Shades of Grey
Part Four
written by Cafe
Chapter 7:  How does your Garden Grow?

Freedom's Run 12757, Midnight 

Jeremy looked simultaneously relived and worried sick to see Kari. Zargo, on the other hand, merely  smiled, his gun trained right at Kari's head.  Biff, who had been covering the toolshed now devoted his attention to holding Jeremy hostage with his gun.   Zargo spoke: 

"OK, Lady pull out your gun *slowly* and slide it across the floor to me." 

Kari did as he directed. 

"OK, now come closer with your hands in the air." 

Kari did so, with her hands raised. 

"You are a coward to hide behind a child, Barovian scum!", Kari practically spat. 

"Careful how you talk about my partner", said Biff, "We wouldn't have gotten you to come without the kid, but we won't hurt him if you give yourself up to us." 

Kari looked mildly surprised. 

"A Freelander?  How much did it take for the government to get you to sell your soul?" 

Zargo picked up the gun and pocketed it. 

"We don't work for the Barovian government. We are freelancers.  To tell the truth, we don't know who ordered this hit, but they want it bad, whoever it is.  We're just doing our job." 

Kari looked unconvinced. 

"If that's the case, let the boy go.  He's of no use to you without me.  I'll give you my life for his." 

Jeremy spoke. 

"No Lady! They kill you!  This all trap!" 

Kari nodded. 

"I know it is.  Don't worry I won't let them hurt you.  I won't let anyone hurt you." 

Zargo chuckled. 

"Nice speech lady, but cut the crap.  Let's get down to business, shall we?" 

"Yes, let's",  added yet another new voice.

Chapter 8:   Everyone Knows Where They Buried the Hatchet

Freedom's Run 12757, 12:08 AM 

All four of them turned to see a figure emerge from the toolshed, resplendent in Barovian khakis, over which he wore a black overcoat that flowed behind him dramatically.  He had his hair slicked back an unlit cigar clamped in his teeth and a mean twinkle in his eye.  All four of them almost spoke as one. 

"Silvertongue!" gasped Zargo. 

"Darkheart!" said Biff. 

"Minister..." said Jeremy in an awed tone. 

"Who?" said Kari, looking slightly annoyed that this bozo was ruining the negotiations. 

Zargo almost forgot to keep his gun trained on Kari.  He left it to Biff to point his gun at Darkheart. 

"Minister!  You do realize that there's a substantial reward for your head!  King's orders." 

"I'm quite aware of the bounty on my head, thanks for reminding me though." 

Darkheart pulled out the gold plated gun. 

*CLICK* as Biff's gun cocked. 

"Oh, not that again!", Darkheart muttered, pointing the gun straight at himself. 

They all watched in horrible fascination as he pulled the trigger and then *CLICK* they all groaned inwardly at the anticlimax of watching him light his cigar. 

Zargo looked more pissed off than anyone else. 

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't shoot you down where you stand, traitor!" 

Darkheart looked at Zargo then at Kari, puffing at his cigar as he did so. 

"Last request.  It's a Barovian tradition.  I 'm perfectly willing to die at your paws but first I want to witness *her* demise." 

"Wait, who is this guy?", interrupted Kari. 

"He's the former Minister of Information before the Civil War and Purges, Constantine Darkheart, although we call him 'Silvertongue' because he his banter is so slick.", said Zargo. 

Kari didn't show the reaction Darkheart hoped for.  She merely looked puzzled. 

"All your government's officials look the same to me.  You're all faceless puppets of the King anyway." 

Darkheart struggled mightily to hold on to his temper.  He managed to speak: 

"Do you grant my request?" 

Zargo and Biff exchanged glances. 

"Your call Zargo." 

"Sure why not? I'm sure you have an old score to settle with her, eh Silvertongue?" 

Darkheart grimly nodded.

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