Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, "There Ain't No Justice." As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, please!
Tanj's Tale: Oh, the Horror!
By Kittiara
Stardate 2397.60
Tanj stood just outside a classroom she'd never been in before; she was obviously the first of her class to be "delivered" there, her guard fastening her leash to the fitting high on the wall above her head, the coffle moving off to leave her there, waiting. She stood calmly, paws bound behind her back, head bowed submissively, but eyes roaming the hallway as she waited for the others to show up. It wasn't long before another coffle came by, to drop off a lady skunk, and a male Ocelot before moving on. They waited quietly, eyes furtively examining their new "classmates", not daring to talk, to ask the questions so urgent in their minds. Their wait wasn't long, and before they could get tired of standing in one place, in one position, an instructor, a rather slender fox, came to collect the ends of their leads, to usher them into the classroom. The room was clearly an anteroom, with four doors leading off radially. He bade them kneel and then moved around in front of them, to take a seat on a stool, the only object in the room.
"You three have been "volunteered" to assist us in testing out some new equipment. In the process you'll fulfill your requirements for course 328; Themes, scenes and shows. Now, in order to gauge the new system we have, you will each don a costume, and proceed into the theater, where you will act accordingly; remember this is supposed to be spontaneous, BUT you still know what's expected of you; don't ad lib too far from your, ah, "station". I know you don't fully understand, but you will...oh, you will! When you've completed the first scene, we'll discuss your performance privately, and then you'll change rooms. NO DISCUSSION as to what went on! your classmates are not to know what they're in for. No spoiling the surprise. We'll do a full performance analysis when the trio is complete. Now, here are your costumes..."
Tanj stood at the door looking down at herself; she wore a dark blue inexpensive skirt, shorter than she would have cared for at one time, with a blue and white blouse, and over it all, a white, thigh length lab coat. There was a fake I.D. badge clipped to the lapel and the requisite pens in the breast pocket. She felt she looked like some sort of lab assistant, probably what they were getting at... "Now what" she wondered; "What kind of a scene am I going to be involved in? and Lord, doesn't it feel strange to wear clothes again?" She didn't even think it remarkable that there were no undergarments... At that instant the lock on the door snicked and it drifted open an inch or two; pushing it open, Tanj stepped into the darkened room. Closing the door behind her, she waited a minute for her eyes to adjust to the darkness...
The door snicked closed behind her with an awful finality. She seemed to be in some sort of darkened laboratory, the only lights coming from various instrument consoles and from a glistening column in the middle of the room. The column shed an eerie green light, and seemed to be filled with liquid, little bubbles rising slowly. Tanj's eyes widened in surprise as she beheld the horror that floated in the middle of the liquid.
Tanj took a step forward towards the column, both fascinated and repulsed, a weird chill wind blowing open her unbuttoned lab coat. She was sure at this point that she was supposed to be playing the lab assistant, or technician, not supposed to be here (hence the lights being off), her curiosity over the 'monstrosity' causing her to sneak in... "I think I know whats going to happen" she thought to herself; "I bet that things gonna break out and come after me..." Still, even knowing what was to come, she found herself taking another step closer to get a better look, her eyes wide.
The creature, obviously alien, looked too... detailed to be a puppet, or a robot, and yet how could such a thing be alive? It looked soooooo... alien. So dangerous. It looked like an eight foot tall insect, all bony and angular. It had a prominent skull, eyeless, earless, capped with bony ridges. Its lipless mouth revealed sharp teeth; row after row of glassy fangs. Behind the teeth was a long snake-like tongue. Its chest was ribbed, almost armored, its surface an inky blackish-grey. Its six fingered taloned hands hung loosely at its side, its arms apparently heavily muscled. Horn-like tubes projected from its back. Tanj dropped her gaze to look at its heavily muscled legs and taloned feet. Its tail was bony, seemingly segmented. Tanj's eyes widened further as she realized that between his legs was a long, thick, heavily ribbed and very erect phallus. Worse, the tip of its long tail seemed to be equipped with a similar such tip. The overall effect was startling, frightening, and strangely alluring...
Tanj gasped at that last thought as she stood with her nose almost touching the glass, inches from its very prominent hard-on. "Alluring? THAT THING? Oh, Lord, what have they done to me that I could even find a horror like that... interesting? How have they changed me that I find wearing a blouse and skirt "strange"? Have they merely unlocked sensations and feelings, and desires that were slumbering within me, or have they so molded me, so warped me that what now seems natural to me, what seems proper an desirable is merely what they want me to find as such? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME???"
As the conflicting motions raged through her mind, Tanj moved around the column, examining the creature from all angles; some distant, analytical part of her mind was trying to determine if it might be a real creature, or some sort of puppet, or even a robot, while her conscious mind raged at her masters for what they'd done to her, or what they might have done to her...and at herself for what might be normal urges and thoughts brought to the surface and magnified... Every once in a while she'd catch herself, her gaze locked on one phallic shape, or the other, and with a shudder, she'd avert her gaze...
Tanj jumped a foot when a monitor beeped, and then beeped again, breaking her train of thought, interrupting her introspection, reminding her that she was being observed, and that whatever had brought her to this point, it was definitely desirable NOT to disappoint those that now held her life in the palms of their paws. Looking about wildly, she matched a flashing light with the intermittent, but steadily increasing beeping. The console said that heartbeat and respiration were increasing... that it was coming alive... Tanj scowled; "How can its respiration be increasing? Its submersed in liquid!" She looked up at the creature; it remained immobile save for a slight bobbing up and down in the liquid. Tanj looked down at the console again, at the supposed increasing life signs; when she looked back up, she frowned; the attitude of the creature seemed to have changed; it had swiveled, so that its elongated head now seemed to be "looking" at her, a disconcerting thought considering that it had no eyes...
Completely involuntarily, Tanj took a step backwards, as if something in the very core of her soul was bidding her to flee. As she stepped backwards, however, unfamiliar with the layout of the room, she seemed to come in contact with one of the seemingly randomly placed consoles. Something beeped, suggesting that her posterior had hit a switch, and with that noise, the monster floating in the column of green started thrashing. An inhuman screeching issued from within the transparent column, as the monster's talons tore at the plastic, scarring it deeply.
Some deep, primal part of Tanj wanted to turn, to run, to flee, whatever the consequences, but instead, the remnants of her logical engineer's mind made her turn to study the console behind her, in the vain hopes that she might be able to undo whatever she'd done, that she might be able to quiet the raging monster. "If nothing else, it should be a logical part of the "plot", and if I'm very lucky I'll find a way to flush that horror..." The ominous sound of cracking plastic forced her around however, and she stared in terror as a spiderweb of thin lines grew through the plastic cylinder. Suddenly the entire tube shattered, spilling a flood of viscous green liquid into the room, and with the loss of the liquid, the light level dropped considerably, partially compensated for by red emergency lights that started flashing, bathing the entire room in the color of blood. The tide of foul green slime washed Tanj from her feet, spilling her to the floor, now several feet deep in green goo, and she sensed, rather than saw the monster leap from the wreckage of its prison, to fly overhead. As Tanj tried to stand, to turn to face the terror now on the loose, Tanj thought "I wonder how the monster would like to feel my claws? If its not just a robot, or a puppet, I can at least let it know I was here..." but with a sigh, she banished that thought; her masters would not be happy if she damaged something; in fact, they might decide that a sex slave didn't really need claws anyways, and she did NOT want to give them any excuses to have her declawed...
Tanj caught sight of the monster, crouched high on the wall, near the ceiling, once again apparently studying her with its sightless face. She shuddered, and took a step back, and then another, trying to maintain her footing. However, as the monster leapt towards her, she slipped and went over backwards, landing hard on the floor, the back of her head thumping the floor solidly.
When the stars cleared from her vision, Tanj found herself pinned to the floor by the monster's bony body! Instinct got the better of her and she screamed loudly, her paws clawing ineffectually at its chest. The monster only picked her up with its talons and slammed her hard against the wall, pinning her there, her feet a good foot off the floor; she watched in horror as its head came closer and closer, dripping slime over her face, until its snakelike tongue licked out, slowly passing over her face, leaving a trail of slime; in fact, now that it was free of the cylinder, it seemed to literally exude slime. As its tongue slithered over her face, the monster used one wicked talon to literally rip the clothes from her body, leaving what little fabric remained in tatters. Tanj found her throat raw from screaming, but still managed to find enough breath for another shriek as the creature's monstrous cock nuzzled up between her thighs, to press hard against her pussy; this too dripped slime, and before she could draw a breath for another scream, it had slid deep into her, seemingly lifting her up, pressing her against the wall. As the thick phallus drove into her, it seemed to start to vibrate, and in spite of herself, Tanj moaned, the usual feelings of pleasure starting to nibble at the edges of her terror. The creature bent its head, and the snakelike tongue flicked out to slither over her breasts, coating her in more slime, and yet somehow, that slick, smooth feeling excited her nipples, making them stiff, making them hard; as the monster again crushed her body against the wall, the feeling of it chitinous surface against her slimed breasts seemed almost delicious. That thought, however, was torn from her mind as she felt the end of the creature's tail slide up between her thighs; she tossed back her head, trying to bridge from the wall, and howled out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" even as she felt the phallic tip of its tail drive deep into her ass!
Tanj's body jerked repeatedly, arms and legs flailing as the monster drove both cock and tail into her, their force alone seemingly keeping her suspended off the floor. They drove so deep into her, she was sure that the cock had forced the very entrance to her womb, while the phallic tail seemed to be threatening to emerge from her throat, each rib on their surface distinctly felt as they drove in and out! Moaning, Tanj made the mistake of glancing upwards; its visage was terrible, frightening, the lack of eyes in the prominent skull probably the worst part, and the lashing tongue, dripping slime... She screamed again, howls of terror, and... of lust? Her passions were definitely rising, her own juices adding to the slime seemingly dripping from every part of her body. She felt revolted, not so much at the monster, but that at the fact that she had been changed, altered, molded, and bent so much that she was actually starting to enjoy this, to savor the thrusting phallic shapes within her, enjoying the way she was pinned so forcefully, so helplessly to the wall as this nightmare creature ravished her! She moaned in shame at what she'd become! How could she be enjoying this?
Tanj panted hard, as the monster's cock spread her pussy wide, its tail stretching her ass just as wide. She mewled mindlessly, the situation rapidly overpowering her senses. She shuddered and howled, fighting to get free, fighting to get more, until finally the combined sensations were too much for her confused senses and she convulsed, thrashing without purpose, screaming out her pleasure as a massive climax tore through her body, her vaginal and anal muscles spasming hard around the thrusting phalluses. Her sentience seemed to have fled and she wailed, wanting ever more of what the monster was giving her with those two phalluses... It was almost as if the monster were waiting for that display, as if it fed off the waves of pleasure emanating from her nervous system, as moments later it had yanked its cock and its tail from her, to toss her to the floor. Tanj laid there, dazed, weak and panting as the monster screamed, both organs starting to spurt, as it too orgasmed. Tanj mewled as she felt what must have been literally gallons of the ropy, slimy strangely musked cum cover her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, bathing her. She gasped as it seemed to react with the slime the creature had been covering her with, hardening rapidly. She howled in terror, fighting to get free as the creature's cock and tail covered her with more and more of the stuff, until she was literally glued to the floor, pinned in a strange position, cocooned, only her ass and her muzzle exposed!
Tanj was nose deep in the baths, little bits of dried resin sticking to her fur here and there, a thoroughly disgusted look on her face, when the guards led Marla, the She-Wolf in, to get cleaned up. As she sunk down into the steaming water, Marla regarded her friend with a look of awe; "They showed us the video of your scene today; said it was a shining example of how to perform in a scene; why, the looks of horror, and of terror on your face were soooo real! You are a GREAT actress! Oooooo, and that monster! He was so deliciously evil looking and soooo sexy at the same time! I hope they let me have a crack at him!" Tanj looked at her friend and sighed; she thought to herself; "Monster. Yeah, but just who was the monster there? The creation of the "Academy", or was it me, for taking such perverse pleasure in it? Just what HAVE they done to me? What kind of a monster have they created?"
This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories are copyright Kittiara's player 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.