Part Two
written by Snowdog

Ralph sighed to himself as he followed Lucas Slipsunder to the cabin that would be his home for the next several weeks thanks to his partner's instance that they leave the mainland for someplace quieter to finish their latest script.  The puma panted heavily as he carried one small bag and his laptop, pausing to light his third cigarette since landing only ten minutes ago.  Ken shook his head behind Ralph seeing him light up again...hopefully at least he would be able to keep the windows and doors open enough so the stink wouldn't cling to his fur as well.   A head of them, Lucas grimaced as the smell wafted from the  guests, trying to politely pay attention to Ralph's rambling about the other passengers on the flight from the mainland. 

"Did you see the size of her tits Ken? Geeze, must be 38's at least, and they spent all fucking way locked in the bathroom...could hear her yowlin as he banged into  her.." 

"They're newlyweds Ralph, dontcha remember your honeymoon?" asked Ken as he felt the first few raindrops splatter into his fur. 

"Naah, , the bitch left me before we got to the hotel, just cause she caught me and her bridesmaids in the back of the limo at the reception...lucky for her she remembered that I am the best fuck in the whole friggin Republic and she came crawling back begging my forgiveness..." 

<"More like you went back on your hands an knees bawling your eyes out once you remembered her daddy was one of the biggest producers in the industry is how I always heard it"> thought Ken wryly, figuring his version was closer to the actual truth.    Lucas said nothing , but did sigh to himself and made a mental note to tell his sisters NOT to be alone around this yo-yo...then again,  might be fun watching Janet and Bethany punching large holes in his overinflated  ego.   His musings were broken by Ralph's asking him  "Say kid, where are the whores around here?" 

Lucas stumbled a bit in suprise , covering it with opening the door to the cabin  "Uh, well sir,   there are a few in Freeport from what I understand." 

"Great! How long till I can be there?" 

Lucas looked at the black clouds overhead and the rain beginning to fall  "Not today, or tomorrow if the weather is like this." 

"What? Its already been over 24 hours since I got mean I have to wait another DAY?!?" 

Ken sighed as he set his laptop down on the desk "Ralph, we came out here to WORK....there's plenty of time for that once we get done.  We're three weeks from the deadline ,and you promised to concentrate on the project.  I'd hate to be the one to explain to the studio what you did with their advance money.." 

"OK ok, sheesh...." Ralph walked into the bathroom and slammed the door, convinced he was in hell. 

Ken slowly pulled his hand down his face then turned to Lucas.  He leaned over and whispered  to the collie with a grin , slipping him a twenty " If you can, make sure the boat isn't available for him to go to Freeport for at least a week , will you?  Maybe we can get some work done at least." 

Lucas nodded and whispered back "I'll see what I can do," as he stepped out into the now pouring rain.

On the other wing of the island, Bethany didn't have any difficulties getting her guests into their cabin.   They slowly strolled along the path, oblivious to both Bethany and the rain as  she walked ahead of them, looking back every so often to insure that they didn't stop in a clearing somewhere instead of waiting till they got to the cabin.   They had lost most of their clothes by the time they arrived noted Bethany, smiling a bit as Greg picked up his new bride and carried her over the threshold, her tail wrapped around his waist. 

Bethany quietly shut the door behind them and headed back up to the house " Gee, wish Thomas was that romantic," she  mused about her sometime boyfriend, a mink who seemed to spend more time working on his boat than with her .  "Heh , and when he is with me, all he wants to do is come and go...maybe Janet's right," 

"OF course I'm right!" came a voice from right behind her, causing Bethany to jump nearly a meter into the air squealing. 

"JANET! Don't DO THAT!!" gasped the raccoon.    Her half tiger sister giggled, her fur dripping wet from the rain  and the water from the lagoon, a spear gun over one shoulder, carrying  her catch of about a dozen fish.  "you scared the crap out of me!" panted Bethany as she glared.  "what took you so long anyway?  You've been gone all day!" 

Janet just grinned even wider  "You know the Peterson twins? Donnie and Ronnie?  Well, they were fishing  about 500 meters off the north shore of the island, so I swam out to their boat..." 

"And did them both." Finished Bethany with a sigh  "Janet, I don't know what I'm gonna do with you, I mean you could have SHARED!" 

Janet hugged her sister "hey, I was sorta , uh, preoccupied if you know what I mean. Sorry, next time I'll get ya." 

"That's what you said last time."   Bethany sighed and headed up the path towards the house, followed by her apologetic sister.

Later that evening, Kari sat down in Sylvia's room, glass of wine in her hand.  She normally didn't drink, but tonight seemed like a night for it, besides she wasn't going anywhere for a few days.  She had checked the weather on the net earlier, the tropical depression  sliding between the islands and the mainland had been upgraded to a tropical storm, and expected to reach hurricane strength by the morning.   However it was heading south east, and expected to stay clear of both the islands and the mainland.  She didn't really have any place to go anyway she felt, taking another sip of the wine.    Sylvia watched the fennec with concern,   she had known Kari since the two of them were children, gone to school together, even lost their virginity  on the same night with the same guy (they drew straws to see who went first).  After college though their paths separated, Sylvia content to run the family resort , while Kari entered the defense forces and became  fighter pilot, a path she excelled at until her discharge several years ago.     Sylvia poured her self a glass and sat down next to her morose friend. 

"Ok, so what happened?   I take it things didn't go well?" 

Kari sighed, sipping her wine "Everything was fine at first.  The commander of the reserve unit at Snug Harbor was there, saying how they were understregnth and I was exactly what they needed,  General Revil  was there pressing my case, hell even the assistant Defense Minister was agreeing that I should be reinstated...then this twink from the Foreign ministry showed up." 

"Ouch, I take it they were against your being reinstated?" 

"Against it is not the word for it....he called it a  "a major diplomatic insult, tantamount to an act of war, an unreasonable provocation of  the Kingdom of Barovia" Then he reminded the board of the 'delicate negations' with Barovia, the fact they export 1/6 of the oil the Freelands uses, that their king still has a death warrant on my head ,  then threw in a vague threat about next years defense budget to top things off.    So of course they decided not to overturn my discharge and let me fly again."  Kari's wine glass suddenly shattered in her paw from her gripping it too tightly in her anger.  Kari yipped as the glass cut into her pads, blinking back tears "that's how things have gone, pretty shitty huh?"
 Sylvia got up and got the first aid kit, delicately picking glass shards out of Kari's paw  "it should be ok, the wine  should have killed any germs or anything.  None of them went deep."  She bandaged the small vixen's hand then kissed her lightly "maybe someone is trying to tell you something,  Stay here with us." 

Kari smiled softly and kissed Sylvia back, softly nuzzling her cheekfur "Tempting, but you know  I'm a rough sleeper." 

Sylvia smiled, her hands gently running through Kari's fur , a twinkle in her eye.  "Now who said we were gonna be sleeping?" 

Kari smiled softly as Sylvia softly rubbed her neck and shoulders.   "Here, lay down on your stomach" said the otter mix   as she shifted.  Kari laid down closing her  eyes as Sylvia knelt over her, hands slowly massaging along her shoulders and upper back.  Kari murrrred happily, feeling t he tension of  her past few days ebb from the massage, Sylvia's strong hands lightly working down her spine, rubbing just above her tailbase. Kari thrashed her tail about , giggling as Sylvia's fingers slipped past her tail to her rear "Hey, just what do you have in mind there?" 

Sylvia smiled, her fingertips lightly tracing through the lighter fur along Kari's inner thighs, the vixen murring louder , tail swishing  from side to side. Kari rolled over onto her back, her hand softly brushing Sylvia's belly fur. 

 "Was that your plan, get me drunk and take advantage of me?" she giggled. 

Sylvia smiled "Do I need to get you drunk for that?" her fingers lightly stroking the patch of white fur on Karin's belly. 

Kari smiled, her own fingers softly stroking Sylvia's breasts "Nope" she grinned as she sat up, pushing Sylvia back against the couch, kissing her softly.  Sylvia kissed Kari back warmly, wrapping her arms around the fennec, softly pressing her larger breasts against Kari's relatively small ones.   Kari mmmed softly, slowly nuzzling along Sylvia's neck, her  hands gently stroking along her sides  She smiled as she lowered her head, her cold nose brushing across Sylvia's nipples.  Sylvia purred, her nipples standing stiffly from her fur. 

Kari slowly lapped her warm tongue across them, gently suckling one into her muzzle , batting it softly with  her tongue, tail swishing slowly.  Sylvia purrs louder, her fingers twining in Kari's hair, undoing her ever present ponytail, letting Kari's hair loose, falling halfway down her  back.. 

Sylvia ooohed softly "you have such beautiful hair, you should let it down more often..." her fingers reached down to lightly rub the fennec's small breasts. 

Kari blushed softly as she nuzzled slowly down Sylvia's belly fur, watching her friend giggle as she hit a ticklish spot   Sylvia smiled and got up from the couch, taking Kari's paw and leading her towards the bed. 

Kari smiled and watched Sylvia lay down ,then crawled next to her, softly rubbing her nose  between her thighs. 

Sylvia giggled, "hey, no fair, I don't have a pointy muzzle like you do!" 

 "Well, you'll just have to make do with  whacha got," replied Kari, prompting a grin from  Sylvia, changing to a soft gasp, as Kari softly licked along her outer lips.   Sylvia murrred softly as the warm tongue gently ran across her clit, slowly circling.   Kari smiled and flicked her tongue deeper, gently lapping between  her folds. 

Sylvia panted softly, fingers gently stroking along the backs of Kari's thighs, her own tongue softly exploring Kari's soft pussy, shivering as Kari's tongue slipped deeper along her inner walls.  Kari moaned softly into Sylvia, her  tongue dancing around  inside Sylvia's wet pussy, lapping up her sweet juices.. Sylvia moaned louder as Kari pressed her cold nose against her hot clit.  Giggling softly she pulled her tongue back and pressed her muzzle against Sylvia's pussy, her nose slipping into the ottermix.
Sylvia gasped and clutched her fingers in Kari's hair as the fennecs muzzle slipped into her pussy, the fur  rubbing against her inner walls.  Kari mmmms and breathed through the side of her mouth as she pressed her muzzle deeper into Sylvia, causing her to groan louder, her nectar coating Kari's face as she muzzlefucked her.. 

"OIOOH KARI!!!!"  cried Sylvia, clutching the fennec tightly, her inner walls  rippling  as   Kari strokes her muzzle into her pussy, opening it a bit , her tongue licking deeply.  Sylvia panted and moaned louder, plunging her tongue deep into Kari's tight pussy,  Kari gasped and licked faster, lapping up Sylvia's juices hungrily, her hips pressing forwards.    Sylvia opened her muzzle ,gently suckling Kari's clit into her mouth, softly batting it with her tongue, causing the fennec to gasp this time.  Kari reached up and squeezed Sylvia's rear softly, as she thrust her muzzle into her faster, her own sex glistening in her juices as Sylvia softly nibbled her clit..  Sylvia moaned and suckled harder, her body jerking with Kari's thrusts , pussy gripping the fennec's muzzle tighter as she neared her peak.   Kari felt Sylvia tense and pressed her muzzle deeper, her  tongue searching out that elusive spot..feeling Sylvia begin to buck and squeal, she knew she found it, as Sylvia's juices flooded her muzzle, pussy spasming tightly around her muzzle.   Kari drank in the sweet nectar hungrily as the excess coated Sylvia's thigh fur , and Kari's face, eventually pulling back with a slurping sound, her face fur sticky with the juices. 

"Liked that did you?" asked Kari with  a grin as Sylvia lay beneath her panting , trying to catch her breath. 

Sylvia giggled once she recovered, and grabbed Kari and rolled, pinning her beneath her "now its your turn!" she said,  re -attacking Kari's clit, pulling it into her mouth, fingers softly caressing her labia. 

Kari oohed, her turn to clutch as Sylvia slid a finger into her wet sex, softly stroking along her walls.  Kari began to pant softly as Sylvia added a  second finger to her, probing deeper, gently caressing as her tongue danced along Kari's clit.  Kari ran her fingers through Sylvia's hair, hips pressing up to her , back arching slightly as she panted.  Sylvia grinned and slipped another finger into her dripping pussy, stroking a bit wider, watching the fennec pant harder, feeling her wetness coat her hand  Kari moaned louder,  clutching  Sylvia tightly.  Sylvia looked at Kari's face and pulled her mouth away for a moment  "more?" she asked with a grin. 

Kari nodded , moaning and panting as Sylvia slipped her other finger , then  her thumb into  her tight pussy, slowly forming a fist inside of her.   Kari gasped and gripped the fist tightly , as Sylvia began to slowly pump into her.  She threw back her head and moaned louder, her juices flooding her sex, coating Sylvia's hand and arm as she stroked, panting as she leaned down and took Kari's clit into her mouth again..  Sylvia smiled, knowing it wouldn't be long , sure enough, Kari began to buck and shudder , impaled on her fist.  Sylvia gently nibbled at her clit, fist stroking faster into the small vixen, watching Kari hit the edge, squealing and gripping her fist tightly, her juices flooding out down her arm.  Sylvia bent her tongue lower, lapping up the sweet juices as she slowed, feeling the fennec tremble around her hand as she came down. 

Gently pulling her hand out, she kissed her soft folds then turned and snuggled next to Kari, kissing her softly, tasting her own juices on the fennec's lips.
Kari kissed back tenderly, holding Sylvia tightly as she closed her eyes in exhaustion.  In a few short minuets, she was fast asleep, the stress of the last few days catching up with her.  Sylvia cuddled the fennec softly, pulling a blanket over the both of them.   Seeing Kari begin to twitch and moan in her sleep, she sighed, wishing she had ten minuets alone with the so called 'King" of Barovia , just her and a baseball bat.  "or better yet his dammed son may he rot in hell," she thought, remembering the events that destroyed her friends life only 7 years ago.... 

Freelands Forces Base Tyndall,  Carolinga, Midlands,   7 years earlier 

Captain Melissa Karina Thatcher  paced angrily in front of Colonel Revil's desk .  The badger sat calmly , hands folded in front of his as the fennec paced and swore. 

"Sir, I don't care if  he's IS the Crown Prince of Barovia!   We're not in his country, and I'll be DAMMED if I listen to someone in the back seat of MY aircraft refers to me as a 'infidel whore'!" 

The other occupant of the room, a raccoon from the foreign ministry  spoke up "Captain, he is a guest of our government, due the courtesy of a head of state.  IF he wants to call you a pile of shit you will-" 

"YOU will throw him off your aircraft" replied the Colonel.  "Mr. Barnes, I will NOT let my people be abused by anyone.  You requested the best pilot I have to give   the Prince orientation on the F-21, Captain Thatcher is the best.  If he doesn't like taking instruction from a female he can leave my base at any time, the sooner the better if you ask me.  I SUGGEST Mr. Barnes that you have a chat with the prince about acceptable behavior.  After all, you wouldn't want Captain Thatcher to have an   malfunction over the gulf and accidentally eject 'His Excellence.'  The water is warm but there's sharks you know." 

The minister looked about to protest, then thought again at the po'd look on the badgers face.  "I will talk to His Excellence, I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding." 

"thank you" replied Col. Revil , as he shut the door , pushing the coon out  Sighing he turned to the fennec.
"You of course realize if you do demonstrate the ejection seat for the Prince,  we will both be spending the rest of our careers counting icebergs at Ice Bay in Truenorth." 

Kari grinned  "Its still a tempting idea Sir..." 

The Colonel chuckled as he sat back down, picking up his coffee mug  "I agree.  Thatcher, you've got plenty of leave time, if you'd like to  take a week or so till this yo-yo leaves I'll sign the papers." 

She shook her head "No thank you Sir, I'm not going to let him run my life.  If Barovians think females are only good for 'bearing children and pleasuring males' that's his problem." 

"Ok, well I'm still making one change for tomorrow's hop.  You said he's ready to go up by himself?  Well, I want Anderson to be on his wing.  You'll be with Ripley flying the aggressors.   Can you take him?" 

Captain Thatcher looked insulted "Sir, in my sleep.  The guy is an royal idiot.  Literally in his case." 

Revil laughed, having to set his coffee down before he spilled it.   "Heh, just don't let M r. Barnes hear you say that Captain.  Have a good evening." 

"You too Sir" she replied saluting as she left his office. 

As she was passing the hangar she heard a rhythmic moaning sound coming from one of the  empty aircraft shelters.  Curious to see who was doing whom (and also because it was against regulations, better she caught them than the Colonel) she crept quietly behind a test unit. Peeking around the corner, she was suprised to see Lt. Trish Watkins  on her hands and knees,  with one of Prince Malik's bodyguards mounting her from behind, and the Prince himself  in front of her, rubbing her ears softly as he pumped his thick cock into her muzzle. 

"Talk about improving international relations" she thought as she watched,  looking over Malik's muscled form  "too bad he's such an asshole though."   Spying something out of the corner of her eye she grinned , keeping one eye on the trio, her hand reaching for the emergency fire handle, which would flood the bay with water in case of a fire.  "might as well wait for Trish to have her fun first though."  Sure enough, the Lt. began to thrash her tail as she came , body shuddering  and jerking, then suddenly squealing wide eyed as the alarms went off, and overhead torrents of icy water poured down. 

Kari beat a quick retreat from the bay,  not even getting damp as she mounted her cycle.  She giggled to herself as the three sodden figures emerged from the bay, the sirens of the fire crews approaching as she pulled on her helmet and rode off. 

A short time later she pulled into the driveway in the housing area.  One of the benefits of being an officer on Tyndall is the officers housing was near southern shore of the peninsula the base was on, the emerald green waters of the Gulf  only 50 feet from her door, a fact her daughter Rebecca appreciated.   As she popped the kickstand and shut of her engine she saw the 8 year old playing in the  white sand, building a sand castle with her best friend Tina, a squirrel who's father was commander of the base's MP detachment.  The two girls waved as Kari walked over, hugging Rebecca as she ran to her mother. 

"Hey squirt! Watcha  making?" she asked , fuzzling her daughters reddish brown fur "where's your papa at?" 

Rebecca frowned as she hugged her momma "Daddy is inside....he lost a patient today." 

"Damn" said Kari reflexively, her ears going back.  Her husband was a surgeon at the base hospital, he didn't handle losing patients well .  "Ok, I'm gonna go talk to him, here" she said pulling out some money from her flightsuit "you two run down to the shoppette and get some ice cream." 

"Can I go over to Tina's when we get back?"  asked the young vixen.  Kari nodded, ruffling  her ears as she headed into the house, grateful for the fact Ray had the AC on,  even though it was winter it was still hot on the southern coast of Carolingia.  She sat down at a chair and pulled off her flight boots,  hers being one of the few professions where footcoverings were required. Besides, since she rode a motorcycle she put up with the heat and inconvenience out of the cockpit as well, better hot feet than road rash.  Dropping her flight suit in the laundry basket, she padded into the livingroom in her underwear, noticing with a frown that he'd been drinking again. Ray was sitting in the recliner staring at the off TV, glass of Rum and cola in his paw. 

Kari put her arms around him from behind, snugging him tightly. He reached back and snugged back, putting his drink on the endtable guiltily.  She padded around the chair and knelt between his legs , resting her head on his lap, looking up at his face. 

"You wanna talk about it?" she asked softly. 

Ray shook his head, his hands gently stroking his wife between her ears  "no, I want to believe in life again.  Kari, we aren't getting any younger.  If you still want to have another baby, I'll resign my commission and stay home." 

Kari blinked at this turn of events. They had both wanted a second child, but both wanted their careers as well, and wernt' going to let someone besides them raise any child of  theirs.  She opened her mouth to ask why but he continued. 

"I cant handle trauma surgery any more, too many get there too bad and die in my hands.  If I stay in the military I wont see anything else really.  I figure I'll switch to GP, treating sore throats and  bruised knees.  I know how much you love flying , and wouldn't want you to give that up.  I can get a job anywhere you're stationed.  I just cant handle it anymore." 

Kari nodded and hugged Ray tightly "Are you sure about that hon?" she said hoping, she remembered seeing how he reacted when they were deployed in that skirmish a while back, and the wounded came in..and one of them was her.  He had looked at her wild eyed and asked what she was doing  t here, to which she replied "it was five to one , I got four"  she wasn't badly hurt, just some cuts  when she ejected, but it was enough to cause him to have a breakdown.  He had been so relieved when she accepted the instructor job at Tyndall that he cried for almost an hour. 

Ray nodded "I'm sure, if I'm out  , at least if you have to go again, we wont have to ship Rebecca all the way off to live with Sylvia again.  Plus I'll make a LOT more money as a civilian than as a Major." He said in a semi obvious hint. 

Kari snugged ray softly, "a few more years hon, and I'll do the same, and get a job flying airliners."  She smiled , rubbing against him softly "but for now, wanna practice some?"  she grinned, seeing how he was sitting there nude in the recliner.  Took him a few years to get over his shyness, but she had at least got him not to worry about clothes in the house. As for herself, growing up in the islands with Sylvia, she only wore clothes when she had to.   She looked over her husband,  his body was firm being in the military, his fur a bright fox red, his tail even bushier than her own.  She nuzzled his shaft softly, seeing it respond as he grinned and fuzzled her ears. 

"What about Rebecca? She's-" 

"Gone to the shopette , and then off to Tina's for a while.  Besides, I can think of worse things for her to see, like that violent crap on TV" 

Ray nodded a bit, purring as Kari 's soft tongue wrapped around his cock.  She licked slowly , running from his sac up to the tip, licking farther each time as it grew longer.  Kari grinned up at him, her sapphire blue eyes twinkling as she opened her mouth and took him inside, gently licking around the tip then sliding her head slowly lower, until her nose was pressed  against his groinfur.  He moaned softly as she licked and suckled his shaft, head bobbing as she ran her tounge from the slit in the top down to the base and back. 

Kari softly took his sac in her hand as she suckled, gently caressing , as she reached down with her free hand, slipping her panties off and unsnappng her bra.  He smiled and reached a paw down to softy caress her small breasts, even when pregnant they never got very big , but were extremely senesitive. Kari murrred, tail swishing as she worked Ray's cock, her nipples firming to his to expert touch.   Ray moaned softly, his toes curling in the carpet as drops of precum began to coat his shaft.  He began to pull back but Kari stopped him with a smile, keeping her head moving , tounge caressing his cock. 

Ray moaned louder,  gripping Kari's head as he thrust his hips upwards, his cock pumping into his muzzle.

 Kari mmmd and licked faster, lapping up  the precum with her warm tounge, feeling his balls tremble in her paw she sucked harder as he howled, his hot seed splashing into her muzzle.   She drank hungrily as he came, then pulled back a bit, the white sticky fluid clinging to her face fur, her hand milking his cock of his lot load. 

Ray panted softly, fingers scritching between Kari's ears, smiling as she  licked along his shaft softly  "Ooh, want more huh? He asked with a grin. 

Kari giggled as she coaxed him back to hardness, Climbing into his lap she kissed him hotly "are you complaining?" she asked as she she reached down to guide him into her. 

Ray shook his head emphaticaly as he felt her warmth surround his wet cock.  He leaned forward and softly nuzzled her breasts, licking her nipples softly.  She murred, tail swishing as she slid down his cock, pulling him to her as she began to move. Kari arched her back and moaned as he nibbled on her breasts, pounding upwards into her wet pussy. he wrapped his arms around her as she rode, hands rubbing her tight rear, her tail thrashing back and forth.  She panted louder as she bounced on his lap, his thick cock pounding into her tight pussy. 

Ray grunted and gripped her tightly as he moved off the recliner , laying her in the floor still inside of her.  Kari giggled and wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him deeper into her with her legs. 

"Lot better chance of me getting pregnant this way huh?" she said as she kissed him passoinetly, her tounge wrapping around his. she moaned as he pounded into her, thrusting back upwards, pussy muscles gripping his shaft, her juices mixing with his precum as they neared the edge. 

"OHhhh!  Thats it lover, fuck me!" She cried as she locked her ankles around him, pulling him deeper as she came, her inner walls rippling along his cock, sending him over the edge as well, hot fox seed spraying deep into her waiting womb.  She shuddered and clutched him tightly, feeling herself be filled, quietly praying it would grow, her pussy walls milking his cock of the last of his cum.. 

Ray panted heavily as he lay drained, supporting himself  on his elbows as he looked down lovingly at Kari.  He kissed her softly on the nose and grinned "good practice anyway, till those pills are out of your system." 

Kari simply smiled "I havent taken any birth control for over two months...and its the right timing..." 

He blinked for several seconds , a smile spreading across his muzzle, kissing his wife passionetly.
"Why you little...what are you psychic or something?" he grinned. 

Kari just chuckled "I thought you knew all women were." 

Ray laughed "Ok little miss fortune teller, is it gonna be a boy or a girl?" 

She just smiled softly "Don't know yet.  Maybe we need to practice a few more times untill I'm sure." 

Ray grinned, then eeeped as the front door opened,  Rebecca's voice callin "Mom? Dad? I'm home, Tina's family's goin out to dinner."  Ray started to pull out then froze as she rounded the corner, tail swishing happily "Givin me a sister?"  she giggled as Ray turned crimson under his fur 

"Maybe a brother, way too soon to know" replied Kari to her daughter.  She wispered softly into Ray's ear "dont worry, she cant see anything", givin him a quick lick then turned back to Rebecca
"Why dont you go get dressed honey, and we'll all go out to dinner too.  Maybe Capt. Andersons on the beach, been a while since we had fresh seafood." 

Rebecca squealed happily and ran down the hall to her room, bare feet thumping along the floor.
Ray slowly pulled out of his wife, still blushing as he wrapped a towel around his waist  "she's gettin too old to be running around naked you know." 

Kari just grinned up at him as she got to her feet "maybe we need to move out to the islands, yer gettin prudish in  your old age." 

"OLD? I'm only 32...I'll make you think old!" he said with a mock snarl, chasing the giggling fennec down the hall to their room. 

Rebecca came out of  her bedroom several min later, hearing the noises coming from her parents room she grinned and sat down at the computer.  An hour or so as they finally emerged she grinned at them "Trying for triplets ?" 

"You definetly take after your mother," grinned Ray as he hugged Rebecca tightly. "Tell ya what squirt, we'll hit the mall and maybe a movie too, okay?" 

The young vixen yipped and hugged her papa tightly as they headed out to the car, looked like it was going to be a good weekend.

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