WaterWings: Fairport and Venturesville


While we consider WaterWings a wonderful place to unwind and just be yourself, we freely admit we can't be all things to all people.  Luckily we're an almost-literal stone's throw away from the towns of Fairport and Venturesville, where almost anything you need can be readily found, or ordered, or made.

Fairport is the older of the towns.  Founded just over two hundred years ago, it serves as our county seat.  Austere, sensible, and with just enough of the upper-class Islander reserve to be upscale without being stuffy, Fairport is home to most of the small cottage industries hereabouts.  Venturesville is a little less restained.  In fact, it can be downright wild – not surprising when you remember it was in my family for three generations!

Here is a short list of businesses we recommend – not because we're paid to, but because we have known and worked with these people for years.

John Mosby, Captain for Hire

If you need to get around the islands, want to go sight-seeing, or just need to get away for a while, Capt. John and his schooner Resurgent will take you out and bring you safely back again, and you'll hardly notice the lightening of your pocketbook.  You can either find John here, moored at WaterWings, or else at the docks in Fairport.

Kari Thatcher, Manatee Pilot

Kari's been a part of our family for years now, a semi-permanent member of the household.  She's brought more exhausted mainlanders to us, and taken home more satisfied vacationers, than any other carrier in the area.  Kari is often available to show you around the islands from the air.  She owns her own plane and thus, never ever skimps on the maintenance.  If you're going across the archipelago, if you're going around the world, Kari will get you there.

Janie's Junk

Modest Janie Noseleather makes a good living in her antique shop in spite of its name.  From swashbucklers to naval heroes, smugglers to pioneers, the record of our way of life comes to life in Janie's collection.  Maybe you can take a little bit of history home with you!

The Hemp Hamper

Not surprisingly, this one is in Venturesville.  Mark Churr was running this place even before it was legal.  Of course, prosectuting hemp growers was never a priority around here in the first place.  Mark grows his very own special varieties, and stocks several others of quality from around the world, the Freelands, and here in the islands (including ours).  Here you can find relaxants, clothing, bags, food... anything you can make from hemp.


Bob and Mandy Scruff run this excellent grooming salon.   Whether it's just your mane that needs attention, or your entire pelt, they'll make you look and feel magnificent.  Truly, no trip to WaterWings is complete without starting out here.

The Heat

This is one of those few restaurants I've ever seen that has a split personality and pulls it off!  Before the sun goes down, The Heat is an inexpensive sit-down and take-out restaurant, specializing in hot, spicy island food.   Quick and easy.  But once the sun goes to bed, The Heat magically transforms itself (some say literally!) into a charming, swank evening spot.  Initiates to the islands will be delighted by the full-backless evening gowns (yes, from ears to ankles!) in vogue in Fairport that drive the boys just a little crazy on the dance floor.  It gets a little pricy in the evening, but it's a definite must as a facet of a true vacation of a lifetime.

TakeWings Excursions and Escorts

Given that my own family and staff will happily provide guide services, why would I tell you about a business in Fairport that does the same?  Two reasons.  They can range further than we can, and, more importantly, it's run by my mother.  That's right!  Hyacinth Slipsunder, She Who Ran WaterWings Before Me, She Who Bore Me, She Who Foolishly But Lovingly Tried to Reign Me In, that same woman runs the finest guide service in the near islands.  Good trustworthy locals, kept in line by a woman whose talents in that area I can personally attest to.

There are many many more delights and finds in Fairport and Venturesville but I don't want to spoil all your fun.  Pad down the clean, bright streets and poke your nose around.  You never know who'll lick it.

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