Amanita Muscaria (the Fly Agaric Mushroom) is JLF's most popular
item; the star attraction of this catalog. It is the genuine red
and white spotted toadstool of world-wide notoriety. Yet many
people today do not even realize it to be a true living plant,
only knowing it from its caricature in children's fairy-tale books,
on greeting cards, kitchen towels, key chains, curtains, wallpaper,
as candles, ceramics and other various assorted nic-nacs and what-nots.
It is a most beautiful creation of nature and can only be found
growing there; it can not be fruited in the lab. When it comes
to hunting, this mushroom can be most elusive. It is generally
considered to be very mysterious. It is, at least, absolutely
The late R. Gordon Wasson identified it as the Soma of the Rg
Veda; the first Hindus worshipped it as a god. The late John M.
Allegro proved that the original Christianity/Judaism also worshipped
it by deciphering that the bible is full of mushroom puns and
word plays; many proper names in the Bible are actually ancient
folk names for this mushroom. The Amanita muscaria has probably
had more common (folk) names given to it than any other life form
throughout history. Many of these names have been clouded in secrecy
and confusion for theorized reasons. The Fly Agaric seems to have
played some very significant roles in many ancient cultures in
some incredibly fascinating ways. In brief, it appears to have
served as a symbol for fertility, good fortune, health, wealth
and happiness (physical and spiritual).
Mycologists have so far named six different taxonomic variations.
These sub-species names are muscaria (red cap), flavivolvata (red-orange
cap), regalis (red-brown cap), formosa (yellow-orange cap), persicina
(melon cap) and alba (whitish cap). Each variation usually has
its own geographical growth range. The mushrooms have been mechanically
warm-air dried at under 110 degrees F using an original technique
developed by JLF for large amounts. This technique, which preserves
the mushrooms in the most perfect condition possible, requires
slicing for efficiency. The stems have also been detached from
the caps but are packaged together at the original ratio of about
one to two (by weight).