Part One
written by Cafe
The Resort, 12757, 3:45 PM 

Nearly half a day later, Lucas Slipsunder smiled as he filled the water glasses at the table in the resort dining room.  It Looked like the 3 Barovians that were seated there would need it.  All of them were dressed formally, which was madness in the afternoon heat.  Kari had warned the Slipsunders that the Barovians were liable to do eccentric things, and that comment seemed to ring true now.   Of course he wanted to loiter and hear what this conversation was about, but Darkheart fixed him with a friendy but uncomprimising gaze that suggested the collie's time would be better spent elsewhere.The poor ferret at the next seat over was sweating, but it was clear it was more than just from the humidity.  Lucas patted him on the shoulder as he left, "Break a leg Jeremy!" 

"Oh, er, thank you Lucas", Jeremy managed weakly, not really understanding what that meant.  Jeremy looked up at Darkheart and his half zebra daughter, and glumly wondered how he could tell them what he wanted. Epiphany was quiet.  Even though this conversation involved her fate, she was powerless to contribute.  It would between the males' job to decide. 

Darkheart raised his glass, and both Epiphany and Jeremy chimed thier glasses against his in a silent toast to the Triad.   Their conversation would be in Barovian. "<Well, Jeremy, daughter we now must decide what the proper arrangement should be.>"  He paused.  When it was clear Jeremy wouldn't speak, he continued.   "<I have monitered your recovery, and I think you are fit to once again serve as my daughter's guardian.  Are we agreed you are to become the Ikavana again?>" 

Jeremy exchanged glances with Epiphany, and wondered how to get through this minefield without getting blown up.  "<Minister Darkheart. I..I'd rather not.>" 

Darkheart looked suprised although Epiphany didn't.    He had to forcibly bite his tongue before demanding from Jeremy why the hell not.  He hoped he hadn't misjudged the ferret, thinking he was worthy to be Epiphany's friend.  It would be necessary to prepare for all contingincies, including Jeremy to be discarded if his reasons were willful or selfish. Diplomacy came first, however.  "<May I know your reasons?>", he asked a lot more calmly than he felt. 

Jeremy stumbled.  He felt like he'd blow this chance and get on the Minister's bad side from a simple misunderstanding.   He knew he'd be unable to speak under the Sable's intimidating gaze, but he *needed* to get this out.  To his suprise, he found he could talk.   "<Mr. Darkheart, I don't mean I don't want to be her guardian.  But Mr. Muskytail is better as a father figure to her than I am.  She's too much like a sister or friend to me than as a niece.  And, I'm no good at being a dominant authority person.  That is something you're far better at than I am.>"   Darkheart nodded and indicated he should continue.  Jeremy hoped he could finish before his nerve failed entirely.  He blinked as he felt Epiphany's foot rub over his beneath the table.  She smiled to him secretly.  "<Minister, I hope I'm better as a friend to your daughter than as a parent...a companion.>" 

Darkheart's face lit up, and understood at last.  Jeremy wanted to ask Epiphany out!   He tried ever so hard to keep a straight face.  Why had he doubted the boy?  "<Very well you should ask her out formally, as our traditions dictate.>" 

Jeremy nodded and stood up, moving next to Epiphany and taking her paws in his.  He spoke the same words that a Traditional Barovian would use to officially ask for the companionship of a female.  Darkheart had long ago rebelled against the traditions of his homeland, but being forced into exile made them suddenly important to him again.  These were the same words that Darkheart had used when he took on Cecilia as his mistress.  Jeremy spoke quietly, "<The Triad blesses companionship.  Kathax created the males and gave them strength and courage.  Bethesis created the females and gave them grace and compassion.  Shirion brings them together, and both halves are made stronger.>"  Jeremy had more difficulty reciting the second half of the phrase, knowing how ridiculous it would sound coming from a scrawny ferret kid.  "<Females are too weak to exist alone.  They need a male to defend them.  I would...er.  I...would ask that you submit to my guidance and protection.>" 

Epiphany was more than happy to agree. "<I will obey your will, Mr. Longwhisker.>" 

Jeremy nodded, still looking embarassed.  "<We can go for a ride in Tchika Kari's plane.  Would you like to see the Happenstance Islands from the air?>" 

Epiphany smiled and nodded.  "<I would be honored.  When would you like to go?>"  Darkheart smiled as well. 

Fairport Dock, 12757, 2:30 PM 

A few days later, Jeremy and Epiphany stood at the dock, both eagerly anticipating the ride.   This was the same dock where Jeremy had first met Kari; it had not been a plesant encounter.  But the situation had changed long ago and Kari was now fast friends to both Jeremy and Epiphany. Jeremy had  insisted on giving about 2 months worth of his salary to Kari to charter the plane for the afternoon.  Kari had tried to say it was on the house, but Jeremy asked that he be treated as just another customer. 

Epiphany held his paw gently, and Jeremy hoped he could get used to the fact he was actually officially an item with her.   "This is the first time, I'll be on Tchika Kari's plane", commented the zebra/sable. 

Jeremy looked at her, and his mouth hinted at a smile.  "And me as well."  Both saw the seaplane discharge its passengers.  The furs walked by, most carrying several pieces of luggage.  Strangely enough, Kari didn't step outside.  Two of the passengers made Epiphany do a double take.   One was a skunk, who had sparkling green eyes and a stange merging of stripes and spots on his face, which indicated a mixed ancestory.   The other was a no-nonsense looking middle aged hyena.  Both were total strangers but something about them was naggingly familliar.  It took her a few seconds to place the hyena.  By the triad, it was Louisa Muskytail!   Her face was more wrinkled and her hair was grayer than in the dog-eared photo Muskytail Ikavana had shown her, but was clearly her.   The pair walked right past Epiphany and Jeremy just as the skunk was commenting, "So where do you think that Epiphany chick is , auntie?" 

"I wish I knew.", Lousia responded, fanning herself.  "Karina said she was waiting for a ride with her boyfriend." 

Both noted the ferret and zebra/sable standing nearby, obviously waiting for someone.  The skunk walked right up to them and smiled.  "Hi kids.  Do you know a girl named Epiphany who works at the resort? 

"Umm, I am she.", she responded softly. "You are Sebastian Muskytail?" 

The youthful skunk grinned in exactly the same way his uncle favored.  "You betcha.  I went and saw 'em, like you told me too." 

Epiphany stammered a bit, "But Mr. Muskytail, I say I would visit the family!  You didn't have to take the risk yourself." 

Louisa interrupted softly.  "I'm glad he did take the risk"  She offered a paw to Epiphany.  "I've been eagerly awaiting to see you Epiphany.  You have summoned me to see my husband again."   She smiled warmly, "Since you have gone through this much trouble, I will oblige you. And I will see him, not for his sake, but for yours.  Come with me to the fishery." 

Jeremy spoke hesitantly  "But what about plane?" 

Lousia nodded.  "Karina agrees that it will be posponed until later.  For now we will go see Larry together."  There was nothing to do but head towards the Muskytail Fishery. 

Muskytail Fishery, 12757, 2:52 PM 

All 4 of them stood in the shadow of the fishery administration building.  Lousia turned to Epiphany who looked like she was haveing the hardest time staying silent.  "Something on your mind, Epiphany dear?" 

Epiphany nodded, nearly tripping over her words in her haste to get them out: "Yes, Mrs, Muskytail.  I understand you and your husband didn't part on the best of terms.  But please know that Ikavana Muskytail is a changed skunk.  He's a wonderful person.  2 years ago he took care of Jeremy, when he was a lost orphan.  Many would not want to hire him, but Muskytail was so compaissionate and-" 

"Epiphany, please!", Louisa said, statling Epiphany into silence. After a beat she spoke again.  "I know you want to defend him against my anger, but don't worry.  I don't need to hear the whole saga to judge if he really is deserving of forgiveness.  I will know it by looking into his eyes."  She put a paw on her shoulder.  "It will be alright.  Come along." Sebastian chuckled softly as they walked up the wheelchair ramp. 

Sebastian immediately made his way into the back room, as Louisa stopped short in the  deserted office.  They all felt the refreshing pulses of air from the occilating fan.  She looked at the familly photographs hanging on the wall for a long moment.  Jeremy looked over the desk, which had an open book on Millatary designs and scematics.  He clicked on the desk lamp to see it better.  He then saw that was a  tattered and faded photograph lying on the book .  He took it off of the desk and handed it to Louisa.  She smiled ironically as she saw a younger version of herself. "So he did keep it.  Sentimental fool.", she murrmered to herself. 

Epiphany's stomach was tied in knots.  Right now she was seriously agonizing whether her meddling would backfire this time.  If  Louisa told her ex-husband to go to hell, she knew he'd be emotionally scarred forever. Her heart nearly skipped out of chest as she saw Louisa follow Sebastian into the back room.  Jeremy exchanged a hopefull look with Epiphany.  She wished she could be as optomistic as that sweet ferret was.  Neither of them walked beyond the doorsill; choosing instead to watch the scene unfold from afar. 

Sebatian sat  on the nearby couch, watching his uncle sleep. Louisa sat tailswishing on the edge of the bed staring at Larry's lifeless legs, then up to his face.  She took up his black furred paw in hers and squeezed it and tracing her other hand over his cheekfur.  Larry stirred from his nap.  Louisa smiled as she plunked his bifocals on his muzzle. Larry stared at his wife for the first time in 8 years, and his intial expression was puzzlement. 

"Huh?  What are you doing here Loiusa?  Is this a dream?", he said sitting up. 

"Naw we're just figments of your imagination, uncle Larry", commented Sebastian. 

"Sebastian?  Louisa?  How?  Why?  What?  How- how did this happen?", said a uncharacteristically confused Larry. 

"You underestimated a certian Zebra's resourcefulness, Larry.  She pinched Sebastian's phone number right out from under your nose and called us here."  Larry's jaw opened and closed a few times, but no sound came out.  "And please don't say you're sorry for what happened between us so long ago.  I'm not going to dwell on it any more."  She squeezed his paw tighter.  "I'm not coming back to you as your wife, but as your friend. Because its what Epiphany wants.  Can you understand that?" 

"Sure", said Muskytail, still in shock.  "Epiphany did all this?" Larry now knew that the girl had recieved a full dose of Darkhearts cunning in her genes.  He stared back at Louisa and hugged her tightly. 

Sebastian walked past Epiphany and Jeremy and winked.   "You can start breathing again, Epiphany", he whispered.  She nodded in response, blushing at Louisa's mention of her involvement.  Larry just sat there holding his ex-wife. 

Louisa nodded to Epiphany.  "You may go now.  Thank you" 

"You're welcome" said a very flustered zebra.  "I meddled because you are such a nice skunk, Ikavana Muskytail.  I just wated to help." 

Larry blinked then started to laugh.  "Oh hell!  I thought your father was sly, but you leave him in the dust!"  He shook his head, grinning from ear to ear,  "I won't underestimate you again, Epiphany, rest assured.  I'll see you later.  I think I have some catch-up discussion with my familly."  He hugged both his wife and his nephew. 

Epiphany and Jeremy bowed and beat a hasty exit.  Once outside, Jeremy looked at his girlfriend with a kind of awe in his amber eyes. "<You really are the  true daughter of Minister Darkheart.>" 

Epiphany's fears finally unraveled.  She wrapped her arms around Jeremy.  "<I did it for thier own good, Jeremy.  Thank the triad it worked out!>" 

Jeremy hugged back tightly, blushing at her warmth, her nearness. "<I have faith in you.  I knew it would sort itself out.>"  They clung to each other. 

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