The Alternative Yapese Dictionary
The Alternative Yapese Dictionary
Yapese slang - a part of
The Alternative Dictionaries collection.
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- b
- bun'
- +
pubic hair (n.)
Easily mispronounced as buun' ("Body odor").
- c
- chigliyaey
- +
ass (n.)
chigliyaey = his/her/its ass; chigliyaeg = my ass. chigliyaem = your ass.
- d
- daliif (n.)
- duun'
to defecate (v.i.)
- f
- fii'
to urinate (v.i.)
- k
- keruw
- -
foreskin (n.)
"Dari ea keruw" ("You have no foreskin") is considered a serious insult among Yapese males. Foreigners may hear this frequently, especially from children.
- l
- laanmit ea thuuth
nipple (n.)
Literally, "eye of the breast."
- m
- makakaey
- ++
horny (adj.)
Fan raa' kea call nigeem ya kea makakaey. ("Maybe he called you because he was horny.")
- mea'
to fuck (v.i.)
Gu bea laam naag nib mangil ni ngad mea' gow ("I think it's good if we two (inclusive of listener) fuck right now.").
- muchgubil
- +
"woman who goes around from house to house," whore (n.)
Tefaen ea muchgubil refers to a whorehouse or massage parlor, especially in Guam.
- q
- qathean
- ++
clitoris (v.)
Also, the name for a small fish. Ku gu waen nga fitaaq' fowngaan. ("I went fishing last night.") Mang ea kam koel? ("What did you catch?"). Qathean.
- s
- siirsiir
to masturbate (v.i.)
- t
- tataay
- +
vagina (n.)
Rhymes with babaay ("papaya"). A constant source of word play among Yapese males - e.g., "Ga baqadag bineem ea babaay?" ("Do you like that papaya/[pussy] over there?"). Or, "Senaa' ba boech ea babaay u Queen Bee." ("It's probable that there is a lot of papaya/[pussy] at the Queen Bee bar & restaurant.")
- thuuth
breast (n.)
- tuu'
- +
erect (adj.)
Ku gu tuu': "I have an erection."

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