Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, "There Ain't No Justice." As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, please!
Tanj's Tale: Piled Higher and Deeper
By Kittiara
Stardate 2397.61
It was several days later when once again the guard detached Tanj from the "coffle", and fastened her leash to the hook high on the wall by that door. It was the strange "classroom" for course 328; Themes, Scenes and Shows again, and Tanj could only wonder what she was in for this time. "If I was able to survive that monster last time, I suspect I'll come through this OK" she thought; "Still, I hated the way it laminated me into the floor. It took FOREVER to get that stuff out of my fur!"
It wasn't long before her classmates, the lady Skunk, and the male Ocelot joined her standing there by the door, their leashes secured to a hook high above their heads. This time, they'd all been gagged, and there was no possibility of comparing notes. "Neither of them look concerned or worried" Tanj thought; "Their little one act plays must not have been too bad; maybe I've been through the worst this course has to offer." As they waited, they teased each other covertly, rubbing up against one, or the other; a touch here, a brush of the tail there. A distant observer would never have noticed... or at least that's what they were hoping for. Anything to kill the time while waiting.
Eventually the slender fox that was their instructor came and collected them, to bring them into the anteroom. They knelt where they had before, and awaited his instructions. Instead, he busied himself with a box of costumes, piling them on the floor in front of the three slaves. Tanj noticed from the corner of her eye that the male ocelot received the lab coat this time, and she wondered if the monster he had to deal with would be male, or female... Finally the instructor was ready and he assumed his seat on the stool.
"From your efforts last time, we've made a few changes in the system. It should now be much more "interactive", and as such, you'll be expected to take a greater part, not just "react". Accordingly, I wish to see some initiative out there. Act as you would imagine someone in that situation to act. I admit, to an extent, that's asking you to read our minds, but then, isn't that what a good slave should be able to do? In any event, there will be punishments for failure, and perhaps even rewards for success. And remember, NO DISCUSSION of what goes on here. No spoiling the surprises. Now, lets get you into your costumes and begin, shall we?"
Tanj stood at the door to the second "set". She was in a strange costume; from the belt around her waist, a loincloth dropped almost to the floor; it was black, with gold thread forming strange patterns and runes. Her breasts were supported by some sort of metal filigree bra; while she was well supported, the fingers of metal did nothing to conceal. In fact her nipples protruded between two of the fingers. Both her nipple rings and the metal of the "bra" glittered in the "backstage" light. She wore anklets, armbands, earrings and a very complex dangly necklace. She felt she looked quite the bizarre barbarian. All she needed was a dagger and a broadsword to complete the pulp fiction image. As she was tugging at the loincloth, trying to get it to hang straighter, the door in front of her clicked open.
Pushing the door open, she moved into another world. This one looked like a room in an ancient fortress; the floor and walls were large blocks of stone, with crude heavy rafters above. Oil lanterns on tripods flickered at random locations. There was a thick carpet on the floor and tapestries on the wall. As she entered, a gray wolf in a robe turned to her; "Well, its about time you showed up; don't you know Lady Ergless will be here at any moment? She's an important customer, and a powerful Noble and we should put forth our best! Now you just stand behind me and keep quiet; but pay attention"! Tanj nodded quietly and moved to take a position a step behind and to one side of the wolf as he stood at a stone table. As they waited, it was obvious that the Wolf was pouring over a large crudely bound book in front of him on the table. He seemed to be studying up on something, and he would mutter to himself from time to time. Tanj tried to listen, but his speech was so quiet she only caught occasional words. "Monster", "Satiate" or "insatiable" and "Horrible" seemed to predominate. As she listened, she covertly looked around. "This place seems to be some sort of Magician's workshop" she thought. "Got the obligatory skull... the magic texts... The gargoyles (did that one move?)... The strange flickering lights...The skeleton... All he needs is a pointy hat with moons and stars on it, and the heavily muscled hansom barbarian, and the set would be complete..."
With that, the door on the opposite side of the room banged open and two heavily muscled and near naked Tigers stalked in, to look around. Each carried a bare scimitar, and looked like they could use it well. Tanj frowned a little as when their gaze passed over her, it seemed only to be evaluating her as a threat... She realized she was coming to enjoy those hot looks from males, and that too gave her pause for thought. When they were satisfied there was no threat, they signaled and the Lady Ergless walked in regally. "Now here's the typical barbarian princess" Tanj thought, doing her best to keep her face neutral. Apparently the Lady Ergless was another Cheetah morph, and she moved to look Tanj up and down, critically, as if evaluating her as competition, or possibly for her usefullnes... Finally she turned and nodded to the Wolf; "My lord Wizard"... She purrrred "I was RIGHT" Tanj thought to herself; "This IS a magic shop!" The wolf regarded the "princess" thoughtfully, and as he did so, Tanj also examined the other Cheetah. She was just a touch taller, and perhaps a little slimmer. She was dressed in a long flowing gown that did nothing to conceal her charms, its neckline plunging to below her navel in a sharp vee, its long skirt slit up the front of each leg almost to her waist. As she turned, Tanj saw that the dress was backless, the fabric at the waist flowing around her hips to form a vee whose point was hidden under her tail. The dress was a deep black that seemed to just drink in the light of the room, and set off her golden fur and black spots well. "Like that dress" Tanj thought; "Have to get one like that some day; it should start riots." Tanj then had to suppress a giggle, wondering when she'd decided she liked to start riots by dressing like that. "Doesn't matter, I suppose" she thought to herself; "Given the option, I would dress like that; it'd be FUN!" As she fought to maintain her poker face, she realized that they'd been talking...
"...could be possible you understand, my Lady; but it would be powerfully difficult to control" the Wolf was saying, a look of concern on his face. Ergless made a dismissive gesture; "That, my Lord Wizard, is what we pay you so hansomly for. There is a walled spot in the courtyard where I want you to conjure the monster. You have the texts I obtained; I expect you to produce it and to tame it by this time tomorrow!" And with that, she turned and followed by her guards, departed.
The wizard sighed and shook his head; "Foolish foolish female. To conjure such a monster for her own pleasure. She truly knows not what she toys with. Perhaps the fates will be kind and it will dispose of her for us." Turning to look at Tanj he scowled; "Well, don't just stand there, we have a monster to conjure. Gather the supplies. We'll need white chalk, powdered, the black candles... the brazier..."
Tanj had taken three armloads of stuff down to the little walled area in the courtyard, under the wizard's watchful gaze. She didn't know how they were doing it, but it seemed as if the "stage" had expanded to something several times the size of the whole academy. She was getting tired from all the walking! The walled area was very strange, too; it had a standard wooden and iron door in it, but inside, it was just a square, maybe six meters by six, open to the sky, but with ten meter tall walls. She'd been laying out all the supplies, and under the wizard's direction, she started to use the white powder to inscribe the dirt floor with the patterns he directed. "No, you silly thing! What kind of an apprentice ARE you! YOU KNOW you have to be naked to inscribe those symbols! No, No, NO! you don't have to strip off the jewelry too! You know some of those are amulets for your protection! Just the loincloth and the top..." Tanj shrugged, not caring about being nude anymore; besides, she'd been tripping over the end of the loincloth anyways.
She inscribed the patterns on the ground, lit the braziers, and burned the incense, all as instructed. The wizard bade her kneel behind him, as he set his large book on a stand, near one of the braziers. He scowled over the text for a few minutes and then raised both arms and started to read the incantation. He'd gotten about four sentences into it when a small gust of wind made the candles gutter and flicker, and made the incense smoke swirl and twist. And whether it was the smoke, or the dust, the Wizard sneezed.
Tanj gaped as, with the sneeze, there was a blinding flash of light, and a hint of flames, and the Wizard vanished, his pointy hat falling to the ground in a small puff of dust. "OH Crap!" thought Tanj; "Now what do I do?" She looked around for a minute, half expecting him to pop back into existence, probably with a box of tissues, blowing his nose. Finally, though she gave up and rose to her feet to look at the book of magic. There at the top was a stern warning saying that any variation from the incantation, once started, would produce immediate and dire consequences. Tanj turned to look at the Magician's hat, and then back at the book; "Yeah, guess so!" she thought. Turning the page back, to look at the beginning of the section, she read aloud (obviously for the benefit of the audience); "The Green Monster of Panhyrion... Its squirming tendrils... Hmmmmmm can't read some of this... Sexually satisf... something... any maiden? Is this saying that the monster will sexually satisfy any maiden? Is that what she wants it for? I dunno, too many words in there I can't read..." Tanj looked up from the book, as if glancing about to see if the Wizard had made it back yet. "Obvioulsly" she thought; "From the way they've set this up, I'm supposed to be intrigued by the spell, read the incantation, and then deal with the monster. Its suggested that I'll have a great time with it, obviously what that princess type was after, but knowing this group, there's gotta be a twist. They don't do nice things for furrs like me. Still, what choice do I have?"
Turning the page back, Tanj looked at the beginning of the incantation. She played at being hesitant, for a moment, and then as she looked again at the incantation, she let one paw glide down her tummy, to cup her sex; "Oh, what are you waiting for, Girl?" she thought to herself; "Besides, you survived that other monster? How much worse could this be? Might even be fun..." With that, she started reading the incantation, slowly, in a clear voice. At the same point the wizard had faltered, the wind again sprang up, to make the candles flicker, to make the incense swirl; Tanj was ready, reading through slitted eyes, one paw over her nose. The incantation went on for page after page, and as she read, mouthing nonsense words, the wind grew in intensity, until she was holding the book down to the stand with both paws, her hair streaming out behind her. "Funny the candles don't blow out" she thought. "Oh well, special effects and all that".
As she finished the last word, the wind ceased as if someone had thrown a switch. "They probably did" Tanj grinned to herself. All was quiet. Too quiet. Tanj slowly closed the book of magic and slowly padded out into the center of the diagram that she'd drawn. She looked about, and then looked up at the stars overhead, and shrugged; "Maybe I did something wr..."
She felt something touch her ankle; just a light touch; she looked down and noticed a tiny green tendril had emerged from the ground, like a plant growing at unusual speed. Bending down to look at it, Tanj realized that she could actually see it growing; it was getting longer and thicker, and it was slowly curling around her ankle. "This is the green monster?" she thought to herself, and then she couldn't help but laugh; "All those disasters with gardens when I was a cub and now, NOW I finally make something grow?" She shook her head and turned to head towards the door, but only got a step; the tendril was still tight around her ankle, and it was growing tighter by the second. "Hey, leggo!" she muttered as she tried to extract her foot. She was using both paws to peel back its tip, as she felt another tendril brush against her other foot; shifting to look down she eeeped as she realized that tendrils were emerging from all over the ground, within the symbol she'd drawn. Forgetting her resolve to put up with whatever they threw at her, she fought the tendrils around one foot, only to have it recaptured as she turned to work at the other. In a moment, she felt her tail captured, and then one paw was snagged. She struggled against the growing vines, gradually loosing more and more ground, her movements diminishing as the vines grew in thickness and power. She knew she was in major trouble when her feet left the ground...
The vines thickened as they lengthened, and with their increased strength, lifted Tanj, to hold her a body's length above the ground, her body leaning back slightly from the vertical. Tendrils wrapped around her ankles, above and below her knees, spreading her legs uncomfortably wide. Other tendrils held her wrists, and upper arms, pulling against those that held her legs, stretching her as if she were on the rack. Still more tendrils wound their way around her waist, and neck, holding her tight. She moaned as she felt tendrils interweave themselves in her hair, pulling her head back hard. She felt tendrils wrap themselves around her ribs, their finely divided tips encircling her breasts to squeeze hard, making them jut out, like overinflated balloons glued to her chest, their minute tips actually entwining around her nipples, to tug at them! She struggled against them, doing little more than making her body sway, increasingly unable to move in her leafy bondage, but even as she struggled, the vines holding her grew thorns, making such movements very ill-advised.
Tanj gasped and stiffened as she felt tendrils slide over her sex, and probe under her tail; she opened her mouth to scream, but as she did so, something cool and slick forced itself into her mouth. Her tongue told her it felt like some sort of cabbage leaf in texture, but before she could try and bite down on it, it puffed up, as if inflating with sap, to fill her mouth. In an instant she was fully gagged by the leafy monstrosity, unable to make the slightest sound. She did her best to shake her head as some foul tasting sap started to trickle down her throat from the bladder filling her mouth.
She couldn't even mewl as tendrils forced their way into her pussy and ass; at first they felt like the finest of vines, less than a stylus' thickness in width; however, like the rest of the leafy monster, they too grew at a horrendous rate. She squirmed, or tried to as the vines grew to stunning thickness, filling her pussy and ass, stretching her, pushing forward until she was sure the one in her pussy was worming its way into her womb. At first, the creepy sensations of the vines penetrating her had sent the shivers up and down her spine, leaving her on the verge of panic, but as the vines thickened, to pulsate with some inner energy, to wriggle and squirm within her, once again some portion of her brain took over and she began to moan in pleasure...
"My God" she thought; "I'm being raped by a vegetable!" And as amazing as her situation was, as frightening, she still had to laugh to herself, thinking this a fitting revenge for all the times she'd played with herself, using a carrot, or a cucumber... Resigning herself to her situation, and hoping that when the sun came up, the plant wouldn't grow so strong it would rip her limb from limb, she surrendered to the strange pulsations filling her pussy and her ass. Her muffled mewls gradually turned to squeals of pleasure, her struggles turning to attempts to increase the friction, or the sensation of this tendril, or that. Succumbing to the pleasures of the plant, it wasn't long before her body convulsed in a powerful climax. She felt her own juices running freely down her thighs, and could imagine them dripping to the ground, to water the roots of the plant that possessed her so thoroughly.
The plant held her, continuing to pleasure her relentlessly, through the rest of the night; she lost count of her climaxes, the experience turning slowly into a dimly perceived sensation as the waves of pleasure coursed through her. The plant monster turned her, holding her in different positions, twisting her this way and that, almost as if demonstrating what it could do with its captive... Some small part of her mind wondered if there was something in the sap that the stem in her mouth kept secreting that so blurred her mind, so increased her passion and her lust. It wasn't until the sun crept over the top of the courtyard wall, that the plant's tensions eased, lowering an almost unconscious Tanj to the ground.
The Wizard was still grumbling and cursing when he unbolted the door to the little alcove in the courtyard. He stopped fast when he beheld the strange jungle within the symbol his apprentice had drawn the night before. Drawing slightly closer, he peered into the leafy green, to behold her figure curled in a ball, on the ground. Turning, he found several small stones, and carefully he threw them at her, finally awakening her. His last thrown stone, however, bounced off Tanj to hit one of the thick green stems, and he had to jump back, to avoid its lash, as it whipped through the air, seemingly trying to make a grab for him.
Tanj arose sleepily, and staggered out of the jungle. She looked curiously at the Wizard; "What happened to you?" she mumbled. The wolf looked like he'd been badly singed. He just shook his head; "Lets say it was a hell of a night". Looking at the Jungle again he muttered; "I see you had better luck with the incantation; but tell me; the monster is supposed to be horribly fierce to anyone who falls into its clutches, unless mollified by the correct spells or sacrifice; how did you tame it to permit you to reside within its grasp?" Tanj just smiled.
The instructor reviewed her performance with Tanj after the "play" had concluded. He obviously was not as pleased with her performance this time, but still gave her passing marks; "Your acting in the supplemental roles was quite good; you seemed to get into the part easily, and ad-libbed quite well. However, given your previous performance in the clutches of the monster, we were a little surprised that you didn't seem, well, more "horrified" at the prospect of your fate. Hmmmmmm. Perhaps you're getting too complacent. We'll have to see what we can do about that."
Tanj purrrrrred as she settled into the hot water of the baths. She was covered in small scratches, where the thorns of the monster's vines had held her, or caressed her, and the hot soapy water stung. Withdrawing into herself, largely ignoring the others present, she thought about her day. Was she getting used to having sex with almost anything under the sun? When she'd finally calmed down, she'd actually enjoyed her interlude with the leafy thing. Or could that have been a drug in the sap? Would she do it again, by choice? Probably not. Still, she thought, she was coming to some sort of accommodation with her fate. "Sometimes, when you can't influence events" she thought, "it's best just to enjoy the ride as best you can".
This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories are copyright Kittiara's player 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.