Part One: Silent Running
written by Cafe
Chapter 1

Celestia paced nervously in front of the huge roaring fire in the cavernous main hall and glanced at the motley band of ruffians lounging on the chairs and leaning against the walls, leaving dirty marks that the prissy Celestia found intolerable.  She finally turned to a sly looking Otter standing close nearby.

"How long is he going to take?"

The Otter just smiled in an insolent fashion.

"Whenever he feels like it M'Lady."

Celestia bristled.

"I am not your Lady you knave! And may I also add that-"

She was cut off by the sound of the great oaken doors at the other end of the hall flying open with a loud bang.  Into the room strode a handsome and charismatic gray Wolf dressed in a black hooded cloak that hid the sword and dagger on his belt.  He pulled down the hood on his cloak and glanced around at his men, cool and confident.

"I trust you are enjoying the hospitality of this fine castle lads." he said. 

"Aye Sir”, said the Otter, "The Lady here however wants a few words with you."

He walked over and shook snow of his cloak and hung it near the fireplace to dry, revealing a lithe and muscular frame which Celestia could not help but admire despite herself.

"Then she shall have my undivided attention.  Away with ye lads.  I have words for the Lady not fit for your ears."

The ruffians laughed coarsely and all trooped out, making snickering comments to each other.  Last out was the Otter who shut the doors behind him but not before giving a wink to the Wolf, who impatiently gestured him to get lost.

They were now standing alone in the room.

The Wolf shook his fur a bit to get the melted snow out of it, making her take a step back to avoid getting wet.  She glared at him angrily.

"Fine, so you are Hangman Wolfsbane, the King of Rogues!  If you have to steal my treasures, please be sure at least not to leave dirty fingerprints on the tapestries.  They are hard to clean."

Wolfsbane smiled at this, but his expression hardened at this self-righteous Bat.

"And you are Lady Celestia Blackwing vos Cimeria, the haughty Ice Queen!"

Celestia gasped a bit at this epithet.  She raised her paw to slap him.  "How dare you, you common thief!"

Wolfsbane caught her paw and regarded her coolly.  "I fight to restore the true king on the throne.  I know the fine distinction between rebellion and thuggery.  I may not be a noblefur, but I am not some gutter rat, as you would have me be.  I used to be respectable once but you were too good for me then as well.

Celestia at first looked miffed and then surprised.

"I knew you?"

Wolfsbane nodded and leaned closer to her; so close that in the firelight she could make out his azure eyes, the color of a cloudless day.


He smiled wryly.

"Been a long time Celestia."

Celestia had last seen Mordecai Fangblade at least ten years ago.  She still burned with the shame she had felt then when she had told him to go.  True she had loved him, but he was just a blacksmith, making horseshoes, swords and armor.  She was destined for better things she had told him; she was a noblelady after all!

"I suppose then you can take your revenge on me now.  I am at your mercy."

Mordecai looked upset and swung his paw as if to slap her!  She recoiled and winced, anticipating the pain that was sure to follow.  But at the last instant he slowed down in the swing so that he merely tapped the side of her face.  He smiled but those limpid eyes of his were sad.

"You poor haughty vain little fool.  Can't you see that I still love you?  I may have cursed your name all those years out in the bitter cold, but I still would never hurt you."

He pulled his paw away and half-turned away.

"I will only take what food and weapons my men can carry.  The treasures of your house and your person I leave to yourself.  We will be gone by dawn.  Now if you'll excuse me."

He turned to go but she grabbed his arm.  He stopped but did not turn to face her.

"Please Mordecai, I didn't mean to say...I mean...I...."

He turned back to her and in his gaze she briefly saw the boy she had once loved.

"By the Triad you are so beautiful!  Even more than I remember you."

She looked both ashamed and somehow excited to see his gaze upon her.  How he longed to touch her sensitive ears, her emerald eyes, her delicate wings, her curvaceous-"

<Epiphany, what are you reading?>

Epiphany gave a small yelp of surprise and dropped the book.  The Zebra-sable twitched her tail in exasperation as she looked up but quickly realized it was only her Jeremy!  He was an odd looking Ferret kid with disturbing yellow eyes he hid behind a tinted pince-nez.  He was giving her a rather dippy grin that showed his open adoration of her.  She tried to picture him like Mordecai but found he cracked the mold.  He was too skinny, to short, to shy, to bumbling and until recently, utterly insane.  But all the same it made him all the more sweet and lovable to her.   She smiled back up at him.

"Is it good?" he said cheerfully to her.

"Oh yes." she said rather dreamily.

"Can I read it then?"

Epiphany blinked and suddenly crashed back into reality, wondering how to explain the book to him.  She decided to save it for it later.

"Err...we'd better go look for Ikavana Muskytail.  I shouldn't be using his office without his permission."

"Oh, Mr. Muskytail won't mind", said Jeremy helpfully.

She knew Larry wouldn't mind but got up anyway.  She walked around the desk and offered a paw to Jeremy who shyly took it.

"Maybe I can read your book later." said Jeremy hopefully as they walked out the door.

Chapter 2

Darkheart was unceremoniously dropped down the ladder in the sail, through several hatches.  He landed with a thud on the mesh floor at the base of the ladder.  He grunted in pain and looked up, but his head was ringing and his view was blurry.

"Kusain zicus!"

He heard the sound of hatches being slammed shut and sealed.

"Zicus semelat!"

Darkheart tried to match voices to blobs but couldn't.  He tried to sit up but immediately regretted it.  Slowly the world came into focus.  He was in a dark claustrophobic space, roughly cylindrical, the only light coming from phosphorescent screens.  The helmsman turned and spoke.

"Nubo fek cofet subetra ENN, vija fek 34 Kovans, hata fek 100 metras."

An imperious-looking female Panda dressed in a naval black officer's uniform with red trim took a cigarette in a holder out of her mouth and replied.

"Nesen modi."

She blew out smoke leisurely and walked over to Darkheart.  She gestured for him to stand.  He woozily got to his feet.

"Ed butan lintz Darkheart.", she said evenly.

"I’m sorry, my Barovian is a little rusty.", he said trying to act nonchalant.

She gave him an evil sneer.

"I'm sure Silvertongue."

Darkheart grinned his familiar toothy grin.

"Haven't seen you in ages Nina.  How's Chi?"

Nina Kohl tried to not look annoyed.  Even after all that had happened to him, Constantine Darkheart still thought the world owed him a favor.

"Ask him yourself.", she muttered as the captain came onto the deck.

"Kapatan inu!"

All the soldiers came to attention.  Caiphas Vector gestured for them to return to their posts.  Vector looked like a grizzled and world-weary Elk.  Even in his dress uniform, the captain looked somewhat seedy, as if the years had worn him down.  He stared at Darkheart but spoke to Nina.

"How's our guest?"

"Acerbic as ever, but he'll soon know that it's unwise to joke about his predicament."

"I see.  Well escort him to my cabin.  I need to speak to him in private."

"Yes sir! ", said Nina snapping to attention.

She then gave Darkheart a shove so that he stumbled a bit.  As they walked aft through the narrow corridors, Darkheart sensed something was wrong.  Nina reached the door marked 'Kapatan' and opened it, revealing a fairly cozy looking room, decorated with naval pictures and brass furniture, all bolted to the floor.  Nina shut the door as Darkheart admired a picture of a clipper ship.  She then turned to him, looking uncharacteristically unsure of herself.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened to Cecilia."

Darkheart winced as if he'd been shot.  Mentioning his mistress was like bringing her ghost into the room with them.  But he pulled the pain back in.

"...Yes, well, thank you.  I'm glad at least the King gave her a proper burial, along with all the rest of my family that he had murdered."

Nina looked shocked, not at his resentment but his open disparagement of the king.  She took a step closer and spoke.

"It must have been hard for you all these years but I can help you.  I always said we could make a great team.  We both want the same thing in life."

Darkheart smirked, "A big bowl of really good rice pudding the way mother used to make?"

Nina punched him lightly in the chest and giggled a bit.

"Same old Silvertongue!  No, I mean we both want power and we know how to get it."

Nina's expression hardened.

"It's so easy for you males.  You just demand what you want and it's given to you on a plate.  But we females have to claw our way to power by using males that will help us."

"Ah I see.  That's why you're with Chi.  He must have used his influence to give you a commission.  Well I hope you two are happy then."

Darkheart knew something was wrong when he saw her shake her head sadly.

"He's a sweet Buck, but he doesn't have any of your fire.  He has no vision.  I like him well enough but...."

Darkheart didn't like the way this conversation was going.  He slowly backed away as she walked closer and closer....

"Yes well...I think I understand.  You want a soul mate more than a sugar daddy."

        "You won't regret it." said Nina, pulling Darkheart's face down for a kiss.

Darkheart did not resist, but knew this wasn't quite what he wanted.  Nina had always creeped him out a bit by being so brazenly ambitious.  She held him in a hug as he pondered how to get out of this.

"Uhhh, Nina...?"

"Hmmm, what is it Stan?"

"Do you really want Caiphas to see us like this?"

Nina pulled away suddenly and stared up at him.

"Is it because of Cecilia?"

"Err, no, it's just...I've kind of found...someone else."

"You rotten bastard!!!" Nina shrieked, raking her claw against the side of his face.  He pulled away and covered the wound with his paw.

She stormed out, slamming the door with a colossal thud.  A few minutes later Vector walked in, looking puzzled.

"Where's Nina?"

"Sharpening her daggers I think", said Darkheart, smiling grimly.

Chapter 3

Kari sat up in bed and yawned.  The Fennec quietly got out of bed so not to wake Sylvia who still looked fast asleep.  She stretched and peered out the window at the sunrise.  “Another day, another dollar.”, She thought.  She padded over to her closet, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she did so. Maybe she'd drop by Fairport today and pick up some...

"That jerk!!!"

Sitting impudently among her clothes, acting like it owned the closet was an overcoat.  Not just any overcoat of course; it was jet black with blue trim and gold buttons, with a gold scarab glittering on the collar.  His overcoat.

"I'll kill him!"

Kari yanked the coat off the rank and flung it over her shoulder and strode out purposefully into the morning.  Sylvia sat up sleepily, wondering what the yelling was about.

Meanwhile Jeremy was peering over Epiphany's shoulder watching her assemble what looked like a very delicate watch mechanism.

"Wow, how can you see something so small?"

Epiphany smiled and half turned, the jewelers glass magnifying her violet eye to absurd proportions.

"My family are clock makers.  Grandpa Kurt taught me how to make gear assemblies.  I guess that's why I got into mechanical stuff.  I like all that synchronicity."

Jeremy didn't quite understand but didn't say so.  He just liked to see Epiphany happy.  Epiphany held up a small piece.

"This is the escapement, it connects the pendulum to a gear wheel, forcing it to turn in regular increments."

"May I?"

Epiphany nodded and handed it to him.  Jeremy turned the delicate piece in his hand but dropped it into a flowerpot when Kari burst in suddenly into the greenhouse backroom.

"Alright where is he?"

"Ack I lose part!"

Jeremy frantically sifted through the flowerpot as Epiphany removed the jeweler's glass from her eye and turned to face Kari.

"What do you mean Tchika Kari?"

Epiphany noticeably paled when she saw the overcoat and fainted dead away slumping on the workbench.

"Epiphany!", yelled Jeremy and Kari together.

Within a minute they had her lying on the cot in the garden shed, where Jeremy frantically fanned her with a sheet of paper.  Slowly Epiphany came to.


She opened her eyes slowly.


Epiphany shot up into a sitting position but Kari firmly restrained her.

"Calm down kid.  You had a bad fall."

Epiphany turned to Kari, fear showing in her eyes.

"No!  Papa is in danger!"

"How do you know?" asked Jeremy, looking lost.

"He left his overcoat behind.  It's a sign.  He's not expecting to come back."

Kari looked aghast.  She quickly searched the pockets of the overcoat and pulled out a key with a tag.  She read it out loud.

"Freeman Bank, Ludlow branch, safe deposit key #666"

Chapter 4

Caiphas Vector poured out some tea into two glasses and offered one to Darkheart, who was now wearing a small bandage on his right cheek.

"Thanks Chi."

Vector nearly spat out his tea.

"Don't call me that Silvertongue!  It's 'Captain' to you.  I'd call you 'Colonel', but….

Darkheart caught the thought.  "But I've been out of the Barovian Ground Forces for more than ten year.  Anyway, I preferred the Ministry of Information to Army Intelligence.  You can lie to more people."

They both chuckled at that and both sipped their tea in silence.  Darkheart broached the subject.

"What happens in next?"

Vector grunted.

"We take you to Capital and you get brought before the King, who will almost certainly order your execution."

"I want the Stripeflanks released."


"Don't play dumb with me Chi.  Barnes sold me out but we agreed that I would surrender if they are let go."

Vector allowed a creepy smile to play across his face.

"I have no knowledge of a such a deal Silvertongue.  That was between you and Barnes.  We have nothing to do with that."

Darkheart clenched the glass of tea so hard that the glass cracked, oblivious to the pain.

"But...the King will kill them!"

"It is none of my concern."

Darkheart felt physically sick.

"How can you say that!?  You are an honorable Elk, Chi!  How can you let the King kill two harmless elderly Zebras?"

"It's not them, it's you."

Darkheart sat there fuming.

"Alright what did I do to slight you?  Did the Ministry of Information make some derogatory remark about the Navy?  Did I wear the wrong color tie at a speech?  Did I put salt in the sugar bowl?  What?!?"

Vector sadly shook his head.

"It's what you did to Nina.  I know she loves you.  I'm the consolation prize, even now.  She's intelligent, full of fire and beautiful.  What I don’t understand is why don't you love her?"

Darkheart sighed, knowing there was no way to answer that.  He took a deep breath and tried anyway.

"Nina does not know kindness.  Cecilia may have been 'weak’ but she was kind to me.  Perhaps I should have gone with Nina.  We do have a lot in common.  But I kept feeling that even unworthy as I felt of Cecilia that maybe she could save me from the wrath of Karthax.  Maybe."

"She can not save you from the fate that awaits you in your homeland."

Vector rose.

"I hope you suffer all the torments of Hell Darkheart.  You have robbed me everything, and for that I shall enjoy your death.  But I am curious about something...."

Darkheart sat there looking defeated.

"Why did you risk your neck for the Stripeflanks?"

Darkheart did not look up.

"If you don't understand now, you never will.  I'm sorry for everything Caiphas.  But I hope you never win her love."

Vector stepped forward and struck Darkheart in the face, knocking him backwards and spilling the tea.  Darkheart rubbed his jaw and watched Vector leave in a huff.

"I'm really popular today." he muttered to himself.

Chapter 5

Kari sat at the control of the seaplane, pushing the old engines to the limit.  She turned and glanced at overcoat, still reeking of tobacco, which was draped over the co-pilot's chair. The co-pilot, a middle aged spotted skunk named Larry Muskytail caught her sneaking a glance at it for the upteenth time and chuckled.

"You really do care for that scoundrel Kari."

Kari sharply turned and met Larry's gaze, then quietly turned back to flying the plane.

"I don't want Epiphany to be an orphan, that's all.  Of course then you'd become her father being the Ikavana and all."

Larry smiled and shook his head.

"Too high a price for me.  I know Darkheart's a rogue but he's a good father.  Better than this worthless drunk could ever be."

Kari didn't turn around but looked worried.

"Look Larry, that's all in the past.  Even your ex-wife can forgive you why can't you forgive yourself?"

Larry smiled.

"You're too good for this world ya know.  You're always too busy worrying for other people to worry about yourself.  But thanks, I appreciate it."

They sat in silence for a while, but Larry wasn't busy flying the plane so he brooded instead.  He wanted to get rid of the overcoat but he knew Kari was sensitive about the subject of Darkheart.  He wondered if something had happened between them.  There was a fondness, certainly.  They enjoyed arguing, like good sparring partners.  But had they gotten over the deaths of their spouses?  He had never met Cecilia Stripeflank but he had known Raymond and of course Kari's daughter Rebecca.  He doubted that given their pasts and cultural differences that they would be happy together.  But he didn't mind them trying.  Larry was just glad that Kari had never figured out his own feelings for her and.…

"Penny for you thoughts.", said Kari abruptly.

Larry looked startled.

"Oh, nothing.  I was just wondering about what future you want with
Constantine after this is over."

"Darkheart?  We went out a couple of times.  But that was it."

Kari frowned.

"He knows that I'm with Sylvia but I can't help the feeling that he wants me all to himself.  He's a possessive Sable.   And I can't give up Sylvia just to go with him.  I wish he'd understand that."

"Maybe he does.  He never married Cecilia so I doubt he'd expect you too.  Just tell him that."

"I don't want to hurt him."

Kari was surprised the moment she said that.  This was the same Sable who was a constant thorn in her side.  She felt confused, wondering if she could love two furs and still be happy.  Larry looked out the window again and they both felt the uncomfortable silence as they flew on into the night. 

Chapter 6

Barnes paced in the vast marble lobby of the bank, waiting impatiently for his ID to be cleared.  He stared at the ceiling and wondered why all bank lobbies used marble.  Must be a bank thing....  The Cheetah teller interrupted his reverie.

"Mr. Barnes, your ID is confirmed.  Go down the main hall and take a left to the safe deposit room."

Barnes nodded and followed the directions.  He peered in the vast dark room and switched on the light.  Two people were waiting for him.

"There's wonder boy now." said a Skunk in the wheelchair.

"About time too." said a Fennec in a black was the she-demon, Kari!

"Oh shit!!"

Barnes pulled out his gun and was met by two guns pointed straight back at him.

"Drop it." Kari snarled.

Barnes hesitated for a fraction of a second, broke into a sweat and dropped his gun.  Larry wheeled over with an ominous squeaking sound and picked up the gun, then wheeled back.

"You'll never get away with this!"

Larry's cheerful expression hardened.

"I know what this guy did to you Kari.  He covered up the murders that Prince Malik did.  Including the murder of your Becky."

"I didn't kill anyone!"  Barnes protested.

Larry didn't seem to hear him.

"You want me to ice him?  My navy reflexes may be a little creaky at my age but there's no way I could miss at this range."

Larry pantomimed putting a bullet in Barnes' head.  Barnes looked livid.

"You can't shoot me!  Someone would hear!"

Kari gestured to the walls and ceiling.  Barnes quickly realized the room was soundproof.

"Karina, look, if you kill me that's...."

Kari held up a paw for him to shut up.

"But listen, I can tell you all you...."

Kari cocked the hammer on her pistol.


Barnes licked his lips, but decided not to push his luck.  He stood there silently.  Kari finally spoke.



"Beg for your life Barnes.  You sold out my family.  You sold out your own country.  And now you sold out your friend."

Barnes laughed hysterically.

"Darkheart is no one's friend!  He's just using you like he used everyone else!  I did us both a favor."

Barnes drew out an envelope filled with Valis and held it for Kari to see.

"If you want the reward, I 'd be willing to sha-"

"BEG!!!" , Kari barked furiously.

Barnes quickly fell onto his knees.

"Spare me Karina.  If you do I'll tell you all the tactical secrets I know.  I am valuable to you alive...I know dirty secrets about everyone."

Kari walked closer as he said this and put the barrel to the back of his head.

"Keep your dirty secrets to yourself you little toad."

Barnes felt a rising hysterical fury well up inside of him.

"Fine it doesn't matter anymore!  I only did what I did to make a difference.  I could have amounted to something if you hadn't ruined it!  Just get it over..."



Barnes wondered if his heart would ever start beating again.  Kari lowered the unloaded gun and pocketed it. After a pause, she spoke again.

"Thank you Barnes.  For seven years I've hated you and that evil prince you helped.  But I see now it was a waste of time.  All I have left for you is pity.  Keep your money if it makes you happy."

Kari walked to the door and went through it.  Larry wheeled up to Barnes who was still unsure of why he wasn't dead.

"You are right about one thing, you will never amount to anything.  Seeya."

Larry gave Barnes a friendly chuck on the shoulder and wheeled out, leaving him alone.  Barnes curled up into a ball and cried, clutching the money like a life preserver.

Chapter 7

A sleek black limousine pulled up to the side of a wet dock enclosed by an enormous metal canopy.  The upper half of a submarine was visible in the water, with a black scarab beetle emblazoned on the sail.  Several sailors appeared out of the main hatch, prodding the handcuffed Darkheart off the ship. Vector and Nina followed them down the gangplank.  Everyone looked dour for different reasons.  Vector gestured for the sailors to stop next to the car.  Darkheart stared at his own battered reflection in the darkly tinted glass.  He resisted the temptation to squint inside.  The window lowered, revealing the chiseled visage of a humorless looking Rat.  Darkheart saw the ghost of someone he knew in that face....


The Rat looked startled.

"You're thinking of my father.  I am his son, Thomas."

Darkheart nodded, not commenting on the odd glint in Rathbone's eyes.

"You took over as Prime Minister then."

"That's right Constantine.  Now lets get down to business.  What shall we do with you?"

Darkheart sighed.

"I don't care.  Just save the Stripeflanks."

Rathbone looked suspicious.

"Give me a good reason to."

"Because I'll tell you what your father said to me before he shot himself."


Rathbone opened the door forcefully, hitting Darkheart in the shins and knocking him off balance.  Darkheart collapsed in a heap and Rathbone stood over him.

"Talk Silvertongue!  What did he say?", Rathbone hissed.

Darkheart looked up wearily.

"He said:  ‘Tell Tom to stay out of politics.  I want him to make something of himself.'"

Rathbone stared wildly down at Darkheart for a moment then looked at Vector.

"Pick him up."

Vector and Nina helped Darkheart to his feet and led him into the back seat of the limousine.  Vector closed the door shut, then turned to Rathbone.

"He's a dead Sable, the moment he fell into our trap Sir."

Rathbone looked thoughtful.

"That what bothers me.  He's too smart for this sort of thing.  Still, the King will be pleased.  Now take care of things here Captain then join me in Capital as soon as you can."

Vector snapped to attention.

"Yes sir!"

Rathbone merely nodded and climbed into the car which drove off at breakneck speed.

Vector turned to Nina.

"Don't mourn him Nina.  He's not worth it."

Nina looked up at Vector.

"I won't."

Vector gave a ghost of a smile and touched Nina's cheek.

"I wish you were a better liar my dear."

With that he went back across the gangplank to the submarine and climbed back down inside it.  Nina lit a cigarette in a holder and watched the blood red sunset.

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