WaterWings: Testimonials
But after all, what is a finer advertisement than the tales of satisfied customers?  Here are the stories of many WaterWingers, told in their own words!


WaterWings Guest

A Sample of Their Impressions of WaterWings

Kari's stories ...Kari smiled softly and kissed Sylvia back, softly nuzzling her cheekfur "Tempting, but you know I'm a rough sleeper." 

Sylvia smiled, her hands gently running through Kari's fur , a twinkle in her eye. "Now who said we were gonna be sleeping?"...

Hardrock's stories ...Tears welled up in eyes that had forgotten what tears were. Rock had a hard time getting his voice to work. Finally he managed to blurt out, "Sylvia, you're looking at the happiest man in the islands, maybe even anywhere on Therion. I've been trying to figure out how to ask something like that. I was afraid to, but I wanted to more than anything, and now you've beat me to it." Then his voice failed him again and all he could do was grin...
Samattichyra's stories ...An explosion shook the aging vessel in a mighty fist of rage. Thomas staggered through the crazily listing passageways of his dreams, finding himself at the door of the Captain's stateroom. The groan of tortured metal drowned out all else as he pushed the door open. A bookshelf had torn loose from it's mountings, pinning his Captain's legs to the floor. The black cat looked up, pain and rage in her eyes. "Get off the ship! Leave me!" she commanded. 

"I can't leave you," his young voice said without his willing it. He moved to the shelf, staggering drunkenly as the deck tilted further... 

Tali's stories ...The island was very beautiful after the rains...there were a few plants that were battered and wilting, but the majority of them were used to this kind of treatment. The bay was almost glowing, a bright blue hue to it rather than the greenish hue some bodies of seawater tend to take on. She smiled gently and took a sip of her tea, smiling a little as she got an idea. 

Her towel dropped around her feet wetly, and she stepped out of it, shaking herself off a little, her tail twitching around. She was still a bit wet, but figured that wouldn’t last very long in the morning sun. It had been a long time since she had been able to be naked in public, and she stepped out to greet the day in only the fur she was born with...

VanAnKat's stories ...James turned from the door as he heard the loud crash from the bedroom. He ran into it only to see Beth holding the frame bearing his father’s medals, and one of the other photos smashed on the floor. At this sight something deep in his mind snapped. 

“You God-forsaken dirty little animal, what the hell do you think you’re doing!?!” He screamed with all his might at the distraught young teen. 

“I’m sorry!” was all that Beth could squeeze out as the much larger man approached her...

Jeremy's stories ...Kari's fur stood up on her back, one word searing through her head "Malik!" She knew a Barovian voice when she heard one. She whirled around, with revenge on her mind, her eyes showing white hot hate! That arrogant bastard would pay for Rebecca and Raymond! Her teeth bared and her fingerclaws shot out , ready to tear at her enemy! Her eyes were insane with fury, narrowed to slits. She faced her tormenter ready to- 

"<Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Don't kill me!!>" shot through her head and she started and stopped...

Darkheart's stories ...Barnes broke out of his reverie when he reached the top of the stairs. He stared at his apartment door- something was wrong, although he couldn't put his finger on it. Barnes cautiously edged along toward his door, his back to the wall. He drew out a small pistol and unlocked the door, letting it open inwards without going in. He spun around and faced into the deep darkness of his living room. Dark and empty. He took a few cautious steps inside, starting to relax, when he suddenly picked up the smell of cigar smoke! He spun around and pointed the gun into the space created by the side wall and the open door. A shadowy figure lurked in that cranny...
Tuna's stories ...Needless to say, Mrs. Bluebottle was surprised to see a naked young border collie walking backwards towards her cabin in the driving rain with two objects that shimmered in the porchlight. She watched as Lucas approached and set the two bulky objects a few feet apart on her porch. Then, ducking under the porch overhang and out of the weather, Lucas prepared to knock. 

Mrs. Bluebottle didn’t give him the chance. 

"Good evening, young sir. Are you here to fix the leak?" 

Lucas blinked, his arm still extended in a knock that never was. He then shifted his feet and removed his hat. "Yes’m. And to give you a new mattress", he added, gesturing to the tarp-wrapped object still deflecting raindrops...

Asali's stories ..."Kunda check the computer logs. The last communication with the first suit was five minutes ago at a depth of 130 meters and falling. We're sure it was Lucas." 

"Then get him up!" 

"We can't. Nothing we have goes that deep. He also only has a couple of minutes of air left." Sylvia fell on him screaming, beating him around the head. 

"Do something! Do anything! I'm not leaving my son to die! Think of something, you fuckers..."

Keith's stories ...Keith sat up in one spring. Sweat perlated his forehead and his eyes were wide. He could not remember very well but he thought he had cried as Kassandra rushed down the aisle to where he was gasping like a madman. It took him several minutes to calm him down, but in the end he was fine, though bearing an incredible amount of embarrasment from the curious 
glances of the other passengers. 

His muzzle was shut, no answer he gave to Kassandra's concerned inquiries, he just wanted to be left alone. His burden did not grow any lighter when he spotted the concerned face of Scout McIntyger peering over Kassandra's shoulder...

Mosby's stories He understood that James had remarkable insight into people, and that James obviously felt that he would know just how far he could push them without provoking retaliation. John certainly hoped so; a mistake in this arena could prove fatal. Certainly though, if they could set the gangsters against each other, the odds against them would be diminished; but somehow John didn't see them surviving such a conflict. Finally James went a touch too far, and the coyote stood over his chair, glowering down at him; "You've got a big mouth for someone who can't back it up. You think I'm not going to pound on you because you can't fight back? Don't be so sure, pussy cat! In fact I think I'm gonna......" 
Chance's stories ...Chance filed Bruinstein’s obituary, off-colour remarks and all, and got to her feet. Little jolts of static electricity built up as she padded across the carpet; she could feel her fur lifting. She knocked on Sandruff’s door, and brushed the back of her hand against the metal doorknob, feeling the shock pass from her through the relatively dull nerves there. Life in Truenorth had many lessons, great and small. 

“Yeah, come on in,” Wally called, and Chance did. She shut the door and took a seat without being beckoned to. 

Wally was staring out his corner-office windows at the harbour; the navy base and its ships and dry-docks smoking like an unborn volcano from the ground. “Jackson, what’s the one thing you would do, if you could – right now?” he asked her, still gazing out the window...

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