Part Two
written by Cafe
Chapter 7

Freeport, 12757, 8:00 AM 

Bethany looked slightly ashamed at badmouthing Epiphany, afterhearing her story. 

"So your mother had no other children after having you?" 

Epiphany nodded. 

"I was born six weeks too early and they had to cut me out byC-section.  That prevented her from ever having another baby.  It isunfortunate that I am a female, now Papa will not have a male heir to carryhis name." 

Lucas considered this. 

"Can't you change your name to Darkheart?" 

"Yes, but if I marry I take my husband's name.  Papa loved mymother a lot to stay with her even after having only a female." 

Bethany seemed annoyed by this talk. 

"You're not only a female.  You are your own person, who can doanything you set your mind too!  If your Dad's ashamed of you...." 

Jeremy sprung to Epiphany's defense. 

"Please!  He very proud of her.  He entrust her to my care to makesure she safe." 

Bethany started to reply, but the bell rang, cutting her off.  Allfive of them went inside. 

Ten minutes later all of them except  for Rale were sitting in thesame class.  The teacher, a very humorless looking Lynx with readingglasses perched low over his nose wrote vocabulary words on the board andspoke in a nasal monotone. 

"Now all of you no doubt know the infinitive is the default form ofa verb, unmodified by person or tense.  Can anyone give me an example of aninfinitive?" 

Jeremy leaned in close to Epiphany, who was sitting to his left. 

"Sata Epiphany, besra talit com deta cal versorm?" 

Epiphany glanced at Jeremy and translated what was on the board. 

"Ikavana Jeremy, tofoel fek lata cal versorm te beata." 

The teacher picked up on their Barovian conversation and lookedprofoundly irritated, especially since he had no clue what they weresaying. 

"Care to share your conversation with the rest of the class?" 

Both Epiphany and Jeremy looked embarrassed and some kids in theclass tittered.  Epiphany looked away from the teacher and spoke. 

"I'm sorry Sir, I was explaining to Master Jeremy what aninfinitive was."


"Yes Sir, he's my 'Ikavana' : my guardian." 

The teacher seemed to forget his point. 

"Oh.  Well please don't speak Barovian in class." 

"Yes Sir!", both said in unison. 

After class Jeremy took Epiphany aside. 

"I'm sorry I got you into trouble Miss Epiphany." 

Epiphany smiled, what a sweet boy she thought to herself. 

"Please do not trouble yourself Master Jeremy." 

"You don't have to call me 'Master'." 

"You don't have to call me 'Miss'." 

Jeremy was about to protest when he noticed Epiphany's playfulexpression. 


Jeremy felt profoundly ill at ease not addressing her formally. 

"Thanks Jeremy.  I know Barovian traditions are important to Papa,but you don't have to follow all of them.  I won't tell him." 

"E-Epiphany, there's something you should know about me.  You see,I am not worthy to be your 'Ikavana'." 

Chapter 8

Aboard the 'Sandy Shoals', 25 km due North of Freedom's Run, 12756, 1:28 PM 

Larry lowered his binoculars with satisfaction.  The storm frontwas definitely going to miss them by several kilometers.  He picked up themicrophone and relayed instructions to the crew. 

"All Hands, no change in status.  The storm front is going to missus, repeat, the storm front is going to miss us.  And we won't miss it onebit." 

Larry chuckled as he replaced the mike.  But when he glanced up, henoticed Jeremy walking past the bridge, moving as if sleepwalking.  Larryfelt a gut instinct that trouble was brewing.  He expertly slid out of theharness and into the wheelchair nearby.  He unlocked the brakes and wheeledout onto the deck, quickly catching up with Jeremy. 

"What are you up to Jeremy?" 

Jeremy turned to face him, the cracked lens on his glassesobscuring one eye.  He smiled in a creepy sort of way that always unnervedLarry. 

"I talk to my parents they say it's ok now to swim." 

Larry looked confused. 

"Parents?  But you're an orphan Jeremy.  How can you hear them now?" 

"They come into my head, speak in my dreams, they comfort me." 

Jeremy hugged himself as he spoke about his parents. 

"Their voices guide me.  And now I must swim." 

Jeremy simply stepped off the side, plunging into the water. 


Without even thinking, Larry hefted himself out of the chair anddove in after him.  The crew on deck saw Larry plunge off the side. 

"Skunk overboard!!" 

Larry fortunately was wearing a life vest, or else he would havesunk straight to the bottom.  He swam with his arms and caught Jeremy'scollar just as he sunk out of sight.  He pulled Jeremy's head above thewater and caught the rope the crew had thrown.  Both were pulled up andthen they both lay on the deck, recovering.  Jeremy was soaked through andhad lost his glasses, looking like a drowned rat.  Larry looked upset andscared. 

"Why the Hell did you do that Jeremy?  Do you want to die?" 

"I-I must obey the voices." 

Larry saw Jeremy's look of desperation.  This kid needed help.Medical help. 

Chapter 9

Freeport, 12757, 12:30 PM 

"They say I was crazy.  That it not normal to hear voices.  Theygive me medicine that mutes the voices so I can't hear what they say now.They say as long as I take the medicine I better now." 

Jeremy was fearful of how Epiphany would react to him telling herthis, would she be disgusted or afraid?  He looked genuinely surprised thatshe looked sympathetically at him. 

"Aww, Jeremy it must have been awful for you." 

She took his paw and squeezed it consolingly.  His ears flushed atbeing touched by her, she noticed, blushed and took her paw away.  Theyboth turned and looked in other directions.  She glanced back at Jeremy andsmiled though. 

"I'm sorry Jeremy, I didn't mean to make uncomfortable.  What wewere does not matter as much as what we are now or what we can become.  IfPapa can get a second chance, then we all can." 

Jeremy nodded.  He wondered to himself why exactly Darkheart hadpicked him.  He felt terribly unworthy of working for a living legend likehim, wondering if the Minister saw him as another pawn on a vastchessboard.  Suddenly that analogy made him realize why he had been picked.The queen is Epiphany, and the pawn is Jeremy, who is placed to guard her.It meant he had no freedom, but he was comfortable with the arrangement.He would not let down Epiphany! 

They walked out into the yard, where all the kids were playing atrecess.  Jeremy saw Bethany gesture for him to join her.  He excusedhimself and went with her around the back of the building, near theequipment shed.  She turned suddenly and faced him. 

" know what I want...." 

"W-what Miss Bethany?  Look can we make deal?  Please please pleaseleave Miss Epiphany alone!  Minister kill me if anything happens to her!" 

"She is cute, I'll admit." 

Bethany had an expression of concentration, her mind working. 

"Aha!  Ok, I'll agree if you kiss me." 

Jeremy gulped. 

"OK, deal is deal." 

Bethany closed her eyes and tilted her head up.  Jeremy got nervousas he came closer and closer, and finally kissing her on the forehead.Bethany's eyes fluttered open and then she looked mad. 

"Hey! What the hell kind of kiss is that?!? I meant a real kiss!" 

"B-but that real kiss." 

"No I mean-" 

Bethany saw his uncomprehending look and sighed.  She went aroundthe equipment shed and collared Lucas, who had been sitting back there,reading a comic book. 

"What's wrong sis?", asked Lucas as she dragged him into Jeremy's view. 

"I want you to help me show this guy a real kiss." 

Lucas shrugged and put his comic book away. 

"Alright, whatever." 

Lucas and Bethany embraced and then deeply kissed.  They both felta response and kissed more passionately, so much that they lost track oftheir audience.  Some time later they broke off. 

"Alright Jere-" 

But he was nowhere to be seen. 

Chapter 10

Main Train Terminal, Capital, Barovia 12750, 8:33 PM 

Little seven year old Epiphany walked alongside her mother, tryingto keep pace.  For whatever reason, Cecilia was in a hurry.  On Epiphany'sother side walked her Great Great Uncle Melvin.  They walked through theturnstiles and went along the brick platform.  The huge metal and glassceiling loomed over the dozens of crisscrossing tracks that went throughthis, the nerve center of the Barovian Railroad network.  Epiphany lookedup and gaped at the faraway ceiling, and tried to touch it, but found itwas too far away.  Her mother gently tugged at her paw, causing her to lookahead again.  They climbed up a set of metal stairs leading to a platformthat crossed over every track, with smaller side staircases connecting itto each individual track.  They found the right track and hurried next tothe train, which was a diesel powered engine, it's headlights blazing.  Itlooked like it was ready to leave at any moment.  Cecilia stopped. 

"We're just in time Uncle Melvin." 

Melvin Hoarfrost smiled a bit.  He doted on his grand niece, whichmade him feel all the more guilty for disapproving of Cecilia initially.It made what she was asking him to do all the harder. 

"Look Cecilia, you don't have to do this.  As long as the politicalsituation is stable here, there should be no danger." 

Cecilia looked like she wanted to believe him. 

"She's a female, born out of wedlock to a Minister who's standingdepends on the whim of the monarchy.  I can't risk Epiphany's future on agamble." 

Epiphany sensed something was wrong but couldn't quite understandwhat it was. 

"What's wrong Mommy?" 

Cecilia looked like she was trying to fight back tears. 

"Nothing's wrong Little One.  You and Uncle Melvin are going on atrip.  Now you be a good girl and do what he tells you to." 

"I'll be good Mommy!" 

Cecilia hugged her daughter, wondering if this was for the lasttime.  She made eye contact with Melvin. 

"The papers should be in order Cecilia.  Given Constantine'sdiplomatic background, they shouldn't ask any questions." 

Cecilia let go of her daughter and nodded, somewhat grimly. 

"If they refuse to let you through customs, threaten to notifyMinister Darkheart.  that should scare them." 

"I understand Cecilia.  Look I'm not good at this sort of thing,but I'm sorry I said the things I did about you.  I was wrong." 

Cecilia hugged the old Ermine. 

"That's very kind of you Melvin, but it's nothing.  As long asEpiphany's safe." 

Melvin nodded and picked up Epiphany. 

"Ready to go my little Zebra?" 

Epiphany nodded vigorously. 

Melvin boarded on the train with Epiphany in his arms and bothwaved from the door.  A few minutes later they were seated in a booth nextto a window.  They heard the P.A. system come on. 

<Attention, Attention, Train #2361 nonstop from Capital to Reylandis now departing from Track #7, Repeat...> 

Epiphany pulled down the window with difficulty and she leaned outand waved as the train pulled out of the station. 

"Bye bye Mommy!  I promise to write!" 

"I love you Epiphany!" 

"I love you too Mommy!" 

The train was out of sight within a minute.  Cecilia turned awayfrom the track and slowly headed for the staircase, pondering how she wasgoing to explain this all to Constantine.  He didn't seem to notice howdangerous Malik was.  He was going to be mad of course, but she felt shehad no other choice. Her daughter would have all the opportunities shenever had. 

Chapter 11

En Route  to Freedom's Run, 12757, 2:43 PM 

Epiphany and Jeremy stood on the stern of the water taxi, watchingthe city slowly recede behind them.  Epiphany seemed quiet and Jeremy alsoseemed quiet, but he was always quiet.  Epiphany finally sighed and spoke. 

"I'm sorry Jeremy, I was just thinking how much I miss Mother.  Shesent me away when I was seven and she knew she'd never see me again.  Wewrote back and forth several times but that was it." 

"Why did she send you away?" 

"She didn't trust Vaja Malik.  She thought Papa could be fired orexecuted at a whim.  And her safety and mine depended on his position.Even so, she never thought a for a second that Malik could die.  It's likea demigod being killed; it just doesn't happen.  Papa was mad at Mother fora long time, but he's sad now when he talks about her.  I knows he lovesher but he shouldn't brood over her for the rest of his life." 

"What if he found someone else?", suggested Jeremy helpfully. 

"I'd be a little upset with him for loving someone other thanMother, but my feelings aren't important, as long as he's happy. Why? Hashe met someone?" 

"Uh-oh",  thought Jeremy, "I wonder if I should tell her?" 

"Errr, he like Miss Kari." 

"I'd better have a word with her then." 

Jeremy looked aghast.  What had he done? 

Kari was bent low over the engine of her impressive red seaplane,replacing a spark plug.  Kari was a lovely fennec with her hair tied back.She was wearing a jumpsuit to prevent grease getting on her fur, but sherarely wore that much.  She reached to her right to snag a tool and feltthe proper sized wrench being handed to her. 



Kari half turned and waved to Epiphany who did not wave back, butmerely stood there. 

"How was school?" 

"It was good." 

Epiphany shifted her weight from one foot to the other, herzebralike tail swishing indecisively. 

"Anything else you want Epiphany?" 

"Are you going to be my new Mommy?" 


Kari had hit her head against the engine cowling in surprise.  Shestared at Epiphany, half in pain half in shock to what she had just said.She touched her head to check for blood. 


"I have sources that tell me that Papa likes you.  Do you like him?" 

"What sources?" 

"I'm sorry to pry like this but my Papa's happiness is at stake.It's important to me." 

Kari looked upset at this little meddler.  Of course it was Jeremywho told her, the poor little blabbermouth could never say no to her.  Shesighed inwardly. 

"Who told you that I like that Bastar-I mean Bastich?" 

"No one.  I was merely told that my Papa likes you.  All I want toknow is do you like him?" 

"No- I mean I'm not sure.  You know he's- well, you love him I knowbut he's  an arrogant, conceited, offensive, Machiavellian, manipulating, chauvinistic *scoundrel*!" 

Epiphany seemed to pick up on this. 

"So you do like him then.  Very well, you have permission to go outwith him.  He deserves to be happy." 

Kari's mind reeled at her logic.  Like father, like daughter sheguessed.  Epiphany turned to go. 

"Wait!  What did I say that indicated that I liked him?" 

"You seem the type to like scoundrels.  Sorry to trouble you." 

Epiphany ran off and rejoined Jeremy and they headed up to thegreenhouse together.  Kari stood there with a spark plug in her paw andclenched it into a fist. 

"What kind of drug are all those crazy Barovians on anyway!?"

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