Part One
written by Cafe
Chapter 1

Freedom's Run, 12757, 7:10 AM

Jeremy rolled out of his hammock and stretched his muscles.  Hefished for his glasses and put them over his nose.  He hadn't been used tosleeping downstairs in the toolshed, but the loft above him was reservedfor an important new resident.  Epiphany Stripeflank was the only daughterof Constantine Darkheart, the Barovian's Minister of Information at thetime of Prince Malik's death.  The King punished all he perceived as atfault for this; Darkheart had lost all of his family in retaliation andbarely escaped from Barovia with his life.  Epiphany had been safe in exilefor 7 years, but Darkheart wanted her in the care of a Barovian male.That's where Jeremy entered the picture.  Until the Old King could bereplaced, Epiphany and Darkheart would never be safe in Barovia, andDarkheart wanted to return to Barovia more than anything else.

In the meantime Jeremy's immediate concern was for Epiphany.  Heshuddered to think what would happen if he failed to protect Epiphany fromharm.  He put on his overalls and noticed the smell of frying fish.  Hequickly opened the curtain.  Epiphany was already up and busy cookingbreakfast.  Epiphany was a odd looking but cute mix of Sable and Zebra,about his age.  Her hair was dark and spiky and tied with a purple ribbon;her features were basically mustalid, like her fathers; but her stripes andviolet eyes were all her mother's.  She was wearing a flower print summerdress with a rose colored long sleeved sweater over it, impractical in thisclimate, but modest enough for a Barovian female.  She turned to him andsmiled.

"Good morning Master Jeremy, did you sleep well?"

Jeremy nodded.

"I could have help you make breakfast."

"That's alright Master Jeremy.  I like to cook."

He seemed uncomfortable in the role of Head Male, but he he admiredMinister Darkheart enough to accept his instructions.  He sat quietly, hispaws folded.  Epiphany served him and herself, then sat as well.  Shelooked around at all the tools on the wall admiringly.

"So did you sleep well Master Jeremy?"

"Yes I sleep fine Miss Epiphany.  You sleep fine?"

"Yes, thank you.  Are we going to school today?"

Jeremy seemed surprised she wanted to go, but nodded.

"If you like."

Jeremy realized he had to change after breakfast, since he wore ashirt and slacks to school.  They ate in silence for a while, and thenEpiphany brought up the subject.

"Now that you are the 'Ikavana' , you should know more about thefamily."

Jeremy indicated for her to start and ate the rather tasty fish.

"First, when my mother met Papa, she was working in a establishmentcalled 'Getathos'....

Chapter 2

'Getathos Caffret', Capital, Barovia, 12731, 1:15 AM

Constantine Darkheart sat chain smoking in a chair by the corner inan old somewhat run down coffeeshop.  It was one of those places that theterm 'hole in the wall' had been invented for.  The floor was old crackedred and black tiles, which had been patched over in a way that disruptedthe checkerboard pattern.  There were a dozen tables with a few seats toeach, mostly empty at this hour but still several students were inevidence.  The only windows were some bay windows fronting the street,advertising it's status  although it read backwards from inside.  The wallswere festooned with photographs, many very old, including one of the Kingas a younger Lion.  No doubt this place was run by a nostalgic owner wholonged for the good old days which it was not these days.  Darkheart hadbeen there most of the afternoon and night, chatting with fellow students,writing and plotting.  At this point he had been writing for several hours,not fast but steadily, with complete and utter concentration.  A waitresswalked over to where he was sitting, so that her shadow fell over his notepad.   This attracted his attention and he looked up, his spiky dark greyhair falling over his black eyes.


The waitress looked uncomfortable, and shifted her weight from footto foot.

"I'm sorry Sir, but we closed 15 minutes ago."

Darkheart checked his pocket watch, grimaced, then replaced it.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience.  How much do I owe?"

"15 Valis."

Darkheart fished in his coat and paid the amount plus a a generous tip.

"Thank you Sir."

Darkheart watched the waitress turn and leave.  He had not seenmany Zebras before and her exotic striping piqued his interest.  Not a badlooker, he thought to himself.  But undoubtably married or dating some bigshot.  Someone with power and wealth, neither of which he had.  But thenwhy would she be working, if that were true?He waited for her to return and left with all the other patrons.  He thenstood in the night air, savoring the view of the Royal Palace hovering overthe shops on this street, and enjoying the crisp night air.  He paced undera streetlamp, finishing his cigarette and using it to light another.  Hedidn't have the money for cigars, so he smoked the best brand of cigaretteshe could afford, which wasn't much.  Finally he saw her locking up andleaving, wearing an overcoat.  She turned and seemed startled to see him,but said nothing.

"Pardon me Miss, I was wondering if you would care for a stroll?"

She seemed to tense up and shook her head quietly.  She knew thathe had been waiting for her and looked unhappy at the implications.  Heseemed to pick up on that.

"Very well, goodnight then, Miss...?

She seemed even more startled that he had taken no for an answer.She spoke softly and deferentially.

"Cecilia.  Cecilia Stripeflank."

"Goodnight then Miss Stripeflank."

And with that he walked off into the darkness down the street.Cecilia watched, both relieved and curious.

Chapter 3

En Route to Freeport, 12757, 7:30 AM

Jeremy and Epiphany stood near the bow of the water taxi.  TheResort was far too small to have a school but the island city nearby waslarge enough.  They watched the city slowly come into view.

"That a nice story about your Father and Mother.  The Minister isgreat Sable."

Epiphany nodded.

"Yes and he is kind, but considers it a weakness."

Jeremy knew that their culture downplayed males displaying feelingsbut he still felt sad.  He knew how much Minister Darkheart loved hisdaughter, but at the same time was embarrassed by it.  He truly wished theMinister would rejoice in his daughter, with no guilt attached.

"I'd like to meet other children soon."

Jeremy seemed tense but said nothing.  Epiphany turned and noticedthis.

"What's wrong Master Jeremy?"

"Err, pay no mind to what other kids say. They like to childrenaround a lot."

Epiphany pondered his statement, noting how he had mangled the idiom.

"Master Jeremy I think you mean 'kid around'."

Jeremy looked at her over his glasses.


"They use 'Sebeta', not 'Kalthem'  as a verb."

Jeremy's face lit up.

"Of course!  I learn the words good but I can't figure out idioms."

"They're very tricky, that's true."

Jeremy looked at her sheepishly.

"Can you"

Epiphany gave him a bright smile.

"Of course!"

Jeremy smiled in a way that made it look like smiling too muchwould make his face crack.

"It's Mr Musktail's doing you see...."

 Chapter 4

Aboard the 'Sandy Shoals', 45 km SSW of Freedom's Run, 12755, 5:57 PM

Larry Muskytail sighed and wheeled into the kitchen on his fishingboat, knowing that the creepy Ferret who worked on his ship wanted him forsomething important.  He had picked up Jeremy, more out of charity thananything, because the poor little Barovian runt didn't have a friend in theworld.  And he helped out a lot, especially with his wonderful skill withplants.  It was just these odd fetishes the kid had.  He saw the cook busybaking some fish.  Jeremy was bent low over the kitchen table, peering atthe peas in a pot, using the unbroken lens on his glasses like a magnifier."What in the hell was he doing?", Muskytail mused.

"You said it was important Jeremy?"  asked Muskytail in a voicewith more confidence than he felt.

Jeremy raised his head up in a jerky motion and stared at Larrywith strange yellow eyes.  He looked at Larry as if from a million milesaway.

"Mr goodness you here."

Muskytail looked worried.

"What is it Jeremy?"

"The peas, the peas.

"What about them?"

"They not divisible by two!"


Larry looked at a total loss of what to say.  He turned to the chef.

"He didn't....."

The chef rolled his eyes and tapped the side of his head in a 'he'scrazy' gesture.

"He did.  Twice."

Larry turned back and looked at the kid, who started earnestly andsolemnly back at him.

Larry couldn't resist.

"How many peas are there?"

"2035.  I count them twice Mr Muskytail, just to make sure."

Larry took one of the peas and popped it in his mouth.


Jeremy's jaw dropped, as he had not considered that solution.

"You amazing Mr Muskytail."

"I'm not and please call me Larry.  We're just two peas in a pod,after all."

Jeremy just looked as confused as Larry felt.

Chapter 5

Freeport, 12757, 7:45 AM

Epiphany mulled over this as they walked along the shoreline towardthe main street.

"Peas in a pod, hmmm, that sound mainly like: 'Teluce fron tebagesius  degh defu alim'. "

Jeremy nodded vigorously.

"I see what it mean.  You are real good at languages Miss Epiphany."

She shrugged and made a dismissive gesture.

"Papa was always good at languages.  He taught me four before Mamasent me away with Uncle Melvin to Mistrall."

Jeremy saw her sad expression and tried to console her.

"Your father great leader.  He will return soon but first he has tomake Barovia safe for you."

Epiphany sighed in resigned exasperation.

"But I don't care where we live as long as I am with him.  Home iswith Papa.  I barely even remember Barovia."

Jeremy considered this and they walked on in silence, not aware ofthe trio behind them.

Lucas, Bethany and Rale kept a respectful distance behind them, butBethany kept straining to hear what they were saying.  Rale seemed bored bywalking so slowly, but was kept from running off by Bethany's paw.  Lucasseemed amused by the situation.

"Why not just ask them what they're talking about?" suggested Lucashelpfully.

"What?  Why should I care what those goody-four shoes are talkingabout?" asked Bethany defensively.

Lucas grinned.

"Don't tell me your jealous."

Bethany froze and fought down rising irritation at her brother.True, Jeremy had been the first person to ever turn her down.  And she wasa sore loser.  She had been planning over some time to get Jeremy in thesack but her plans had been short circuited by that Epiphanywhatever-her-last-name-was girl.

"And she's living with him, that blatant little hussy!"

Lucas sighed, it was going to be a long day.

"He's the 'Ikavana', remember?  He's like an older brother orfather figure to her."

"I think that's perverted!", Bethany huffed.

Lucas suppressed a giggle.

"Well you ought to know."

"Why you-!"

Bethany pummeled Lucas with both her paws, releasing Rale in theprocess.  It was all he needed.  Rale ran off at top speed down the street.

"I'm free, Wheeeeeeeee!"

Rale caught up to Jeremy and Epiphany who both turned to see him.Epiphany smiled down at him.

"You must be Rale.  How do you do? I am Epiphany Stripeflank."

"Hiya Miss 'Piphany!"

Jeremy looked worried.

"What are you doing here all..."

He suddenly noticed Lucas and Bethany.


Lucas waved cheerfully to them through the pummeling.

"Hi (ow!) guys!  Don't mind (oof!) Rale."

Bethany stopped and stared at Epiphany, who disarmed her by smilingand bowing formally.

"Hello Miss Bethany and Mister Lucas."

Bethany looked uncertain.

"Hi.  Don't-er mind us."

"This is my first day of school.  I'm very glad to meet you all."

Lucas smiled.

"Don't mind my sister.  You know what siblings are like."

Epiphany smiled but shook her head.

"No, I'm sorry I do not.  I am an only child."

Bethany spoke up.

"Why is that?"

Epiphany told them.

Chapter 6

Bessedra, Barovia, 12743, 10:00 AM

Cecilia Stripeflank sat in the sitting room above the clock shop inDarkheart's hometown of Bessedra.  An uncomfortable silence fell over theroom as Darkheart's parents, aunts, and uncles looked her over.Constantine had not told them about her for more than ten years and onlyafter she was carrying a child of theirs to term.  She had had sevenmiscarriages before, including the child she had from a different fatherthan Constantine when they had first met in that coffeeshop.  She had tohave a job to support being a single mother.  Why Darkheart had stayed withher after losing that child was a mystery to her.  A female that could nothave a son was deadweight by Barovian standards.  She was sent to live withhis relatives because she could not live on the infantry base with him,especially since the intelligence work he did was sensitive.  Darkheart'sfather, a crusty old almost jet black Sable spoke up in a gruff voice.

"So you are Constantine's mistress?"

"Yes Master Darkheart."

He regarded her appraisingly.  One of the uncles, a snow whiteErmine named Melvin Hoarfrost spoke next.

"Why are you two not married?"

Cecilia sighed.  She knew they would be wondering about that.  Heranswer would determine whether she would be accepted into the family orthrown out onto the street.

"I'm sorry but of what use would it be?"

Hoarfroast arched his eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?"

"If we took the vows, then only I would be held to them.  He coulddivorce me with a word.  What's the point?  If he stays with me, that iswhat will prove that he loves me.  There is no point in a vow that is notmutually binding."

Hoarfrost  and the father seemed unconvinced.  Hoarfrost spokeagain with bitterness.

"Are you saying that Constantine is not good enough for you then?What's wrong with him?  He's a good hardworking lad with a good militaryjob."

Cecilia looked upset at this and tried to speak but the fatherinterrupted.

"This harridan thinks she's too good for us.  Let's ditch this golddigger, for Constantine's sake."

Darkheart's mother, another Ermine, like her uncle Melvin, spoke upto her husband, quietly but firmly.

"But Kurt, she is carrying our grandchild.  And also I understandher point about the vows.  You could divorce me with a word if you wantedto, Dear."

Kurt Darkheart lost his composure at that point.

"Anna, I'd *never* do that!"

"But you could if you wanted too."

Kurt sputtered for a moment, trying to find a way to reason withthis female, but her logic was sound.  He slumped in his chair.

"Fine she can stay."

Hoarfrost rose to protest.  Anna glared at him as if to dare him toobject.  He realized that when Kurt had given up then Cecilia was going tostay.  Hoarfrost finally spoke.

"Alright but she won't get *my* room!"

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