Annotated Texts

In this section I present two texts in Tepa. The first is a translation of the Chinese folk tale "The North Wind and the Sun." The second, "Two Otters", is a folk tale. The texts are presented in Tepa orthography as well as a narrower phonetic transcription; the devoicing of vowels has not been indicated since this will vary from speaker to speaker, or from occasion to occasion. Each sentence is then presented with morpheme-by-morpheme glosses and a (more or less) literal translation into English. I have supplied the first text, "The North Wind and the Sun" with additional clarificational notes.

The North Wind and the Sun


"The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak. They agreed that the one who first could make the traveller take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other. Then the North Wind blew with all his might, but the more he blew the tighter the traveller wrapped his cloak around him; and at last, the poor North Wind gave up the attempt. Then the Sun shone out warmly, and immediately the traveller took off his cloak. And so the North Wind had to admit that the Sun was stronger than he was."



(1) alekku pilii hatuuta-n tea esuhusatte ateka yuqea numa ehumu ekami hunumupu. (2) hakekelluu apisitette eqakkusu numaa nehunumuu esenna ne ehusa nuqu. (3) pusii pilii hatuuta nehusasuima. (4) hupusii-n pusii huhumuu-n humuu nehunumuu numaa neume. (5) tupeeta luwaa pilii hatuuta. (6) ilinii kamima tea. (7) hutiappe kusuu nehunumuu numaa. (8) huqayyakke ahusanequ tea.

phonetic transcription

(1) arekku pirii haDuuDandea esuhusatte aDe3a yuqea numa ehumu e3ami hunumuvu (2) ha3e3elluu aviSiDette eqakkusu numaa nehunumuu esenna ne ehusa nuqu (3) puSii pirii haDuuDa nehusasuima (4) huvuSiimbuSii huhumuunhumuu nehunumuu numaa neume (5) tuveeDa luwaa pirii haDuuDa (6) iriNii kamima tea (7) huZiappe kusuu nehunumuu numaa (8) huqayyakke ahusanequ tea

morpheme-by-morpheme analysis

Sentence (1)
0-    alekku    pilii  hatuu       =ta =n   tea e=  su= 0- husa 
3>3'- dispute:G wind:B left.hand:B =at =and sun SS= ?=  3- be.strong 

=tte  a=  0- teka yu    =qea   numa      e=  0- humu e=  0- kami 
=INDF DS= 3- move there =along traveller SS= 3- wrap SS= 3- be.warm 

h<un>umu   =pu
<INST>wrap =in

'The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was strong(er), when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak.'

Sentence (2)
hakekelluu     a=  0- pisite  =tte  e=  0-    qa"- kusu   numaa 
agree:PAUC:L:B DS= 3- =INDF SS= 3>3'- CBA- remove traveller:B

ne- h<un>umuu    e=  senna   ne  e=  0- husa      nu  =qu
3-  <INST>wrap:B SS= think:G DEM SS= 3- be.strong DEM =to

'They agreed that the one who was able to make the traveller take off his cloak should think himself stronger than the other.'

Sentence (3)
0- pusii  pilii  hatuu       =ta ne- husa      -sui  =ma
3- blow:B wind:B left.hand:B =at 3-  be.strong -NESS =with
'The North Wind blew with his strength.'

Sentence (4)
hu=  0- pusii  -n   0- pusii  hu=  0- humuu  -n   0- humuu 
and= 3- blow:B -and 3- blow:B and= 3- wrap:B -and 3- wrap:B 

ne- h<un>umuu    numaa       ne  =ume
3-  <INST>wrap:B traveller:B DEM =around
'But the more he blew, the more closely the traveller wrapped his cloak around him.'

Sentence (5)
tupee    =ta luwaa      pilii  hatuu       =ta
finish:B =at lie.down:B wind:B left.hand:B =at
'Finally, the North Wind gave up.'

Sentence (6)
0- ilinii  kami    =ma   tea
3- shine:B be.warm =with sun
'Then the Sun shone out warmly.'

Sentence (7)
hu=  tiappe      0- kusuu    ne- h<un>umuu    numaa
and= immediately 3- remove:B 3-  <INST>wrap:B traveller:B
'And immediately the traveller took off his cloak.'

Sentence (8)
hu=  0- qa"- yakke a=  0- husa      ne  =qu tea
and= 3- CBA- say:G DS= 3- be.strong DEM =to sun
'And so the North Wind had to admit that the Sun was strong(er) than he was.'

Two Otters



(1) pali kukki kin keaqea hutetka usuqu. (2) huyule pipte eyasa nekne neupeka keala. (3) huyakke pepemee kin "hakuteka yupte." (4) huyakeni "muma. hakuteka yupte." huyakenu "muma." (5) hualelekku alelekku. (6) huyakeni "hakuteka isiha. (7) kupilte nekenee huyakeyke 'kuki yu.'" (8) papli keaqea. (9) yakenu "muwakuki." (10) yakeni "kususu. (11) walukelukeepa mamma. (12) wakukki mamma."(13) huyakenu "muma. wasite nule." (14) hualekku nenne. (15) huyakenu niqu "hakuteka isiha."(16) apalini huteka usuume yake nekne kuki eteka keaqea. (17) huteka yu huulukee apali kukii. (18) yakenu "na?" (19) "sukunapa ayakee? (20) kukuki." (21) yakeni "hakuteka." (22) "yake susuu kule. (23) kukuki." (24) yakenu "naa. wateka." (25) hupali etuula kealaqea. (26) huyake hapite si te. (27) site yu." (28) hutekanu niqu eyake "na? muwakuki. (29) wasite. (30) yake nekne awasite." (31) tupee.

phonetic transcription

(1) pari kukki kii~ keaqea huDeTka usuqu (2) huyure pifte eyasa ne3ne neuve3a keara (3) huyakke pevemee kii~ ha3uDe3a yufte (4) huya3eNi muma ha3uDe3a yufte huya3enu muma (5) huarerekku arerekku (6) huya3eNi ha3uDe3a iSiha (7) kuvilde ne3enee huya3ei3e ku 3i yu (8) pavli keaqea (9) ya3enu muwa3u3i (10) ya3eNi kususu (11) waru3eru3eeva mamma (12) wa3ukki mamma (13) huya3enu muma waSiDe nure (14) huarekku nenne (15) huya3enu Niqu ha3uDe3a iSiha (16) avariNi huDe3a usuume ya3e ne3ne ku3i eDe3a keaqea (17) huD e3a yu huuru3ee avari ku3ii (18) ya3enu na (19) su3unava aya3ee (20) ku3u3i (21) ya3eNi ha3uDe3a (22) ya3e susuu kure (23) ku3u3i (24) ya3enu naa waDe3a (25) huvari eDuura kearaqea (26) huya3e haviDe SiDe (27) SiDe yu (28) huDe3anu Niqu eya3e na muwa3u3i (29) waSiDe (30) ya3e ne3ne awaSiDe (31) tuvee

English translation

Two otters were swimming downriver and came to a bend. From there they saw people living on the shore. Then the two friends said to each other, "You go ahead." Then the one said, "Not me. You go," and the other said "Not me." And they argued and prot ested for a long time. Then one said, "You go first. They will see you and say 'There is an otter.'" They were floating downstream. That one said, "I am not an otter." The first said, "But you are just the way I am. We are the same in every way. W e are both otters." The other said, "No, I am just 'another one.'" In this way they argued.

Then the second one said to the first, "You go first." When he (the first) swam by and went around the bend, the people said, "There is an otter going downstream." They came out and watched the otter swimming. "So?" the other one said, "Did you hear wh at they said? You are an otter." "Come! You too," said the first. "They will say the same of you. You are an otter." "All right. I will go," said the other, and he floated slowly down the river. Then (people said), "Look, another one. There is an other one." Then he came to the first, saying, "See? I am not an otter. I am 'another one.' The people said that I am 'another one.'"

The end.

Sentence (1)
0- pali kukki      kin keala =qea   hu=  0- tetka     usu  =qu
3- swim otter:PAUC two river =along and= 3- come:PAUC bend =to
Two otters were swimming downriver and came to a bend.

Sentence (2)
hu=  yu    =le   0- pipte    a=  0- yasa  nekne       upe   =ka
and= there =from 3- see:PAUC DS= 3- dwell person:COLL shore =on
From there they saw people living on the shore.

Sentence (3)
hu=  0-    yakke pepemee       kin ha= ku- teka yu    =pte
and= 3>3'- say:G friend:PAUC:B two !=  2-  go   there =up
Then the two friends said to each other, "You go ahead."

Sentence (4)
hu=  0- yake =ni  mu=  ma ha= ku- teka yu    =pte hu=  yake =nu
and= 3- say =this NEG= 1  !=  2- go   there =up  and= say  =that

mu=  ma
NEG= 1
Then the one said, "Not me. You go," and the other said "Not me."

Sentence (5)
hu=  0- alelekku     0- alelekku
and= 3- argue:G:PAUC 3- argue:G:PAUC
And they argued and protested for a long time.

Sentence (6)
hu=  0- yake =ni   ha= ku- teka isiha
and= 3- say  =this !=  2-  go   first
Then one said, "You go first.

Sentence (7)
ku-  pilte nekenee       hu=  0- yakeyke  0- kuki  yu
2>3- see:L people:COLL:B and= 3- say:DIST 3- otter there
The people will see you and say 'There is an otter.'"

Sentence (8)
0- papli      keaqea
3- float:PAUC downstream
They were floating downstream.

Sentence (9)
0- yake =nu   mu=  wa- kuki
3- say  =that NEG= 1-  otter
That one said, "I am not an otter."

Sentence (10)
0- yake =ni   ku-  susu
3- say  =this 2>1- equal
The first said, "But you are just the way I am.

Sentence (11)
wa- lukelukee    -pa   mamma
1-  thing:DIST:B -HAVE 1:PAUC
We are the same in every way.

Sentence (12)
wa- kukki      mamma
1-  otter:PAUC 1:PAUC
We are both otters."

Sentence (13)
hu=  0- yake =nu   mu=  ma wa- site    nule
and= 3- say  =that NEG= 1  1-  another just
The other said, "No, I am just 'another one.'"

Sentence (14)
hu=  0- alekku
and= 3- argue:G
In this way they argued.

Sentence (15)
hu=  0- yake =nu   ni   =qu ha= ku- teka isiha
and= 3- say  =that this =to !=  2-  go   first
Then the second one said to the first, "You go first."

Sentence (16)
a=  0- pali  =ni   hu= 0- teka usu  =ume    0- yake nekne       0- kuki
DS= 3- swim =this and= 3- go   bend =around 3- say  person:COLL 3- otter

e=  0- teka keaqea
SS= 3- go   downstream
When he (the first) swam by and went around the bend, the people said, "There is an otter going downstream."

Sentence (17)
hu=  0- teka yu    hu=  0- ulukee  a=  0- pali kukii
and= 3- come there and= 3- watch:B DS= 3- swim otter:B
They came out and watched the otter swim.

Sentence (18)
0- yake =nu   na
3- say  =that na
"So?" the other one said.

Sentence (19)
su= ku-  napa a=  yakee
?=  2>3- hear DS= say:B
"Did you hear what they said?

Sentence (20)
ku- kuki
2-  otter
You are an otter."

Sentence (21)
0- yake =ni   ha= ku- teka
3- say  =this !=  2-  come
"Come! You too," said the first.

Sentence (22)
0- yake susu ku =le
3- say  same 2  =about
"They will say the same of you.

Sentence (23)
ku- kuki
2-  otter
You are an otter."

Sentence (24)
0- yake =nu   naa. wa- teka.
3- say  =that good 1-  go
"All right. I will go," said the other,

Sentence (25)
hu=  0- pali  e=  0- tuula   keala =qea
and= 3- float SS= 3- be.slow river =down
and he floated slowly down the river.

Sentence (26)
hu=  0- yake ha- pite site
and= 3- say  !-  see  another
Then they said, "Look, another one.

Sentence (27)
0- site    yu
3- another there
There is another one."

Sentence (28)
hu=  0- teka =nu   ni   =qu e=  0- yake na mu=  wa- kuki
and= 3- go   =that this =to SS= 3- say  na NEG= 1-  otter
Then he came to the first, saying, "See? I am not an otter.

Sentence (29)
wa- site
1-  another
I am 'another one.'

Sentence (30)
0- yake nekne a= wa- site.
3- say person:COLL DS= 1- another
The people said that I am 'another one.'"

Sentence (31)
0- tupee
3- finish:B
The end.

Go back to the introduction.