Shades of Grey
Part Three
written by Cafe
Chapter 5: Ships that Pass in the Night

Flight 466 at Dockside 12757, 3:15 PM 

After the plane landed, Darkheart got off the plane, using a cane to aid him.  He looked down the dock and there was Kari!  Kari, the living legend, the Goddess of Destruction, in the flesh.  She was nothing like he expected; he had expected some sort of Amazon warrior.  She looked small and kind, but that made her all the more intimidating to him.  He walked not two feet past her, half expecting her to lunge at him.  But all she did was to give him a brief sympathetic glance, as if to encourage him. Strange that she would root on a soldier of a different military branch, he thought.  He was so busy looking back at Kari he almost ran into a small Ferret kid. 

"Oh, excuse me Sir!" 

And with the Ferret kid ran off. 

A Barovian accent!  There could be no doubt about it!  But what was a Barovian child doing *here* Darkheart wondered, his mind racing.  Perhaps he was one of the assassins Barnes had mentioned.  Too obvious and implausible.  Unless..... 

"Stop it!", he said to himself, "I've got no time to second guess myself." 

As he stood there, lost in his own swirling thoughts a Tiger girl sidled up to him. 

"Hiya soldier!  Want me to take the pain away?" 

Darkheart turned to reply but saw she was only dressed in bikini briefs.  His face flushed (thank the Triad for the bandages!) and he managed to stammer out: 

"No thank you dear, I'm afraid my wounds are too grave for such an activity yet.  I'll let you know." 

"'Kay!" she said and bounded off. 

Darkheart tried to stifle the overwhelming feeling that he's die of a heart attack before nightfall.  He looked back and forth and headed up to a veranda.  He would sit and wait until dusk to make his next move...... 

Darkheart crossed paths with a small mean looking Badger but neither spoke a word as they passed.  Both were too lost in their own thoughts. 

Meanwhile, Jeremy ran to the door of the greenhouse, hoping that the Freelands soldier was not mad at him.  He went inside to see a large Ox standing there.  The Ox guy looked somewhat sad. 

"Sorry about this kid."  was all he said as he stepped forward. 

The next thing Jeremy saw was darkness.

Chapter 6: Suffer the Children

Freedom's Run 12757, 11:45 PM 

Larry knew things were serious when he saw Kari's expression as she came in to his hut. 

"Those Barovian bastards!", she swore. 

"You know who took Jeremy then?  And are you sure it's Barovians?" 

"Who else could it be?  Who else has it always been!" 

Kari paced around in the living room and fumed, her tail swishing madly.  Larry just sat and thought.  Finally he spoke: 

"What do they want?" 

"My life for his, in the greenhouse at midnight.  If I bring help or sound the alarm they promised I'd find Jeremy's body." 

Larry looked shocked that they'd go that far. 

"I'm going with you then!" 

Kari looked at him. 

"No they'll kill you if they see anybody with me." 

"You sure it's not because I'm a cripple?"  Larry demanded bitterly. 

"Of course not!" 

But he knew his rage wasn't at her, it was at his helplessness, disability or no disability.  He was scared.  Scared he would never see Kari alive again.  He wheeled over to the mantelpiece and took down his naval issue automatic and handed it to her. 

"Then take this with you.  And I will have people ready to save you and Jeremy's butts.  You'll both make it I promise." 

Kari looked worried then nodded and hugged him. 

"Thanks Larry, I know I can count on you." 

Meanwhile, Jeremy came to, and realized he was still in the greenhouse, securely lashed to one of the cast iron support pillars, far back from the main entrance, as close to the toolshed as possible.  The Ox was still there but so was a nervous looking little Badger. 

"Sleeping Beauty's awake I see!" 

The Ox turned as well to look at Jeremy. 

"I'm sorry about this kid, but we have to get that Vixen.  Nothing personal." 

"Please not hurt the lady!" 

"Hah, he's Barovian!",  said the Badger, "Excru te albiat seeja Kari!" 

"No!  I not help you catch her!" replied Jeremy defiantly. 

"Esia ne butan kresti!" said the Badger with a sneer. 

Jeremy shook his head is disbelief. 

"Bait?  I bait to catch her? No!  She not come; she smart and stay away!" 

A new voice was added to theirs. 

"Sorry Jeremy but he's right." 

All three of them turned and looked to the entrance.

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