Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, "There Ain't No Justice." As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, please!
Tanj's Tale: Breaking-in
By Kittiara
Stardate 2397.12
Tanj followed the guard into the room curiously, moving as to keep the leash between his paw and her collar just a little slack. This wasn't the room she'd spent every day for the past week and a half in. She'd known something was different when the coffle of slaves had taken a different turn in the endless maze of corridors. Up until now, her time at the "Academy" had been spent in positive/negative reinforcement "conditioning," as the psychologists had removed inhibitions and added behavioral traits that they felt a good sex slave should have. Automatically kneeling as the guard stopped, Tanj tried hard to keep her head bowed, her eyes lowered. These things were not yet second nature. The Guard unclipped the leash from her collar, and then unclipped her wrist cuffs behind her back, leaving her hands free. And then she heard the door close behind him.
Glancing up, she looked around the room. It seemed to be a cross between someone's living room, with a carpeted floor, a sofa and track lighting... and some sort of... dungeon? Dungeons didn't have eggshell white walls, or stained wood baseboards. But this room had quite a few eyebolts scattered around the walls, floor and ceiling. And there was an awful lot of rope present, in heaps and swirls, shoved in one corner along with all sorts of other unidentifiable things... Remembering her "lessons" she held her kneeling position, knees wide apart, hands on her thighs, palm up... and of course head bowed. As she waited for something to happen, her mind raced, wondering what was going on...
"It has to be some sort of examination. A test. That's it; its got to be a test" she thought to herself. For a moment the Cheetah fem felt a pang of sadness; her initial loathing of the conditioning chair, with its thick phallic plug, electrodes, IV drip and holographic goggles had all been burned away, and she'd come to anticipate the chemical rewards and the pleasurable stimuli of that dong vibrating to life when she did something right... when she did what they wanted. "Can't be like that" she told herself sternly; "Remember what Marla said; the conditioning fades with time; you can work around the edges. Give me time, and I'll find a way out of this. They haven't broken me yet!" That thought had barely formed in her mind when she heard the door open behind her, and someone walk in...
The Mouse moved around into her field of vision and just stood there looking at her; she could barely see him from the corner of her eye, but it was obvious that he was completely nude. Somehow that didn't surprise her; what did surprise her was that it seemed perfectly natural to her. He stood there, practically motionless, for a good ten minutes, paws on his hips, just watching her. Tanj for her part, kept her gaze lowered; she figured it was a waiting game, the Mouse watching to see if she would move, or say something. She wasn't about to give him the satisfaction. Eventually the mouse nodded, and moved around a little more in front of her, to stand looking down at her; "I am going to give you a series of commands, and you will be judged as to how well you execute them. I want to make good and sure that you are ready, that you have the correct mental attitude to proceed to the next phase of your training." Tanj kept her head down, knowing his statement did not require an answer. He hadn't asked a question yet, had he? After a moment the Mouse frowned and then took a step back, to sit on the couch. Stretching his arms out to either side, resting them on the back of the couch, he looked at her for a moment more, and then said, simply "Strum."
Tanj groaned to herself; this was one of the things that the conditioning program had covered, and at the time, pumped full of the drugs from the IV, it had seemed like nothing at all; now she had to expose herself to this stranger, and perform the most lewd act. Tanj knew she had to move fast, that instant obedience, enthusiastic obedience was called for... Spreading her feet a little more underneath her, she brought her bottom down into contact with the carpet, and as gracefully as possible rolled backwards until she was laying on her back. She brought her knees up towards her chest, the cleft of her sex directed as best she could towards the Mouse. One paw stroked down over her stomach to rest on her mons, her index and middle fingers resting for just an instant on the petals of her sex; and then she was spreading her fingers, spreading her labia, opening herself, exposing herself to this total stranger. Trying not to think about what she was doing, she brought her other paw down to rest on her first, her index finger stretching down between the widespread petals of her sex. After a moment she started flicking the tip of her finger back and forth, its tip working back the hood at the juncture of her labia minora, exposing her clitty; as her finger continued to flick back and forth, she groaned, as she "strummed" her clitty. The Mouse watched her, a neutral expression on her face. She in turn watched him through slitted eyes as she mechanically went through the motions.
"I've been kidnapped, stripped, enslaved, and 'conditioned'" the Cheetah thought to herself, "But never have I been so... humiliated!" As her finger moved, neither too slowly or to rapidly, she groaned, not with increasing sexual delight, but in shame. This had to be worse than her first visit to the Gynecologist... What could she possibly have done to have deserved THIS? Suddenly her reverie was broken as she felt the Mouse's paw cover hers, stopping the motion of her finger. Her eyes opened wide, the fur of her face bristling as even more blood came to the surface of her skin, the hairs on her face standing on end to try and release some of the heat. Inadvertently she locked eyes with the Mouse, her eyes going even wider as he tried to push a finger into her. With a grunt he suddenly released her and rose; "I thought so. Too dry. You should be dripping at this point. Obviously you have not learned your lessons as you should have. But perhaps I can... do a little remedial tutoring." Stepping forward and looking down at Tanj he nodded; "I will leave for a short while. When I return I want to find you tied in such a manner that I have free access to your mouth, sex, and ass. How you tie yourself is up to you. Don't worry about perfection in the knots, I'll tighten anything I feel is too loose when I return. Remember, you're being graded on this." With that, he turned on one heel and departed.
Tanj hadn't moved a whisker since he'd touched her, but when the door slammed shut behind him, she rolled onto one side, bringing herself up to her knees, to stare at the door. "Tie myself? VOLUNTARILY? Sheesh, this guy's got to be kidding..." Turning and crawling slowly across the floor, Tanj moved reluctantly over to the pile of gear heaped thoughtlessly against the wall.
The Cheetah fem looked at the ropes, the eyebolts in floor, ceiling and walls, and at the couch. For what she had in mind, she wished she'd had a simple footstool or hassock, but the pillows from the couch would have to do. Picking up the first of the cuffs she buckled it around her left wrist. As she worked, buckling on the other wrist cuff, and then the ankle cuffs, she sighed and sometimes wished she wasn't an engineer. What she had in mind was going to be MUCH too complex, and yet, it was all she could think of, to try and ameliorate her earlier failure. Tying a rope to an eyebolt in the center of the baseboard of the wall to the left of the door, she laid it out across the floor, in front of the couch. Other ropes were tied to the eyebolts in the corners of the opposite wall, the loose ends brought back towards the center of the room, pretty much in front of the couch. Another length of rope she braided into her long platinum hair. Setting the cushions in the middle of the room, stacking them one on top of another, she knelt to one side of them. The rope from one corner of the room she tied to her left ankle, pulling just a little. The rope from the other corner she tied to her other ankle, pulling that a bit tighter, pulling her ankles apart, her calves forming a Vee shape on the floor as she knelt. Taking one last look around, she sighed, and leaning backwards, she let her torso fall back, until she was laying across the pillows. The end of the rope attached to the center of the far wall she threaded through the D rings of her wrist cuffs, and slowly started to take up the slack. As she pulled on the rope this bent her body, arching her back as she tried to tighten the rope, pulling her wrists under the pillows, under her rump, headed for that vacant space between her knees. And then she realized that she had left out the rope woven into her hair. With a sigh, she released the rope and straightened. Kneeling by the pillows she looked at the arrangement of ropes with an engineer's critical eye; something here would have to change.
With a sigh, Tanj twisted and picked up the cushions one by one to toss them back towards the couch. "He'd probably think me too much of a wimp anyways, if I used them to support my back." Turning back, she picked up the rope from the wall in front of her, and doubling it, put a loop in its end so that the loop would lay on the floor between her widespread knees. Moving one arm around behind her, she found the end of the rope she'd braided into her hair, and passed it under her bottom. Picking the end up with her other paw, she picked up the loop she'd made, and threaded the rope from her hair through the loop. This loose end then went back under her bottom. With a groan, she let her torso flop backwards, until the back of her head rested on the floor. Fumbling beneath her, she threaded the loose end of the rope through the D rings on her cuffs and started to pull. As the rope grew taut, it pulled her head back, tugging on her hair; it also pulled her bound wrists under her rump. Once again she grunted and wiggled, trying to get the rope as tight as possible, her body arching upwards. In a position like that, her body strained and taut, it was a bitch to tie off the rope.
Tanj's muscles were quivering from the strain when the Mouse finally returned. Her view of the world was upside-down, the top of her head pressed hard against the floor, her breasts thrust impudently towards the ceiling. The Mouse walked around her for a moment, nodding. "Imaginative. Just what your psych profile suggested. I've left you alone so long because I had to go all the way up to administration to review your file, and I have to admit what you've done here confirms what I've read." Kneeling by her head the Mouse looked down at her and smiled as he reached out to tweak her left nipple; "You really do like bondage, don't you? You just don't want to admit it. Not even to yourself. Oh, you could have done something simple, like used a spreader bar to hold your legs apart and hung your paws over your head from an eyebolt in the ceiling, that would have been nominally acceptable, but here you've gone and done something... extreme." As the Mouse spoke he ran his fingers down over her quivering stomach. Tanj had no idea how long she'd been in this arched position, aside from the fact that her body was complaining loudly over how long it had been. The Mouse smiled again and nodded; rising, he walked around Tanj, to look at the rope that tugged her paws under her body; the rope that traveled across the floor to the eyebolt in the center of the wall her knees pointed towards. Tanj couldn't see what he was doing, but she felt the rope suddenly tighten, pulling her into an even more severely arched posture...
Tanj's body jerked as she felt his fingers touch her sex; the Mouse's touch was light, stroking along her labia. And then his fingers were gone; "You see?" he chuckled; "Now you're wet. This excites you, doesn't it? You probably got all hot and bothered while tying yourself up, alone, didn't you? Its performing in front of people that you have a problem with, isn't it? Too much pride. You have not yet learned your place. But I think I can fix that..." Again the Mouse rose, to padd over towards the door. Standing there, he punched in something on the keypad. Normally this was used to unlock the door, the "student" seldom having the code necessary to release the door's locks. But it was well known that the keypad had other functions as well. Tanj couldn't turn her head much, due to the rope tugging harshly at her hair, but she could follow the Mouse's motions a little. Moving around her head, back to the pile of gear by the couch, the Mouse found a small hand mirror, and an adjustable arm, with a wide weighted circular base. When Tanj had first seen it, she thought it was meant to hold a vibrator against someone, but now the Mouse was attaching the mirror to the arm. "Look into the mirror, and tell me what you see, Slave" As he put the stand on the floor by her head, he adjusted the angle of the mirror; Tanj, looking back and up, saw and upside-down view of the wall at the far end of the room; the wall her crotch was pointed squarely at, a wall that seemed to have gone completely transparent. And beyond the wall, there appeared to be stadium seating, filled to capacity; it looked as if a hundred assorted furrs were sitting there watching the goings-on!
"Gotta be a hologram" Tanj groaned to herself as the Mouse moved back around her, to sit by her hips. "Gotta be..." But as she stared at the mirror, she thought to herself that it looked awful realistic... and once again the blood rushed to her face as she blushed!
As the Mouse busied himself with something she couldn't quite see in the mirror, Tanj wondered at what the Mouse had said. Was she really excited by her self-bondage? By her helpless situation? "Aren't I supposed to be fighting this every step of the way?" She thought to herself. "Or would I spoil it if I admitted to myself that I liked it? Would something essential be lost if I didn't fight the bondage, resist the ropes? And you can't fight it if you admit you want it, can you?"
The Mouse reached over her hip and stroked her pussy again, making her belly quiver at his touch; "You think you are resisting me, that you can't be as we want you to be. But that is an illusion. You think that you still have your dignity, even here, even now. But I will strip that from you. I'm going to make you admit that you want everything we do here. I'll make you beg for more. You will voluntarily give up even the illusion of resistance." With that, the Mouse slipped an angrily buzzing vibrator between the Cheetah Fem's labia, pushing it in until only the base was visible.
Tanj stifled a moan, her eyes locked on the mirror, on the audience beyond the now-transparent wall. Did they all seem to lean forward, as if to get a better look at what the Mouse was doing? Twisting her head Tanj saw the Mouse lubing up another vibrator; before she had a chance to frame any sort of protest he was bending, to push it into her bottom, filling her completely... Tanj tried to still her cries as the two vibrators worked on her; she tried to keep from moving, to keep from squirming, but every once in a while, her hips would jerk as she sought to find SOME way to increase the friction, some way to stimulate herself. As she suffered the waves of pleasure radiating from her crotch, the waves of embarrassment flowing through her, Tanj shook her head and vowed that this would NOT wring a confession, or an admission from her. She was tougher than this...
The Mouse watched Tanj closely, a wry smile forming on his face. After the vibrators had been working for a few minutes he rested the palm of his left hand on her mons and used his fingers to spread her labia, exposing her clitty. For a moment the index finger of his other paw pressed upwards on the base of the vibrator in her pussy, making it buzz harshly against the front wall of her pussy...
Tanj gasped, teetering on the very brink of her climax... And then the Mouse was pushing down on the vibrator, lessening its effect on her; she moaned plaintively and then bit her lip to silence herself. The Mouse just grinned, watching her face. Holding up his paw, to where she could see it in the mirror, he chuckled; "I'm not going to let you climax until you beg for it. This small bottle contains an anesthetic. It's the same one we use to suppress the gag reflex, in fellatio training. It works perfectly on sensitive membranes, although it just lasts a few minutes..." Tanj groaned as the Mouse slowly pulled the vibrator from her pussy... she'd been so close... And then he was spreading her again, to apply a single drop of the anesthetic directly to her clitty. He then put some on the tip of his finger and rubbed back and forth along her labia. As the Mouse worked, Tanj could feel herself growing numb; oh, she could feel the pressure of his finger; it just didn't feel good anymore.
The Mouse smiled and picked up another mirror; holding it just so, he let the bound Cheetah have a good look, through the mirrors, at her own sex. "You see, you're still hot; dripping in fact; but you can't feel anything, can you?" Holding the mirror with one hand he slipped the vibrator back into her snatch. Tanj watched the vibrator push into her sex, felt the pressure, felt the vibrations, more as they were transmitted to other portions of her anatomy than by direct stimulation. She could barely feel the plastic gizmo within her. Wide-eyed she watched, helpless to tear her eyes away. The Mouse smiled and again lifted the base of the vibrator, pressing its shaft against the front wall of Tanj's pussy; she could feel the vibration in her hips, but that was all. After a moment, the Mouse took one finger and started stroking her numb clitty directly.
Tanj watched in the mirror, her mind frozen; what if she was like this forever? What if she never regained sensation down there? How safe was this stuff? Gradually, her panic faded, as over the course of several minutes, sensation slowly returned...
The Mouse watched her face carefully, felt the tension in her muscles. He knew well the signs of an impending climax, knew well just how to handle one such as this, how to break her spirit, destroy her resistance. The use of pain was too crude in such things; positive reinforcement was so much more effective. And this one was so easy to read... Just as she was about to arch her back, to scream as her climax arrived, he applied another drop of the anesthetic to her hard little nub.
Tanj teetered on the edge, on the very brink of her release... and then suddenly all sensation ceased again. Jerking her head up until the pain of the rope tugging at her hair made her stop she stared into the mirror... sure enough, that damnable Mouse was just putting the little bottle back down. She didn't even try to stifle the groan that escaped her mouth.
"I can keep this up all day. And all night, if I have to. Or I can wash off the anesthetic, gag and blindfold you, and tie you suspended from the ceiling. With both vibrators still in place and running." Tanj's eyes shifted, looking upwards; sure enough there were several eyebolts in the ceiling directly above her. The Mouse's words brought her eyes back to the mirror, to his upside-down image. "I'll put you in a harness and suspend you from the ceiling by it. You will be floating above the floor, blindfolded, gagged, and spread-eagled. And you won't be able to stop having climaxes. All night long, held in delicious bondage." The image of the Mouse grinned; "But you'll have to beg me for it. You'll have to convince me, convince your audience out there, that you want it." Tanj's eyes shifted to the transparent wall, to the crowd beyond. Some seemed to have moved, shifted a little, but it was still evident that she was the center of their attention. As she pondered her situation, the Mouse pressed upwards on the vibrator again. Tanj felt the vibrations, the pleasure slowly growing as the anesthetic wore off...
"Maybe if I don't show any sign, I can steal a climax from this guy" Tanj thought to herself; "If I can get a climax, without begging, I can maintain my dignity... Can't I?" Tanj was concentrating, trying to block out the effects of the vibrators, of his occasional touch, trying hard to hold her body still... The first hints of another climax were just starting to form around the edges of her consciousness, when the Mouse suddenly jerked the vibrator from her pussy. Tanj felt like howling in outrage, but once again managed only to bite her lip. The Mouse smiled, and waited for what was obviously a calculated time before pushing the vibrator back into her, holding it, twisting it, moving it until she was panting on the very edge once again... and then suddenly it all went numb again.
The Mouse worked at her. Truly a labor of love, to take such a proud female and cave in her resistance, to eliminate her stubbornness... and this one was truly stubborn. But he loved a challenge and he had as much time as he needed. Working slowly, he contrived to bring her to the edge of a climax about every half hour. With the use of the anesthetic, he had much greater control over her; he was able to draw it out, letting her rest just enough to prevent exhaustion, but not enough to let her cool off. No, she was never allowed to cool off. Smiling, one paw resting on her where he could gauge her heartbeat, he slid the vibrator back into her pussy, to be rewarded with a soft groan. It wouldn't be long now...
Tanj's eyes flicked open as the pleasures started to build once again. The image in the mirror showed the stands beyond the transparent wall more packed with furrs than ever before. A few were quite openly stroking themselves as the Mouse worked on her. Gazing at them, she wondered why she was resisting? The Mouse seemed to have an infinite patience, and she knew the Academy would never admit to a failure like this. The outcome had to be inevitable, didn't it? Besides, promises made under duress didn't count, and if this wasn't duress, she didn't know what was. Opening her mouth, the Cheetah tried to speak.
"What was that?" muttered the Mouse. Tanj coughed and shook, and then mewled; "Master, I can't take any more... Please may I have a climax?" The Mouse just smiled, pushing the vibrator a little further into her dripping pussy, lifting its base a little, to transmit the vibrations more directly to her clitty; "You have to beg me, Slave. You don't sound very sincere. In fact, I don't think you're sincere at all. I think you think you can squeak by with a feeble plea. No, I don't think you're sincere at all..."
Tanj moaned, barely hearing what the Mouse said; the vibrator was making her whole crotch tremble, making her soul resonate in time with its pulsations... and then suddenly it all went numb again. Tanj HOWLED in frustration, her body surging, fighting her restraints. She was so tired, so cramped, and so very frustrated. The Mouse just chuckled, one finger stroking her now almost completely numb clitty, as the vibrator pushed back in; "You think it over and let me know when you really mean it..."
Tanj groaned; the anesthetic was wearing off slowly, the sensations returning; she knew soon she'd be balanced on the edge of another climax, and that she wanted it bad. Maybe if she started now, she could convince this bastard before he used that little bottle again... "Puuuuulllllleeeeeeeeeezzzzzzz, Master" Tanj groaned; "Puuullllleeeeezzzz let this poor slave cum..." The Mouse looked down at her and grinned; "You don't sound convincing, Slave. Sometimes its easier to tell an unconvincing truth than it is to tell a convincing lie. Did you ever tell the Truth in an unconvincing way, because you didn't want to be believed?" Tanj groaned. Even though she wanted the climax, didn't care who saw, or who knew, didn't care how she was acting in front of all those people, real or illusionary, she realized that there was still a kernel of pride that was keeping her from sounding convincing even though she was telling the truth... thought she was telling the truth. Her voice sounded like something out of a bad play. The Mouse grinned; "You think its degrading for you to have to beg me for your release? That's just the start. Before you leave here, you'll be begging us to do all sorts of things to you. But the journey of a thousand leagues starts with a single step. Now say, it, little Slave; say it like you mean it!"
Tanj groaned and shuddered in her bonds; she wanted her release, wanted her climax, wanted to be let loose, wanted to go find a hole to crawl into and hide, to pretend none of this was happening to her, but as her mind flitted from idea to concept to image to idea, she realized that she did want what the Mouse offered. She wanted her climax. She wanted it BAD. She wanted to be tied up, hung, suspended from the ceiling, with a vibrator giving her as many climaxes as she could handle. Panting she mewled softly, and begged for her release.
The Mouse smiled and let another drop of the clear liquid fall from the bottle's dropper, onto the Cheetah's clitty. The Howl she let loose as the sensations disappeared, as she once again went numb were music to his ears. Bending over, he whispered in her ear; "Not good enough." Tanj howled; "Master I've asked for it; begged for it, what more do you want?" The Mouse smiled and whispered, as if for her alone; "Asking, begging is no longer enough. You have to convince me. Convince me that you LIKE what's happening to you, that you find this whole situation delicious. Convince me you want all those people to see you beg, see you plead, witness your confession that you like this. Tell me what you like, little Slave; tell me how good this feels. Convince me."
The Mouse watched the consternation flow over the Cheetah's upside-down face, and with a grin, touched the dropper from the bottle of anesthetic to her clitty. The dropper wasn't full, but she didn't know that, and her howls of protest were enough to convince him that she could no longer distinguish between genuine anesthesia, and the mere suggestion of it. He smiled and moved to stroke one of her prominent breasts.
Tanj moaned and squirmed as the Mouse brought her to the edge of yet another climax, only to have it denied. Each time nirvana beckoned she was pulled back, her mind trying desperately to come up with words, with pleas that would convince the Mouse that she meant what she said. Eventually she was soaked in her own perspiration, her eyes stinging from the salt of her tears. Tanj never could remember just what words finally convinced the Mouse of her sincerity, but she knew they were sincere. She knew she'd literally begged, telling the Mouse the darkest deepest desires of her heart. She'd begged to be tied, begged to be used. Begged to be humiliated...
The Mouse smiled and crawled around to Tanj's head; setting the mirror on its stand off to one side, he took his place by her muzzle; "Suck" was all he said. Tanj craned her neck, lips parting to take the Mouse's hard cock between her lips; she sucked him with a fervor she'd never even imagined herself capable of before. As she worked her tongue over the Mouse's shaft, he rocked his hips, sliding his shaft in and out of her muzzle. It seemed like just an instant, and a complete eternity before the Mouse was pulling his hips back, to spray his seed over her throat and chest. "Very good, little Slave; you show promise." Moving back around to Tanj's crotch, the Mouse reached down and switched off the vibrators.
Tanj's eyes flew wide open and her body jerked hard in her restraints; what was he doing? Hadn't she convinced him? Hadn't she earned her climax? Her reward? The Mouse just turned and started untying her. As the rope to her paws was untied, Tanj settled back, laying flat on the floor, her arms still beneath her, with a groan, feeling her muscles howl in protest and relief. The Mouse undid all the other ropes and then gently rolled her over to unbind her arms and hair. That done, he looked at her and said simply "stand." Tanj obeyed as rapidly as she could, given that her arms and legs didn't really want to respond. Mutely, dumbly she watched as the Mouse fetched an elaborate harness, a maze of oiled black leather straps, and chrome buckles. It even had straps that went down the inside and outsides of her arms and legs, terminating in heavy padded cuffs at ankles and wrists, with other cuffs above her elbows and knees. Belts encircled her hips, waist, and above and below her breasts. Straps seemed to cover her everywhere... except for her crotch. The Mouse worked methodically, tightening here and there, making sure it fit correctly. Then he started laying out the suspension gear.
Snap hooks were linked to a dozen points on her body. Cable ran to little hand-powered ratchets, and from there to the eyebolts in the ceiling. The Mouse smiled and with one of the little ratchets in his paws, started working the lever. Tanj felt one foot coming off the floor, rising higher and higher. Then, the Mouse moved to another ratchet, and the other foot started coming up. Tanj swung wildly for a moment, her body seeming to fall forward, swaying violently until she came to a new equilibrium. Gradually the Mouse ratcheted her up to about waist height. As Tanj hung there gently swaying she shook her dangling head. The Mouse had promised, hadn't he? Was she going to get her reward? Was it all for nothing? Slowly the Mouse went around her, tying various places on her harness to eyebolts recessed in the floor. Then he was working the ratchets again, pulling her tight into a spread-eagled position.
Tanj looked around the room; the Mouse had departed without even a backwards glance. She was horizontal, arms and legs widespread, her breasts dangling. She'd just about given up on him when the door opened again and he padded into the room. The device he carried in his paws immediately caught her attention; it was a thick leather strap, with two very prominent phallic shapes. Padding around to between her widespread legs, the Mouse proceeded to work the dongs into her ass and pussy. The strap was then buckled tightly to the belts around her waist and hips, locking the dongs deep within her. Smiling, the Mouse wandered back around to face Tanj. "I know you told me the truth earlier, and that you deserve your reward for such good behavior, but I think we need to reinforce the point just a little more." Behind him, the door swung open and a guard pushed a cart into the room. On the cart were appetizers and a selection of fine liqueurs. "The Academy is hosting a dinner tonight. Some of our best work will be on display." The Mouse crouched to look into Tanj's face; "You will beg the visitors to use your mouth. Beg them to push the buttons on this box that will activate the vibrators in your ass and pussy. You will beg them to use you in any fashion they want. If you want your climax, you will have to beg for it." With that, the Mouse reached out and let his finger hover over the button on the box he'd set on the floor. Tanj mewled softly, hung her head, and panted "Would Master please take pity on this poor helpless slave and grant her a climax?" The Mouse smiled, ruffled her hair and just before leaving, pushed the button on the box. The two vibrators immediately came to life, and as he padded through the door, Tanj moaned as her long-delayed climax blossomed within her.
Tanj's head came up as she heard the door open. A well dressed male Fox, and a lady Mink in a fine evening dress stood in the doorway, staring. Tanj forced a smile; "Master... Mistress... would you be so kind as to..."
The room was full of furrs. Most were only partially watching as they discussed politics, or business, or the weather. A few were clustered around the suspended slave. One, an Elk, had opened his pants to let the bound Cheetah Fem suck his cock, while he rewarded her by pushing buttons on the box that had laid on the floor beneath her head. Tanj sucked fervently, her crotch abuzz with the vibrations from the two dongs. She'd lost count of the number of climaxes she'd talked the guests into giving her. Somewhere along the line she'd realized that she seemed to have a talent for wheedling them into doing what she most desired. Maybe it was her sincerity, she thought to herself with a wry grin. Rocking in her suspension bondage, she swirled her tongue around the Elk's thick cock, wondering how long she could hold him on the edge of cumming? Just so long as he kept pushing those buttons...
Tanj sank into the steaming waters of the bath with a heartfelt sigh. Across the tub, Marla the she-wolf watched curiously. When the guard had strolled out of earshot she moved closer through the steaming water to whisper; "Where you been, Girl? I was afraid you'd flunked the test! What happened?" Tanj smiled and shrugged; "I guess I passed the test. And learned a few things about myself in the process. Other than that..." Tanj grinned at the She-Wolf; "I've just been hangin' around"...
This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories are copyright Kittiara's player 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.