, getting current event stories. Lisa was spending the night with  a friend from school who were both turning 12 on the same day,  Ten year old Janet hated the news, Lucas and Bethany were both six and only wanted cartoons, and Rale was three, and didn't really care what was on.  Could be worse she supposed, they got tired of TV after about an hour and went outside to play. 

Suddenly there were several blood curdling screams from the TV room.   Dropping her mug, the coffee cascading across the floor she head out the door in a dead run.  reaching the room she was hug attacked by sobbing children   She blinked, arms hugging her tightly almost knocking her down, Bethany, Lucas and Janet almost hysterical, Rale not knowing what was going on but crying because everyone else was.  She looked to Brad, who was barely holding his composure "What happened?!?" 

Brad pointed to the TV, where Sylvia saw the headline behind the newscaster read "Defense Forces murder", and a picture of a young squirrel girl, and her best friends daughter, the photo taken just a few months ago here on Freedoms run, when Rebecca lived with them while her parents were deployed overseas for an exercise.  She sank to the couch stunned, clutching her brood to her tightly. Rebecca was only eight, younger than Janet.   Sylvia gasped again when the newscaster went on to tell of Ray's suicide after losing his daughter in the operating room.  Fumbling for the remote, she turned up the volume as they cut away to a live press conference...

Colonel Anton Revil blinked at the bright lights from the TV cameras.   As acting base commander, he could have had the public affairs officer handle the press conference,  however, she was at home comforting her son, a classmate of the two slain girls. Squaring his shoulders, more nervous that the first time he had flown combat missions, he stepped up to the microphone. 

"I'm Colonel Revil, Commander of the 325 Fighter weapons wing and acting base commander for Freelands forces base Tyndall.  I have a brief statement after which I will take a few questions."
he looked down at his notes, more to compose himself than to read, the details were already seared into his memories. "At approximately 1630 hours on the 18th,  a MP discovered the bodies of Tina Digger and Rebecca Thatcher.   They had both been raped, and repeatedly stabbed,  Miss Digger was dead when found, and Miss Thatcher died 90 min. later in surgery.  As of this moment we have no suspects, and the base has been sealed until further notice.  That's all we have at the moment, are there any questions?" 

The room exploded with shouts as reporters shot questions at the Colonel.  he blinked and pointed to a ferret in the front row, her perfect blond hair gleaming in the lights
"Is it true that both girls had their tails cut off?" she asked, her short tail swishing. 

He nodded "yes, both of them were found mutilated, preliminary reports show their tails were amputated before they were killed, next question?" 

"Are these killings related to  similar ones  elsewhere in Carolinga and the true the last few weeks?" 

"We're following every angle, but so far have no link to any other crimes" he replied, making a note to have them look into that further.  "Next?" 

A beaver from the weekly world news stood up in the back "I heard Thatcher's father committed suicide right after she died, so doesn't that indicate he had something to do with their deaths? Killed himself out of fear of being caught?" 

The other reporters blinked at that, while several of the MP's growled softly. Anton shot back 

"ONE, Major Thatcher was on duty from 9 that morning, the coroner estimates the time of death was around 1500 that afternoon, TWO,  The bodies were found in a secure area on the airfield, Maj. Thatcher didn't have clearance to be there, and THREE, he just saw his daughter die on the operating table in spite of everything he tried!  So why the FUCK do you think he killed him self

He caught his breath and continued "This press conference is over." and walked away, hoping he wasn't iceberg bound for that last comment.  He stalked back to his office in a foul mood, only to meet his Executive officer there.  "any news Jack?" he asked the lion. 

Major Lowen shook his head "Nothing so far, Major digger is back at work , says he'll feel better working trying to catch the bastard.  Also, Major Thatcher didn't have any next of kin, his parents were fauves, killed in a earthquake when he was  seven, and raised in a orphanage, and all Captain Thatcher lists is a family friend, Sylvia Slipsunder.  She had custody of their daughter if anything happened to them...." 

Anton nodded "I know her, Kari talked me into taking Mary to the island resort she owns for our second honeymoon last summer, when our youngest son went off to college.  How is Kari holding up?" 

The lion sighed "She's still out, the doc gave her something to keep her out for a while.  Your wife and the chaplain are watching her right now.  She's strong , I remember when she got shot down back in 43, when we had that skirmish with Barovia, they were attacking out tankers." 

Col. Revil nodded, pouring himself a cup of coffee "And now they're our friends, at least as long as its convenient for them."   he sighed and sipped the coffee then looked at his XO  "Get Slipsunder here, I don't care how.  Kari's gonnna need someone close to her after this."

Back on the island, Sylvia sat there on the couch with her arms around her children.  she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up, seeing Rick n Cindy standing  behind her, both of them crying as well.  They had known Kari as well, for until they got back from college she and Sylvia had been almost inseparable.  Rick said softly, as the newscaster went on to his next story about a flight attendant strike "go get a bag packed hon. She's gonna need you, we'll watch over things as long as you're gone." 

Sylvia blinked "But what about your jobs, I mean if' I'm not back before the next semester starts-" 

Cindy shushed her softly "One, we have tenure, plus that's why we have teacher assistants.   Family is more important, and I know the dean will agree with us. 

Sylvia nodded  and hugged them both, then went to pack.   Four hours and one commuter flight from the airport in Freeport to Snug Harbor later she was standing in a long line with several hundred other would be passengers, dismayed at the news that all of the flights to the mainland had been canceled due to the flight attendants union calling a strike the night before. She sighed and sat down on the her suitcase glumly, when the pa system suddenly announced
"Sylvia Slipsunder, please come to the information desk, Sylvia Slipsunder please come to the information desk" 

Blinking she got her bag and padded over to the desk , where there was a navy petty officer standing there. a gray furred wolf male. 

"Miss Slipsunder?" he said with a soft smile. At her nod he continued "I'm Petty Officer  Hunter, if you'll come with me we have a plane leaving for Carolinga in a few moments.  Admiral Walker decided to cut her inspection a day early, and we happen to have an extra seat..." 

She followed him out , putting her bag in the bed of the gray navy pickup truck. As they drove away from the airport to the navy base she asked him "is this really legal?" 

"All I know ma'am is that since this is a emergency they can bend a few rules, besides its not like they're sending a plane for you, it was going there anyway, refueling at Tyndall.  I'm sorry about what happened by the way." 

Sylvia nodded quietly as they drove onto the airfield, the transport already starting engines.  A seaman took her bag and tossed it in the cargo bay as she climbed the boarding ladder, ten minutes later she was airborne, closing her eyes and trying to fall asleep as the plane flew east.

December 20. 12750, FFB Tyndall 

Col. Revil sighed and ran his hand across his eyes. The badger had been up for the last 27 hours,  living on coffee and donuts from the  base exchange.  He sat in his office,  out of the way of the investigators since it was not his specialty, plus he wasn't a micromanager.   So far they had not been able to match the tiretracks, as a thunderstorm came in from the gulf, obliterating half of them before they could get casts made.  Investigators were interviewing personnel who had access to the base, so far they had caught one drug dealer, and someone who had enlisted under a false name, but nothing else yet.  He had been getting hourly complaints from the mayors of Bay City on one end, and Port Joe on the other side of the base, about the highway  through the base being closed, traffic having to make a 60 mile detour around Andrews bay. Add the  fact he kept getting bugged by the media after the press conference and his stress level was approaching critical.  Fortunately, he was supported by his chain of command.  The Defense forces were in many ways a large family, who looked after their own.  There was a fund set up at the credit union for both families that had already had over 50,000 in donations from all the branches, even those navy pukes had bent a few rules and were flying in Kari's friend Sylvia, using the excuse of refueling here, eventhough the  C15 was air refuel capable.
They were due on the ground in a quarter hour, Kari was awake and at her house. She had asked to go there as soon as she awoke his wife had said when he talked to her earlier.  At the moment he was dealing with the foreign ministry twinks again, they were wanting the prince exempt from the base closure due to his diplomatic immunity, and his wanting to resume the training flights.  He cut them off in mid sentence " I don't give a shit about his 'excellence', he stays until he's cleared, period, same as everyone else. All flights are grounded until folks get over this a bit more, in case you haven't noticed 'gentlemen' these murders have hit people kind of hard around here.  Now if you'll excuse me I have work to do, Corporal, can you show these gentlemen the  way out?" he said with a snarl, not caring anymore about possible fallout to his career.  The MP, a tall samoyed   who was assigned as the base commanders security during alerts nodded and held the door open for the diplomats, his imposing bulk removing any thoughts of protesting from their minds momentarily.  He shut the door behind them and rolled his eyes 

"Sir, if those are the kinds of twinks you have to deal with as a officer maybe I should rethink my applying for OCS," he said with a grin trying to break the tension.. 

Col. Revil chuckled "Don't worry about it Kincaid, only happens when you involve bureaucrats.   We got a C15 due in about ten minuets, take a vehicle and meet Ms Slipsunder, and take her to Captain Thatchers quarters., then get some rest.  You've been up how long?" 

Cpl. Kincaid grinned "bout as long as you sir.   I need to check on the rest of my squad, then will try to catch a hour or two." 

"Allright , and if my wife says anything , tell her I'm going to do the same, or try to anyway."

The samoyed nodded and saluted, heading out the door to his truck.   Putting it in gear, he drove out to the flightline, watching as the transport's landing lights appeared in the distance.  A few short moments later the transport touched down, engines screaming as the pilots hit the thrust reversers, then quieting as they turned off and taxied over to the transient ramp, refuel crew standing by.
After the engines shut down only one passenger got off the plane, a she was mainly otter it seemed, except for her bunny ears sticking up from her hair, dressed in a simple flowered skirt and light blue blouse, carrying a small bag, her tail swishing behind her nervously. 

Sylvia blinked at the bright sunlight after emerging from the aircraft, they didn't have many windows in military transports.  As she looked around she saw what must be her ride, a samoyed about two meters tall, dressed rather menacingly in a green and brown camouflage uniform, armored vest protecting his torso, and black boots over his feet.  He had a nylon belt with ammunition pouches holding spare magazines, and his sidearm strapped to his hip.   His face ruined the dangerous look however, with the perpetual samoyed 'grin', his thick white fur poofing over the collar of his armor vest. 

"Miss Slipsunder?" he said as he stepped forwards" Come with me please ma'am, and I'll take you to Captain Thatcher's quarters"   Corporal Kincaid picked up her bag and set it in the back of the truck as she climbed tiredly in the cab. 

"Do, do you know who did it?" she asked as they drove past the line of cars waiting vainly to leave the base, as the airfield side was still sealed. 

"No Ma'am," he said with a sigh  "We haven't got the genetics tests back, so we wont even know who to look for at least another few hours, that's why we're still locked down" 

She nodded as they drove across the empty highway, turning down towards the housing areas, past more MP 's patrolling the area, more to reassure the others living there than anything     They pulled into the driveway, Kari's motorcycle sitting under the carport, Ray's  car still at the hospital parking lot, no one having the heart to have it moved.  Sylvia shivered as she got out,  the Samoyed got her bag for her and walked ahead.  As they entered the kitchen,  Mary Revil looked up, recognizing Sylvia from pictures of her and her kids Kari had around the living room, plus the vacation she and Anton took last year. 

Mary hugged the  younger woman softly "I'm sorry" she said sadly "She's in Rebecca's room, at the end of the hall on the right." 

Sylvia nodded and padded down the hall, tail hung low.   Cpl. Kincaid watched her go as he set her bag down in  the kitchen, deciding he could go a few more hours before sleeping, maybe the DNA info would be in by the time he got back he thought as he got back in the truck and headed back to the office.

Sylvia knocked hesitantly on the bedroom door, her ears back.  There was a faint sound from inside but no answer, she reached out and turned the handle.  There was no light on, window shades drawn, but enough light spilled in from the hall for her to see Kari sitting on the floor, a mountain of  plush animals surrounding her, clutching a large stuffed tiger  She looked up blinking, not recognizing or expecting Sylvia at first. "S Sylvia?  Where, how did you get here?" she said softly. 

Sylvia knelt down beside her, pushing some plushies out of the way and hugged Kari tightly, crying quietly.  Kari broke, sobbing as she clutched her tightly. 

"WHY?! Why would anyone do that to two little girls?  And why did Ray leave me when I needed him?!?" she wailed. 

Sylvia just held Kari as she sobbed, rocking her slowly in her arms "I don't know Kar, I don't know..."

PFC Katrina Hawker was in no mood for an argument.  She was manning the south gate next to hangar 3 and the transient ramp, making sure no one got in or out of the base. Most folks understood, though there was a line of cars waiting to get out as soon as the base was opened again, whenever that would be.  most of the cars were civilian workers ,and were pretty understanding, some of them offering to take whoever did it out shark fishing, using them as the bait.   She had been talking to a couple of workers for McBoeing when there was a angry blare of a horn, and a red Luxus coupe drove down the wrong way of the road past the line of cars, followed by a plain gray sedan. The German Shepherd sighed recognizing the Prince's car, taking her weapon off of her shoulder and stepping into the path, her four legged companion sitting at the guard shack tethered.  Realizing he didn't intend to stop, she hit the remote switch she carried, the anti terrorist barricades shooting up behind her, they were designed to prevent a truck bomber from getting in, but also would work to keep a luxury car from getting out.
 Activating the gates triggered an alarm system, however the react team was currently sweeping the large expanse of forest on base for clues to the murderer's identity.  As he was leaving the housing complex Cpl. Kincaid heard the alarm over the radio, slamming his boot to the floor the truck shot down the road, lights and siren going more out of force of habit since there were no other cars about. The MP force was stretched mighty thin, and would be several min. before Hawker could expect backup he thought, taking the corner onto the highway way over the speedlimit, truck fishtailing, less than two miles to the south gate. 

The Prince got out of his car cursing "WHORE!!! Lower that barricade! I am to be leaving this place!" he snarled, stalking forward only to stop as Katrina chambered a round and brought her weapon to her shoulder, sighting in on his forehead.  "BITCH!! I WILL HAVE YOU GUTTED! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

PFC Hawker kept her voice calm as she stared through the sights "Sir, I neither know nor care who you are or claim to be.  I have orders to prevent anyone from entering or leaving without authorization, and am authorized to use  Deadly force to insure that."   The prince froze, as a gray suited ferret got out of the sedan , pulling out Freelands security ID 

"Agent Smith , Secret Service. This person is the Prince and has full diplomatic rights -" 

"And I have my orders from the base Commander, so I suggest you take it up with him. If he takes one more step forward past the line I am authorized to shoot, Prince or pauper." 

The prince scowled and turned back to confer in low tones with the security agent, while Katrina glanced over her shoulder at a approaching engine noise. Cpl. Kincaid pulled up at the other side of the barrier and jumped out of the truck, weapon drawn as he vaulted the steel barricade.  She lowered her weapon as he approached, still keeping it ready.  He slowed  to a walk, 10mm automatic still in his hand "What's going on Kat?" 

"Seems his royalness didn't like being cooped up." she replied as she saw the prince waving his hands angrily, the ferret security agent simply shrugging , a disgusted look on his face as the wind began to blow harder.  On the porch of the guard shack, Rufus' s sat up, and growled , pulling at  the tether like he did when he picked up a scent he was after.  Katrina and Cpl. Kincaid looked over curiously, then PFC Hawker unhooked the lead from his collar and gave him the search command "Rufus, Find" expecting him to have caught someone in the gathering crowd with drugs. 

Instead the dog ran quickly to the Princes car, but instead of sitting down like he was trained when he found drugs or explosives, he began to paw and scratch at the trunk of the Luxus.  The prince swore in his own language and kicked viciously at the dog, Rufus yelping but continuing to paw the trunk  He drew back his leg to kick again when he heard the distinctive sound of two weapons being cocked. He froze and turned, both MP's had their weapons drawn on him. "Tell them to let me go! " he said to the security agent, who simply shrugged. 

 "Its a military installation your Excellence, they have authority here , I don't."  The ferret grinned then turned and went back to his car, leaving the prince standing there. 

Cpl. Kincaid and PFC Hawker slowly approached  "Sir , open your trunk now, or I will" said the Samoyed with a low growl, holstering his pistol as he approached.  He didn't know what the wolf was hiding , and was tired enough he didn't care. 

Prince Malik was not used to being treated in such a manner, however seeing the MP's approach he backed up slowly, then turned and ran towards the hangars.   PFC Hawker raised her weapon but then lowered it, too many bystanders for a clear shot. 

"STAY with his car!" Shouted Cpl. Kincaid as he ran after the wolf.  The prince wasnt loaded down with body armor and  a helmet , but the samoyed was in much better shape than the wolf, quickly closing the distance as he followed the Prince through the hangar. He had grounds to use deadly force,  prince or not, but he kept his weapon holstered.  Ahead of him, two mechanics were replacing the main gear struts on a F-21 that had been rather heavily landed  earlier.  Seeing the pair running towards them, one of the airmen picked up the end of an airhose, and right when the wolf reached it pulled hard, the hose coming taut.   The Prince tripped over the hose going flying muzzle first onto the concrete as the Samoyed leapt the hose and landed on top of him, quickly snapping handcuffs onto his wrists. 

Prince Malik cursed and swore"UNHAND ME! YOU WILL BE FLOGGED FOR THIS!!!" as he kicked and squirmed trying to get free, cursing in his own tongue.  One of the mechanics padded over , her hand holding out a nylon wire tie  to the samoyed, who took it with a smile, putting it around the prince's muzzle and pulling it closed, silencing him.  The airman giggled ,her black and white striped tail swishing "I've wanted to do that to him since he got here" she said as Cpl. Kincaid lifted the wolf to his feet, grinning at the skunkette.  "Come on your 'excellence' and lets see what 's got you so nervous." 

As they approached the car it became obvious that the crowd was extremely upset, PFC Hawker was standing by the open trunk, looking both furious and nervous at the crowd.  There were several shouts from the group as they saw the prince, one of them, a older wolverine MasterSeargant slapped a baseball bat into his hand slowly. 

"That's good enough right there Corporal, just step back and we'll finish the bastard." growled the wolverine.  Kincaid blinked not comprehending until Hawker took a cooler from the trunk of the Luxus, packed in ice were two severed tails, one from a squirrel, the other vulpine. He heard the sirens from reinforcements, however they were still far off, and the crowd was getting uglier. Throwing the prince to the ground he stood over him, hand on the butt of his pistol. 

"And do what Sergeant? Kill him? One,that wont bring the girls back, and two, We're not barbarians. We have laws and procedures we go through.  I'm not gonna let a damn lynchmob string him up, as much as I am tempted."  The gray suited ferret sighed and stood next to Cpl. Kincaid "And doing so will surely trigger a war. Better we find him guilty legally then fry his ass" said the ferret, his hand meaningfully inside his suit jacket. 

Someone from the back of the crowd shouted out "I Cant believe your protecting that bastard!" 

"IT'S my job! "shouted back the samoyed "I swore a oath to protect and defend the constitution of the Freelands.  One thing in that constitution is that accused were innocent until PROVEN guilty, unlike in his country.  We're better than they are people, the second we forget that and act like them, we've already lost." 

Several in the crowd had quieted, the rest had lost their momentum as the rest of the MP's arrived, separating the crowd from the prince.  Kincaid picked up the prince by his arms and bodily threw him into the back seat one of the cars "You are under Arrest your 'excellence' for the rape and murder of Tina Digger and Rebecca Thatcher." turning to the stunned driver he continued "Get him out of here before I change my mind an let the crowd have him." 

December 22, 12750 

Kari had gone from despair to elation to despair again...she had just heard the news personally from Col. Revil, Sylvia 's ears were folded back against her head in shock as she found her voice before Kari could "What do you mean you're letting him go!?! He killed Becky an her friend, and you're letting him WALK???"

Anton sighed and slumped  "There's nothing I can do....he has diplomatic immunity from prosecution.  Unless his government give permission, we cant even give him a parking ticket. The most we can do is order him out of the country." he got back up and went over the cabinet where he remembered Ray kept his alcohol, finding a bottle he sat back down, pouring himself a good stiff drink.  "I almost resigned my commission on the spot. but the Defense Minister wouldn't accept it." he sighed, drinking his whiskey "he'll be out of the country by this time tomorrow, and that's the  most we can do, if we try to keep him or put him on trial, the Barovians said they will go to war-" 

"SO LET THEM!" screamed Sylvia "WE kicked their asses before-" 

Kari softly put her hand on her friends arm "and we lost almost six hundred, to their 9 thousand.  They pack civilians into military sites in conflicts,  to use as shields."  she sighed and rested her muzzle on her hands "I expected it actually, once I heard who it was.  There's nothing we can do Sylvia." 

"But, but...we cant just let him go..."she whimpered, breaking into tears.  Kari was crying too but went over to comfort her friend, hugging her tightly "Everyone pays for their deeds someday Slvie, everyone." 

Col. Revil got up, finishing his drink, realizing the best thing for the two women was to be alone for a while.  He squeezed Kari's shoulder softly "I'm sorry, I wish there was more we could do" 

"S OK sir, I know how it is.  Take the bottle with you will you? If I start that, I might not stop..." 

He nodded and took the bottle, heading out the door as Kari and Sylvia clung to eachother in their misery.  Reaching his official car Cpl. Kincaid leaned over and opened the door, the Col. usually rode in front than be chauffeured around like a general or something.  "Can you drive me home Cpl.? I don't think I 'm up to driving tonight" he said. 

Seeing the bottle Kincaid nodded "no problem Sir. how, how did she take it?" 

"Better than I did ,though her friend went to pieces" he sighed. 

"I wish I had just shot him sir." replied Kincaid miserably "or let the crowd have him-" 

"Jeb, you did the right thing. We're the good guys, which means we sometimes get screwed by our own rules, even if the other side don't play by them. I take it he's gone?" 

The samoyed nodded as he turned down Beach drive "yes sir, ten minuets ago, on a transport to Atlantia.  He'll take a Barovian Airlines 1147 out sometime tomorrow morning and that's the last we'll hear of him, if we're lucky."

December 23 12750  0547 hours

Kari woke up at her usual time, even though she was on leave for as long as she needed. Sylvia was still deeply asleep, the stress of the last few days plus the time difference made it nearly midnight for her.   She snored softly as Kari padded through the house to the living room, turning on the news channel.  She noted the new stories about the recent happenings, and that the Prince was to be flown from Atlantia later in the morning.  Something snapped, and she got up and quietly went to her closet, dressing quickly in the dark.   grabbing her helmet and writing a quick note to Sylvia, she walked out of the house to her motorcycle.  Riding off she  headed for the base, quiet in the early morning hours. The gate guard saluted as she rode in, the base reopened, her registration sticker on the cycle identifying her as an officer.  She rode to Squadron HQ and parked the bike, unlocking the door with her key and heading to her office. Closing the door she pulled out a directory of federal agencies, after a few moments found the number and picked up the phone.

In the air traffic control center 500 km north in Atlantia, a bored Raccoon picked up the phone on the second ring "ATC Atlantia, Jim speaking" 

"This is Major Lowen, from the Freelands Defense forces "Kari lied into the phone "We're resuming out normal flight schedule, however due to the recent events, would like to keep our aircraft as far away from the Barovian Princes' aircraft. Can you give me his transponder code, so we can make sure its a quiet morning for everyone?" 

On the other end of the phone Jim nodded, his ringed tail swishing as he checked his screen "no problem Major, though personally I think they should have shot the bastard.. its 85421, leaving in about 20 min." 

"So soon?" Kari asked in suprise  There was an answering chuckle from the other end "yeah, get the bastard out ASAP you know? Anything else I can do for you?" 

"No, thank you, "she replied" you've been most helpful."  hanging up the phone she padded out the door to the pilots locker room, wiggling into her flight harness and grabbing her helmet she quickly and quietly headed for the flightline. 

0620 hours
Sylvia rolled over in her sleep and felt someone missing...she slowly opened her eyes, feeling the empty side of the bed. rolling out she padded towards the living room, hearing the TV on softly. There was no one there though, and looking out side saw the motorcycle was gone. Beginning to get worried she went back into the kitchen , where she found the note. 

"oh God, Kari no..." she said as she turned and ran out the door, running next door to bang on the neighbors door.

Anton Revil looked blearily at the clock as the phone rang.   fumbling for it in the darkness he cursed as it fell to the floor, then finally grabbed the receiver "Col. Revil here, this better be important." 

On the other end was Kari's neighbor, Major Digger who thought it was very important indeed "Sir, Miss Slipsunder just brought me a note from Captain Thatcher...says' she cant stand it and has gotta look the bastard in the eyes', her motorcycle is missing at the moment, we're sending people to the airfield to look." 

Anton was very much awake now as  he sat up too quickly "DAMN!! Allright, get folks after her but tell them not to hurt her!!!" suddenly his blood chilled as the sound of a fighter taking off rolled over the base....rushing to his window he saw the blue flames of the afterburners climbing into the  predawn sky  "Crap, I think I just found me at the tower, bring Sylvia too.  And get that foreign ministry twink there too, we may need him."  hanging up the phone he scrambled into clothes and ran for the door.

Kari trimmed the Gryphon as she passed through mach one still accelerating. She had turned off her com, leaving just the civilian bands operational.  Turning her search radar on, the entered the code for the Barovian aircraft, in a few seconds a target lit up just crossing the coast several hundred kilometers ahead.  locking it in she quickly plotted an intercept course and turned northeast towards the ocean.

Sylvia looked around in confusion as the ATC center vainly tried to contact the fleeing Gryphon. Major digger was blaming himself for not having better security coverage on the alert birds, but with the stress and exhaustion of the last few days  they're short handed  "Its my fault sir, I take full responsibility  for the aircraft being stolen-" 

"Don't worry about it now major, your' people are only human, they can only do so much, and have been through hell lately. I should have had them disarmed after we canceled the live fire missions, but didn't...shit." turning to the radar tech he asked "Any contact?" 

"No sir, her com is off, and is heading northeast at multimach" She replied as Mr. Barnes stormed into the room "What do you mean by waking me up at this ungodly hour!?" 

Col. Revil quickly filled him in, the raccoon paled seeing his career in flames "you've got to stop her , to shoot her down somehow-" 

"We cant Mr. Barnes, the other armed aircraft we had has both main gear tires flat, and it would take too long to change them.  I've notified the naval air station at Jackson on the coast , but it will be another 10 min. before they can have something in the air., and even then might not be  able to catch her before she intercepts." 

"My God, she's going to shoot down a civilian airliner, and cause a war!" 

"NO SHE'S NOT!" Yelled Sylvia back at the raccoon "I've known her all her life she said she wanted to look him in the eyes, so that's all she's going to do!" 

"the prince isn't even on the plane" came a new voice from the doorway. the room stopped and looked at the ferret security agent. Barnes raised his voice again "That is a matter of national security! Not one more word out of you or you're-" 

"I'm what? under arrest? For watching that bastard kill his way across the country and not be able to do a DAMN Thing about it?"  he took his badge and flung it in the face of the Minister "Well you can have it I quit." he said drunkenly. 

Barnes swore and reached under his jacket , only to freeze as cold steel was placed against his head by Major Digger "Son, you just keep talking while I relive your boss of his hardware" the squirrel said as he removed the weapon from the raccoon. 


"EVERYONE  in this room has at least a top secret clearance except for Miss Slipsunder here, and I'll make an exception for her case" Replied Col. Revil icily. "Now, what do you mean about his killing his way across the country? And that he's not on the plane?" 

The ferret sat down miserably "Ever since he arrived, he's  been 'hunting'  one, maybe two girls at each place he visits.  Norfork,  Carolet, Steelborough, Lakehead, everywhere he's done it...and we were ordered to look the other way, all so Dickweed there could get a economic treaty passed so Freelands companies can get tax brakes for development in Barovia." 

The room grew tense  and there were several growls aimed at the raccoon.  Barnes was unrepentant however "You don't understand the big picture, the loss of a few fauves will be more than offset by the  long term economic impact to the -URK!!"  Barnes was cut off as Major Digger's hand grasped his throat 

"And the loss of my daughter and Captain Thatcher's child as well? How many FUCKING jobs will that bring!?!"  The squirrel released the assistant foreign minister and threw him to the floor, fighting himself not to kill the bastard, not that anyone in the room would fault him for that.

"That's not the worst" continued the ferret miserably.  "Do you know WHY Prince asswipe was getting trained on the F 21?  Cause dickweed here threw in those as well, gave the Barovians two F-21A's from the desert depot, with more to be sent after the treaty was signed.  Princey took off 5 min. after the 1147 he was supposed to be on-" 

"WHAT?!?" Revil grabbed the raccoon by his shirt front "YOU GODDAMMED BASTARD!!  You GAVE  the Barovians Gryphons for a Fucking economic treaty?!? Do you have any FUCKING clue how many more are gonna die because of your Stupidity?!?"

"They were older models, retired from active units-URK!!!"

Col. Revil growled dangerously as he grabbed Barnes off the floor"The only difference between the A and the D model is engines and radar systems, you gave a country that is historically hostile towards our very EXISTENCE advanced weaponry, and helped them kill our children to boot??!?"

Sylvia stood there stunned , along with most of the others in the room. She walked over and stood infront of the raccoon , trembling in fury.  "How can you justify yourself??? Digger's daughter, and my friends only child were raped and killed , and you say its for the good of the country??" She screamed and brought her knee up into his groin, Barnes folded over , writhing on the floor in agony vainly trying to protect himself as she kicked him again and again.  No one moved to stop her for several seconds , then Cpl. Kincaid stepped behind her and picked her up, arms around her waist.  She squirmed and kicked for a few seconds then hung limply, sobbing, The samoyed set her back down on her feet, she half turned and grabbed him, sobbing softly, as Barnes coughed and sat up, squeaking "I want that woman arrested for assaulting a federal official!" 

"The only one under arrest is you Barnes, for Treason." replied Col. Revil coldly.  Turning to the MP's at the door he nodded to them "Get this pile of shit out of my sight."  The raccoon protested vainly as he was drug out the door. "What's the status on Thatcher?" 

"She is in visual range of the transport now..and we have two targets about 20 miles behind the 1147, look like Gryphons" replied the radar tech, face back to her screen.

Kari watched the blinking of the anticollision strobelights on the 1147 three miles ahead of her.  She was in the Boeing's six, directly behind them, perfect shot location.  For a moment she contemplated that, her fingers on the trigger...two switches to arm and boom.... 

<no momma, don't>

Kari pulled her hand back from the weapons panel with a start , looking around. The com was still off, and she didn't hear it in her ears. She sighed, mumbling to herself "I wouldn't' d anyway" as she slid to the left and accelerated a bit, pulling alongside the 1147, staring into the windows.   It was a normal passenger flight, if prince asswipe was anywhere , he'd be in the upper first class section, and on this older model had few windows on the upper deck.. she noticed a small face in one of the windows, hand waving to her excitedly as the kid pressed a camera against the window to try to take a picture.  Kari held steady for a few seconds until he lowered the camera and waved again, bouncing in his seat.  She smiled to herself behind her oxygen mask and waved back, then flipped the Gryphon onto its side, peeling off back towards the coast.  Flipping the com back on she transmitted back to base "Tyndall control this is Raider one...saw what I needed to, heading home over."

Twenty miles behind her the transmission was picked up by a pair of aircraft, recently repainted, the starred flag of the Freelands replaced by the black shield and red dagger of Barovia. In the lead aircraft Prince Malik smiled, a bit of unfinished business he could attend to before he went home...

On the ground as the announcement crackled over the speakers, Col. Revil grabbed the microphone, quickly sending back "Thatcher, watch yourself, we have armed foreign aircraft within 20 miles of your location, over."

Kari erped, they were still Well within Freelands airspace, still she activated her ECM systems and armed her weapons as she searched the sky. 

Prince Malik frowned, seems he had problems locking his missile onto to the whore's aircraft, something about IFF(Identification Friend or Foe)  Still, these were heatseaking missiles, so all he had to do is point it towards her and fire, at least with the one's he was used to.   These were the latest the Freelands had  however, and would not attack a target seen by the computer as friendly, unbeknownst to Malik. With a triumphant yell, he squeezed the trigger, the flare from the rocket motor momentarily blinding him as the missile shot ahead at hypersonic speeds. 

"OH SHIT!! BIRD IN THE AIR SIR! " Said the radar tech, her tail twitching nervously as she watched the missile streak from the Barovian aircraft towards Kari's Gryphon, however in a few seconds it turned, as it identified the F-21 as friendly ,an  headed for the only target not broadcasting IFF...the 1147.   The leopard watched in horror as the missile track closed the distance to the  airliner, closing her eyes in a silent prayer. 

Kari's canopy lit up from the light from the missile motor as it passed within 500 meters, heading towards the 1147 "you fucking MORON Malik!!!" she screamed, as the missile homed in on the hot exhaust of the #4 engine of the airliner, impacting it with a colossal thump, throwing the 1147 off to the side as it exploded, engine in flames.  She watched in horrified fascination as the big Boeing fell towards the water below, the pilots re gaining control and leveling off only losing 1000 meters, the fire going out as they began to turn back towards land on the remaining three engines.

Prince Malik and his wingman watched the drama, the fox was especially upset for his family was onboard the transport...Malik cursed "Inferior Freeland equipment!! This missile will hit the whore!!!" 

"NO SIRE!!!" Screamed the wingman into the radio, realizing what happened , and where the second missile would go if fired.  He accelerated and pulled up infront of the prince as Malik fired, the missile flying straight into the tail of the Gryphon, impact fuse detonating the warhead.  The fighter was engulfed in flames, the fox having barely enough time to pull the ejection handle before it blew.

Kari watched the Gryphon disintegrate, breathing when she saw the chute open ...she radioed in for surface vessels to pick him up then turned towards the prince, guns hot. She saw the flashes from his guns as he closed, calmly keeping her course....they flashed past eachother at a closing speed of over 2000 kph,Malik's cannons leaving empty holes in the air as she dodged.   Applying the vectored thrust, she pulled around hard, grunting as the G meter climbed.

Malik swore as he lost the bitch, looking around he blinked and cursed as he saw her  coming around behind him.  He slammed the throttles forwards, diving for the ocean below and the crippled 1147 to hide.

Now it was Kari's turn to curse, as the Prince tucked his Gryphon in close to the 1147, too close for her to fire, Danger close for even military formation flying, even worse with a crippled airliner that doesn't even know you're there.  Switching to the civilian frequencies ,she quickly called "Barovian1147, be advised you have the Barovian fighter that shot you tucked in under your left wing , less than 5 meters, over!!" 

The voice that responded was definitely not Barovian, Barovian Airlines had wet leased several aircraft and crews from several Freelands airlines.  "What the FUCK? Get him outa there!  We're having a hard enough time staying in the air as it is!!!" 

Kari nodded and turned slowly away towards the south....knowing if she didn't get that asshole out of there anyway she could, he'd end up killing everyone on the 1147. Switching over to the main channel, she called "What's the matter Princey?  You finally realized a woman can kick your ass all over the sky and have to hide your self?"

"BITCH!!" he shot back as he closed on her slowing fighter "My only regret is that I cant fuck you like I did your whore daughter!"  he angrily squeezed the trigger, 20mm cannons firing towards the Gryphon as he closed to point blank range.

Kari could feel the Gryphon jerk as stray rounds hit the wings ,she was right with her guess, he couldn't shoot worth a shit. Popping the speedbrakes n flaps , she suddenly slowed even more, Malik's nose less than 3 meters from her exhausts.  He looked up in alarm as the nozzles for her engines widened, and screamed as she lit her Afterburners, engines ramping up to full power, 1200degree flames melting through his canopy and filling his cockpit as she pulled away.

On the ground the room was silent watching the Gryphon fall on radar...Col. Revil found his voice first.."Which aircraft was it?" 

The tech checked quickly "The Barovian Col., Thatcher's Allright, but almost out of fuel.  Got a tanker ready for her.  The room exploded into cheers at the news, then silenced again as the radar tech continued. "She's not responding to the tanker, heading course092, straight out to sea, less than 10 min. of fuel remaining."

On board the Gryphon Kari sat limply, uncaring. She had watched the Princes falling pyre all the way down till it hit the ocean, then sunk back in her seat.  She could hear someone chattering about tankers and fuel status, but couldn't get the energy to do anything about it... 

<Go home momma> 

"Cant, nothing there for me" she mumbled to the voice, weeping "Got no one.." 

On the ground Sylvia listened to the controllers and even Col. Revil trying to get her to respond..she padded forward  and reached for the microphone "let me try, maybe I can get through to her." 

Anton nodded, and handed her the handset.  taking a deep breath she spoke into it. 

"Raider one, this is Tyndall control.  Come to course 265 and say fuel status, over" she said, repeating what the tech had just said, then added "DAMNIT Kar, don't do this to me!"

Kari stirred, blinking at Sylvia's voice.  She automatically turned towards the course, and scanned her gauges , replying "Fuel 2470, turning 265" 

On the ground everyone started to breathe again....Slyvia looked to the tech "now what do I say?" 

The leopard smiled softly "Tell her refuel with  the tanker that is rendezvousing with her, and return home."

Sylvia snorted softly as Kari finally settled down , sleeping peacefully.  There wasn't a happy ending though, Kari was arrested when she landed.  The Barovian government withdrew their ambassadors, and threatened war unless Kari was turned over to them for execution.. and Barnes was turned over to the Foreign ministry, and never really punished, for that would be do 'damaging' to the country  Sylvia and the rest of the world was suprised by Kari's court martial though, Military justice was swift, the trial in less than a month after the incident. Kari was going to plead guilty to everything, but was only charged with misuse of government property, Infuriating the Barovians, like anyone really gave a shit about them.  Kari was sentenced to six months suspended, and given a general discharge.  She hadn't been able to stay long on the island, seeing the children hurt her too much, so she spent the next few years going down hill, losing job after job, until Sylvia got a call from her from Undernia two years ago. She brought her to the island, and helped her get the job flying for old John, a bear who ran a flying business out of Freeport.  He retired last year and she had gotten her self back together enough she bought the business from him.  She was finally getting her life back together , though Sylvia, except for the nights.   She sighed, and cuddled the fennec softly as she fell asleep.

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