Part Two
written by Cecil
Epiphany looked choked with emotion, "But its so terribly sad.  Isn't there anything I can do to help?"  Suddenly she realized...maybe she *could* help.  "Maybe I can talk to your ex-wife and..." 

Muskytail interrupted, "No please let them be.  Its very kind of you to make the offer, but you can't patch this mess up.  Its too late, anyway.  I always have to learn things the hard way, you know."  He leaned over and gave Epiphany a fatherly kiss on the forehead, and let her go.  She didn't argue.  She collected her books and nodded to Muskytail. 

"Goodnight Muskytail Ikavana." Epiphany said respectfully. 

Larry smiled.  "Goodnight my dear.  See you tomorrow."  Epiphany walked into the darkened room beyond, where a ferret lay curled under the bed, snoring softly.  She lay down next to Jeremy in the dark, and hugged him to her side.  She could still see Larry's look of pain that he tried so hard to hide with jokes and quips.  She heard his cry for help and she would answer it!   Firstly, however, Jeremy would have to get better. After that, by the will of the Barovian goddess of mercy, she would help bring Louisa and Larry back together!  It was never too late!  Muskytail Fishery, 12757, 12:00 PM 

The next day, the fishery broiled under the noontime sun.  Inside the bedroom, all the windows were wide open, and the heat waves distorted the view of the ocean.  Epiphany lay on a nearby couch, fast asleep. Jeremy sat on the bed, paws covering his ears, watching her sleep... 

...Jeremy sat in a cool forest, with pine trees towering over him. Lying asleep on a marble bench lay Epiphany, draped in a blue and red flag with a golden scarab beetle logo.  It was the flag of his homeland.  He wanted to draw near to her but he was frozen in place.  Standing in an orderly row behind him was the Slipsunders: Sylvia and her 4 younger children.  All were wearing black uniforms with the Barovian Scarab as a collar lapel.  With blank expressions, they softly whispered prime numbers into Jeremy's ears.  He tried to cover his ears so he wouldn't have to hear the odd numbers, but that only intensified the sound.  He mouthed the words "Unworthy, unworthy, unworthy..",  over and over again. 

"Knock it off!", said a new voice.  Jeremy whirled around and saw no one was behind him.  Only the silence of the trees.  He smelled the scent of Jasmine again, and knew who was on the bench, long before he turned back around.  The flag was now white with a circle of 5 stars, each a different color.  The form beneath sat up, letting the flag slide off. It was the same mysterious fox from before.  She was dressed in Kari's flight vest and shorts, and her crimson hair was tied into a neat ponytail. All down her arms, legs and stomach were horrible claw marks.  She smiled at the bewildered ferret slyly.  "As promised, I'm back" 

"Who are you?", was all Jeremy could manage.  "Do you know Kari? You lot like her." 

She didn't answer his question, "First things first, Jeremy"  She focused her will and Jeremy felt a shooting pain arc though his head.  He winced and blinked as the inner world shimmered and dissolved into a small bedroom.  Jeremy looked around in confusion and wonderment.  It took him a moment to realize he was at the fishery.  He walked over to Epiphany and placed his paw almost on her cheek.  Thinking better of it, he moved the paw to sit on the armrest instead.  He looked up at the vixen youth.  "How you do this Rebecca?  How you change what I see?" 

His guest sighed good-naturedly, shaking her head the way her dad would have.  "Becky, please.  Nobody ever called me Rebecca"  Her face belied the fact it was taking all of her concentration to hold the broken shards of Jeremy's mind together.    "And this is only a temp fix.  But I can help you permanently.  But if you accept, there's no turning back." 

Jeremy looked at Epiphany for a lingering moment, then nodded to Becky.  "OK, Rebec- er, Becky"  He shifted on his feet awkwardly.  He looked at her with his soft yellow eyes.  "You can't cure me of the sickness can you?" 

"Nope", came the reply.  "But I can do better than cure you.  You want to be forever off the medicine, don't you?  And be the good son to Darkheart and caring lover of Epiphany."  She flashed a trademark Kari smile as she saw his face flush pink. 

Jeremy tried to respond a few times, but couldn't.  Finally he calmed down enough to speak.  "I want to see inner world and outer.  I fail everyone so badly.  Because I so sick.  I want to be better.  To think *clearly* for once in my life!" 

Becky smiled and caressed Jeremy's muzzle, and placed her paws on his temples.  Her own nose was an inch from his as she whispered, "Your wish is my command"  Her paws glowed brightly and Jeremy felt his mind getting, punched pulled and yanked into a new configuration.  He reeled and nearly fell over, but managed not to topple.  He shook his head and his eyes widened when he realized the inner voices were still there, but somehow he *knew* they were in his head, and not from outside. 

Jeremy touched his own forehead, registering pure amazement.  "You fix my mind!  How I ever repay you?" 

Becky looked drained, and began to fade.  The effort had spent her powers.  "Your gratitude is payment enough, Jeremy"  She kissed him on the cheek playfully.  "I have to go now." 

"Wait!" said Jeremy.  "I know how I pay you."  Becky just looked puzzled. 

"How do you pay a ghost?", she inquired.  Jeremy told her.  Muskytail Fishery, 12757, 12:36 PM 

Epiphany stirred and woke up, still feeling tired.  She was always tired from looking after the sick ferret.  The nap, wouldn't make up for the lost sleep but it was a start.  She sat up, nearly smacking into Jeremy, who was staring down at her.  She nearly jumped, but she sat up, noting that Jeremy was smiling, which was totally unlike him.  It was a gentle, affectionate smile, but she had never seen the eternally solemn ferret grin before.  "Are you feeling OK?", she asked. 

"Never better Epiphany", said the still smiling ferret.  The expression was quickly replaced by admiration.  "You can tell I'm not him, can you?  I'm sorry to have caused you so much grief a week ago at the resort."  Epiphany merely nodded once.  "You're very observant.  You take after both of your parents." 

"Were you the one Jeremy was calling to, when we had to sedate him?", Epiphany asked. 

"Yes I was", replied Becky.  "Just consider me a friend sent by Bethesis."  Becky bowed and smiled.  "He really cares for you, you do know that?  That boy needs you."  Epiphany got rather pinkish in the cheekfur at that.  Becky hugged her and nuzzled , then spoke: "I must go speak with the others.  Don't worry, you'll have him back, and he'll be better than new. I promise."  Epiphany just sat weakly back on the couch, as the ferret stepped though the door into the office. 

Muskytail sat in his office, staring at the portrait of Nathan and his family.  He was far away, thinking of his wife, and his missed chances.  Jeremy padded in and stopped.  Larry looked up and nodded warmly.  "Oh hi, Jeremy.  How are you feeling today, kid?" 

OK, I have to be convincing, thought Becky to herself.  She had found she could speak with the accent without difficulty, but to imitate his mannerisms was tricky.  "Um, I fine Mr. Muskytail.  But you look sad sir." 

Larry smiled and repeated his familiar mantra, "No need to call me Muskytail; Larry is fine"  He returned to looking at his past hanging on the wall. 

Becky sighed inwardly.  Too many people she had met seemed to relish any chance to beat themselves up, Jeremy included.  Well she wouldn't let anyone get away with it today!   She spoke using Jeremy's soft gentle voice.  "Mr. Muskytail, you good guy.  You took pity on me when I beggar; you hire me on fishing boat.  That kind, unselfish spirit. Your brother admire that, he wish he could have kindness you have.  He want be more like you."  Muskytail looked floored.  No one had *ever* told him he could do anything better than Nathan.  He just stared at Jeremy, as the ferret nodded and smiled secretly, excusing himself.  Larry just sat very still, staring at Nathan's picture, still very much in shock. 

Becky raced down the stairs, nearly crashing into Constantine Darkheart climbing up in the opposite direction.  The sable nodded up to Jeremy as he finished lighting a cigar, and pocketing the lighter.  Becky felt acutely uncomfortable as she felt that single intense dark eye of his look over her, not missing a single detail.  For his part, Darkheart looked pleasantly surprised to see the ferret up and about.  Darkheart inhaled and removed the cigar.  He exhaled smoke as he talked.  "You look much improved Jeremy.  Feeling better?" 

Becky unfroze.  She realized it was getting easier to imitate Jeremy.  Even if she slipped up with the impersonation, others made allowances for the fact that Jeremy was always a bit odd, whether he was healthy or ill.  "I fine Mr. Dar- er, Minister.  You here to see your daughter and Mr. Muskytail?" 

"I'm pleased to hear you are recovering so well.  I must now go talk over your future."  His gaze softened a bit, "But do not worry, I think you will be pleased with the final decision."  He patted Jeremy on the head then continued up the stairs, stopping suddenly as Jeremy caught his arm.  He managed to hide his surprise well.  "Yes?", he said, with amusement in his voice. 

"Please Minister, don't spend the rest of your life pining away for your lost Cecilia.  She want you to be happy.  If you love Tchika-Kari, Cecilia give her blessing." 

Darkheart's jaw flopped open.  The cigar dangled off of his lip for a long moment before falling away.  For the first time in his life he was stuck for anything to say!  Jeremy hurried off, leaving Darkheart to stand on the stairs like a statue. 

Sometime later, Darkheart walked into the fishery office.  The spotted skunk turned from the pictures on the wall, and they exchanged glances.  Taking a silent cue, Larry removed a bottle from a lower drawer in his desk and handed the gin to the sable.  Darkheart handed Larry a cigar and his lighter over.  Neither felt much like talking as they sat together, Larry smoking, and Constantine drinking.  The Resort, 12757, 1:15 PM 

Lucas Slipsunder sweated as he and his twin sister toiled in the hot sun to replace one of the broken panes.  The greenhouse had taken a beating from the hurricane 9 weeks previously.  Nearly 20 panes were now shattered, or cracked.  He was a bit surprised it wasn't more.  Technically he was still supposed to be getting a lot of rest since nearly being impaled by a storm driven branch.  Of course as soon as he had set foot outside the hospital, he went back to work, being the resort handyman.  The cabins and main house had taken a long time to repair, and only now could he focus his attention on the lower priority buildings.  The repairs had been derailed by Jeremy going around the bend, and now he had to make up for the lost time. 

Bethany gathered up the tools to repair the missing pane, sighing to herself.  She found it depressing to be around the greenhouse.  Of course for most of her life it had stood silent and empty, serving as storage room and occasionally a handy rendezvous for couples.  She remembered spending a few make-out sessions here herself.  Of course that had all changed with the arrival of Jeremy and Epiphany.  They had made this building their home, and it didn't feel right to be without them.  No matter that she found their antics annoying, she missed them like a lost part of the family.  "Lucas, get ready for the replacement.", she said evenly.  The collie nodded and moved into position accepting the pane and then the caulking gun. 

"Oh, sis, I need the tacks for the corners first.", he said offhandedly.  However Bethany was strangely silent.  Jeremy handed the tacks to Lucas.  "Thanks, Beth.", Lucas said as he caulked the window. 

Jeremy turned and hugged Bethany speaking softly into her ear, "Thank you for your kindness when I sick, Miss Slipsunder.  I always be grateful.  Can I talk with your brother alone?  She nodded mutely. Bethany, caressed Jeremy's ear tenderly, looking a bit worried, before padding off towards the house.  Lucas finished and hopped back onto the ground right into Jeremy's arms!  Lucas yelped in surprise then turned around to see who the comedian was. 

'Geez!  Don't do that again Beth! Jeremy."  He blinked, recognizing something familiar about the ferret's  odd expression. "Jeremy?" 

Becky giggled.  "Guess again!  Remember when we were together when we were 8?  When you lay in between this world and the next in the storm? The plane?  And the recovery room?"  She blushed at the memory, "I remember." 

Lucas shivered.  He didn't know how or why, but Jeremy was talking like that nurse at the hospital.  It had been like a delirious dream.  She had walked into the hospital room, soothed his pain with an all too short period of lovemaking, then vanishing.  He had asked everywhere in the hospital about her afterwards, but they had all thought he was nuts.  He had always wondered if it had been just a dream. 

Becky held Lucas tightly.  She had distantly remembered his scent from when they had been pledged as kids.  Now that she temporarily had a body again she could use Jeremy's keen nose to experience it all over again.  It was powerfully intoxicating.  She kissed the back of the collies luxurious mane and traced a fingertip over the angry scar on his stomach.  Lucas turned around and silently hugged his dream.  He knew he owed a great debt to Jeremy for making this reunion possible.  Becky spoke with a hint of bitter sweetness in her voice.  "I can't stay.  I have to go again, but I will be back my love.  I will return to you always, Luke." 

Lucas hugged Becky tightly!  "I *knew* you weren't just my imagination!  I knew it!"  He smiled as tears formed in the corners of his eyes.  "Please come again, the resort welcomes all its guests back." 

Becky kissed Lucas enthusiastically, and nodded, "I promise, my sweet."  She and Lucas both stood up as they heard a familiar humming sound.  They held paws as they watch a seaplane fly over the harbor coming in to land at Freedom's Run.  It was unmistakably Kari's plane.  She had crashed it on a runway while ferrying a gravely wounded Lucas to a mainland hospital.  It had since been rebuilt with replacement panels from one plane and a new wing from another.  Lucas squeezed Becky's paw and let her go. Becky walked down the path to watch her mother arrive. 

Kari grunted and forced the hatch open.  She was amused by the fact that the hurricane season wasn't enough to get the regulars from canceling. Her baby would be certified to carry passengers after getting a final inspection in a week.  For now, it carried supplies to the island to help with the rebuilding.  It was intended for the town, but she needed a break at the resort first.  She had had a brutal past week.  Mostly it was worrying over little things.  Things like Jeremy and Darkheart.  Well, she figured sharing a quiet glass of wine with Sylvia would improve her mood a bit.  Of course Sylvia preferred to do more than just drink, and Kari would enjoy that as well.  Kari closed the door tiredly, pulling off her headphones.  She headed briskly down the docking, figuring that she'd pull one of the kids off of their chores, to help unload the resort cargo.  But to hell with unloading until she could get some R&R. 

Standing unnoticed at the end of the dock stood Becky, within Jeremy's body.  She felt incredibly conflicting emotions.  She could smell Kari and relish in her nearness.  But she was in Jeremy's body, and she didn't want to blow her cover to Kari.  However, the all too familiar scent of her mother was too much.  Jeremy pounded down the dock, right at Kari, arms outstretched!  She looked up and managed to get out "Jer- ?" before the thin ferret pounced on her, knocking her off of the dock!  The clipboard went sailing off onto the dock. 

"I love you!", yelled Becky as they hit the water. 

Kari was at a loss for what to do about the ferret hugging her waist.  They sat in the water, soaking wet.  "Um, Jeremy?"  Oh to hell with this too, she thought and began to laugh at the absurdity of the whole situation.  She nuzzled the poor ferret, "I love you too Jeremy!" 

Becky cried, clinging to Kari "I love you so much it hurts!" 

Sitting on the roof of the main house was Lucas, watching the exchange through his binoculars.  Bethany joined him on the roof.  "Well I guess I have to open my mouth and remove my foot.", she said dryly.  "I said I missed him and wanted him back.  Look like I got my wish, huh?" 

Lucas nodded, wiping away a tear.  "Yes never let your friends go." The twins sat quietly together.

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