Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, "There Ain't No Justice." As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, please!
Tanj's Tale: Introductory Restraint
By Kittiara
Stardate 2397.14
Tanj grumbled into her gag as the coffle moved into the classroom. They'd been through a full day of "instruction," covering such topics as posture and decorum. And of course, full nudity. It had been made painfully clear that all they were likely to ever wear again, no matter where they were, no matter who they were sold to, would be their collar. They'd had what laughingly passed for dinner, and been to the baths. It was now time for the slaves-in-training to be locked into their kennels for some rest, not to be led back to yet another class! As the guard unchained her from the coffle, Tanj knelt where she was told to, assuming the position she'd so recently been instructed in; back straight, knees obscenely spread, palms resting face-up on her thighs, eyes fixed on a spot between her knees... well, mostly when the guards were looking she directed her gaze there. When she thought she was unobserved, she let her gaze wander, curiosity gaining the best of her...
Kayla the Otter was there, looking as miserable as ever. Marla the Wolf was there too, looking, if anything, excited, as if she were embarking on a new adventure. There was one other female Tanj didn't know, and four males. It was the first time she'd seen male slaves at the academy. Casting her gaze over a well-formed ursine boy, as nude as she was, she wondered why she was surprised that guys were being enslaved as well as girls.
After she'd been kneeling for a while, Tanj found her joints getting sore, and she shifted a bit. As she wondered how long they were going to have to wait, she noticed that most of the class seemed increasingly restless; she wasn't the only one not yet used to kneeling like this. As the instructor, a male gray Wolf walked in, Tanj wondered just how much practice she was going to get at kneeling "in the proper position". The instructor paced about, looking at them all for a moment and then grunted; "Welcome to Introductory Restraint. You'll find that in your lives as slaves, you'll be retrained rather often. In fact, it may be that you're tied or chained more often than not. The purpose of this class is to get you used to it, and to teach you a little bit about it. Initially, I suspect, you'll hate it, and resent it. In time, you may come to appreciate it. Some may actually find the loss of freedom... "liberating". Some may find it sexy. Whether you gain these insights or not, you will learn to endure it with the proper attitude, the proper "grace". You will learn to endure it."
Tanj watched as one of the guards started walking around the kneeling slaves. As he passed each one, he dropped three lengths of a soft white braided rope. Tanj looked at the lengths that hit the floor just in front of her, her head swiveling up to look as the Instructor started to talk again. "Each of you turn to the furr next to you; pair off into twos. The one of you closest to the door will be tied by the other, following my instructions." Tanj looked to her left, realizing that there was only one furr between her and the door; that meant that she got to do the tying.
"Form the initial knot like this; two loops overlaying each other. Slide it over the right wrist of the person you're tying." Tanj formed the two loops, a simple clove hitch, and slid them over the right wrist of the Jaguar fem kneeling in front of her. Pulling the rope tight, she looked up at where the Instructor was demonstrating with the well-formed ursine boy. "Get your ties neat, the ropes side by side, smooth and orderly. You wouldn't believe how picky some Masters and Mistresses are about how a tie looks. For some, that appearance is more important than anything else. Now, take the free end of the rope and..."
Tanj looked at the bound Jaguar fem at her feet. She'd tied her wrists together snugly behind her back, and under her tail, forcing her to arch her back a little, several loops of rope being wound between her paws to get it nice and tight. The loose end of the rope had been passed between her thighs, back to front, and then tied off around her waist. This buried the length of rope rather severely in the girl's pussy. Another length of rope had been tied in a similar fashion around her ankles, just as neat, just as tight, and then brought up, for the other end to be tied around her arms, just above her elbows, pulling her back further into a "bent-bow" shape. The only part of her that seemed to be in contact with the floor was her stomach. The third piece of rope had been braided into her hair, with the loose end tied around the rope that bound her ankles, pulling her head back severely. Tanj looked down at the poor girl, one paw resting on the cheek of her ass, and shook her head; she looked soooo uncomfortable!
The Instructor made his way around the room, checking, while the unbound slaves knelt by the bound ones. As he passed Tanj, he paused, to check a few of the knots. As he moved on, Tanj heard him grunt, although whether it was a grunt of disgust or approval, she had no clue.
"OK, students, pair up again; you know how now, lets see you practice your skill, and tie your partner in the same fashion." Tanj looked at the male Squirrel, who was kneeling closest to her and shrugged wordlessly. He just gave her a wry grin and flopped down onto his stomach, paws crossed in the small of his back. Tanj sighed, picked up the next rope and wondered if she should be grateful that she got to be free for a moment longer, or pissed that she had to do all the heavy work?
The instructor this time nodded his approval as he passed by Tanj. The four free students had been reduced to two. Tanj and Kayla. Kayla was looking a little nervous; her attempts thus far had drawn the instructor's obvious scorn. Not wanting her friend to draw further censure, Tanj looked at the Otter and holding up another length of the white rope, crooked her finger. Kayla rolled her eyes and obligingly crawled across the floor to Tanj.
As Tanj worked, she watched her fellow classmates. The Ursine boy was tugging hard at his ropes, as if he thought he might loosen them some. Short sharp jerks that seemed to be accomplishing nothing but annoying the instructor. Others were squirming a bit, as if unable to keep still. Marla, the she-wolf, seemed to be rocking back and forth, as if trying to grind her crotch into the carpet, upset that she couldn't get the degree of contact she wanted. Then Tanj remembered the crotch rope, and grinned. It would be just like Marla to seek to stimulate herself by tugging on that rope. Others just seemed to be laying there, although the Jaguar lass seemed to be particularly wild-eyed and panting, as if she were about to suffer an attack of claustrophobia while in a crowded elevator. As she finished with Kayla, the instructor stepped forward, checked a knot and nodded; grinning down at Tanj he purrrred; "your turn..."
Tanj lay on her stomach, paws behind her back, wrist to wrist. The instructor had taken three turns around her wrists, and then passed the rope twice between her arms, making the binding almost painfully tight. As he rolled her over, Tanj grunted involuntarily; laying on bound arms was QUITE uncomfortable! However it was nothing compared to the sensation of the Wolf pulling the rope from her bound paws up between her legs. "One of the things you can do at this moment" the Wolf growled, "is to make sure the rope is buried deep in a female's pussy." Using two fingers he spread her sex, laying the rope between the folds of her labia. "Its both a nice thing to do, and a mean thing to do" he chuckled as he proceeded to loop the end of the rope twice around her waist, and then, pulling it tight, tie it off to itself just above her mons. There was now a bright white Vee of rope from just above her sex spreading out to encircle her waist. Rolling her back over the Wolf turned to the task of tying her ankles together. As he worked, Tanj squirmed a little, experimentally. Gasping she understood what the Instructor had been talking about as the rope sawed through her pussy!
As the Wolf pulled her ankles up towards the small of her back, Tanj gasped. It felt like he was trying to bend her in half the wrong way. For a moment Tanj considered arching her back to relieve the tension, but then realized that he'd take up all that slack and then pull it tighter yet again. Finally the Wolf finished tying her ankles to her bound elbows. With a chuckle he twanged the rope as if it was a bowstring. It hummed.
Tanj's head came off the floor as he pulled her head back by her hair. Wondering why she hadn't gotten a pageboy, or some other short style, she found she had a good view of her fellow students. She couldn't lower her head if she tried. The instructor finished up with a sharp slap on Tanj's rump, making the Cheetah jump as if she'd been shocked. Standing up, he growled; "Now, as you practiced your tying, I was watching. Positive behavior should receive positive reinforcement; however, negative behavior should receive... negative reinforcement. You'll now be graded on your performance."
Tanj watched as the Wolf fetched a riding crop. Moving down the line of bound bodies, the crop flicked out to touch here and there, as he offered his comments. The Ursine boy was criticized for not holding still enough as he was tied. A male Kangaroo got a couple of swats for sloppy knotsmanship. And Kayla got four strokes for showing a distinct lack of enthusiasm for her work. Dropping the riding crop, the Wolf started around the circle again, this time giving out caresses, for things he thought students had done right. As he worked, he lectured, talking about how being bound could be highly erotic, how it could position you in an inviting manner, your body just begging to be touched. How your helplessness could inflame the lusts of your Masters or Mistresses. He must have spent four minutes stroking Marla's breasts and crotch, rewarding her for her enthusiasm, murmuring about how sexy and rewarding this could be all the while. As Tanj wondered if this guy was for real, she caught a glimpse of Marla's face; she seemed to be just eating up what he was saying. As the Instructor stopped and rose, to padd away from her, Marla twisted to shoot him a frustrated, forlorn look, upset he'd stopped touching her.
Finally he stopped before Tanj; "And then there's you. Your knotsmanship was good, your style acceptable... but when you looked at the Otter girl over there and called her over, you were coming dangerously close to "assuming control." A slave doesn't take control. I think you need to be taught your proper place..." Kneeling in front of Tanj, he pulled his loincloth free of his belt with one hand, as his other reached for Tanj's hair.
Tanj tried hard not to gag as the Wolf thrust his cock in and out of her mouth. This one liked to drive it in deeply, and the Cheetah found herself gagging repeatedly as the head of his shaft tried to thrust its way past the back of her throat. She found, bound the way she was, that if he sat on the floor, one paw on the back of her head, he could literally rock her whole body back and forth, making her mouth engulf his cock. Working her tongue over the underside of his shaft, Tanj did what she could to please him, thinking the sooner he got his rocks off, the sooner he'd leave her alone. Unfortunately, as he was the one controlling her motions, he was able to speed up, or slow down, as suited his tastes. He took a good long time, enjoying her mouth, seemingly completely unconcerned about all the eyes watching him, until her jaw ached and her tongue felt like it was about to drop out of her mouth. Finally he started moving faster, bucking his hips up against her muzzle, and then, with a howl, he started spurting....
Tanj groaned to herself; the Wolf had pulled out, spraying his seed all over her face. She could feel it dripping down the sides of her muzzle, feel it sticking to her cheeks... Trying not to frown, she wondered WHY guys liked to do that.
The Wolf picked up his loincloth, and with a jaunty whistle, padded out the door, turning off the light just before he exited. Pausing at the door, he called back into the darkened room; "Someone will be by to release you just before breakfast. You've got a busy day ahead of you, so try and get some (*snicker*) rest..."
Tanj sighed in the near-darkness. Some light bled under the door from the hall, and it was really all the Cheetah needed. Her night vision was pretty good. Over in one corner was a bowl of water, but it was meters distant from the nearest furr, and there was no doubt they wouldn't be coming in to take them to the bathroom. Squirming a little she found there was NO way she could relieve the tension in her back or shoulders... or hips and knees and elbows and wrists. Were they REALLY going to leave them like this over night? What about the loss of blood flow? This could do permanent damage! Finally Tanj set aside her fears, and tried to find that quiet place in her mind, a place she could retreat to, where things like this just didn't exist...
Tanj didn't know how long she'd been off in her own little world, when she heard the moan. Twisting around, swiveling her ears, she listened intently. It sounded like someone was in real trouble... Then it came again, from her left. Trying to remember who was where, she squirmed, doing her best to inch-worm herself around, to look. A couple of meters away was the Jaguar fem that Tanj had tied... at the start of the class? How long HAD it been? Squirming a bit, Tanj tried to get closer. She knew they weren't supposed to talk, that you could get in real trouble for that, but after basically rolling in the Jaguar's direction she whispered; "You OK?"
The Jaguar was panting heavily, and Tanj could sense her body shudder; "Ooooohhhhhhh, I can't STAND this!" the Jaguar whispered back; "My shoulders hurt, my back hurts, I can't MOVE!" Suddenly the Jaguar's body went into a spasm of struggles as she tried to free herself. Finally she subsided, to whimper; "If I can't get free, I'm going to go CRAZY! I can't TAKE this!"
Tanj was trying to frame a reply when something soft bumped into her; turning her head she found herself looking at the bottom end of Marla. The Wolf girl was grunting and squirming, her body wiggling from side to side. Both Tanj and the Jaguar fem watched in amazement as Marla managed to squirm around until they were all head-to-head, more or less. Marla giggled; "Hiya girls; what's cookin'?" Tanj just shook her head; "Our friend here seems to be having problems." The Jaguar nodded, almost convulsively; "I'm a bit claustrophobic; can't stand small places; can't stand to be confined... and this is all too close. I feel like if I can't get free, I'm going to throw a screaming fit, or start foaming at the mouth..." Marla grinned; "I can understand that. I guess we're just going to have to give you something to distract you!" Tanj blinked and looked from the Jaguar to Marla and back; the Jaguar had her eyes closed, and looked as if she hadn't heard a word Marla had said; there was a tenseness to her face, a brittleness, that had the Cheetah worried. Looking back at Marla, Tanj whispered; "What you got in mind?"
Marla smiled and just squirmed and wiggled some more, working her way down the Jaguar's body, until she could lick at the Jaguar's right breast. As she felt the Wolf's tongue, the Jaguar's eyes snapped open, and her head jerked as if she wanted to turn, to look at what Marla was doing. Tanj had to smile; only Marla could think of sex at a time like this...
It wasn't easy; it must have taken half an hour to cover a little over a meter, but gradually, Tanj moved down by the Jaguar's knees. "Now comes the hard part" Tanj grunted to herself; shifting a bit, she pushed her muzzle between the Jaguar's knees, and squirming, tried to move forward. The Jaguar's knees weren't bound, but it would be an effort for her to spread her legs; still, as desperate as the Jaguar fem was to escape the prisons her mind imposed on her, she tried, doing her own squirming. Finally, craning her neck, pulling at her own tied hair, Tanj managed to get her tongue on the rope that sharply bisected the Jaguar's crotch. She couldn't get to the really sensitive places, but she was sure she could distract the Jaguar never the less.
The Bear heard the faint giggles and the sound of moving bodies; squirming around he stared in disbelief as the little spotted cat lady and the She-Wolf seemed to... What WERE they doing over there. Wincing as his motions tugged at his sore limbs, he squirmed, trying to get closer; this he HAD to see...
Kayla lifted her head, to LOOK; with a groan she let her head fall back, until the rope tugged at her hair; What was WRONG with those two? Didn't they EVER stop?
Tanj's muzzle was plastered with the Jaguar's juices; somewhere along the line she'd discovered that if she flexed her body, the rope would saw through her cleft. And in concert with Tanj's tongue, she'd obviously decided that this was something nice. Through the course of the evening, she'd sawn herself to at least three climaxes. Tanj was certain that the Jaguar would have at the least, rope burns. But somehow, despite explorations by tongue, Tanj hadn't tasted any blood. And at least she wasn't moaning in terror anymore.
Tanj's head jerked up as the lights came on. She blinked hard, and then, realizing that her head was still wedged between the Jaguar's thighs, tried to squirm away. However a large paw found her braided hair, to tug her upwards. Tanj gasped as she was rocked back onto her thighs, and eyes wide, found herself looking into the face of a rather large Stallion; "No use trying to escape, little Slave; we caught ya red-handed!"
For once Tanj was glad that she was kneeling. Her punishment for the previous night's little escapade had been five swift strokes with a cane, on her bottom. She could feel the weals on her ass, where her heels rubbed against her tender bottom. She'd seen the Jaguar fem in the baths, but she'd been ushered into a different tub; no chance to talk. Now they were back in their "night class", waiting for the instructor. Random chance had deposited her on the floor next to Kayla, and the Otter looked as miserable as Tanj felt. "I wonder why the Academy bought her?" Tanj mused to herself; "She certainly doesn't seem to be cut out for this sort of thing..." Then realizing the ridiculousness of her thought Tanj snorted; "Like YOU'RE cut out for this, Tanj Girl?" she thought to herself. Once again her thoughts were cut short by the instructor showing up. He padded directly across the room to stand in front of Tanj.
"Last night we had a student who got a little too enthusiastic. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. She's been punished already, but just to make sure she doesn't do it again..." Tanj tried to focus her eyes on the object the Wolf was dangling right in front of her nose... it looked like a soft plastic representation of a male's erect cock, attached to a leather strap? The Wolf tapped the end of the thick phallus on the tip of Tanj's nose; "In a way, it's a shame, I had looked forward to... Ah, but there are others... now, be a good girl and open your mouth..." Tanj finally realized what the Wolf was intending, and her eyes went wide as her lips parted. The Wolf for his part, moved fast, taking little care, jamming the plastic dong into Tanj's muzzle, moving to buckle one strap behind her head, another over the top of her muzzle between her nose and her eyes, to buckle under her chin. Tanj for her part almost broke her posture, her paws fluttering off her thighs for a moment before she caught herself. Trying hard not to gag, as the thing filled her mouth, straining her jaws, she looked around helplessly. It was MUCH larger than the ball gags she was used to, and pressing against the back of her throat, she had to fight hard not to gag. As the Instructor tucked the end of the leather chin strap through the buckle, he straightened; "All nice and neat. THAT should keep you from messing around when you're not supposed to." Striding back to the front of the room, he turned and grinned at the class; "Now, for tonight's tie we use a short piece of dowel. Pair up and do as I do. Ah... you. Bear boy. You tie the Cheetah. Make sure you tie her TIGHT. I don't want any more trouble with that one..."
Tanj sat on the most sensitive part of her anatomy; her very sore bottom. Her knees were drawn up to her chest, with a length of dowel underneath them. Her arms were under the dowel, her wrists tied in front of her shins. The Bear had used exactly one short piece of rope, and the dowel, and here she was, effectively immobilized. If she hadn't been sitting on the direct spot the strokes with the cane had been applied to, it might almost be... well, no, this'd never be comfortable. Tolerable perhaps. As she watched the Instructor check knots, she wondered if when he was gone, she could roll over onto her back...
The door closed with a *snick* behind the instructor. Tanj sighed and rested her chin on her knees. Her jaw was already sore, and it was amazing how much saliva she was generating. She was getting messy, just from her drool. Hearing something whuf-whuf-whuffing from behind her, she turned her head to see Marla literally bouncing herself across the floor, moving like a demented, deformed inchworm. Tanj stared in amazement, and then shook her head; she had no idea how the Wolf fem was managing to DO that! "Heya, Tanj Girl" the Wolf whispered; "Gotta hand it to you; you managed to answer a question that's been burning in my mind for some time!" Tanj blinked and managed to mumble a "whhrf?" into her gag. Marla nodded as if she'd understood perfectly; "Yup. There's nobody watching us! It was the guard who caught you, that resulted in your punishment, not them watching us all night long; otherwise a bunch of us would have gotten it!" Tanj just mumbled something into her gag, not thinking the five stinging stripes with the cane was worth the information gained. Marla grinned in the darkness; "So, I feel I kinda owe you a little something for your trouble. But the way you're sitting, its gonna be a little hard to repay you..." Tanj looked at the Wolf and wondered how, even if she wasn't sitting, how Marla might be able to do ANYTHING about it. But then, she didn't WANT to be sitting anyways... With a grunt she started rocking herself, back and forth until she rolled over onto her back. "Ooooh, Tanj, that's perfect! Hold it just like that!" Tanj couldn't see Marla, but she could hear her grunting as she did something... and then there was a thump and a thud, and to her absolute amazement, she felt Marla's tongue applied to her sore bottom.
Tanj shuddered, glad the gag was filling her mouth; Marla's tongue was flicking back and forth over her clitty, and the sensation made her want to HOWL! As her climax peaked, and slowly receded, she realized Marla's tongue wasn't where it had been a moment ago. Then she heard a thud, and after a moment, the whuffing sound. Marla bounced herself around to where Tanj could see her; "Can't kneel on my hands for too long; gets painful; besides, Jenny, that's our Jaguar friend, promised she'd distract herself tonight by licking ME! Gotta go; and thanks again!"
Tanj's chest was still heaving as she panted, still trying to catch her breath when she heard a deep voice; "What your friend did for you looked nice. I think I can roll into the position she was in/ Tell you what; if you'd like, I'll ... try to do what she did, if later, you try to return the favor." Tanj opened her eyes and looked at the young male Ursine. "Ummuffa, mrrrfle grwwowr urrrkl" was all she could get out past her gag. The Bear just chuckled; "Oh, I don't mean tonight, necessarily; the way I'm tied, not sure you could get at my cock anyways. After watching, its pressed pretty hard against my stomach by my legs... but there WILL be a time in this place, of that I'm sure. Besides, I don't have anything ELSE to do. Sure can't sleep like this!" Tanj did her best to shrug, a motion that came out as a squirm more than anything. The Bear chuckled and nodded; "OK, let me see if I can rock forward..."
Tanj eeped as something large and furry butted her in her sore bottom. "Ow! Sorry; mis-judged the distance. Bumped my nose too" the Bear whispered. "Should have started further back, I guess." And then something large and wet was dragging itself along her pussy...
What the Bear lacked in skill, he made up for in enthusiasm, his large tongue lapping at her sex, squirming deep into her pussy, flicking here and there. All Tanj could do was squirm, pant, and moan into her gag. Her climax, when it came, was stronger than the first, and it left her weak and out of breath, with her eyes crossed. Finally, his tongue lapped at her softly, broadly, licking up her juices before withdrawing. A few minutes and quite a few grunts later, there was a thud, and then the same scooting sound. The Bear scrunched up besides Tanj and grinned down into her upturned face; "Don't forget now! Ya owe me one!" Tanj just nodded as best she could. After a moment the Bear looked up as a "Pssst!" was heard. It was Marla, giggling; "Hey, Bear! If you can catch me, you can have me!" she stage-whispered. Then she was scooting across the floor headed for the other side of the room. The Bear chuckled and huffing, started after her as best he could...
Tanj dozed in fits and jerks, unable to achieve a sound sleep. Somewhere across the room someone was snoring and Tanj was envious. Squirming, trying to rub her sore back against the carpet, she wondered what time it was, just before drifting off again.
Tanj awoke with a jerk! Was she free? Was the guard untying her? Suddenly she realized that she had fallen onto her left side, and the dowel, sticking out to the side, had hit the floor first. Somehow the impact had driven it to the right, sliding under her knees, over her arms. Its end had slipped off of her left arm! Instinctively she squirmed, and in a moment was standing in the middle of the room, her paws bound in front of her, but otherwise free!
Tanj's first thought was to unbuckle and remove that *&%$#%*! Gag, but as she lifted her paws to her head she froze. She had "escaped" and there were severe punishments for that. What time WAS it? How long before the guards returned? Suddenly it seemed her hearing was very acute, as she strained to hear the sound of footfalls in the corridor outside. For an instant she wondered, if she was going to be punished for "escaping" perhaps she should try the door, see if it was unlocked, to take advantage of the situation and REALLY try to escape. Then she remembered the security cameras and electomagnetically locked doors and sighed. Hurriedly resuming her sitting position, ignoring the screams of protest from her posterior, she fumbled with the dowel, wondering how she could get it back in place...
Close to tears, she tried again; she could get the dowel over one arm, and under her legs, but she could NOT get it over her other arm. No matter how she twisted, how she strained, she just couldn't do it by herself. Looking around, she found the Bear looking at her in the darkness...
"I don't know if this is going to work; there isn't much of the stick to push on, Missy" the Bear rumbled. Tanj tried to look encouragingly, wishing she could tell him that if he pushed until her arm broke, it would probably be better than being punished for "escaping". The Bear rocked onto his back, squirmed around some with what was becoming a significant level of practice, and brought one heel down on the wooden shaft. Tanj felt her arm complain as he pressed down, the other end of the dowel coming up under her knees. Tanj squirmed, trying to work the wood over her other arm, praying with every fiber of her body... The Bear, thinking the other end of the dowel wasn't high enough up, pushed down harder on his end, all but lifting his bottom off the floor. There was a snap, and suddenly Tanj felt the dowel break...
The Stallion looked down at the Cheetah and sighed; "You really ARE Trouble, aren't you? You're in for it now, Slave." Tanj hadn't even tried to hide the broken dowel, but had merely placed it on the carpet in front of her, kneeling in the otherwise correct position...
Marla squinted through the steam, and nudged Jenny, the motion making ripples in the water of the bath. A guard was leading someone in... someone shorter than the male Tiger guard, someone with spots. Trying not to grin too widely, Marla glanced at Kayla as the Otter grumbled; "Guess they didn't kill her after all." Jenny nodded, eyes wide; "Yeah, but she don't look too good." The latter drew a stern look from the Tiger guard, who was now close enough, if not to hear them, then to see lips moving. Unclasping the leash, and then unbinding the Cheetah fem's paws, he rudely shoved Tanj into the water.
Marla reached out and pulled Tanj to her as the Cheetah surfaced. Glaring at the retreating guard, the Wolf fem waited until he was safely out of earshot and then turned to look at Tanj; she looked... frazzled. That was the only way to put it. As if every hair on her body had decided to join a group, and each group had decided it hated the groups around it. Little tufts of fur stood out from her hide in every which way. And yet, as much as she searched, she couldn't find whip marks, or even bruises. "Tanj girl, we thought they'd killed you! What HAPPENED?" Tanj shuddered... "Killed... no... that would have been a relief..." With a shudder, and a slosh of water, Tanj convulsively hugged the Wolf; "Oh, MARLA! They had some sort of a device... something that attached with little electrodes. And when they pushed the switch, it felt as if every fiber of my body was on fire! I never DREAMED I could hurt that bad!" Kayla nodded solemnly; "I've heard of those. Pain inducers. They directly stimulate the nervous system. They're SUPPOSED to be illegal..." Tanj shuddered and whispered; "They wanted to find out what had really happened. What I was up to. What my plans were, who my accomplices were... No truth drugs, no hypnosis, no voice stress analyzers, just pain and pain and more pain..." Marla nodded and snuggled the Cheetah softly; "And you told them the truth, told them it was all an accident..." Jenny nodded and whispered; "And finally they believed you..." Tanj nodded, and shuddered again; "Finally, they did." And then her eyes went wide; "Oh, MARLA!" Marla smiled and put a finger over Tanj's muzzle; "I know; you told them all about me, and the bear, and what's been going on; that's OK, Dear. I don't think they really care. Right now, just relax; its over..." Tanj leaned back against the Wolf fem and slid down into the steaming water; "Over? No... no its not over. Not yet. Not until I'm shed of this place... not until places like this don't exist anywhere in the universe."
Tanj was still shaking when the coffle moved into the classroom. The pain inducer didn't seem to have done any permanent damage, but she still felt exhausted and drained. "Come on, Tanj" she thought to herself; "They say you can't remember pain. Get over it." And yet, every time her mind drifted back to the day's events, she shuddered, and her knees went weak... It was a relief to kneel on the floor as the guard unchained her.
The wait for the instructor's arrival seemed almost pleasant. Tanj was in no hurry for him to appear, certain he'd add his own little touch to her day's punishments for her "escape". And when he finally arrived, leading a slave, a porcupine fem, stalking through the door, slamming it behind him, he marched right up to stand over her. Looking down at her, the Wolf growled; "I've been hearing all sorts of stories of ... "illicit" sex, and goofing around going on in here. I'm beginning to think you aren't taking this course seriously! All right, I think you'll find tonight's lesson a little less... enjoyable." Looking down at Tanj he growled; "And you... I'm going to make an example out of YOU!"
The Wolf lectured the class on the various uses of hair in tying a furr as the female porcupine braided Tanj's hair, working from a top-knot on down. Somewhere they'd found a platinum blonde "fall" that almost exactly matched her hair, to weave into the braid, as one might make a "long splice" with a piece of rope. When the porcupine lass was done, Tanj's hair reached from the very top of her head to the floor in one long braid. The end of this was wrapped around a teardrop shape of bent metal called a "thimble" and then braided back into itself. When the slave was done, it was obvious that Tanj could be fastened by her hair alone...
The Instructor lowered a rope from the ceiling, attaching a hook to the "eye" in the end of Tanj's hair and tugged. Tanj came off her knees with an involuntary yelp, and the Instructor took up the slack as she stood. When he finally tied off the rope, Tanj was standing on tiptoes in the middle of the room, her arms waving as she tried to maintain her balance. The Instructor watched her for a moment and then gestured to the Porcupine lass, who left the room, only to return moments later with two three-legged stools. These were placed on either side of Tanj. The Instructor chuckled as he moved around behind Tanj, to wrap his arms around her waist, lifting her up; "Stand on the stools; one foot on each!" Tanj struggled to comply, finding her legs suddenly well spread. The Instructor gave her a slap on the rump and then proceeded to take up the slack on the rope, until once again, she was standing on tiptoe. "In this position, the slave has to be very attentive to her footing; should she stumble, and loose her footing, she'll wind up hanging by her hair. I'm told that's very painful. Oh, and if she kicks over one of the stools, she'll not be able to regain her stance, no matter what she tries. Now that we have our model properly positioned, we can continue..." Holding up a vee-shape of leather, festooned with buckles, the Instructor chuckled; "This is called an arm binder, also known as a monoglove. It attaches to the back of the slave's collar like this. Her paws go in the pocket at the bottom, face to face and this strap binds them together at the wrist. Now, when we tighten all the other buckles, it pulls her arms TIGHT behind her, encasing them in a Vee of black leather. Doesn't that make her breasts stand out nicely?" Padding back around the precariously balanced Cheetah, the Wolf grinned; "And now to complete our ensemble, a nice thick plug gag..."
Tanj groaned into her gag, as she tried hard to hold her balance on the wobbling stools. Her feet were cramped already, and her jaw muscles complaining, and the Instructor hadn't even finished with tonight's tie. Most of the class was already bound, each male back-to-back with a female. The Male's paws were brought behind his back, around the Female's waist, where they were tightly tied to each other. While this might have otherwise left them in a nice spot for some caressing, a rope to the female's collar held them pulled up so that there was no hope of getting in any erotic touches. The Female's paws likewise were brought around behind her, but in most cases, as the males were larger, their paws were merely tied to each other, the rope between them forming a crease in the male's belly. Legs were crossed, indian fashion, ankles tied to thighs. It was obvious no one was going anywhere tonight, and the chances for any pleasure dwelled with those few females tied to slender males. From where she teetered on the stools, Tanj could see Kayla tied to a male squirrel, her wrists actually lashed to each other right at the top of his sheath... And she knew that when the instructor left, that Squirrel was going to be in for an interesting, and probably sleepless night.
The last to be tied was the Bear. With Tanj "out of the equation" he was tied to the female porcupine the instructor had brought. It was obvious by the look on his face as the ropes were tightened that his back was going to be quite tender for a long time to come.
Tanj tried shifting her weight from one foot to the other, but that didn't help much. Somehow she knew before the night was over, she'd be hanging from her hair. It was absurd to think that she could stand on tiptoes all night long... And yet, she didn't have much choice. Biting down on the gag, she concentrated on holding as still as she could.
Tanj's eyes came open with an almost audible "snap" as the door opened. The way she was bound, she couldn't get a good look at the door, but her ears told her the guards had arrived to release the slaves for the next day's routine. Trying to put on a stoic demeanor, Tanj waited as every single other slave was released. When the guard finally lowered the rope holding her hair to the roof, Tanj collapsed, grimacing at the cramps in her legs and feet. When the guard pulled the plug gag from her mouth he grinned; "Well look at this; bit almost clear through! Guess you had yourself a rough night, eh, slave? Now... what's the punishment for damaging Academy property?"
Tanj knelt on the floor, trying to keep her eyes open. The day's classes had been a blur, something seen through a thick haze. Her instructors had been forced to frequently re-acquire her attention with a sharp rap of a riding crop, or a slap. Despite the danger of not appearing attentive, Tanj was just too exhausted to see straight. When the instructor entered the room, Tanj's head came up with a jerk. She heard his chuckle and stifled a growl. "Tonight, Class" the wolf growled "We deal with some adjuncts to the basic art of bondage. Girls, I want you to each take three of the shoe-laces I'm handing out, and turn to your male partners, as we explore the delicious world of genitalia boundage."
Tanj looked at the Bear's crotch from a distance of several inches. One shoe-lace had been tied tightly around his balls, making them bulge. Another shoelace had been slipped under the back of the first, and brought forward to be tied to the front of the first loop, being used to further bind his sack, dividing his balls. The third had been tied on one side of the assemblage, and brought upwards over his sheath, forcing his cock to protrude, to be tied to the other side of the loop around his sack. It looked... uncomfortable at best, and very painful at worst. As she stared at him, Tanj wondered about restricted bloodflow and unintended castration. The Instructor paused, running his fingers over the Bear's bound balls, and then nodded; "Very good. Not too tight, not too loose." And then he was moving on to examine Marla's handiwork with a male kangaroo; "No, no, NO! Much too tight! We do not want to Damage the merchandise! Re-do it immediately!" Tanj held her pose, kneeling in front of the Bear, as the Instructor moved off to examine Kayla's handiwork.
Tanj, glancing to the side, gauging the Instructor's progress through the class, leaned forward to run her tongue over the Bear's bulging balls. It was an interesting sensation. She grinned up at him and gave him a wink, hoping he wasn't mad at her. His efforts to help had been well meant, and Tanj was sorry for having gotten him punished, tied to that Porcupine girl. She felt her heart rise a little as he winked back. Her attention was suddenly drawn back to the class as the instructor called out; "OK, now for phase two; Gentlefurrs, you now get to practice the art of Breast Bondage on the ladies, possibly repaying them a little for their cruel handiwork with you..."
Tanj sat cross-legged, ankles lashed to thighs. Her paws were tied palm to palm, with not only a rope around her wrist, but with string binding finger to finger as well. The rope from her wrists was tied to the back of her collar, pulling her wrists up sharply behind her back. Rope encircled her chest, above and below her breasts, compressing them at the base, making them stand out from her body. The Bear had then wound rope in a figure eight around her breasts, pulling them together, and further restricting their base. Looking down at herself, Tanj thought she looked as if someone had pasted a couple of round balloons to her chest. It was very tight, and her breasts throbbed softly with her heartbeat, and she thought she had some small measure of empathy for the Bear and his bound testicles. Despite the strained posture, and the pain from the tight ropes, Tanj was still close to dozing off when the Instructor came back to her. "One more little touch for you, my rebellious one."
Taking two pairs of chopsticks, he put rubberbands tightly around the base of each pair. Setting one pair down on the floor, his paw stroked her left nipple, teasing her until it tightened into a hard little nub. He then spread the shafts of the chopsticks, placing one stick on either side of her nipple about mid-way along the length of the chopstick. Bringing the other ends of the chopsticks close together, he used another rubberband to hold them together. Tanj's nipple was trapped painfully between the sticks. Chuckling, the instructor proceeded to use the other pair on her other nipple. Grinning, he rose, turned off the lights and left.
Tanj looked down at her pinched nipples and shook her head; and she'd thought having her breasts tied was uncomfortable; this was downright painful. Groaning, she settled down to try and get what rest she could.
Tanj gradually came back from dreamland, to hear giggling. Forcing her eyes open she tried hard to focus. and when she did focus she couldn't believe what she saw. Somehow, Marla and Jenny had knocked Kayla over; the Otter was on her side, her legs still bound in a triangle shape. Both the wolf and the Jaguar were giggling and lapping hard at the Otter's exposed sex. The fact that they were both balanced on knees and bound breasts didn't seem to hamper them in the least. At least they were tied such that they could almost lay almost flat on their stomachs... Tanj just shook her head and chuckled. Looking around, she spied the Bear, sitting there, watching her.
"Oh, what the Hell, I can sleep later" Tanj thought to herself. Twisting her body, she investigated just what it would take to move closer to the ursine.
The Bear grinned at her as she squirmed closer. The Cheetah fem had tried following Marla's lead, but inchworming on her stomach wasn't working; the chopsticks kept catching on the carpet. Rolling over and over seemed to be the best bet, with occasional "course corrections" made while on one side, squirming to change the angle. Finally she rested, panting hard, only a foot or two from the Bear. Grinning up at him, Tanj whispered "Think I owe you one about now; probably more than one. I really didn't mean for you to get in trouble for trying to help me the other night." The Bear shrugged; "Its OK; I don't think it was as bad as it looked." Tanj raised an eyebrow; "Tied to a Porcupine? I'd think your back would be raw!" The Bear just chuckled; "No, the instructor pushed most of her quills down before shoving her back at me; now if they'd been perpendicular to my back, I'd probably still be "stuck" on her, but as it was, it was just an irritation, not a disaster." As the Bear talked, Tanj rolled over onto her stomach, and grunting, tried to inchworm closer. Finally, she was able to rest her head on his crossed legs, her tongue able to flick out over his sheath. Squirming, she tried to get closer, only to find the ends of the chopsticks pushing into his shins, with the resulting painful tugging on her nipples. Craning her neck, Tanj started licking softly, teasingly, nuzzling against the Bear's bound sex.
It wasn't easy, but Tanj finally captured the head of the Bear's shaft between her lips; she didn't have much of a choice but to bend it down towards the perpendicular, something that was probably moderately uncomfortable for him. Especially considering how he was bound. Of course as she tugged it down, it only forced more of its length into her mouth, something that, judging from the grunts and groans he was making, seemed to delight him. Tanj worked her tongue around his shaft, bobbing her head up and down, in an effort to work his cock in and out of her mouth as best possible, given how she was tied. And from the way the Bear was squirming, his hips trying to rock, to thrust his shaft into her mouth, it was obvious he was enjoying her attentions greatly. Despite the strained posture, her tightly tied breasts pressing into the carpet, supporting her chest, Tanj did what she could to take her time, to make it as languorous and sultry-slow as possible, bringing him to the edge and then letting him cool down some. The Bear didn't seem to want any of that, whispering with increasing urgency, urging, and then begging Tanj to finish him, to get him off. Finally Tanj relented, pulling her head down, driving his shaft deeper into her mouth as her tongue stroked over the sensitive underside, that one little spot just behind the head of his cock. With her tongue dancing wildly over his shaft, the Bear grunted, and shuddered, his cock starting to spurt. Tanj swallowed as fast as she could, amazed at the quantity of jism the Bear could put out with his balls tied as tight as they were. Finally he quieted, groaning softly with pleasure. Tanj pulled her head back, giving his glistening shaft a few soft, teasing licks. Then with a grunt, she shoved herself back into a sitting position. Running her tongue around her muzzle, making sure there weren't any telltale signs, she grinned at the Bear.
"No, I can't really think of anything beyond getting OUT of here. Oh, I admit, escape's probably impossible. I certainly don't see any effective way out. At least not without outside help... MASSIVE outside help. And after the other day, I'd have to have a DAMN good idea I could actually pull it off before I tried it again. But I don't like it here, don't like what they've done to me, and I don't care to think about what the future might hold for me." The Bear nodded and whispered back; "I guess it all depends on your frame of reference. I never knew my father; my mother was a day laborer, and we were dirt poor. Never had anything. She died from some illness she caught working in the rain one day. It was probably something a healthy, well-fed person never would have caught, something a decent hospital could have cured in a few days... But we didn't have any money, and the only hospital nearby said they already had more charity cases than they could handle. After she died, I was sold to this place to pay off her debts. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure its all that bad. I'm eating better here than I ever did before, and I get clean each day. I'm not cold..." Grinning, the Bear looked at her; "And I've met some interesting people. No, I'm not THAT unhappy. As for the future, well, I just hope I wind up with some decent Master or Mistress. Preferably a Mistress. A KIND Mistress." Tanj chuckled; "A kind, sexy, Mistress" The Bear nodded; "A kind, sexy, RICH Mistress!" Tanj just laughed; "I hope you get it; I do believe you deserve a break." After a moment of silence, Tanj sighed; "I guess there's a silver lining to every dark cloud... At least for some people."
Tanj was surprised when in the morning after breakfast, her coffle was led back to the restraint classroom. As the guard unchained her, and ushered her through the door, she observed most of her fellow students in this class already in place. Kneeling in her usual spot, she wondered if this meant that they were going to miss dinner, miss the nightly bath...
The Instructor padded into the room, followed by a guard, his arms full of... rubber? Grinning at his students, the Wolf growled; "We're getting into some subjects now, that are probably best done before your daily bath. Today we'll touch on the use of all-encompassing garments as it relates to bondage. I'm sure later in your "Erotic Dress" classes, you'll explore latex a little further. Right now, we're going to see how it can be used for restraint. Tanj, you come here; you'll be the "demonstration" for the others..."
Tanj sneezed as the Wolf dusted her with the white powder; "This is talcum powder; it will help ease your way into the latex. Latex is a very stretchy polymer, and will adhere to you like a second skin. Some furrs have this thing for smooth, hairless skin, and if they decide not to shave you, this is the next best thing." Tanj looked at the garment the Wolf was holding up; it was shiny and black... and while it resembled a jumpsuit, it seemed to have only one leg... and in a vee behind the back, only one "sleeve"... and it came with a hood...
Grunting, Tanj tried to pull the rubber up over her legs. Both feet were side by side, encased in the single "leg" of the suit. It even had a "bootie" for her feet. The thing felt like it was three sizes too small, and Tanj had to struggle hard to pull it up. As she struggled the Instructor stood back and made the occasional comment. Her suit, it turned out, was a female one; the male ones only had a single butt-plug built into the crotch... Getting the stretchy stuff up around her hips, Tanj grimaced as she moved to work first the dildo into her sex, and then the butt-plug into her bottom. As she was doing this, the instructor worked her tail through a hole in the seat of the garment. Pulling the latex up over her hips seated them both deep within her, and it was obvious that they were there to stay until she could remove the garment.
The Wolf had to help once she'd pulled the suit up to her waist; her arms were pulled together behind her back, her paws palm to palm. The rubber was slowly stretched up her arms, up along her torso, until the Wolf, with a grunt, was able to work it over her shoulders. As he pulled the zipper up her front, careful not to catch any of her fur, she felt it compress her chest, squeezing her breasts... The inside of the suit over her breasts was covered with little bumps, with a myriad of longer bumps in the area of her nipples; it felt ... "interesting" as the Wolf tugged and massaged the suit into place... Turning to face the class, the instructor chuckled; "Now comes the fun part. The hood is equipped with a gag, and pads for over the ears. In fact, the only holes in the suit are in the area of your nostrils. Now these are basically generic suits, so they may fit some better than others..." So saying, the Wolf started to work the hood over Tanj's head, flattening her ears to her skull, stretching the latex over her muzzle, sliding the built-in gag into her mouth, until he could slide the zipper up over her throat, to the tip of her chin. She couldn't see anything through the latex, couldn't hear a thing through the thick pads over her ears. The air smelled of rubber, and the plug gag in her mouth tasted of rubber. She couldn't see, hear, or do more than squirm. Cut off from the outside world, her heatbeat loud in her ears, she waited... As she waited, the thought back to the instructor's comments about Masters and Mistresses that liked smooth, hairless skin... Shaved? Her owner might SHAVE her? Tanj groaned into her gag and shuddered in disgust.
It seemed like she'd been standing there for an hour, when both the butt-plug and the dildo started vibrating, droning to life between her legs. The vibrations were quite noticeable, but as time wore on, they proved to be just short of the level required for her to climax. Panting, chest heaving against the tight rubber, she stood there and squirmed...
Her rumbling stomach made her think that it must be getting near time for dinner. She'd wished she'd started counting her heartbeats when they closed the zipper; that might have given her some indication of the passing time. Wondering when they might let her go, Tanj continued to stand there, tightly encased... highly aroused, and very frustrated.
Tanj groaned to herself; her hunger pains had faded. Her chest hurt from the constant strain of breathing, her expanding rib cage stretching the latex with every breath. And she was hot. Panting hot. Sweating hot. She felt like the suit was filling up with her sweat, and with the juices trickling from her thoroughly sodden pussy... She felt like she'd been imprisoned in a sauna, and had been there for years...
Tanj's head snapped up and she almost fell as the vibrations suddenly stopped. She felt someone fumbling under her chin, and then the zipper was being pulled down, the hood peeled back, snapping around her head as it was stretched off her muzzle. The Instructor looked at her and grinned; "Squirm out of the suit by yourself." Looking around, Tanj realized that having been the first student so encased, she was the first to be released. She was also the only one still standing. All the other forms were laying on the floor... "Well, while no one told me I could lay down, they didn't say I COULD lay down either..." she grumbled to herself... "or maybe they just lost their balance and fell..." Squirming, panting harder than ever, the Cheetah struggled to work her way out of the latex sheath... She grinned as the thought of a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis flitted through her mind. The air of the room felt cool on her damp fur.
"OK, class, now that you've had your fun for the afternoon, this is how you CLEAN the suit you've just worn..." Tanj glanced at the wall over the instructor's head. This room had a clock, and it showed that they still had a half hour before dinner! Without sight or sound, it had seemed like she'd been in the suit for DAYS; instead it had been just a few hours...
Marla watched as the guard strolled by, and then leaned close to Tanj; "I got a look at one of the guy's suits as the Instructor put it on; it seemed to have like a codpiece that went over their crotch. I think it must stroke them somehow, or vibrate in the right place, to excite them as the dildos did us." Tanj nodded; "It seems like it wouldn't be fair for us to get some fun out of it, and not them. But for the life of me, I don't know of ANY satisfactory mechanical means of masturbation for guys..." Kayla chuckled; "If there WAS one, do you think the Academy would be able to stay in business?" Marla stifled a chuckle and with a quick glance at the guard, nodded; "Oh Yeah; not all of this is sexual; some folks just like to feel in control. I think that's as much a reason for slaves as anything..."
"As you've been such a good class (with a few notable exceptions), we're going to do something a little different tonight." The instructor seemed to be in a good mood for a change. "We're going to further investigate tying you to each other again, except this time, you'll be in a position to pleasure each other. Some Masters and Mistresses like to put on "living exhibitions" at parties or such. Tonight you will be graded on the show you put on, and on how many orgasms you give your partner. Yes, Marla, tonight we WILL be watching. Now, I want all the males flat on their backs..."
Tanj squirmed. The Kangaroo's tongue was deep in her pussy, squirming tirelessly. It made it real hard for her to practice her fellatio on his cock. Of course the way her head harness was tied to his thighs, it was certain that his shaft would remain in her mouth until he softened; and she wasn't about to let THAT happen. Still, he seemed to have been drained of all the cum he had; they'd been at it for HOURS and she knew she was sore; she could only imagine how sore HE was by now... And tired. Didn't his tongue EVER get tired? Panting as yet another climax threatened to overwhelm her, she bucked against him, working against the straps, trying as best she could to work his cock in and out of her mouth...
Something large and furry bumped into Tanj, and the harness jangled as the straps went tight as she tried to look to that side. From the corner of her eye she caught another flash of motion and then the couple rolled into her field of view. Marla had been tied to the Bear, as Tanj had been tied to the Kangaroo, in the classic "69" position... except those two were taking it to extremes. It was as if they were wrestling to see who could be on "top," with Marla's giggles being stifled as the Bear again rolled over, to cover her with his large body. As he snurfled loudly between her thighs, his hips bucked, driving his shaft in and out of her mouth, fucking her face until he growled loudly with his release. Marla took instant advantage of his distraction, to roll them yet again, and having gained the "superior" position, to grind her crotch against his muzzle... Tanj couldn't help but chuckle around the Kangaroo's thick cock; she doubted, if in his position, he'd seen what was going on, and for a moment she was tempted to roll him over to let him catch a glimpse... Squirming her hips, pushing herself down against his muzzle, she decided she'd just tell him about it later...
Tanj was scarcely surprised when the coffle dropped her off at the introductory restraint class the next morning after breakfast. It seemed like this was taking up the whole curriculum now... It seemed as if her whole life was being tied up in a pretzel, limbs bent in all sorts of different shapes. She could only wonder what would come next...
"I shouldn't have asked" Tanj muttered to herself for the dozenth time... The instructor had handed out what could only be called "chastity" belts. For the males, this was a reinforced "codpiece" that strapped over their sheaths, leaving their balls dangling freely. There was a strap around their waist, descending in front to the codpiece, with two straps in back, passing on either side of their tails, to join as they traveled between their legs to join up with the lower edge of the codpiece in front. For the girls, the strap was thin enough, and pulled tight enough to work between their labia. It made any type of vaginal or anal sex impossible, and it made walking a bit painful. After all the students had been locked in tightly, they were formed into a coffle, and led through the Academy's halls. To Tanj's immense surprise, they were lead through the courtyard, through the Academy's gates, and into the city square beyond! There, in the square, were eight stocks. As each student was removed from the coffle, their head and wrists were placed in half-moon cut-outs in the thick lower board, the upper one, with matching cut-outs, hinged upwards on one end to admit them, and then pulled down to lock necks and wrists in place. The boards were locked together, as if the Academy were afraid someone would steal their students. Feet were locked in similar stocks, turned horizontal, holding her feet spread just a little beyond the width of her shoulders. Gags were then produced, filling the student's mouths... And then, as far as Tanj could see, from her limited range of vision, the guards had left, leaving them to the instructor and a few curious passers-by who had paused to watch the spectacle.
"I'm going to leave you here, for a while. You have to get used to being nude and restrained in public, as well as in private. I'll be back for you shortly before dinner time. This square becomes quite crowded with workers at lunch, and as the work day ends, and I'm sure you'll receive plenty of, ah, "attention." Have fun and (snicker) be good..."
Tanj sighed and tried to tilt her head up enough to see the sky. There was some, but here on the edge of... What city were they in, anyways? Whatever. While there were trees and grass visible, there were also enough office buildings that there was less sky visible than she would have liked. Still, the sun felt good on her back, and the breeze ruffled her fur nicely. Except for the bent-over posture it was almost pleasant...
Tanj Yelped into her gag! Something had stung her left nipple! She squirmed as best she could, trying to shoo away whatever was tormenting her. Then the sensation was repeated with her right nipple. This time, however it was accompanied by soft giggling. Craning her head around, she found there was simply no way she could see past the wood; her gaze was limited to roughly the 180 degrees from left to right. As she felt the sting again, she realized that someone was pinching her nipples! And all she could do was HOWL in protest, the noise all but silenced by her gag. After a while, the pains stopped and looking to her left she saw a couple of teenaged boys, one a skunk, the other a coyote, as they paused to tease Kayla. The Stocks were set in a slight arc, and being about 2/3 of the way along the arc, she could glimpse the other students, if she looked sharply to one side or the other. Kayla squirmed and bucked as bad as Tanj had...
Tanj watched the shadows, wondering if when rush-hour started, their situation would become worse or better; would there be more furrs to torment them as these two delinquents were, or would responsible adults shoo the truants away? So far the boys had pinched and teased Marla and Jenny, and had started in on the males, swatting their bottoms, and pinching them here or there. Watching, she noted that the Bear seemed very stoic with respect to their torments. For a while they tried everything they could think of to get a rise out of him, to provoke a response. Finally they turned and started back down the line of stocks.
"OK, you take the Otter; I'm going to go back and tease the spotted cat some more; I like the way she squirms!" Tanj closed her eyes and groaned. It was obvious the Bear had the right idea; if he was no fun to tease, they'd get bored and wander off. Steeling herself not to move a hair, she waited, listening, her ears tracking the progress of the Skunk. And yet when he pinched her right nipple, it was all she could do to keep from thrashing in the stocks.
Tanj glared at the kid; he'd given up pinching her, and had padded around behind her to investigate the extent of her "chastity belt." Obviously disgusted he couldn't do anything naughty there, he had moved back around, in front of her, to use his fingers to plug her nostrils. With the gag in her mouth, this meant she couldn't breathe! As her lungs burned, Tanj tried hard not to move, but eventually it got too much for her and she began jerking her head around, trying to make him loose his grip, to make him let her get a breath. The skunk just giggled however, and shifted his paws, grabbing her nosering with one hand, pulling on it, as he tried to shove two fingers from his other paw up her nose. As her lungs burned, as her vision narrowed, Tanj wished someone would do to him what he was doing to her... As her vision grew red and dimmed, she thought she heard voices, and the sound of many feet, and then suddenly her nostrils were free, and she was able to drag in a huge lungfull of air. The kid was gone.
Tanj watched the commuters as they streamed by her. She'd never thought she'd be so happy to be naked and bound in front of so many strangers. It was a curious sensation. Most of the passers-by ignored her. Some gave her pitying looks while others grinned at her lasciviously. A few, mostly males, paused to fondle a breast, or to stroke her here or there. One paused to bend, to whisper the most obscene things in her ear, causing her to blush, the fur of her face bristling, to help release the heat of the blood flowing to her face. There was the occasional slap, or the occasional pinch, but mostly the crowd flowed around her. As the shadows lengthened, as the air cooled a bit, she watched as all the normal furrs passed by...
Tanj eased herself down into the steaming water of the baths. It felt good; her back was sore from being bent over all day, and certain other portions of her anatomy were sore as well. Those damned kids! Kayla was across the tub, sunk down until just her nose and ears were out of the water; it was obvious she hadn't enjoyed it either. "So what do you think they'll do next" Marla whispered, sliding through the hot water with barely a ripple to snuggle Tanj. "Oh, I don't know" the Cheetah fem whispered back; "Probably the worst thing you could think of." Jenny, across the tub, shuddered; "Can't imagine what that could be; I NEVER thought I'd be tied up naked in a public place. I thought I was going to DIE of embarrassment!" Kayla groaned; "Oh, I can think of something worse. How about the way we were today, without the chastity belts." As Jenny's eyes grew wide, Marla grinned; "Oooooh, that'd be a NICE way to pass the time! But do you think any of those "straights" would stop and actually make use of us like that?" Tanj Chuckled; "Marla, you are absolutely incorrigible! But no, I don't think that'd be the worst. After all, we don't have any control over what they do to us, right? Its not OUR fault if they use us... What I'd hate most is for them to make us masturbate in public. Make us pleasure ourselves. What could be more humiliating than that?" With a groan, Jenny just sank beneath the waters, until she was out of sight. Tanj watched and sighed; "And what can we do to help poor Jenny through this?" Marla just shrugged, making small waves ripple across the tub; "I don't know; can't help but wonder why they selected HER for this place..."
That evening's class was different. The instructor was already in the room when they arrived, sitting crosslegged next to a huge pile of bright chromed chain. Next to the chain was a box of double-ended harness hooks... Tanj knelt in her usual place, eyeing the chain warily. It looked heavy. Massive. Unbreakable. And unyieldingly hard. When all the students were in place the instructor rose; "You've all had a sampling of restraint by now. Its time you exercised your imagination, time you showed how well you've learned your lessons. I want you to pair up again, and restrain your partner, using the chain. Points will be awarded for simplicity, neatness, appearance and effectiveness. The furr with the highest point score will be rewarded; the low point score will be punished. Start now."
Tanj found herself next to Marla; the wolf grinned; "Go for it, Girl; show me what you can do!" Tanj nodded, and looked around. The room sported quite a number of eyebolts and rings, in floor, ceiling, and walls... And slowly an idea came to her; "Um, Marla, this might be a little harsh..." The Wolf fem grinned and shrugged; " 's OK Tanj, you know I like it wild..." Tanj nodded and picked up one end of the chromed chain, struggling to lift it over her head, to loop the end over a hook mounted to the ceiling...
Marla squirmed, and the chain barely rattled. Tanj watched and nodded, a half smile/half frown on her face. It had worked better than she thought it would have. Marla was standing, bound by the chain, unable to move. And Tanj couldn't see anyway she could escape. The harsh part was she'd stand all night... The chain descended from the hook mounted to the ceiling, to not-quite-loosely encircle her neck; the loop of chain was fastened to itself with one of the double-ended harness hooks. From there it descended down her back, to encircle her just above and then just below her breasts. If she couldn't stand anymore, the chain would not strangle her, but would suspend her from the loops around her chest. It might not be pleasant, but it wouldn't be fatal... It continued down behind her, to encircle her arms pulled behind her back, above the elbow, then between her arms to encircle her waist, then down over her rump to encircle her wrists. From there, it went down along the back of her legs, to encircle her thighs, knees and finally her ankles. The chain was then pulled TIGHT downwards, to be clipped to a ring-bolt in the floor. Resuming her kneeling position, Tanj waited for the others to finish...
The instructor looked down at Jenny and sighed; she'd just about completely cocooned the Kangaroo male in chain, from his neck to his ankles. "It might be effective, Slave..." he growled, "If for no other reason than he can't move under the weight of all that chain. But it looks... Sloppy. OK, report to Tanj; she'll tie you next."
Tanj sighed and looked down at Jenny; this one had been a little less rigorous; Jenny sat on her bottom, leaning forward a little. A chain around her neck traveled down her arms, to encircle them above the elbows, then down to encircle her wrists, and her ankles... At that point it looked just a little weak as the chain looped all the way around her wrists and ankles, with only three double ended harness hooks separating them, between ankle and wrist, between wrists, and between wrist and opposite ankle, holding them in the "loop". Tanj was concerned that a determined fur might wiggle free there, if they tried hard enough. The chain then passed through a ring-bolt in the floor and came back up Jenny's legs, encircling them at the knees and the hips, to terminate around her waist. If Jenny leaned over a little further, the chain would go slack in a few places... She just didn't have the heart to make it any tighter.
The Instructor looked at Jenny and nodded, as if he understood all Tanj's thoughts and motives. Glancing over where the Bear had been chained by one of the other males, he nodded again as if coming to a decision. "Slave, you didn't tie this one as tight as you should have, and that's points off, but you've still shown more imagination than any of the others. Your prize will be a bit of a compromise..."
Tanj grunted into her gag as the vibrations started to bring her towards yet another climax. The Instructor had used the same pattern she'd used on Marla, except she was lying down on the floor Tightly stretched between two ring-bolts, her paws above her head. Before he'd laid her down, though, the Wolf had pushed a rather large vibrator into her pussy, and set it to maximum. While she felt like she was on the rack, from the tightness of the chains holding paws and feet, the vibrator was a delight... And she knew she wasn't going to get any sleep again this night. Was sleep deprivation part of the plan? Or just a side-effect? As the vibrations seemed to swell, to increase, she HOWLED into her gag, her climax blossoming, her body shuddering in response, the chains too tight to rattle.
Tanj blinked and shook her head, trying to stay awake. After breakfast they'd been led back out through the Academy, into the city square beyond. The stocks were gone. Where a flowerbed had been the previous day, was now an expanse of sand. And there were eight holes in the sand, each about two feet wide, and of varying depths. Behind each hole was a pile of sand, obviously from the excavation of the hole. Kayla was at the head of the coffle this day, and as the guards unchained her, one of them pointed to one of the holes; "Just hop down in there..." he grinned. Kayla looked at the hole, the guard, the Instructor and back to the hole. Reluctantly she sat on the edge and dropped down into the hole. It was just deep enough that her chin was level with the ground... Tanj's eyes went wide as the guards picked up a couple of shovels, and started filling in the hole, around Kayla's nude body, pausing occasionally to tamp the sand tight.
Tanj looked at the world from an elevation of about 12 centimeters above the ground. Her chin rested on the sand, her hair spread out behind her on the ground. The guards had left her paws bound behind her back, and had worked diligently at tamping the sand all around her body. She barely had enough leeway to breathe. And there was no way she could get out without help. Glancing at the sky again, she hoped it wouldn't rain...
"OK, you're all nice and buried now" the Instructor chuckled; "The point of today's class is to get you used to providing sexual services in public. You'll notice none of you are gagged. Anyone who wants to make use of your mouth is free to do so, and you will NOT refuse them. Today, you'll be watched carefully, and graded on your responses! Those who do NOT respond enthusiastically and skillfully will be punished! I'll be back for you just before dinner." Turning on his heel, the Instructor strode back towards the academy, leaving two guards lounging in the shade of a nearby tree.
Tanj's ear twitched as a fly buzzed near it. The ground was cool, although the sun was nice and warm on her head. Her body was rather well supported, and in some respects it was all rather comfortable... An occasional pedestrian crossed the square, giving them an occasional look, but so far no one had come close...
Tanj had watched the shadows shorten as the sun rose in the sky. So far, only one passer-by had paused, strolling back and forth in front of the buried furrs, looking. Tanj couldn't quite see, but finally he'd knelt down in front of someone about five heads down the row, unzipping his pants, shuffling closer... The sounds were faint, but liquid; slurps and soft moans... After a few minutes he scooted back, pulled up his zipper, turned and walked off as if nothing untoward had happened. Tanj found it VERY surreal... And then suddenly, a short while later, the doors of the surrounding office buildings started to open, to disgorge crowds of furrs. "Got to be lunch time" Tanj thought to herself...
Tanj looked WAY up at the furr standing over her head, looking down at her. He was a fairly good looking Ocelot, dressed in business casual, neat, and clean, and well groomed. Tanj tried to give him a wry smile, in place of the shrug that he couldn't see, and she couldn't execute. Tanj watched as he removed, folded, and then laid his jacket down, and then unfastened his belt. To her amazement he removed his trousers, laid them down, neatly folded on top of his jacket, and then slipped out of his boxers. Standing bare to the waist he grinned down at her again, and then carefully squatted, knelt, and shifted forward. Tanj forced a purrrrr as he presented her with his sex, craning her head forward just a little to lick softly at his balls, making them sway just a little. This was rewarded with the sound of him purrring, one paw moving to stroke the back of her head. Encouraged, Tanj licked up along the crease between his balls, stroking the tip of her tongue over his sheath, teasing softly, as if she had all the time in the world, until his cock stood forth proudly. With little urging he pushed his cock down, presenting it to Tanj's lips; Tanj kissed the head of his shaft softly, pleased that he was clean there as well. As she inhaled his "fresh-scrubbed" scent she held him in her mouth, tongue stroking softly, dancing here and there. He responded with a groan and a little buck of his hips... Tanj took this as a sign that he wasn't interested in a slow, sensual encounter, and proceeded to rock her head back and forth aggressively. Each stroke taking a little more of his shaft into her mouth, until she felt the head of his cock pushing against the back of her throat. Sucking softly, her tongue swirling around his shaft, she used all the skills she'd so recently acquired, until with a series of soft grunts he started to spurt. Tanj swallowed every drop, purrrrring softly as if it was the very nectar of the gods, and when he'd finally run down, and started to pull back, she made a point of lapping at him, making sure he was clean. Just as quietly, the Ocelot dressed, and then giving Tanj's head a pat, turned and strode off.
Looking around, Tanj realized that a number of office workers were stretched out in the park, nude, or near-nude, soaking up the noontime sun as they ate their bag lunches. Amazed at the casualness of it all, she didn't see the squirrel approaching. The sound of a toolbox hitting the ground brought her head back around. There before her stood a red squirrel in tradesman's overalls, grinning down at her, thumbs hooked in the shoulder straps. "Hi there! You free? I mean, um... ah, well, what you did to that cat looked so good, I was wondering if I might... um... you know..." Tanj chuckled and shook her head... The squirrel ran on; "I mean if you've got someone waiting, or if you need a break, or..." Tanj smiled and looked up at him; "No, I'm available; shuck out of those coveralls and come on down here..." The Squirrel grinned and complied, peeling out of the coveralls with amazing speed leaving them in a rumpled heap by his toolbox. Tanj was a little amused to note that he wasn't wearing underwear. Plopping down in front of her, the Squirrel put his paws on both sides of her head and groaned loudly as he pressed his crotch to her face...
Tanj grunted as the squirrel energetically thrust his cock into her mouth. From the noises he was making, it seemed obvious that he was having the time of his life; she just wished he'd slow down a little. It was difficult for her to lick him the way she'd been taught as eager as he was... Maybe he had an appointment somewhere he was getting late for... The Squirrel on the other hand didn't seem to be bothered by the lack of finesse; within a few short minutes he was cumming, filling her mouth with his seed. Tanj had barely swallowed it all when he was pulling back, standing to grin down at her; "Lady, that was great! If there's ever any way I can return the favor you just let me know; name's Redflame!" Holding up his coveralls he showed her the logo of an air conditioning repair company proudly, as if making sure she knew where to find him, should she ever be interested. Then he was shrugging back into the denim, and picking up his toolbox, he strode off, whistling happily.
The Lunch crowd slowly thinned. Tanj glanced up as a shadow fell across her face. The Badger was a bit past middle age, and dressed nondescriptly. He looked down at her and then along the line of heads seemingly resting on the sand. "Lets see how you do, Slave" he growled. Unzipping his pants, pulling them down, he squatted in front of Tanj. Tanj waited patiently for him to come a little closer, but he didn't seem to be in any hurry; as she lifted her eyes to look questioningly at him, he brought his paw around to thwap the side of her head; "Stick out that tongue, Slave. Reach for it. Lets see some EFFORT here!" Tanj winced at the blow, and sticking out her tongue, she pushed her head as far forward as the sand would allow, trying to touch his cock with her tongue. He was just out of reach. As she wiggled, trying, he thwapped her yet again; "Come on, you lazy slave, Work for it!" Tanj mewled and squirmed, trying by her motions to make it evident that she couldn't reach, that her tongue wasn't that long. For an instant she contemplated complaining, or asking him to move closer, but somehow she didn't think this one would respond favorably to her talking. Finally he inched closer, and Tanj was just barely able to run her tongue along the front of his sheath. As she strained, as she licked, she realized that she wasn't getting any reaction; he wasn't getting hard... "Come on, Bitch, lets see you work that tongue!" Tanj mewled as his paw came down on her head again; straining, she worked the tip of her tongue back and forth, stroking it where she could... suddenly she felt his paw grab her hair, jerking her head forward as he thrust his hips at her. Mewling in pain, Tanj licked him furiously, trying to do whatever it was he wanted her to do, to make him stop hurting her! Gradually her frenzied licking got him semi-hard, and with a grunt, he reached down with both paws to pry her jaws apart, to shove his cock into her mouth. Tanj fastened her lips around his shaft, sucking with every bit of skill she had. The Badger for his part leaned over her, forcing her head back, driving his cock into her mouth, and against the back of her throat. Thrusting his hips cruelly, he battered his groin against her muzzle, shoving the head of his cock against the back of her throat. As her ministrations continued to have an effect, as he gradually stiffened, he continued to thrust at her, until he was able to work it past the back of her mouth, and force it down her throat!
Tanj tried to howl around his meat as he blocked her airway; there was no way she could even struggle, the way he was holding her; with his fingers in the corners of her mouth she couldn't even bite down on him! The Badger worked at her for what seemed like an eternity, only rarely pulling back enough for her to catch a breath. Finally he pulled back, and wrapping a paw around his shaft, he pumped his cock furiously. Cumming with a shout, he pumped his cock hard, moving it from side to side, his seed splattering all over her face... With a growl, he gave her one last swat on the ear; "Even a half-way skilled whore should have gotten me off a helluva lot faster than that, Bitch. You SUCK!" Pulling up his pants, he turned and stalked off.
Tanj was panting hard, still trying to get her breath back, when another shadow fell across her face. "No, not again, not so soon" she whimpered to herself. Raising her eyes she looked at one of the Academy guards; "Don't listen to what he says. He's... dysfunctional. If he can't hurt someone, he can't get his rocks off. Usually the girls he chooses CAN'T get him off, no matter what he, or they do, and we have to pull him off her before he... damages the goods." Turning, the guard headed back towards the shade tree... Tanj watched him go, and then straightened her head, and sighed; "Great. Leave it to me to get the dysfunctional ones. What else could go wrong?"
The giggling brought Tanj's head around again. They were back. The two juvenile delinquents. As they walked up and down the line of heads in the sand, they giggled and made snide comments to each other. "Hey, what about this one? Bet she's got a talented tongue!" "Naw, her mouth's too small; she could never hold me. How 'bout this one?" "He's a GUY!" "Yeah; bet he just LOVES to suck cock! Think he's over the humiliation yet?" Suddenly there was a shadow over Tanj's face; she resisted the urge to look up, but by the feet, it was the Coyote. "Hey, look at this one, her pretty face is just all covered in jism!" "Yeah, she's a mess! Don't want to take HER, she's filthy" "Yeah, but I bet I know a way to clean her off!" Tanj heard the sound of a zipper being pulled, while the other youth snickered; "Carl, you really ARE a shit! I LOVE it!" The next thing Tanj knew, something warm was raining down on her head.
The guard watched from his shady spot under the tree as the Cheetah howled in protest. That would draw her negative marks. Of course he didn't think he'd like being peed on either, but it wasn't a slave's place to complain like that. As he watched, he wondered where she'd learned all those foul words... She hadn't repeated herself yet!
Tanj was doing a slow burn as the two youths moved off. The Squirrel, from the sounds of it, was taking advantage of Kayla's mouth, while the Coyote seemed to be forcing the Bear to suck him off. Neither seemed to last very long, and thankfully they were soon departing. Tanj grumbled, tried to ignore the odor, and relax until they decided to dig her out...
The baths that night were a welcome relief. Tanj scrubbed hard at her head, trying to get the dried cum, and the urine out of her fur. She'd even run a pawful of liquid soap into her mouth, trying to get rid of the Badger's taste. She was lathering up for the third time, knowing she was clean, but still feeling very dirty, when the guards came to get them out. Still in a dark mood, Tanj shuffled along in the coffle as they headed back, not towards the kennels as she'd hoped, but again towards the Introductory Restraint classroom...
Tanj knelt in her usual place, listening to the instructor give his reviews of their performance. He droned on, talking about how they'd adapted to the loss of mobility, to the public exposure, how they'd handled the various furrs that had stopped by to avail themselves of their bodies... Tanj's marks were varied, high in some areas, such as imagination, and low in other areas, such as her tolerance of the two youths that had tormented her. On average, she came out just above the point where "remedial" work would be necessary. That was all she cared about, she realized; getting out of this class and on to whatever came next... as the Instructor droned on, her mind started to wander, wondering what the future might hold. Would it be pleasant furrs such as the well dressed, and polite one? Abusive ones, such as the old Badger? With a quiet chuckle she remembered the over-enthusiastic squirrel...
The "Graduation Ceremony" was more of the same, conducted this time, in the Academy's lobby. Tanj was strapped tightly to a padded stone block, her rump barely at its edge, her legs pulled back and shackled to either side, exposing her sex. Her body was bent back over a rounded edge, her collar locked to the front vertical face of the block, her upper torso upside-down. Her arms were drawn along either side face of the block, and shackled to her ankle cuffs. She was blindfolded, and a thick rubber-coated ring gag filled her mouth. Apparently the block of stone was carefully sized, as a number of furrs had fucked her very exposed sex from a standing position, with little difficulty, while on the other side, kneeling furrs found her mouth at just the right height for her to service them that way. Her muscles were strained and cramped, and yet, as time went by, she realized there WAS a delicious component to it all. The way she was tied, she must be a sight! And she had to admit, she'd rather pass the time, using her tongue on some furr's sex, male or female, or better yet, have some anonymous male work his cock in and out of her pussy, than simply hang there, with nothing to distract her from her sore limbs and back... As some furr's paws stroked over her tummy, one paw moving down to cup her mons, the other stroking up to cup a breast she purrrred with delight...
Things had gotten quiet. Tanj hadn't heard a footfall in quite a while, at least an hour by counting her heartbeats. It must be late in the evening... No one had touched her in an even longer time, and that frustrated her; the more she thought about her situation, the hotter she seemed to get... Trying to distract herself from her own lusts, she tried to remember what the instructor had said about what was to come next... had he mentioned an advanced course in restraint? Something about "suspension?" Suspension? As in bridges? As in being hung from the ceiling? An involuntary shudder passed through her body as she considered what THAT would look like. What it would feel like... And then there was something about a post-graduate course... Voluntary bondage? What in the heck was THAT? Trying to clear her mind, to force the images out of her consciousness, she tried to concentrate instead on counting her heartbeats... How many until morning, and her release? Release... Would anyone want to use her before they unstrapped her? In a way, a part of her hoped so...
This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories are copyright Kittiara's player 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.