Shades of Grey
Part Two
written by Cafe
Chapter 3: Opportunity Knocks  Only Once
but Temptation Kicks the Door Down

Freedoms Run 12757, 11:00 AM 

"That's her." 

"You sure?" 

"Sure I'm sure." 

Zargo put his binoculars down and stared at Biff.  Biff was a good partner but dumb as an Ox as the saying went.  Which was literally true as Biff *was* a big dumb Ox.   Zargo on the other hand was a small but very energetic Badger.  Zargo was not  the leader because he was Barovian and Biff was a Freelander; it was because he was the brains of the outfit. Although Freelands and Barovia had been embroiled in a long bitter cold war, that  did not matter to people in their line of work.  They had served on opposite sides as soldiers and their exposure to war had left them cold and disillusioned professional killers.  Their mixed nationality worked well in their favor as individuals on either side of the political fence could hire them to take care of 'little' problems, fast, reliably and permanently.  They never used last names.  They never even knew each other's last names. 

Zargo opened a bag of potato chips and offered some to Biff who already had his mouth filled with some grass from nearby.  Biff finished his grass then commented: 

"I wonder who wants her dead?" 

"Who cares?  Whomever it is is paying big time for this hit." 

Biff seemed to consider this. 

So how do we kill her? 

"I'm not sure about that yet", Zargo mused, "She's an ex soldier and tough as nails.  She'd be a match for us, maybe more than a match." 

"So what do we do?" 

"Quiet I'm thinking nimrod", said Zargo, munching on his chips sourly. 

They saw Kari go up to the greenhouse and a small thin looking Ferret meet her at the door. 

Zargo  watched them talk, his face lighting up as he made some mental connections. 

"I'm sure how we can can do it now.  And I even know where." 

Biff followed Zargo's gaze to the greenhouse, then a big grin played across his mug.

Chapter 4:    Abandon All Hope Ye who Enter

Flight 466 En route to Freedom's Run 12757, 2:44 PM 

Darkheart reclined his seat a few more notches.  Although everyone else had to have their seat fully upright for their descent, no one thought to chide Darkheart, as he was dressed as a wounded Freelands soldier on medical leave, with most of his face bandaged.  In fact the stewardesses kept coming by, oozing sympathy and asking if he needed anything else.  No thanks, I just want to rest, he would say, in flawless Freelander. Inwardly he chuckled, finding all of this highly amusing. 

"What branch are you in, Sonny?" 

Darkheart turned to see a matronly looking middle aged Rabbit lady sitting in the next seat over, by the window. 

"56th armored battalion Ma'am" 

"Oh really?  I thought they were not doing border patrol." 

Darkheart was prepared for this. 

"Oh, they returned from the border months ago.  But my injuries are almost as old.  This is the first time I've been allowed to leave the military hospital.  I've always wanted to visit this Resort.  Does wonders for the soul I'm told." 

"Oh that's why I'm going too. My old back's acting up.  Say Sonny, do you know my son Alex?  He's in the 29th flying wing." 

Darkheart smiled as much as his bandages allowed. 

"No Ma'am, that's a different branch of service.  We rarely meet Air Force pilots.  Although I'm looking up one when we land." 

"Oh I know that Sonny, just wondering." 

The Middle Aged Rabbit got a twinkle in her eye. 

"If it's a she, is it a fiancee of yours?" 

Darkheart felt several emotions at once, but mainly he felt sick. 

"Er, something like that Ma'am." he finally got out. 

She chuckled to herself. 

"Nothing to be embarrassed about Sonny Boy.  A lot of couples go to this Resort to have fun together." 

Darkheart inwardly wondered if all these years of his ministry portraying Freelanders and a bunch of decadent hedonists was actually true!

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