Part One
written by Snowdog

"Come on baby , you an me, tropical island.." 

Kari growled frostily "Mr. Hutchens , do you know the penalty for interfeering with a flight crew while airborne?  In the Freelands its considered a felony, so if you dont get your ass back in  your seat and out of my cockpit I will turn this plane around so fast your head will spin!!"  She pointed at the radar screen "We've got thunderstorms in the area, fighting a headwind and I DONT need your SIT down and SHUT UP!" 

The puma blinked at the small vixen piloting the seaplane, murmuring something under his breath as he went back into the cabin.  Kari reached back and locked the door, normaly she diddnt mind company when she flew guests out to the islands,  but this jerk seemed to think just because she wasnt completely covered meant she was looking for sex.  She irritably flicked  a stray strand of hair out of her eyes, glancing down at herself as she scanned the instruments. Her sandy brown fur was neat, even if there was a few spots from where the #2 engine dripped oil on her arms during preflight , her darker brown hair she kept tied up behind her in a ponytail to keep it out of her face,(which usualy worked, a few strands always seemed to work free to bug her though). Her ears were highly prominent, sticking up almost a foot , even larger than many fennecs, and her eyes were a brillant sapphire blue.  As for her outfit, well it was more approiate for the islands than the mainland, but air conditioning wasnt an option when the PBY was built back in the war, so she dressed for comfort, a pair of shorts cut sort of high, and a skimpy halter top, just enough to keep mainlanders from getting upset, usualy. 

She chuckled softly to herself "course with that type, wouldnt matter if I was in a full pressure suit, long as i'm female, or maybe even male. Just breathing is enough."  Reaching for the mike, she switched frequencies on the com to a little used channel
"ground station Kx279 this is FL74H, over." 

In the kitchen of the resort, Bethany Slipsunder looked up from where she was chopping vegtables as the radio sparked to life. Putting down her knife the young coon/otter picked up the handset.
"FL74H this is Kx279, heya Kari!" 

Kari grinned as she replied "See you remembered my new tailnumber, I'm about 45 km from Freedom's Run, got 4 sob's, some mail and the new waterpump your mom ordered, over." 

Bethany giggled, remembering her reaction to the first time she heard Kari call her passengers that, it meant souls on board actually "Okie, i'll let her know...the weather is pretty clear here at the moment, you should beat that storm in." 

"I'm lookin at it now on radar, good thing I dont have any other runs for a day or so, may be stuck there, over." Replied Kari as she reduced the throttles on the big radial  engines, the seaplane starting a slow decent, dark clouds growing across the skies. 

Bethany giggled into the radio "you say that like it's  a bad thing, " knowing that it wasnt. 

Kari chuckled "See ya in a bit runt", even though Bethany was almost a foot taller than her. 

"I'll tell mom youre on your way"   Bethany hung the handset back on its holder and went to find her mother. 

Sylvia Slipsunder was down by the dock at the moment, helping her son get the boats that belonged to the resort tied up to ride out the approaching storm. She worked quickly, throwing the rope down to Lucas as he stood on the bow of the launch. Seeing Bethany coming down from the house she called to her "Beth, I need you to make sure the cabins on the west side are all closed..dont need to get the furniture soaked, looks like we're gonna get hit hard." 

Bethany nodded "Yes momma, oh I just talked to Kari, she's a few min out, be here before the storm is." 

Sylvia nodded "Ok, in that case wait here and help the guests get settled in, we wont have much time.  Has Rale got back yet?" 

"He'll come in as soon as he hears the plane momma, you know he never misses it, specialy when Kari's flying," Bethany replied. 

Her mother grinned, seeing a canoe slip into the water out on the shore of Bucks Rump as the sound of radial engines slowly grew in the distance. "Think he'll beat her here?" 

Lucas chuckled, watching his younger brother paddle furiously as he finished tying the stern of the launch "probably, he's gotten pretty good lately with that thing." 

Sure enough, as the seaplane roared over the lagoon at about 200 feet, Rale clambered up the ladder from the water, naked as usual "She's here! Momma, do I have to put on clothes?" 

Sylvia giggled and snugged her youngest "well, Kari is bringing guests, so at least a pair of shorts for now 

Rale pouted as he reached back into the  canoe, pulling out a semi clean pair of shorts.

Kari lowered the flaps as she flew over the lagoon, waggling the wings seeing the group assembled on the dock, she circled once, guaging the water and wind direction, then lowered the wingtip floats as she lined up for landing. The hull splashed  along the water as she touched down,  spray flying as she reversed the pitch on the props for braking. When the water rudder took effect , she guided the craft towards the dock, shutting down the number one engine.  Coasting in, Lucas jumped onto the nose of the seaplane, tying a rope to the cleat just infront of the cockpit.  Karin grinned up at the sight of the border collies butt in her windscreen as she shut down and feathered number two, swinging the plane around with the water rudder till it was against the dock. 

Sylvia was waiting as the plane ceased moving, undoging the door and reaching inside to lower the stairs to the docklevel.   She held out her hand to the first of her guests to emerge,  the tall puma who was harassing Kari on the flight down and his partner, a younger male coyote. They had come to the island for some quiet time to finish work on their latest project, and so Ken could get Ralph away from chasing women, men, and small domestic animals.  Ken sighed as he glanded at their hostess, it would be even harder to keep Ralph focused on the script, unless he hand cuffed him to the desk, something Ken was prepared to do if necessary.   He reached for Sylvia's hand, only to be  beaten to it by Ralph. 

"Hello, I'm Ralph Hutchens, award winning author , and the pleasure is mine" he said, mentaly doing intresting  things to  Sylvia with his eyes.   Ken simply rolled his eyes, catching a snort near the nose of the plane, he glanced forward and saw their pilot rolling her eyes also as she unloaded  luggage from the nose compartment. 

Ralph glanced over and saw Bethany standing sorta behind her mother "and who is this charming  young lady?" 

Sylvia kept smiling, resisting the urge to go into mommy mode.  She knew her children were able to take care of themselves, quite well in fact as some soccer team members from the school in Fairport found out when they diddnt belive Janet and Bethany really meant  no.
"My daughter Bethany, one of my children. My son Lucas has your baggage, if you follow him he will take you to your cabin." 

Ken siezed the moment, grabbing his partner by the elbow..."Come on Ralph, we only have a few weeks to finish this or the studio is gonna have out heads." 

"But but but-" 

"You're not a outboard motor Ralph, dont try to impersonate one. Lets go." Ken picked up his laptop and followed Lucas , semi pushing the puma infront of him. 

Bethany shushed a giggle as the others finaly emegred, stepping out of the aft head of the seaplane. They were  an obviously newlywed couple a wolf male and his mixed wife, her redish hair mussed from the flight, or something else as her blouse was on inside out...Sylvia supressed a giggle and held out her hand. "Welcome to WaterWings Mr and Mrs Brooks, I'm Sylvia Slipsunder, and these are my children. Normaly we wouldnt rush you like this, but want to get you and your baggage inside before the sky starts falling on us.  I hope you had a pleasant flight." 

The wolf smiled and shook Sylvia's hand "Thank you, we did highly.." the scent of their recent activities obvious as they followed Bethany to their cabin, tails twined together. 

Kari giggled as she unloaded the mail, placing the packages in a small cart that Rale had brought over. "Remind me to give them mile high club pins," she said as Sylvia walked over to help. "They've been in there since just after takeoff." 

"Oh, are you a member too?"Asked Sylvia slyly, as she hugged the smaller woman. 

Kari giggled snugglehugged Sylvia "You should know, thats why I spent that much for the autopilot, after the last time..." 

Sylvia smiled remembering the flight to the mainland a few months ago "Hey,you were flying, I wasn't worried.  So how did your meeting go?" 

The fennec sighed, ears drooping a bit "tell you later ok? I need to get skypig here buttoned up before the storm." 

Sylvia nodded and snugged Kari, before gettin into the cart and heading up the hill to the house.   Kari turned back to the plane, running into Rale who was standing there with the covers in hand from the nose compartment. She smiled and ruffled his ears softly.
"Thanks, wanna take the left side?" she said as she took half of  them from him, feet stepping onto the steppoints on the fuselage. 

Rale grinned an nodded, scampering onto the port wing, crawling out onto the nacelle and slipping the tiedown sock over the prop, securing the ropes to the cowling to keep the prop from windmilling.
He then copied kari walking out onto the wing, inserting control locks into the alierons to make sure they arent blown around, and covers for the oil cooler intakes as well. She glanced over at him, satisifed in his work then climbed back down. Rale grinned and walked out to the  wingtip, diving the distance into the lagoon. Kari giggled as he porpised out of the water, sticking a paw down to help him out. "Showoff" 

Rale giggled  and placed his feet against the pilings of the pier and puled, causing Kari to lose her precarious ballance and follow him into the lagoon. 

Kari EEEEEEEPed as she splashed down in the warm water, the otterkit giggling and swimming circles around her just as Sylvia drove back up in the cart for them. 

"Having fun?" she asked with  a semi straight face as Kari emegred from the water looking like a member of the drowned rat society 

Kari stood there looking miserable for a moment then turned, knocking Rale back into the water just as he reached the top of the dock "Am now ".  She reached down and grabbed her bag, throwing it into the back of the cart then grinned at the double dunked otter kit re-emerging from the water. 

Rale just stuck his tounge out at Kari as his mother smiled and said "Shows what happens when you pull folks into the water Rale." 

Rale grinned slowly "Thats ok momma...I'll get her back later." 

"Dream on! "snorted Kari. She grinned at Rale and  Sylvia and broke into a run toward the house "RACE ya!" 

Rale took off running after the fleeing fennec, while Sylvia brought up the rear in the cart, as large raindrops began to fall from the black clouds...

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