The Outsiders
written by Cecil
Muskytail Fishery, Freedoms Run, 12757, 4:29 AM 

As the nightstand clock flipped to 4:29, a black paw bapped the alarm button down, exactly a minute before it would sound.  A very bleary eyed, middle aged skunk fumbled for his bifocals.  Muskytail sighed and lay back down on the pillow minding not to disturb the soundly sleeping brown fennec next to him.  He knew he'd have to be up soon, too soon to get the Sandy Shoals ready to depart with its empty nets.  He wished just this once he could stay in bed.  Kari did not share his bed often, but it wasn't often enough. He never tired of watching her sleep, she was always radiantly beautiful.  She appeared to be dreaming, but it wasn't one of her horrendous nightmares at least.  The last time she had visited, she had woke him up screaming.  He had held her in his arms and comforted her as best as he could but he couldn't erase her horrible memories.  At least her nightmares were gradually decreasing over the years.  Time could not heal her wounds but the pain abated a bit.  He wistfully wished he could have made love to her last night, but that was sadly an impossibility, as everything below his waist was deadweight.   At that point he noted she was using his lifeless spotted tail as a pillow.   He had to suppress a laugh in order not to wake her up, and he wondered how he was going to get out of this fix.   Very gingerly, he snaked out an arm and rolled his wheelchair over to the bedside.  He dropped the railing, and pushed himself into a sitting position, his wasted legs dragging across the mattress.   Now came the tough part, the 'ol switcharoo.   He took his pillow and pushed it under his tail.  Rather deftly he slipped his tail out from under Kari's neck.  She stirred a bit but was soon still again.  Success!  He heaved himself into the chair.  Most islanders didn't wear shorts in bed (most didn't wear anything  in bed), but he couldn't bear Kari to see his catheter apparatus.  He straightened out his inert legs and tail and took up his T-shirt of the day "The Navy does it best on the ocean!" and donned it.  Lastly he took the pocket watch off the nightstand and clipped it to a belt loop.  After wheeling into the bathroom to drain the collecting bag, he rolled out and paused at the foot of the bed, admiring the lovely vixen. Ever since he had nearly lost  both Jeremy and her to assassins, he had known he had loved her unconditionally.   He felt like he didn't deserve to have a person this wonderful as his friend.  He blew a kiss to her and murmured  "Good day my sweet lady" and swiveled around to wheel out the door. 

"Frankly, I prefer your tail to the pillow, seadog", came a soft voice with more than a hint of amusement to it.  Muskytail stopped dead and looked pretty obvious that she had been awake longer than he had.  He hoped she hadn't heard what he had said. 

He rotated to face the fully awake fennec. and grinned, "Sorry, flyboy, but my rusty tub awaits.   There are oranges in the fridge if you want something." 

Kari mirrored his expression as she slipped on her utility shorts, her only concession to wear clothing in the tropical climate.  She stretched, "It can wait, I'll see your glorified rowboat off first" 

Larry grinned and nodded  as Kari pushed him though the office towards the wheelchair ramp  "Have fun at the resort with Sylvia.  Say hi to the kids for me, especially Mr. Greenthumb" 

"Count on it" said Kari firmly.   40 km NNW of Freedoms Run 12757, 10:30 AM 

"How's the storm, skipper?" asked Joey as he peered in the bridge door.  Muskytail's plump form dangled in a rather strange harness at the pilot wheel, his spotted black and white tail dangling behind him.  The harness allowed him to do what he did best; command a ship, even if it was a 50 year old rustbucket.  Muskytail turned to his first mate and nodded "About 100 km to the North, it will miss us, according to the radio.  I also see a boat on radar, heading in our rough direction, but they know we're here so no reason to haul in the nets prematurely."  Joey nodded silently, but still loitered, swishing his cat tail indecisively. "Anything else to ask, Joe?" said a mirthful Muskytail. 

"Uh, yeah", Joe said a bit awkwardly "the gang wants to know how the kid is" 

"Jeremy is fine and sends his regards to the crew.  I got this letter addressed to the entire crew from him."  Larry cleared his throat and continued, " 'Dear sirs, I much happy to grow nice plants + things in greenhouse. Mrs.Slipsunder and family very nice and go well for me.  I give nice herbs for nice crew, enjoy!  Sincerely, Jeremy Longwhisker',  Aww, he's such a considerate lad. "  Larry knew well how the crew had been cold to the ferret boy, because of his nationality, but they missed him now. He had been almost like a mascot to the fishery, and they had loved the taste of his herbs in their otherwise bland meals.  "You can write back to him if you like" said Larry, gently chiding. 

"Um, I'm sure you can do it better than we could sir" said Joey, not wanting to admit the gruff Sandy Shoals crew had a soft spot for anything.  "Skip, is that boat heading right for us?", Joey said, eager to change the subject. 

"Apparently", said Larry, a bit concerned.  Few boats went out of their way to meet a fishing boat plying the lanes, but this one wanted to arrange a meeting.  "Let's see what they want"   The Resort: Main Building, Freedom's Run, 12757, 12:00 PM 

"What is his problem, anyway?  Why hasn't asked any of us out?" 


"That kid isn't normal!  Doesn't he get any urges?" 


"Lucas!  Stop reading that", Bethany said as she snatched away his comic book. 

"Hey!  Don't rip it sis!", protested Lucas. 

Bethany nodded testily, "Just answer my question.  What do you think his problem is?"  She held the comic book hostage.   Lucas would have to play her game if he wanted it back.  The collie sighed and leaned back in the front desk swivel chair.   He was subbing for Sylvia who was with spending time with Kari.   This gave him a chance to catch up on his reading, since few of the guests came to the main house at midday. Unfortunately Bethany had nothing better to do then to bug him for the umteenth time about that kooky Barovian. 

"I dunno, I haven't seen him sleep with any of the guests or anyone local", muttered Lucas as he pushed up his baseball cap. 

"He makes me so mad.  Are all Barovians that prudish?" fumed Bethany 

"Nope", said a tiger girl standing in the doorway.  "I've slept with one or two in my time" 

"Hi Janet", said Bethany in a tone that suggested 'get lost'. Janet grinned and took that as a cue to step into the room. 

"What's bugging you sis?  Who is it this time?" said Janet cheerfully. 

"Its about Mr. Personality back in the greenhouse" Lucas said calmly. 

Janet 's expression immediately fell.  "Oh forget about him, I think he must be a plant himself"  She was still miffed he had turned her down when he had first set foot on the resort some months previously.   It wasn't like he had laughed in her face or given some smooth excuse.  He had just stood rooted to the spot with his eyes goggling, cheeks flushed, floundering for something to say.  "He seems to be scared of females" 

Bethany frowned "Maybe he doesn't even like girls.  Wait unless...?" 

Janet caught the thought "Unless he prefers..." 

Both of the sisters looked directly at Lucas. 

 "Hey wait, he hasn't said anything to me", the dog hastily said, glancing from one sibling to the other. 

"Well that leaves us back at square one then", said Janet as she leaned against the front desk. 

"Well I'll find out for myself", said Bethany, flinging the comic in Lucas's lap and storming out.  Janet knew better than to try to stop her, giving her advice would only fan the flames.  She'd have to make her own mistakes.  Janet headed for the door herself nearly bowling over an running otter youth in the process.  Rale deftly slid under her legs, too excited to even notice her cross expression. 

"Mom!  Mom!  Where's mom, bro?", he said, buzzing with energy. 

"Woah woah where the fire?"  said Lucas? 

Rale grinned and danced "Cap. Larry is here..Yay! .we've got company!  Me an' Hardrock saw his boat chug past Buck's rump" 

Janet blinked.  Something was up if Muskytail used his fishing boat to go to the island.  Most of the time he used a launch from the main island.  "Who's with him?"   The Resort: Main building, Freedom's Run, 12757, 12:27 PM 

Kari cuddled with Sylvia in her bed.  The heat shimmered outside the window, and the delicious smell of flowers wafted in.  Kari nuzzled Sylvia's neckfur and sighed.  "I wish we could just lie like this forever" 

Sylvia grinned "I'd like it too, but who'd mind the phones?" 

Kari smiled "Aww, your kids can run the place.  Let's stay in all afternoon" 

Sylvia shook her head "as much as I'm tempted too..."  Both of them were startled by the blast of a boat's airhorn signaling its departure from the resort dock. 

"What the hell?  That's Larry's pathetic excuse for a ship" said Kari looking amused and puzzled, recognizing the characteristic horn.  She got up and headed for the door, neglecting to retrieve her shorts.  Who would care her lack of attire on the island anyway?  She stopped when she heard the unmistakable squeak of a wheelchair outside the door.  She grinned at Sylvia and pointed at the door and pinched her nose as a pantomime to mean 'skunk'  Sylvia got it and smiled.  Kari flung the door open to see...Rale!  The otter beamed up at Kari in Muskytail's battered chair.  Kari was taken aback for an instant, but immediately recovered. "Hi kid" 

 "Like the wheels, Kari?  Larry let me try it out..he's on the dock."  he said as he raced the chair down the corridor and out the door. Kari chuckled and headed out waving to Sylvia as she made her way to the dock. 

She saw Larry lying on a hillside overlooking the dock, where her plane lay brooding at its moorings.  Larry nodded to her and waved her over, his expression with a tinge of seriousness, for once.  "Hiya ace, I had an unexpected passenger today" 

Kari blinked and grinned..."well don't keep me waiting all week, you old barnacle.  Who is it?" 

Larry just shook his head ruefully, "You wouldn't believe me, Kari" 

Kari was about the reply when she frowned, detecting smoke in the air, cigar smoke  "Oh, no, oh no, not Him?" 

"The same!" said a cheerful one-eyed sable, stepping jauntily out of her plane, "Miss me?"  The Resort: Greenhouse, Freedom's Run, 12757, 12:00 PM 

Jeremy stared at the trampled flower bed sadly.  Why did Janet insist on using this spot when she was with her various boyfriends?  He kneeled and started to rake out the broken plants.  For some time he labored and had nearly pulled out the last twisted flower when his gardening tine picked up something limp and plastic.  Curiously he held it up to the light, but it took him a minute to realize it was a condom!  "<By the Triad's name!> " he yelped in Barovian and dropped it as if it was radioactive.  For a full two minutes he stared at it, not daring to touch it.  "<I guess Mr. Muskytail was right when he said this place was 'a trip'>"  He carefully picked up the thing  with a trowel and dropped it into the wheelbarrow.   He tenderly planted new seedlings in the soil and patted down the dirt with a sure hand.  Gardening was his life, the only thing he felt he could do right. It soothed his soul on this island of temptation.   He felt awkward and out of sorts doing anything else.  He smiled at his work. He stood up and looked over the restored flowers.  He pulled off his work gloves and took out the golden  Triad statue Minister Darkheart had given him, and prayed:  "<Mother and Father, I know you can hear me, and I have always held your guidance in esteem.  The medicine stills your tongues and I can no longer hear your words but I hope that I find your favor.  Please send Rebecca and Raymond my love. I knew you are all in the loving embrace of the deities of Truth, Justice and Mercy. Please bless Kari, and Mr. Muskytail>"  He touched each shoulder in turn and the bottom of his breastbone, tracing out the trigonal symbol of the Triad surrounding his heart. 

The black-haired ferret wheeled the cart into the potting shed attached to the greenhouse.  He had just heard the air horn from a ship, but he couldn't run to investigate it, not while he was working.  He would ask Mrs. Slipsunder about it later.   He padded past the sliding door into the main greenhouse, with row upon row of flowers of all varieties.  His prized orchids held the favored position.  He took up a long metal rod, and padded over to the front pillar of the greenhouse.  The greenhouse was over a hundred years old, and the pillars were cast iron with Corinthian capitals.  Only the hanging lights and ventilation fans gave evidence that the building had seen any remodeling.  The windows had to be cranked open by hand however.  It had taken Lucas nearly three days work to get the cranky gears lubricated enough to function.  It took Jeremy only one try to hook the crankshaft in.  He poked up his Pince-nez and struggled to get the ancient gearing to turn, with a shrieking rattle the window started shuddering  open.  At that moment Bethany's paws wrapped around Jeremy's as she snuggled up to him in the fur. 

"Need any help with your shaft, Jeremy?", said Bethany with a smile. 

Jeremy booked. 

He dashed out the front door, blushing furiously, going too fast to see the girl outside reaching for the doorknob  *klonk!*  A second later, both Jeremy and the strange girl were on the ground, looking dazed.  "Ouch! I much sorry lady", Jeremy said, when he had recovered his senses and his glasses.  He blinked when he really registered what the girl looked like. She wore a long sleeve shirt and long pants in this heat!  But her face was the most striking aspect.  She had the general features of a white ermine, with familliar spikey dark grey head fur and purple eyes, but arcing across her face like a mad painter's brushstrokes were black stripes!  She shook her head and rubbed her forehead. 

She giggled at the situation, "< And you must be Jeremy Longwhisker, the one who can grow flowers in the deserts.>", she spoke in flawless Barovian. 

Jeremy looked taken aback.  She could speak his mother tongue, and her faint accent was unmistakable!  There was something naggingly familiar about her, but he figured not to worry about that.  "<Welcome to my house, Lady>"  He glanced back, but to his relief Bethany was no longer there. "<Please enter>"  The girl nodded and entered, waiting for the man to go in first, as custom dictated.  "<Welcome, forgive my weakness at not being a better host.  May I know your name?>", he said to her quietly.   The girl looked over his beautiful flowers with awe, her father had actually told the truth when he had mentioned how talented a gardener Jeremy was. 

She nodded demurely, "<Epiphany Stripeflank.  I have been sent here by my father because he wants you to take the responsibility of looking after me.>" 

Jeremy paled noticeably  "<Minister Darkheart!>"  This was his daughter!   He stammered, his amber eyes showing bewilderment  "<Is>"  Epiphany nodded as she smelled one of his wonderful smelling orchids.  The ferret leaned weakly against one of the tables and said in an absolutely serious tone, "<I think I will need to pray to the triad before I see him.  Will you join me?>"  The Resort: Dock, Freedom's Run, 12757, 12:35 PM 

"Sorry about this Kari", said Muskytail, "He insisted on dropping in." 

Kari's head at last had stopped spinning. "Welcome to the Resort, Silvertongue" 

Darkheart stepped out of the shadow of her flying boat into the sunlight.  *Klick!*  He lit up one of his noxious cigars, and grinned.  His attire was striking.  He was Barefooted, wearing baggy Bermuda shorts and a wild red Hawaiian style shirt.  The casual effect was neatly wrecked by the long black overcoat he insisted on wearing over it and the black eyepatch covering his right eye.  His dark grey hair spilled over his face in wild spikes.  His ears blushed red as he could see Kari in all her unclothed splendor, but nothing perturbed his playful tone.  "Long time, no see Goddess of Destruction" 

Kari sighed a bit, at that name, but she was going to be dammed before she put some clothes on.  She knew a strong willed female put him a bit off balance and she enjoyed that.   She walked right up to him, and nodded.  "What can I do for you 'Minister'?" 

Darkheart savored his next sentence, "Actually I'm not here to see you, I'm here to see Jeremy" 

"Jeremy?" both Kari and Larry said at the same time.  Darkheart puffed on his cigar and nodded towards the path.  Hurrying down the path was Jeremy and a strange girl Kari didn't know.  Something dawned on Larry's face, "So that's why you brought Epiphany with you, Spin-doctor", he grinned, "You're leaving her with a Barovian you cunning sable, aren't you?" 

Kari looked surprised, and then grinned slyly as she whispered to Darkheart  "So Epiphany is your daughter?  No wonder you didn't explain who she was to me last time you were here.  What proper Barovian would admit his only child is a mere female?" 

Darkheart looked mad, and was even madder at himself for taking the bait.  Behind them Muskytail enjoyed seeing Kari get under this SOB's skin. He wouldn't trust this sable any further he could drop kick him.  He wasn't the type to typically hold a grudge but had had not forgiven him for trying to take his beloved friend's life.  But it wouldn't do to keep that expression while the kids were here. 

"Hiya kids, did you see the flowers, Epiphany?", said Larry, his expression immediately softening.  She smiled shyly and nodded to the nice skunk. 

"Hi, Mr. Muskytail" said Jeremy politely  Larry sighed and chuckled to himself, it was hopeless to try to get this solemn kid to loosen up. Jeremy immediately padded over to Kari and Darhheart, and bowed to them both. He blushed furiously when he saw Kari's state of undress, but said nothing about it.  Darkheart smiled when he saw Jeremy had his hair slicked back the way he used to favor.  Kari's expression indicated she wished Jeremy would find someone else to idolize.   "Minister Darkheart, I here. But I not worthy to look after Miss Stripeflank.  You look after her, much better." 

"But my dear boy, I think you are worthy" said Darkheart graciously, as he put his paw on Jeremy's shoulder.  "I can trust you to defend her, to protect her" 

"But she should stay with you, Mr. Darkheart", said Jeremy quietly "She your family". 

"Which is why I must leave her in your hands, Jeremy.  I lost everyone save her in the purges, and I'll be damnned if I lose her as well. I must go back and fight for my people, but I most know that she is in good hands.  That is what I ask of you." 

Kari looked at Jeremy warmly, "He's right, you've got what it takes, kiddo." 

Jeremy didn't look like he was up to the task but he nodded in assent  "I will look after Miss Stripeflank, Minister" 

Dartheart tapped the ash of his cigar and smiled toothily  "Good lad, I knew you were the responsible sort" 

Rale wheeled Muskytail's chair back, and Larry reclaimed it, fuzzling the otter youth's headfur.  "Well I guess I have been playing hooky long enough.  Time to go back to the fishery" 

"I'll give you a lift" said Kari as Rale handed her back her shorts.  "And I guess you're tagging along Silvertongue?" 

"Would I ever turn down an offer from a lady as lovely as yourself, my dear?" said Darkheart with a charming grin.  "My dear daughter, I must go, to avenge our honor" 

Epiphany nodded, wishing her father wouldn't have to do this, but knowing her duty never to question him.  They embraced tightly, and everyone there was impressed by how much that crafty sable cared for his child. 

"See you later aunt Kari, Mr. Muskytail, Minister", said Jeremy. "This way, Miss Stripeflank"  Both Jeremy and Epiphany headed towards the main building.   Rale waved and ran off to rejoin his  buddy in the wilds on the far side of the island. 

"Aww, they make a cute pair", said Larry.  "They do", agreed Darkheart.  The three of them boarded the red seaplane. 

As Rale bounded up the hill he passed his sister, who had watched the exchange with Lucas's binoculars.  "Hiya sis", he said, "whacha doing?" 

Bethany lowered the binoculars.  "Who was that Sable?   The one that looks like a pirate.  He's handsome." 

Rale giggled and filled her in.  Freedom's Run, 12757, 1:00 PM 

Silvertongue lit a new cigar, blithely ignoring the 'No Smoking' signs posted in the cabin.  He offered one to Larry, who shook his head. Muskytail liked the occasional cigar, but he wouldn't take one from one who was not his friend.  "You may speak freely, no need to shelter Kari's feelings, she's up front, flying the plane", said the sable calmly. 

"I'll cut to the chase, Silvertongue", said  Larry cooly.  "You're Jeremy's friend and he trusts you.  And you trust him enough to ask him to look after Epiphany"  He paused, "However, I do not trust you.  You nearly killed Kari when you had the chance." 

"I may remind you, sir, that she nearly killed me as well", said Darkheart shrugging off the accusation.  "And you may very well think I was there to kill her, but do you know that for certain?  To say what I meant to do, is putting words in my mouth.  I did spare her life, in the end. Having her owe her life to me, was punishment enough.   Perhaps I never meant to kill her in the first place, you will never know."  He grinned toothily, taunting Muskytail. 

Muskytail felt like punching in those pointy teeth of his, but he chose diplomacy instead.  "I can promise you two things Silvertongue: 1) If you ever try to harm Kari again, I will kill you", said Muskytail, his blue eyes as hard as flint.  "2) I will judge your worth not by what has happened in the past but how you can change.  If you take care of Epiphany, then I will consider someday calling you a friend" 

Darkheart looked just as serious, "I love her more than life itself, Muskytail"  He got up and headed towards the cockpit, and just before he opened the door he smiled to Larry, "I enjoyed our little chat" He disappeared into the flight deck. 

Kari was wearing headphones, as she banked her plane expertly over the harbor.  She looked miffed as she saw Darkheart barge in.  "Go back to your seat, I'm busy"  Darkheart nodded and had a seat in the copilot's chair anyway. 

"I merely came to tell you this my dear." said Darkheart, relighting his cigar, and removing it from his mouth.  His expression hardened, "Say what you will about me, the King can curse me ten times better than you ever could; but don't you dare ever again  question my love of Epiphany or intimate that I am in some way ashamed of her!  She is my own flesh and blood and the only reason I survived for 6 years a fugitive in Barovia.  Understand?" 

"Clearly", said Kari, gratified that she could get this arrogant sable's fur ruffled.  "If you do love her, then you're hardly a proper Barovian.  Females are your people's possessions after all" 

"So what's your point, my dear?  Females must be locked up and protected.  They are like this fine cigar, to be cherished and savored. Which is why I placed her in the care of a proper Barovian male." 

Kari, had had enough, she removed the tiny Carbon Dioxide extinguisher mounted under the control bank and sprayed Silvertongue in the face!  She grinned as he sputtered, "No Smoking Constantine." 

Darkheart hated the way that this woman could manipulate him.  He was either going to kill her (Muskytail's threat notwithstanding) or he was falling for her.  He wiped some foam from his face and glanced out the window.  "Lovely view of the islands, like an Eden in miniature" 

Kari just sighed and gave up.

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