Part Two: Sleeping Satellite
written by Cafe
Chapter 1

General Anton Revil paced in his office.  He wasn't usually nervous but he was looking forward to meeting Karina Thatcher again.  He remembered her fondly as one of his best test pilots.  He parted the curtains and looked out across the barracks and the launch pad.  He heard a chime on his desk.

"General, a Miss Thatcher here to see you."

"Send her in at once."

He was doubly surprised.

"You grew your hair long...and why are you wearing a Barovian trenchcoat?

Kari smiled and hugged the Badger.

"Long story General, which story do you want to hear first?"

Revil chuckled and gestured for Kari to have a seat.  He could faintly make out the smell of tobacco.  He guessed it must be the trenchcoat since he knew Kari didn't smoke.

"I can guess about both actually.  How's Sylvia?"

"She's good, kinda busy with the resort and all.  How about yourself?"

Revil leaned back in his swivel chair.

"Marie is fine and both the kids are in college now."

Revil paused.

"Let’s get down to business"

Kari nodded.

"There's a Barovian I need to help.  His name is Constantine…"

"…Darkheart." finished the General, smirking.

"May I ask how you know?", said Kari, already tired of Revil's little intelligence games.

"We have an operative in Barovia, quite highly placed, code named TRINITY.  He told us about Darkheart."

Kari looked thoughtful.

"I see: if you can get Darkheart to defect, you could gain a huge amount of intelligence on Barovia."

Revil sighed.

Actually it's much worse than that.  He slid a picture across the desk.  Kari stared at a picture of a strange haunted Skunk.

"Do I know this guy?"

"I doubt it.  His name is Terl.  He's a Freelands engineer working for the Royal Barovian Space League.  He's on their new space station."

Kari nodded.

"I've heard of it, the Barovian Peace Platform.  What about it?"

"TRINITY has informed us that Terl is making an orbital laser weapon."

Kari sat up.

"What?!?  Why would a Freelands engineer do-"

Revil held up a paw and she stopped.

"He doesn't know it's a weapon.  He thinks it's going to be used as an orbital power source, using microwave energy.  It's quite clever actually.  Barovia is very resource poor, so no doubt he thinks he's doing them a favor."

Kari absorbed this information.

"So this is where I come in?  How will destroying their super weapon save Darkheart?"

"TRINITY assures me it will.  We have no choice but to trust him.  Since we’re sending a mission to the BBP in a few weeks, I've requested your reactivation in the Space Corps."

Kari nodded.

"Alright, but I need a back-up.  I want a retired naval officer by the name of Lawrence Muskytail...."

Chapter 2

Darkheart slumped to the ground, staining the crimson carpet a much darker shade of red.

"That's enough!" said a dry cracked voice.  The two burly guards lowered their clubs and backed away respectfully.  Darkheart could hear the faint tapping noise of metal on marble.  Darkheart looked up at an ancient dried up looking black lion leaning on a metallic cane.  The lion sneered.

"So this is what's its come to Constantine Darkheart vos Bessedra.  The last rebellious traitor brought to heel at last!"

Darkheart coughed and spit out some blood.

"I did my duty like all the other ministers.  Our only crime was to be convenient scapegoats for your problems Your Majesty."

"Be silent!", Ozymandias yelled.  "You fools allowed my only son to be murdered by a Freelands whore!"

"Prince Malik was done in by his own flaws, your majesty.  He thought he could get away with murder.  Well he found out that he couldn't."

Ozymandias whacked Darkheart hard in the head with his cane.

"Shut up!  I had to punish all my pathetic useless ministers."

"Including my father.", said a blank faced rat.

Ozymandias turned.  "Yes, well Rathbone your father was just as worthless as the rest of them!"

Rathbone looked unperturbed.  "As your majesty says.  What shall we do with him?"

Ozymandias stared down at Darkheart, his eyes filled with a mixture of hatred and grief.

"I want him broken.  See too it Prime Minister."

Rathbone nodded and signaled the two guards, who dragged Darkheart off.  Rathbone stared down at the blood trail for a long time.  Ozymandias started to walk away but stopped.

"What is it?"

Rathbone looked up.

"Sorry your majesty, it's just I realized that Barovia can only be purified in blood.

The old king snorted and hobbled off.

Chapter 3

Larry Muskytail was sitting in his office trying to read a Barovian romance novel.  He didn't know the language well but the cover left little doubt as to what is was.  He chuckled as a matronly looking Hyena came in.

"Larry there are two naval officers here to see you."

Larry looked up and smiled at his former wife.  If only he hadn't gotten into booze they could have been happy.  He wheeled out from behind the desk.

"Thanks Louisa.  It must be about Kari.  She said she was going to see Revil."

Louisa nodded, not sure she liked the implication of this visit.

They went downstairs where two completely humorless looking naval officers stood.  The Lieutenant spoke.

"Lawrence Sylvester Muskytail?"

"That's me guys.  What's up?"

The Lieutenant and the Ensign glanced at each other.  The Ensign spoke.

"By order of the Tactical Naval command at the behest of General Anton Revil, you, Lawrence Sylvester Muskytail, are hereby reactivated to active military duty with the effective rank of Lieutenant Commander.

The attaches saluted and handed Larry a box.  Larry opened the box and saw a crisp new uniform.

"I'll be right back guys."

Larry wheeled out and Louisa folded her paws across her chest.  After several minutes she broke the silence.

"I hope you guys are happy.  Larry has a fishery to run.  He doesn't have time to play war games with you people."

They simply glanced at each other.  The Lieutenant spoke.

"Are you privy to this information Ma'am?"

"Of course I am.  I was his wife after all.  Tell me what this is about."

The attaches glanced at each other.  Louisa's patience ran out.

"What?!  Can't you answer a question without looking at each other?"

They both looked embarrassed as the Lieutenant spoke again.

"We're sorry Ma'am but we are not at liberty to say."

Louisa was about to reply when Larry wheeled back out wearing the uniform with a mixture of pride and sadness.

"It's okay Louisa.  These guys are just doing their job."

"But they don't have the right to do this!"

Larry took her paw in his.

"Hey, I'll send you a postcard."

Louisa sighed but nodded.

"Oh fine.  I won't stop you."

"The Navy has me for life."

Larry smiled that smile she loved so much and kissed her paw.  He then wheeled out with the attaches.  Louisa stood in the room alone, wondering if she would see him again.

Chapter 4

Rathbone and Ozymandias walked along an intricately tiled patio that overlooked the vast city of Kapatal.  Rathbone admired the stars over the spires and minarets.  Behind them loomed the vast royal palace, with high narrow windows and onion domes.  They could see the whole city emanating in every direction, like spokes on a wheel.  Rathbone liked the view but knew they weren't here for the scenery.

 Rathbone pointed out at a bright light in the sky.  “There’s Karthax’s Chariot your Majesty.  In the Freelands they call it ‘Runner’.  Which is appropriate given its wanderings.

Ozymandias didn’t look up.  “Why is it taking so long?"

"I'm sorry your majesty, but he was trained to be resistant to torture.  You insisted that for security-"

Ozymandias turned on Rathbone.

"I know!  It's been two weeks.  I wanted him broken by now.  He must have some weakness...."

Rathbone looked thoughtful.

"How about we put him in solitary confinement?  He is quite a social animal.  Maybe loneliness will break him."

Ozymandias chuckled.

"Excellent!  Have it done at once!"

The king now looked cheerful again as they continued to promenade.

"One other thing your majesty.  Have you given thought to the method of execution?"

"Not really.  Do you have something in mind?"

Rathbone nodded vigorously.

"Yes, you said you wanted a public test of the microwave laser as soon as it was working as a demonstration of to the rest of the world?"

"What of it?"

"Why not put Darkheart at the focal point?  It would send quite a message to would-be traitors."

Ozymandias cackled maniacally.

"Yes, that's perfect!  I like the way you think Rathbone.  You're much better than your father ever was."

Rathbone smiled dryly.

"Thank you sire.  Please excuse me to make the arrangements."

Ozymandias waved a paw in dismissal.


Far above in lower orbit floated a vast meshwork of solar panels centered on a vertical cylindrical core.  It was painted a vile vomit green and had several modules attached, giving it the look of a giant insect.  On the side was a logo of a golden scarab on a triangle with the words: ‘Barovia Pasea Premiat.  In the dark interior cosmonaut Horse stared up at a monitor screen.

"Abala kadja tememt Kapatal!"

A second cosmonaut, a Fox, frowned at the screen and yelled aft.

"Terl, kadja gyle excru!"

A small Skunk appeared out of a mass of interconnected tubing and wires between two bulkheads.  He futilely tried to pull himself free, sighed then punched an intercom switch.

"This is Terl."

<Terl?  This is Rathbone.>

Terl snapped to attention, even though there was no picture.

"Yes Prime Minister!"

<I have good news.  The microwave power source will be tested in three weeks, to coincide with the Friendship mission.>

"Thank you Prime Minister!   I was hoping we could show the world a new reliable source of power."

Rathbone appeared to chuckle at the other end.

<Will the microwave laser be ready by then?>

"Yes Sir!  It'll be ready I promise!"

<Excellent.  Rathbone out.>

Terl returned to his work, whistling cheerfully.  Finally the Barovians would let him test his pride and joy.  He would help these people to become self-sufficient.

Chapter 5

Larry chuckled as he wheeled into the massive orbital assembly building, the size of a city block.  He stared up at the massive rocket being assembled inside high above him.  He spotted Kari on a catwalk.

"Yo Hotshot!  You dragged my butt halfway across the Freelands for a reason, right?"

Kari laughed and waved.

"There you are you old coot!  I'll be right down."

Revil stepped up behind Larry.

"Sorry about all the secrecy Lieutenant Commander Muskytail, but you appreciate the need for security."

Larry shook the general's paw.

"Of course Sir.  I only hope I can be of use."

"Captain Thatcher requested you personally as part of your mission."

They both saw Kari run down a flight of stairs.  She went up to Larry and hugged him warmly.

"Thanks for coming Larry."

"Thanks for calling me.  So what's the mission?"

"Well did you know I was in the space program as a test pilot?"

"Well kind of, yes.  You're going on the Friendship flight?"

Revil coughed.

"Ahem, yes.  Captain Thatcher will surreptitiously replace the astronaut on the upcoming mission.  Here is the person you will replace.

From outside a massive black furred wolf with the build of a bodybuilder walked in.  She smiled a huge wolfish grin the moment she saw Kari.  She immediately hugged Kari so hard she though she'd burst.

"Melissa Thatcher!  You're my idol!  I always wanted to live up to your legend!"

The wolf dropped Kari who struggled to breathe again.  She then grabbed Larry's paw and shook it, almost crushing it in the process.

"Commander Muskytail!  How do you do?  I'm Regina Nighthowl, but call me Gina!  Captain Thatcher is going to replace me!  I'm so excited!"

Larry tried to smile but could only grimace.  She let his paw go and he started to shake the circulation back into it.  Revil stood in the background amused by all this.

"Yeah well I'm glad you have no hard feelings about being replaced."

Gina smiled.

"It's the greatest of honors.  The Melissa Thatcher!  She's a legend in the Space Corps."

Kari shook her head in disbelief.

"No offense, but I'm going to pretend to be her?  She's at least a foot taller than me, and I've to work out a lot more than I do to get that build."

Revil shrugged.

"It'll be easy.  We just dye your fur black.  Listen carefully...."

Larry stifled a laugh as Revil outlined the plan.

Chapter 6

Darkheart lay stretched out on a cot.  He breathed in a raspy way as he had yelled himself hoarse several days ago.  He tossed and turned, straining to hear a voice or noise.


Darkheart found himself lying with his head in a kindly Zebra's lap.  He looked up in disbelief.


Cecilia Stripeflank smiled and stroked Darkheart's fur.

"You were in pain Constantine, I had to come."

Darkheart looked pained.

"Oh by Karthax, I'm sorry Cecilia!  You died and it was my fault!   I should have turned myself in.  I could have saved you."

Darkheart closed his eye and cried.

"Why did I blind myself to the Blackmanes' evil?  If only I had listened to you, I-I could have done something...."

"Please Constantine.  You believe in Barovia.  It's not your fault the Blackmanes happen to rule it.  There was no way to save me.  Shh…be still my Love.  You were spared for a reason.  You will save Barovia.  You must be strong."

Darkheart shook his head, fighting the tears.

"I can't save anyone!  I'm a worthless lying two faced grubar !   I should have died with you."

Cecilia stroked Darkheart's headfur quietly.

"You are a good Sable my Love.  You are trying to save my parents even though they had nothing but hatred for you.  I can see your goodness, so can Epiphany and Jeremy.  Trust in their faith and make Barovia into a country they can be proud of."

Darkheart fell off the cot onto the concrete floor.

"No!  I do not believe in ghosts!  I am not going mad!  I will...Cecilia?"

Darkheart looked up around the bare cell.  He was alone.

Chapter 7

Kari frowned at her black fur as she strapped herself into the cockpit of the rocket Friendship.

"I feel ridiculous!"

Larry glanced up at the mission status control board and adjusted his microphone headset.

"No time to worry about your makeover Kari.  We're launching in five minutes!"

Larry chuckled and leaned back into his wheelchair.   He turned to Revil and Gina.

"I hope the hell this plan works.  It's pretty risky."

Revil grunted.

"She knows the risks and she can handle herself.  I have every confidence in her."

Gina sat next to Larry.

"So what's it like working with her?"

Larry smiled and stared up at the intimidating but friendly wolf.

"I'll tell you some other time when I'm not so busy, okay?"

Gina looked guilty and nodded.  Revil spoke.

"All systems go!  Begin the ten second countdown."

A computer voice smoothly announced:  

"T-minus 10 seconds” 











They all watched the bright glare from the rocket's exhaust illuminate the control room.  Larry saw the rocket plunge skyward and then out of sight.  He spoke into his headset.

"Friendship, this is Mission Ops, do you read, over?"

<Mission Ops this is Friendship.  All systems are clear, we should reach lower orbit in 10 minutes, over?>

Larry gave the thumbs up sign.

"Confirmed, as soon as you reach midpoint Alpha begin phase two of the mission, over."

<Roger that Mission Ops, over and out.>

Chapter 8

I t seemed all of Kapatal was in the square below Rathbone thought to himself.  He turned from the railing overlooking the focal point and looked at king Ozymandias, sitting on a gilded throne at the back of the plaza.  The King nodded to Rathbone.

"Bring out the condemned!"

Two guards dragged out Darkheart, who looked too weak and listless to stand.  They held him in front of the King.  He rose with some difficulty, leaning on his metal cane.

"Constantine Darkheart vos Bessedra, you are hereby condemned to death for your participation in the plot to murder the crown prince Malik.  You are the last in the conspiracy to be brought to justice.  Have you anything to say before your sentence is carried out?

Darkheart merely hung limply between the guards, looking at nothing in particular.

"The condemned has opted to not repent.  Prepare the disc."

Darkheart was brought to a twelve-foot wide metallic disc and strapped paws and feet to it.  The disc then lowered back into a cradle so Darkheart was facing skyward.  The crowd fell into a hush.  Ozymandias spoke again.

"All who watch this will see the fate of those who would betray their king and country.  Let this be a lesson to all miscreants!"

Ozymandias sat painfully back down and turned to Rathbone.

"Is the weapon ready?"

"Yes your majesty.  The Friendship is about to dock.  Our Freelands emissaries shall witness the new power of Barovia."

Ozymandias seemed grim.

"She'd better get there soon."

Chapter 9

Terl fiddled with the collar of his dress uniform.  The Fox glared at him.

"Stop that Terl!  She'll be here any moment!"

"Sorry, I get nervous when I meet new people."

The Horse chuckled.

"Hey I thought these people were your people.  You should get along with them better than us."

Terl opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by an intercom.

<Barovian Peace Platform, this is the Friendship.  Permission requested to dock. >

The Horse pressed a switch.

"Permission granted Friendship.  Welcome aboard."

They heard a loud banging sound and the hiss of pressure being equalized.  The Fox opened the hatch.  A small Black Wolf emerged.  Everyone shook paws as Terl noticeably paled.

"My God, Melissa Thatcher!  What’s with the black fur?"

Everyone froze as if on cue.

"Please forgive me Mrs. Thatcher!  I didn't know what Malik would do when I told him about your daughter!"

'Malik!", the Horse sputtered, "What does she have to do with him?"

Terl looked sick and floated backwards.

"She fired her ramjets into his plane.  I think it was an accident.  I'm so sorry Mrs. Thatcher!"

The two cosmonauts hissed their dreaded epithet in unison.


Both lunged for Kari at once.  She grabbed a pipe and swung her foot into the Horse's chest.  He spun backwards and bounced off a control panel.  The Fox reached her and his momentum carried her into a wall.

Terl kept babbling.  "Please forgive me Mrs. Thatcher!  I didn't know what he would do to Becky!  You have no idea how many nights I've spent regretting what I did!"

Kari wanted to give Terl serious money to shut up, but was too busy.  She unsheathed her claws and raked them across the Fox's face.  He struggled in his grip but weakened and fell unconscious from the toxin from her claws.  He spun away as Kari grabbed Terl’s foot.

"Ack!  Please spare me!" he begged.

Kari grabbed Terl by the shoulders and held his eyes level with hers.

"Shut up!!  I need you to shut down the beam!  Now!"

Terl shook his head, not registering what she was saying.  "But Mrs. Thatcher!  The beam is a new cheap source of power for-"

"It's a weapon you idiot!  Never mind, just shut it down!"

Terl sprung into action.  He began disconnecting wires.  "We already started the primary energy transfer, but I can reroute it in 5 minutes."

Kari glanced at her watch.  "It's not enough time.  Larry, what should I do?  The beam will fire in less than a minute!"

<"Uh, wait Kari!  Terl!  The beam's going to fire no matter what?">

Terl nodded.  "Yes it is."

<"What about attitude control?">

Terl's eyes lit up and he met Kari's gaze.

Chapter 10

The sky above Kapatal seemed to glow with an eerie light, like the northern lights.  Rathbone glanced skywards.  He crossed himself, from each shoulder in turn then his heart.  He then bowed his head and intoned slowly.

"'As he sowed so he shall reap the crop of poor bedeviled sinners.  Thus Karthax righteously purifies their sins with his jade cudgel.  So shall the rivers run with the tainted blood of the unrighteous.  So shall tears of rain fall down.  So shall the weak and mistreated in this world be avenged in the next.  For the Jaguar God shall punish all.  He calls out in a mighty voice....'"

Ozymandias snorted at Rathbone's quoting the Book of Karthax.  He never cared much for the religion of his subjects.  He smiled cruelly however as he felt Rathbone's words were appropriate.  Finally Darkheart would die in pain and misery.  Finally Darkheart would feel the anguish he felt after loosing Malik.  However, he found Rathbone's religious beliefs surprising.  He hadn't noticed such devotion before.

The city was illuminated by a beam of energy as bright as the sun slamming down exactly in the center of the plaza, about 20 feet from Darkheart.  The beam melted the stones into molten soup.  It singed the ends of Darkheart’s whiskers.  The beam seemed to waver then swept towards the King.  He had no time to react and disintegrated in a whiff of ozone.  His cane clattered to the ground and then too began to melt with the stone throne into glowing pools.  Rathbone smiled grimly, a strange feverous light in his eyes.

"'Woe to the sinners for they shall be purified in Hell, until they can be redeemed.'"

He laughed hysterically as pandemonium broke loose in the square below.  It seemed he would never stop laughing.

Chapter 11

Kari double-checked that her seatbelt was securely fastened as she glanced out the passenger side window.  The small wood paneled car looked 40 years old but it moved very fast.  

"Rathbone, can we slow down a bit?"

The Rat driving chuckled and slowed down to 85 kilometers.

"Don't worry, we're almost there."

Kari looked out the window again as they sped down the narrow streets at breakneck speed.  She was surprised that she liked Kapatal as much as she did.  She was in enemy territory, the capital of Barovia.  She was impressed by the graceful buildings and temples, but also sickened by the slums and poverty in the outskirts.  She had learned a little of how the unfortunates lived in Barovia from Jeremy but she didn't know it was so widespread.

Rathbone pointed to a white marble building with a lovely blue dome.  "That's the Temple of Bethesis.  She's the most popular goddess of the Triad.  Females in particular pray to her for the strength to endure the hardships of this life.  That's Malik Square, where they hold the annual parade and public executions."

Kari nodded, wondering idly where Darkheart’s favorite coffee shop was.  She hit her head on the window as Rathbone rounded a curve too sharply.  She was about to cuss him out when he slammed on the brakes.  She was yanked forward stopped only by the seat beat.  She glared at Rathbone angrily.

"We're here Kari."

She looked at a cozy looking townhouse with wrought an iron fence and flowers in planter boxes out of each window.  She noticed the windows had no screens like most Barovian houses.  It looked plain but elegant. She unbuckled her seat belt and turned to Rathbone.

"So Darkheart's here?"

Rathbone nodded grimly.  "You must make him whole again.  Barovia needs him, now more than ever."

Kari bristled.  "You mean you need him."

Rathbone chuckled. "Of course.  Darkheart is my prophet and you are my instrument of divine retribution.  I knew once you slew both Ozymandias and Malik that you were an incarnation of Karthax."

Kari looked worried.  "Keep it to yourself you zealot.  As of now I'm out of your little scheme.  Save your own damn country."

Rathbone grinned a buck toothed grin.  "Your destiny is tied to the blood of my people.  You are a Barovian as well.  But try to escape your fate if it amuses you."

Seeing Kari lost in thought, Rathbone got ready to drive off but stopped when Kari called after him.

"One more thing: why did you do this?  Why did you betray your own country?  Why did you help Darkheart, TRINITY?"

Rathbone shuddered a bit at hearing his code name out loud.  He growled as he spoke.

"I am a patriot, just like Darkheart.  I could tolerate the King as long as he was good to my family and me.  But that bastard killed my father!  Twenty-five years of loyal service meant nothing!  I knew I had to end this evil reign.  I need Darkheart to take Ozymandias' place and rule Barovia for the Barovian people."

Kari shuddered at the thought of Darkheart as a leader!  "Whatever."

Kari climbed the steps and Rathbone drove off, laughing strangely to himself.

Chapter 12

Kari went indoors and wandered through the sparsely furnished rooms.  She climbed a narrow staircase with a wooden railing and climbed to the second floor.  She saw a light burning under a door at the end of the hall.  She turned the doorknob and walked in.  An elderly Zebra couple sat in the middle of the room.  One was a tall thin lanky male reading a newspaper with bifocals perched on his nose.  The other was a matronly looking female engaged in knitting what looked liked a purple scarf.  They both looked up and swiveled their ears towards her.   The room was deathly still as they wordlessly stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.  Finally the female turned to the male and spoke.

"Look Harold, that's her."

"Must be."

Kari gave a slight nod to both of them.

"Umm, my name is Karina Thatcher.  I'm from the Freelands Confederation.  I'm here to see Darkheart.  You must be Harold and Caroline Stripeflank?"

Harold looked miffed.  He rose and spoke in a reedy voice that was tinged with an accent Kari couldn't quite place.

"We most certainly are not.  Our name is Pemjebomlia, not Stripeflank!  Our homeland is Nyumba Dola!"

"My apologies."

"We sought our fortunes in this country, like Ozymandias Nyweleusi did.  No one could stand his horrid clan so they were exiled.  Strange how our fates collided."

Both nodded sadly as Kari tried to figure out a way to get conversation back on track.  Maybe the direct approach would work.

"Look, can I see Darkheart?"

Caroline spoke this time impatiently.

"We'd like to know about this note."

Kari unfolded a scrap of paper and read it aloud.

"Excru beltat cal kibilimekva."

Kari had to take a second to translate it, noting it was in Darkheart's hand.

"Granddaughter...oh yes, this is about Epiphany, right?"

Both of them ran over to Kari and grabbed her paws and both spoke at once.

"So that's her name!  Tell us about her!  Does she have any friends?  Is she getting enough to eat?  Does she have a boyfriend?  What is she studying?  Is she safe?  Does anyone know where she is?  Does she remember Cecilia?"

Kari broke their grip and backed away, looking overwhelmed.

"Whoa whoa whoa!   Calm down!  She's fine."

Kari fished out a picture of herself standing on the Resort dock flanked by Jeremy and Epiphany.  She handed it to them, who studied the picture intently.

"Oh there she is Dear!  What a sweet looking angel!"

"She looks so much like her mother.  She has the same violet eyes.  Just like yours Harold."

"She's got Constantine's muzzle…but she make it look good."

Kari tapped Caroline on the shoulder.

"What is it Mrs. Thatcher?"

"Darkheart is...?"

"On the veranda.", said Harold.


Kari walked past the cooing pair of newly minted grandparents and went out onto the balcony overlooking an overgrown backyard.  Darkheart sat in a wheelchair, looking uncharacteristically frail and weak.  He stared off towards the sunrise with no apparent interest.


Darkheart merely sat there.

Kari shook his shoulder.  He looked up at her blankly.

"I hope you're happy.  You used me!"

Darkheart did not react to this but merely looked away.  Kari reacted as if she'd been shot.

"Darkheart!  Look at me!"

Kari felt her arm being tugged and she spun angrily and saw Caroline.


Caroline pointed at the picture.  "Sorry to interrupt Mrs. Thatcher, but who is this Torniz gypsy?"

"That's Jeremy Longwhisker.  He's Epiphany's boyfriend.  He's a very nice kid."

Harold stuck his head out of the door.

"Really?  What's he like?"

Kari felt like screaming.  "Look I'll explain the whole story to you two later. Please leave us alone."

They both nodded and left.

"She's touchy."

With that the door shut behind them.  Kari glanced back at Darkheart.  She leaned closer to him.

"Oh, Darkheart, please come back."

She saw that he wore the same expression Jeremy had during his bouts of insanity.

She slumped her head into his lap, wondering what she could do to crack his self-imposed wall.  Slowly he lifted his paw onto one of her large ears and stroked it gently.  She looked up and saw his weak toothy grin through her tears.

"God-dess of Des-truc-tion?"

He wrapped his paws around her shoulders and pulled her close.  No matter what others said their destiny was they could fight it together.


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