Part One
written by Cecil
Muskytail Fishery, 12757, 11:00 PM 

Larry Muskytail sighed as he struggled in his wheelchair up the ramp to his second floor apartment and office.  His bifocals glinted in the light flooding out of the warehouse nearby.  The fishery buildings were still a bit battered from a hurricane 2 months previously.  He was fed up from this pain in the ass day, but  mainly he was just exhausted.  All day had been spent with government inspectors who nitpicked over every detail of the fish processing operation.  They had found no serious sanitary problem; but he couldn't shake the feeling that they were unhappy not to find any.  Of course they were doing their jobs but they still seemed like jerks to Muskytail, who was usually open and friendly to most folks.  He had spent most of the past two weeks tirelessly drilling the men and getting everything shipshape for the inspection, but that wasn't the main reason he was on edge.  Lately he had noticed Jeremy getting more and more mopey, and he was worried about the ferret kid.  The storm clean up and the impending inspection had prevented him from checking up on him.  Larry was going to visit the Resort tomorrow to cheer up the lad.  First priority was sleep, as his muscles screamed for rest as he wheeled into his office. He stopped still, only halfway in the door when he saw a familiar face. Sitting behind his desk was a beautiful blue eyed fennic, with her hair neatly tied back.  Both her ears swiveled in his direction as he started to smile and speak.  But her face was troubled, and Larry's smile evaporated. 

"What?", he said, seriously, immediately discarding the joke he was about to make. 

"Jeremy's in trouble" said Karina Thatcher, now universally called Kari.  She was a longtime friend to both Larry and his former employee, Jeremy.  "Epiphany told me he's been counting petals all day and can't stop." 

"Oh damn!" said Muskytail, "His symptoms are back!  C'mon, lets go to the resort!" 

Kari nodded and was already up, skillfully vaulting over the desk to Muskytail.  She started to push Larry in his chair out the door to her plane.  His muscles still screamed for rest, but Screw 'em, Larry thought. Sleep could wait.  The Resort, 12757, 11:26 PM 

Epiphany stood on the main house porch, lost in her own private misery.  She was using an powerful pair of binoculars, technically belonging to Lucas Slipsunder, one of Sylvia's many children.  However others tended to borrow them without notice and Epiphany needed them to scan the sky for the telltale running  lights on Kari's plane.  3 months ago, her father had assigned her to Jeremy's care, but the return of Jeremy's schizophrenia meant he couldn't look after her or do his gardening chores.  Lucas was sitting on a nearby railing, grooming the black and white fur of his canine features.  He tailswished as he idly wondered why he was hanging around.  Normally by now he would have settled in bed with whatever furry was willing but here he was, waiting with the girl.  He couldn't do anything to help, but still he felt he needed to stay.  He couldn't just stay silent, however. 

"Epiphany, they'll be here soon, don't worry.  Mom said Kari called her on the horn just an hour ago." he tried helpfully. 

Epiphany looked to him with mournful violet eyes.  She shook her spiky dark gray hair, "But this has caused so much trouble for everyone. Jeremy can't function, and your lives have been turned upside down by all this.  I feel in some way responsible." 

Lucas sighed and wondered if guilt was programmed into Barovian women from birth.  Lucas' next words were drowned out by a gigantic roaring sound as a huge wallowing tub of a seaplane raced over the house and into view, briefly illuminated by the house lights.  It  faded into the night, as a huge gust of wind blew both Lucas' and Epiphany's hair around.  That was unmistakably Kari's plane!  They wordlessly exchanged glances and ran for the dock. 

Jeremy lay curled up in a ball in Rale Slipsunders bed, muttering to himself and shivering.  Since Rale spent most of his time in the wilds of the island, the otter youth rarely needed the use of his bed.  Which was handy, since Jeremy's illness made him a danger to himself.  Looking over him was a worried looking, 15 year old raccoon.  Bethany sighed to herself and wondered why the dope had stopped taking his medicine.  He had seemed fine a week or two ago, but then he started to act withdrawn.   Then over the past week he had stated acting increasingly weird, starting by talking to the plants, and escalating to storing his tools on his hammock and sleeping underneath it to 'Save space'  Then he had started pulling petals off of all his prize roses in the greenhouse to make the petals 'divisible by two' and by then everyone knew he was off his rocker.  She leaned forward and ran her dark paw through Jeremy's headfur, looking at him warmly. 

"Has anyone ever told you what a foolish boy you are?", she said quietly to herself as she caressed his feverish cheekfur.  His amber eyes were looking in her general direction, but his gaze was a million miles away.  "Please forgive me, I hope you don't feel I'm imposing...but you need to know you're not alone"  She turned Jeremy's face towards her and kissed him, closing her eyes..... Jeremy shivered in the cold gale.  At least  the kiss warmed him.  He had always dreamed of kissing Epiphany, but casting a shadow over them both was her father, the Barovian ex-minister of Information. Darkheart had always unnerved him and  he knew he would be forever unworthy to be with Epiphany, because she was born into the elite class, and Jeremy was from a gypsy tribe.  He opened his eyes, expecting to see the lovely Epiphany, but was surprised to stare into the brown eyes of Shirion! Shirion, the goddess of balance and judgment was kissing Jeremy!  She smiled back at him, looking unconcerned about the fact she was hovering in mid air hundreds of feet above the ice floes.  Jeremy stood up on the very edge of the arctic cliff, and bowed before her, speaking in Barovian. 

"<My lady, I am unworthy to be in your presence.  I am of the lowly Torniz tribe.>" 

Shirion eyed him appraisingly.  She walked in the air as if it was solid ground.  She wore elegant robes and her blond hair was meticulously braided.  She was wearing several earrings, which Jeremy couldn't help but count.  To his relief she was wearing 4, which was evenly divisible. 

"<Why art thou hiding here?>", she commented evenly in a medieval form of Barovian.  She extended an arm towards him and opened the palm. Resting on it was a tiny jar of pills.  Jeremy looked at it with a sinking expression, as that was unequivocally the hated medicine that cut him away from this inner world.  "<Wherefore doest  thou not take this tincture; that ties you to the outer world.>" 

Jeremy, couldn't look her in the eyes  "<My lady, I-  I cannot take it anymore, I cannot face my failure>" 

Constantine Darkheart magically rose from the frozen ground next to Jeremy, seated comfortably behind a desk.  He adjusted the bullet microphone in front of him and began to read from a speech.  He was oblivious to the way the sharp wind ruffled his slicked back hair and urgently tugged at his note cards.  He smiled to Jeremy, his eyes twinkling and spoke in a rich, measured voice: 

"<Good evening.  This is the Voice of Barovia.  In our top story tonight, the King has indignantly condemned another cowardly action by the Freelands Confederation, saying Quote: One and one are two; two and two are four; four and four are eight; eight and eight are sixteen; sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two...Unquote.>"  At that, Darkheart smoothly sunk back into the ground. 

Jeremy heard Shirion's voice, and she gently enfolded him in her arms, "<So he is what brought  thee here.>"  Jeremy nodded silently... Bethany wrapped her arms around the troubled ferret.  She just wished she could bring him back, to get through that impenetrable wall between him and everyone else.  She looked up at the ceiling as a whooshing roar vibrated the walls, as an airplane buzzed over the roof.  Of course Jeremy was lost in that maze of illusions of his mind, and didn't even appear to have heard the racket.  She wanted to run to meet Kari but felt she had to stay by the ferret for now.  She frowned as she felt a...she couldn't put her finger on it...a presence.  And a faint floral smell.  She couldn't place it, and she knew Jeremy would instantly identify the scent, but he was busy being insane. 

"Who's there?" , she said, more confidently than she felt, as she clung more tightly to Jeremy.  Whoever it was she would protect her friend. Jeremy sat immobile in Bethany's embrace, but raised his head as he heard a voice inaudible to the raccoon... 

...."Hi!"  said a new voice to Jeremy, obviously not Barovian. Jeremy looked behind him as Shirion released him, and blinked at the sight. The fox behind him still had the elaborate costume and braided hair, but several things were different.  She was not the mature regal lady as before but looked like a youth barely older than Jeremy.  Her features were not the kind you'd find on a marble statue but were comely.  Her ears were too pointed to be properly fox, so a fox/fennic mix was apparent.  Her hair was a brilliant red, and something about her playful smile and bright blue eyes was disturbingly familiar.  When she turned to face him, he saw to his horror that she had raking clawmarks down one side of her neck, and her tail was all but gone.  'Shirion' touched the scars self consciously, and looked at him with a bit of wonder in her gaze.  "I'm impressed, you must have a lot of pain in your life to be able to see these.  How do you do, Jeremy?  I was sent by Bethesis to aid you." 

"Bethesis, the goddess of mercy?  She hear me?", said Jeremy, now knowing that this wasn't Shirion.  But he hadn't a clue who this was.  And why did he smell the delicate scent of Jasmine here?  There wasn't a flower for miles around. 

'Shirion' nodded.  "The spirit hears all of her children.  She heard me when I needed her.  And your call will be answered.  I will help you."  She put a paw on his shoulder and squeezed it  "I will help you, but for now I must go"  'Shirion' faded from Jeremy's world knowing that she couldn't stay or a very specific fennic would be certain to sense her... 

..."Wait who are you??" cried Jeremy as Kari bounded in.  Jeremy broke out of Bethany's grip and tried to force his way past Kari, but she put him in a lock so he couldn't escape.  Behind Kari in the hallway was Lucas, Epiphany and Larry.  Epiphany was in tears as she saw Jeremy rant incoherently.  "Tell me your name!  Please!", the skinny ferret shouted. Sylvia ran up the hallway with a medkit, only to find a crowd blocking her way.  Larry saw the problem and herded Epiphany and Lucas away as Sylvia rubbed Jeremy's upper arm with an alcohol wipe, and jabbed him with a syringe.  Jeremy yelped, and then feebly struggled against Kari's powerful hold.  It was no contest.  Jeremy's eyes glazed over and he fell limply against Kari's body.  Bethany got over and helped place the unconscious ferret back on the bed.  Kari  panted from the exertion and the only loud sound was Epiphany's sobbing.  Larry caressed the sable/zebra's shoulders as he sized up the situation. 

He sighed.  "OK, that should keep him out until morning, then I'll move him to the Fishery"  Sylvia just nodded glumly.  Muskytail Fishery, 12757, 6:15 AM 

A group of furs made their way slowly down the road in the dawning light.  Sylvia tugged at Jeremy's paw.  "C'mon kid, we're almost there" Jeremy plodded along, lost in his fantasies.  Larry was wheeling beside her on the rough cobblestones of the road.  Muskytail nodded to the rabbit/otter and sighed a bit 

"I'm sorry about this whole mess, I promise to take care of Jeremy until he is fit to work again.  In the meantime I'll send Joey from the gang to sub for him" 

Sylvia nodded and smiled wistfully.  "I miss him", she said as she looked at Jeremy, "Do what it takes to bring him back to us." 

"I swear on Nathan's honor", said Muskytail, invoking the name of his late brother, a lionized Navy pilot.  Larry used this oath when he was certain nothing in hell would bar his determination to complete his promise. 

Meanwhile, Kari trailed behind, providing silent comfort to Epiphany who was not crying at the moment but her reddish puffy eyes betrayed what she had been doing all last night. 

Epiphany sniffed a bit as Kari handed her a handkerchief from one of her shorts pockets.  Epiphany nodded graciously to the fennic.  "Thank you Tchika-Kari."  Kari smiled a bit as Epiphany used the familial term Jeremy favored. 

"Am I really that odd?", she said, deciding that perhaps Larry's method of using  humor could help. 

Epiphany shook her head.  "No, well...I mean...I guess it does but sometimes words don't translate.  'Tchika' means an older female relative who is independant-minded, one who stands out.  Although by my culture's standard you would be considered eccentric.  A lot like my mom I guess.  I could just call you 'aunt Kari' if you'd prefer." 

Kari smiled at the charming girl, "It would be my pleasure to be called a weirdo." 

Epiphany tried to smile but a darkness troubled her face.  "But what will papa do when he hears about this.  What will he do?" 

Kari knew that it could well be within Darkheart's nature to ditch Jeremy from his life and Epiphany's and depart forever with his daughter. She knew she couldn't bring herself to say that.  However, she couldn't lie to Epiphany either.  "I don't know Epiphany...I wish I did."  By then then the group had walked into the Fishery courtyard.  Joey, the first mate on Muskytail's ship ran up to meet them. 

"Hiya boss", the cat said hastily.  "You've got a visitor." 

"Who?" asked Larry as the shriek of the PA system came to life. 

A deep authoritative voice boomed over the complex.  "Will Kari Thacher, Lawrence Muskytail, Sylvia Slipsunder, Jeremy Longwhisker and Epiphany Stripeflank please report to the office....I repeat will you report to my office immediately." 

Kari groaned audibly as she knew it was that damn sable!  Larry of course had to chip in his two cents, "At least he's punctual"  They all went up to meet Darkheart in the second floor office.  Muskytail Fishery, 12757, 6:28 AM 

Nearly all of them coughed as they crossed over the doorway into the Fishery office.  The air was laced with foul cigar smoke.  Casually lounging behind the desk like he owned the place sat a roguish dark gray sable.  He wore a black eyepatch and long sleeved khakis, which was far too much in this heat and humidity.  Insane wear for anyone who wasn't from Barovia.  Clamped in his mouth was an acrid brand of cigar called 'Castle Crown'.  He was leaning back in a chair, his feet propped up on the desk, and a twinkle in his eye. 

"Welcome, welcome all, come right in" said Darkheart in a deep voice.  His Bavorian accent was quite rich.  Darkheart tapped ash onto the floor, and stood up.  He nodded to Epiphany affectionately.  "Hello, my dear daughter, I have returned." 

Epiphany ran over and hugged her father tightly, tears forming anew.  "Papa, please be gentle on Jeremy!", she pleaded, "Please!" 

Darkheart looked at Epiphany, then over to Jeremy, almost but not quite hiding the sadness in his gaze.  "How are you, Jeremy?" 

Jeremy, was carefully restrained by Sylvia and Kari.  He looked blankly up at Darkheart.  "Who are you sir?", he asked.  Darkheart winced as if he'd been slapped.  So his contact had not been exaggerating at how bad off Jeremy was.  Jeremy continued, "You have nice coat mister, it have 20 buttons"  Epiphany felt like slapping her forehead as she saw that sweet dolt of a ferret sink his chance of ever being her protector again. Darkheart removed his cigar and fondly patted his daughter on the cheek. "I will speak to you later my dear, but first I must speak with Larry, alone."  He nodded to the women graciously.  "If you could kindly leave us alone for a few minutes."  Kari was going to protest, but then thought better of it.  For Jeremy's sake, she wouldn't tell Darkheart where he could stick his attitude. 

Sylvia guided Jeremy past Darkheart and entered Larry's bedroom, along with Kari.  Epiphany hesitated at the door, and gave her father a desperate look, before closing the door behind her. 

Larry silently wheeled over to the front side of his desk, knowing that this is where Constantine Darkheart gives his 'fair' justifications for throwing Jeremy out into the cold.  Allright give it your best shot buster, he thought.  "About Jeremy." 

Darkheart sighed and sat on the corner of the desk.  He puffed on his cigar thoughtfully.  "Yes, he is clearly unsuited to be my daughter's Ikavana in his current condition." 

Larry fumed.  "So you just tell him to take a hike?  Good-bye? Just like that?", said Larry , looking and feeling very irked.  Jeremy was like the son he had never had, and he was furious that Darkheart could even consider letting such a sweet boy go. 

"Larry, you always think the worst of me.  Must you always cast me as the villain?  Just because I'm Barovian?"  He shook his head, "You Freelanders claim to treasure individuality, yet when someone does show independent thought, you condemn them.  "Anyway Larry....may I call you Larry?" 

"I prefer Muskytail", said Larry rather icily.  Once again Darkheart had turned a conversation into a debate. 

"Be that as it may Larry", Darkheart continued, "put yourself in my place."  He tapped more ash off of his cigar.  "I have a daughter to look after and its my duty to put her needs first.  It would be nice of course if Jeremy could handle the responsibility; but if he can't..." 

"So long!", interjected Muskytail.  "So you have decided to send him away!" 

Darkheart calmly ignored the outburst.  He continued after blowing out a smoke ring, "I haven't decided yet.  For now, I will delay my decision until he is back on the medicine.  But bear in mind, I am a very tolerant man.  If I was your typical Barovian, I would never have entrusted Epiphany to Jeremy's care in the first place.  My people value ruthless pragmatism, but I will use good reasons for my decisions, not just whims." 

Larry knew Darkheart was right, but he was still angry.  "Look, you can't hold him accountable for his illness.  You try taking Chlorzanthatil *every* day, week after week, month after month.  Jeremy once told me its like being trapped in a cocoon.  And it was you that triggered this whole mess in the first place." 

"Me?", said Darkheart, arching an eyebrow.  "How so?" 

Larry sighed, "The kid talks in his sleep.  He has a crush on Epiphany." 

Darkheart grinned toothily, "I was assuming that would happen, you know...." 

"I wasn't finished", said an unsmiling Muskytail.  "He feels unworthy to love her, because she is the daughter of Constantine Darkheart, the awesome Minister of Information.  The very voice of Barovia itself." He poked up his glasses.  "So I guess the only was out of the quandary was to withdraw." 

Darkheart nodded.  "But Larry that was his decision to make.  If he recovers, I will restore him to be Epiphany's Ikavana, but if he isn't up to it, you know what I must say.  I must do what's best for both Epiphany and Jeremy." 

Muskytail sighed and nodded glumly, and knew it was pointless to argue any further.  Nothing would change his mind now.  "You win Silvertongue", he said bitterly. 

"There is another issue to deal with; I need a favor from you", said Darkheart evenly.  The skunk just looked at him , looking resigned. "You know its not easy for me to say this, but I would like you to be Epiphany's Ikavana for now." 

Larry blinked, his expression turning into puzzlement, then into a sly smile.  "Me?  Are you sure that's such a good idea?"  A ray of light! If Darkheart was leaving Epiphany behind, then all was not lost.  It meant he would wait and see if Jeremy got better first. 

Darkheart looked slightly miffed, "Don't make me change my mind Larry.  I may not agree with you or even like you, but I do trust you" 

Muskytail nodded, "I will take the job gladly.  And I promise Jeremy will get better.   Have faith in him and you will see."  Larry was impressed by how convoluted this guy was.  You'd think you'd have him all figured out and *boom* he'd spring another surprise on you. 

"I certainly hope so.  I think that they would make a lovely couple", said Darkheart, silently adding that getting a grandson from them someday would be welcome as well.  The sable rose and walked through the back door into the bedroom, to speak with the others.  Muskytail saw the mostly finished cigar smoldering on his desk.  He picked it up and started smoking himself.  He needed it!   Muskytail Fishery, 12757, 8:50 PM 

A few days later, Muskytail relaxed at his desk with a book about Naval tactics from the Transoceanic  war.  An rotating fan, swept to and fro over the desk, moving the stifling air only a little.  Kari  and Sylvia had told him their discussions with Darkheart had been just as fruitless as Larry's.  Larry knew it was unfair to expect Darkheart to act like a Freelander, but it was still disheartening.  Charity was a sign of weakness in Barovia, at least among males.  The only ace they had up their sleeves was Epiphany.  Her charming looks and sweet disposition tended to obscure the cunning side of her personality.  Doubtless she had asked the same thing to her father that the rest of them had before Darkheart had left.  Larry hoped she had had better luck than they.  Kari and Sylvia had returned to their lives, only without Jeremy and Epiphany in them. 

"Muskytail Ikavana?", asked Epiphany as she walked in from the bedroom.  "Can I finish my homework in here?  I don't want to wake up Jeremy." 

"Have a seat", said Muskytail affably, angling the reading light so they could read together.  He wasn't at all comfortable with the stiff Barovian title, but he didn't mention it of course.   Epiphany had taken a leave of absence from school to look after Jeremy, and only went there to pick up and drop off schoolwork.  It looked like being a full time nurse on top of schoolwork was an exhausting routine.  At least visitors had relived a bit of the stress.  Joey had dropped by every so often to chat with his friends from the Fishery, and gripe about how annoying all of Jeremy's gardening chores were.  Kari stopped in whenever she had a moment off from her busy roster of flights.  Plus an endless parade of Slipsunders had trooped in and out at all hours to wish Jeremy and Epiphany well. Larry was touched at how they all missed having the Barovian kids at the resort. 

Epiphany put out a lapboard and begun to work.  About an hour later she yawned and stood up, stretching.  Muskytail removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes.  Epiphany padded around the room and looked over the photographs she had looked at so many times in the past week.  She asked a question that had been on her mind for a while.  "What are their names?", she said, turning to Larry.  He smiled and donned his glasses. 

'Well that one on the far left is Horace, my grandpa, in uniform. He was the captain of the Andromeda, a destroyer.  He was a great man, but he loved the bottle too much.  The next one over is a pic of his wife Josephine and the kids, Jonathan and Derek.  Derek was my old man, by the way.  The next pic is of Jon as a cadet.  Both him and old Horace were in the war."  Muskytail was astounded at how quickly his mind went back 50 years in a blink.  It felt like it was yesterday.  He wheeled over to the sable/zebra's side.  "I can still remember how terribly proud my dad was of them.  He would have enlisted too, but his eye problem gave him a medical deferment.  Both of his sons went into the Navy, though.  Nathan, and the bratty kid"  Muskytail winked as he spoke the last sentence. However his expression was quickly replaced by sadness as he looked at the next picture, the first in the row in color.  "That one is nearly 20 years old.  That's of Nathan with his wife Jennifer and their baby son Sebastian.  And of course that big dope in the background is me, without a wheelchair and with a lot less gray hair."  He rolled back to the desk, his head swimming with memories, some wonderful, some too painful to bear. "Nathan died nearly a decade ago.  He was a test pilot, and got to play with a lot of the Navy's new toys.  He was also secretly in the Space division as well.  He was the golden boy, great at everything, went right out of college into the OTC.  And of course I settled for what they'd give me."  He smiled at the silent zebra.  "I guess they had a shortage of klutzy chunky guys in the tactical room." 

"Those are amazing stories, Muskytail Ikavana", she replied quietly.  "Your family have long tradition of serving in the Navy.  Did Sebastian ever join up?" 

Muskytail shook his head.  "Nope, He's an artist.  A very talented one too, or so his mom maintains.  But you know what mothers are like about their kids.  So I guess I'll be the last to serve in this family.  I never had any kids myself."  His expression turned dark.  "Just as well..." 

Epiphany blinked, "But why?" 

Larry looked up at her sadly.  He opened a drawer and took out a picture Epiphany had never seen before.  "Because of this", he said handing her a worn faded photograph of a Hyena.  She looked over  the picture.  It was a carewarn mature face, with wrinkles around the eyes, and a warm smile.  She had black hair, heavily streaked with gray.  It was an intelligent, open face.  Epiphany looked back up at Muskytail, her face a question. 

"That is....Louisa", Larry said while looking at his lap,  "My ex-wife." 

Epiphany's jaw dropped open.  It hadn't ever occurred to her to wonder if Muskytail had ever married.  Larry continued.  "Dunno if I ever got my grandfather's brains, but I sure got his love for booze in my genes. I'm sure Louisa didn't know how bad it was when she married me.  God, why did she put up with my crap for so long?  Finally, she asked me which I needed more: her or the bottle."  He smiled grimly, "Guess which I picked?" 

"Don't be so hard on yourself Larry", said Epiphany, hugging him tightly.  "You're a good man.  You've done so much for me and Jeremy.  I'm sure Louisa would forgive you if she saw you now." 

He sighed heavily at her innocence, wanting so much to believe her. "I'm afraid its far too late.  She moved back in with her folks and they never want to see my miserable hide again.  Can't say I blame them.  I *was* a lousy drunk, like they claimed.  I wanted to love her more than I loved the booze, but it was too powerful.  It took me to get plastered and take out a telephone pole to save me.  I ended up in the chair, but I finally saw the light!"  He noted her horrified expression and he touched her cheek lovingly.  "Come, come, please don't feel sorry for me.  It freed me!  Nothing short of almost getting killed would have shattered its hold.  If I hadn't gotten in that car wreck, I would have drunk myself into the grave long ago!"

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