Part Five
written by Snowdog

Kari stretched as she sat up on the bed, blinking a bit at the surroundings until she was fully awake, more or less.  She had had the nightmare again, worse than usual it seemed from her memories. Looking around she saw Sylvia curled up beside her, sleeping peacefully.  She quietly got out of bed, not wanting to wake  her friend, padding silently to the door. She almost picked up some clothes from the pile where they were thrown the night before, but considering where she was decided it really wasn't necessary, besides none of the guests would likely be in the main house this early, and if they were oh well, she was feeling strangely too warm for even a pair of shorts (not that anyone around here would think that odd, when there were no guests, or guests they know well, everyone usually went around in the fur.).    After taking care of business, she walked slowly down the hall towards the kitchen,  idly glancing at the pictures Sylvia kept there, going back several generations of Slipsunders.  In all the time she had been here she had never really looked at them much, they're having been part of the background of her early life.  She smiled as seeing one of her and Sylvia in the second grade, when they got the brilliant idea to make it rich by selling cookies, despite the fact neither one of them knew how to took them days to get all the dough out of their fur, and the oven, and the kitchen, and the dining room.  Padding barepawed into the kitchen, she saw with relief that someone had already made coffee...she probably drank more than she should, a hold over from her military days.  Still, it was the elixir of life and she worshipped at the temple of the mighty bean regularly, especially during long flights..soon to get longer as soon as her extended range tanks were delivered. She'd be able to go nonstop from the Happenstance islands all the way to Kicking Ass bay, without having to refuel.  As she sipped her coffee she felt a warm tingly feeling throughout her body, felt better than she had in years in fact. "wow, good coffee" she said suprised, taking another sip "Luke , did you make this?" She asked as the border collie came into the kitchen from the dining room , blinking groggily. 

"Huh? oh yeah, put it on  before I took a shower," he replied, "its just normal coffe-oof!!" 

Lucas was cut off mid sentence as Kari pouncehugged him, kissing him warmly.   He didn't complain much as he hugged her back, though did wonder what had gotten into the fennec vixen, she normally was much more reserved around him and the others. 

Walking into the kitchen , with Rale helping him, Rock knew however exactly was wrong , or more likely right with the pilot.  Sylvia had told him while he was laid up about some of Kari's past, so that he wouldn't accidentally open old wounds of hers.   Most civics wouldn't recognize the signs, but he did...the vixen was going into heat.  It was rather rare for a civic, and she probably wouldn't go all the way, developing eight breasts and being hyper fertile, which many civic women found highly embarrassing.  Fauves (or ex fauves like himself ) saw it as something more natural and didn't think much of it.   Seeing the bewildered  yet happy expression on Lucas's face Rock decided to help the lad out a bit "Luke, maybe it might be a good idea for you and Kari to check to see how her plane handled the rains last night..if its gonna get worse like mom says, then we need to make sure everything is tied down good"   Rale started to speak but Rock winked at the otter as Kari picked up the ball. 

 "That's a good idea, can you give me a hand Luke?" she said as she turned, her tail swishing slowly, as she bent over and put her now empty coffee mug in the lower rack of the dishwasher.
Lucas just silently nodded, following the vixen out the door, while Rock chuckled, pouring himself a cup of coffee. 

Rale tugged on his arm "Rock, why is Kari actin funny? I mean, I know why but why?  She's normally not like this." 

"Like what short stuff?" asked Janet as she entered the kitchen, searching through the refrigerator for something edible to a teenager, pop-tarts or cold pizza.

"You know, yiffy," he replied, grinning as his sister jerked in suprise, banging her head inside the refrigerator. 

"Kari??? But she's never been interested in anyone but momma!?" Said the tiger mix in astonishment "who is she pouncing?" 

"Luke is the lucky one" replied Rock, sipping his coffee  "I don't even think she knows it, but she's going into heat...civics cant usually tell, but when you live as a fauve you learn to pick up on such things." 

"HEAT?" exclaimed Janet  "poor girl, having to go after Luke "she giggled, her siblings laughing at their lucky brother's expense. 

"What's so funny?" asked Sylvia as she padded into the kitchen.  Janet and Rock filled her in on the latest developments.  Sylvia smiled "I was hoping for years something like this might happen to her.. maybe it will help ."

Lucas didn't know exactly what to expect as  he followed Kari down to the lagoon, he did have chores to do but his mom was pretty laid back about such things, as long as they were done she really didn't care when he did them.  He followed the vixen out onto the dock, the old PBY13 bobbing in the water along the pier, none the worse for wear it seemed after the nights rain, though the sky was still filled with ominous looking clouds.  He watched as Kari climbed up to the wings, checking the engine covers and prop tiedowns, as he checked the moorings to the pier. 

Kari climbed back down, then went over to the cabin door, unlocking it and stepping inside. She looked back out the door "Luke? Can you come here for a min? I need your help checking something in the Cockpit." 

He nodded and followed her inside, noticing in the confines of the cabin what he couldn't out on the windy dock, catching her scent.  he stirred slightly as she leaned past him, closing the cabin door then moved forward, her tail brushing across his belly.  He followed her up the aisle, into the cockpit, where she got out a flashlight and knelt on the deck, lifting a access panel in the floor.  Shining the light down inside , she stuck her head in the hole, her tail raised higher than necessary, giving Luke a good view of her  sex as she checked for leaks. 

The border collie moaned a bit , then figured what the hell, and moved closer, his hand reaching out, gently stroking his fingertips along the vixen. Kari moaned softly, pressing back into the collie's paw, tail swishing.  Luke gulped a bit, as she ran her tail up his legs, brushing across his groin.
Kari closed the access panel, turning off the flashlight, and turned around on her knees, softly nuzzling Luke's cock.   Luke groaned softly, his shaft growing quickly, hand automatically going to softly stroke Kari's cheekfur.  She mmmd softly, slowly running her tongue along the underside of his shaft, slowly stroking from the tip down to his sac, then back to the tip again, slowly running her tongue around the end
She smiled up at him, then leaned over and hit the recline lever on one of the passengers seats.  The PBY Manatee was set up for 14 passengers, each having a wide seat similar to first class airline seating. 

Kari reached out , pulling the collie to her, Luke needing no urging as he slid inside her, his thick shaft pressing against her inner walls.  He moaned softly as he began to thrust slowly, his tail swishing  as Kari wrapped her legs around his waist , pulling him deeper, thrusting her hips upwards against him , yipping softly as she kissed him, her tongue probing into his muzzle. 

Luke was initially caught off guard by her eagerness, but quickly recovered, kissing Kari back warmly, increasing his thrusts into her, his hands sliding up her body, cupping her smallish breasts and gently squeezing, eliciting  squeals from the vixen as they mated...

Down in cabin 5, Ken swore and stomped out of the cabin.  Ralph was dead drunk, sprawled out on the sofa in the living room, and they had less than three weeks to finish their script before the studio
came knocking for either the script of the refund of their advance money, which naturally Ralph spent.  It just wasn't fair he thought, walking down towards the lagoon, his shorts rapidly getting soaked by the wet leaves as he walked down the narrow trail.  "I do 90% of the work, and Ralph gets the credit"...but the puma was a respected figure in the movie industry, while he was just another 'executive assistant'.  He sighed and headed towards the dock, hoping that his missing notepad might be in the pocket on the seat he sat in on his flight.    As he approached the plane he thought for a second he heard moaning, but figured it was just the wind through the trees.  Trying the handle of the cabin door, he found it unlocked and quietly stepped inside, this would only take a min to get the book he figured. Stepping inside his eyes quickly adjusted to the light, blinking as he saw the pilot getting her brains yiffed out by Lucas. 

Luke noticed the coyote standing in the doorway, but was too far gone to care too much, grunting as he drove faster into Kari, his precum mixing with the vixen's juices.  Kari writhed, impaled on his cock as she neared her release, her legs locking around Luke's waist, trying to pull him deeper into her. 

Ken watched quietly, his own cock growing in arousal, not sure if he should stay or leave, until Luke shot him a grin over his shoulder, and Kari waved her hand beckoningly towards him ... "what the hell" he thought, "It's my turn instead of Ralph for once".  He padded closer, dropping his shorts on the aisle of the cabin, his cock standing firm as he watched. 

Kari squealed as she came, her orgasm shuddering through her body, her sex gripping Luke tightly as she trembled and shook, setting off his own release, his hot seed spraying deep into her tight body.  He groaned as he kept his hips moving, slowly pumping as he came down, until he was fully stopped within her, kissing her lightly. 

She kissed him back n grinned, blushing a bit as he pulled out , her tail tracing along his cock.  Kari giggled, blushing again as she whispered in Luke's ear "I hope you don't take long to get hard again...would love for you both to fill me..." 

Luke grinned, and got up, as Kari grabbed Ken's hand and pulled the Coyote over.  Setting him down in the seat, she smiled admiring him, then moved onto his lap.   Ken mmmd softly, his hands slowly exploring the vixen's body , fingers rubbing over her breasts as she nuzzled him softly, her hand gently caressing Luke's cock back to hardness.  Kari pressed her breasts into his hands, murring softly as she gently rubbed against him, her wet sex rubbing along his groin.  After several minutes of her light touch, Luke was hard enough...he grinned and lifted Kari a bit, giggling as she eeeped in mock dismay, her hand reaching down to Ken's shaft, gently guiding it in her as she settled down onto the coyote.  Ken moaned softly as her wet heat surrounded him, holding still as Luke moved closer, Kari lifting her tail out of the way for the collie. 

Luke's cock was still slick with Kari's juices as he softly pressed the head to her tailhole.. she  squealed softly as he entered, taking his time, moving just a little bit deeper until he was firmly within her, feeling the pressure of the coyote's cock in her sex through the thin tissue.  Kari gasped and grunted as she was slowly filled, when both were in and she was used to it she nodded to the two males. 

Luke began to slowly thrust into her tight rear, matching the strokes of the coyote, as Ken pumped his hips upwards ,his cock stroking along Kari's sex, coated with her juices and collie sperm.  Kari mewed softly, eyes closed and panting as she softly squeezed both cocks within her, kissing Ken passionately as Luke softly nipped her neckfur, his hands gripping her by the hips as he pulled himself in deeper., feeling Ken's cock slide in and out of the vixen's tight pussy underneath him, his tail swishing madly. 

Ken moaned as he kissed Kari back, his tongue probing her muzzle, fingers stroking along her sides as he humped harder and faster up into her. Kari squirmed and moaned, feeling both cocks sliding in and out of her holes, gently squeezing them with her muscles as Luke and Ken began to pick up speed.  She panted louder, body being rocked back and forth from the dueling cocks, feeling her world shrink to no more than these two canines, joining  to her, Ken groaning  softly, his pre joining the mix already inside her, Luke nearing his peak again, his fluids easing his passage inside her, allowing him to take her faster. 

Kari groaned loudly, feeling her body tense, seeming far away from her brain, almost as if she was a mile higher than her body...feeling the rush overcome her senses , screaming loudly at her orgasm, feeling Ken and Luke let go , their warmth filling her body, her muscles squeezing their shafts, trying to milk the last drop from then, then kissing them both passionately as she faded into darkness. 

Ken blinked as the vixen passed out, panting softly as he came down and slowly pulled out of her, grinning up to Luke "And women say MEN always fall asleep afterwards!" 

Luke checked Kari, relaxing when he saw she was just asleep. He chuckled as he gently picked Kari up in his arms, while Ken got the notebook that he came here for in the first place. 

"you need a hand with her?" asked the coyote as he picked up his shorts, but not bothering to put them on. 

"Naah, she don't weigh much.  Gona carry her up to the house and put her to bed for a while" said the collie as he headed back up the dock. 

Ken nodded "I guess either we were good, or so bad she passed out to get away from us," eliciting a laugh from Luke  "well, you could always come up to the house too, you can ask her when she wakes up." 

"Tempting, but I really need to get to if I can get my partner upright and coherent..then again, maybe just upright is all should hope for" 

Luke nodded as he turned up the path towards the main house, while Ken continued towards his cabin...he almost dived into the lagoon to wash the scent of the vixen off of him..but decided not to, precisely because it would piss off Ralph. "Serve him right for getting so damn drunk, though I get the feeling that none of the females around here will fall for his usual BS."

Several hours later, Kari awoke with a start, looking around the room then at the clock.  "wow, what a dream" she thought, until she caught the scent of her recent activities...and seeing the sticky spots in the fur on her thighs.   Looking up she saw Luke sprawled out on a chair in the corner, watching over her, or at least that was his plan..he was snoozing peacefully.   She smiled softly as she got up, padding over to kiss him softly on her way to the shower
"thank you love" she whispered to him as she went  to get cleaned up. 30 min later she was drying her fur when a loud thunderclap shook the house.   Puzzled, she went to look out the window , seeing nothing but black ominous clouds she frowned, and headed down the hall to where Sylvia had her computer, to check the weather.   Pulling up the weather service site, she paled, trembling as she saw the satellite image.  The hurricane had NOT slid north east like they forecast, it had turned, and grown, category 4 at least.  Her hands flew across the keyboard as she headed to the Aviation ministry site, for flight plan preparations...only to discover the only sanctuary she had in range was through the other side of the hurricane.   She sat there stunned for several moments, realizing her dreams were soon to be dashed against 230km winds of the snug harbor her plane could survive the storm, the airport was over the coastal mountains, the storm's fury wouldn't penetrate to there..but here, the best she could do was to go ahead and sink it now, and hope  to salvage something later.  She couldn't leave it tied to the dock, the dock might not survive the storm, and beaching was just as bad, as the wind could pick up the PBY and toss it like a child's toy.    It was insured of course, but still, more than likely it would be totaled, and they did not make flying boats like that anymore.  Hearing a noise she glanced up, seeing Rale looking at her 

Rale padded over and hugged Kari softly "what's wrong?" 

"we're gonna be hit by a hurricane Rale.. I'm probably gonna lose my plane.  If h hadn't have slept all day, I might have been able to get it clear" she said, angry with herself. 

"Well why don't you put it in the cave?" asked the otter in a matter of fact tone of voice "Grandma said the  navy used to keep seaplanes in there during the war" 

Kari blinked then stood up "where is this place?" she asked the otter kit.  Rale  took her hand "Come on, I'll show you, it isn't far.    Kari followed Rale out, where the others were tying everything down in sight in preparation for the storm.  Sylvia looked up as she walked outside and hugged her softly
"you OK hon?" 

Kari nodded "Rale says he knows of a sheltered place I can put skypig, going to go take a look, how much time do they say we have?" 

"About six hours till it hits Fairport, but still don't waste time. Take the truck as far as you can, and be careful you two." 

Kari nodded and climbed into the small pickup they had for transporting heavy loads.  Putting it in 4 low, she followed Rale's directions as they drove off into the jungle.  Before too long the road ended at a sheer drop on the south side of the island, down to the surf below.   Looking over the edge, Kari saw what looked like a concrete ramp leading from the cliffbase down into the sea, and there were stairs cut into the rock going down, next to a foliage covered anti aircraft gun mount.  She followed Rale carefully down the stair way, the young otter scampering ahead recklessly, waiting for her at the bottom.   Rale grinned as she looked agape at the platform, big enough to park one of the huge 4 engine Swordfish Seaplanes the navy used in the Trans Oceanic war, more than enough room for her little PBY 13 Manatee.  Behind the platform was a dark opening into the cliff wall, looking closer she saw what looked like tracks in the ground, leading to doors for the hangar, long since frozen open.  The ramp and platform was cracked along the edges from over 50 years of erosion, but still stable enough.  She turned to Rale and hugged him tightly "how did you find this place?" Sylvia and I were all over the island as kids" 

"oh, Grandma Told me, me an Rock had to clear the vines from the top of the cliff, couldn't see the stairs because of them.  Will this help you?" 

Kari nodded, kissing Rale and ruffling his ears "you bet it will! We got some time, lets take a look inside first 

Rale nodded and followed Kari into the cave, his flashlight illuminating where there used to be maintenance stands, hoists and offices carved into the rock, his hand in hers so she wouldn't get lost.

A bit later they arrived back at the compound, Luke was up pulling the last boat out of the water, Sylvia helping to tie it to the trees.  Sylvia smiled when Kari told her their findings "sounds perfect.   How long will it take you to get it inside?" 

"About 45 min max, gonna need some bodies to ground handle it into position." 

She nodded "Rock and Luke will be there when you need them, we have to finish getting the boats secured , then get the guests...I can imagine they're not going to be happy about spending their vacations in the bunker."

Kari nodded as she headed down the dock to pull the covers off the seaplane.  As Rale untied the mooring ropes , she started the  #1 engine, the prop spinning slowly until the engine caught, smoke pouring from the stacks for the first few seconds.    Applying power she pulled away from the dock to begin the water taxi around to the otherside of the island, the plane rocking in the worsening waves, still only a couple of  feet, but that wouldn't last long.   When she got around to the ramp Rock, Luke and Rale were waiting for her at the cliff base, Rale bouncing excitedly, the whole hurricane thing was so exciting to the little otter.  Luckily the surf wasn't bad on this side of the island as she lowered the landing gear, feeling the bump as the nosewheel touched the ramp, running the engines up to slowly climb out of the water.    Rock and Rale stood out of the way as Lucas ground guided her, crossing his fists over his head for her to stop as she got to the center of the platform.   She locked the brakes on the left side, and ran the right engine to full power, following Luke's signals as she slowly swung the Manatee 180 degrees, pointing tail first towards the hole in the cliff, then shut down the engines.
Climbing out, she helped them slowly push the seaplane into the cavern, securing it tightly to tiedown points Rock found with the straps Kari carried. 

"Secure as its gonna get" she said with satisfaction, panting from the exertion.  Rock nodded , hardly even winded from that noted Luke , making a mental note to work out more.  Kari snugged all three of them, feeling sorta warm again like earlier... 

Outside the cavern , the rain began to fall heavily , as the leading edge of the storm neared the island.

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