The Alternative Swedish Dictionary
The Alternative Swedish Dictionary
Swedish slang - a part of
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- a
- anustova (noun)
anus knot
Means a twisted knot of ass hair and shit keeping it together. Example: "I wanna suck and chew your anus knot and taste your dried shit to make you horny." Often used in fore play in Göteborg.
- b
- baconpugga (fem. noun.)
- ++
piggish fucked-the-shit-out-of bitch
Used frequently in Västerbotten in northern Sweden.:- Satte du verkligen på den djävla baconpuggan?:- Did you really fuck that bloody piggish fucked-the-shit-out-of bitch?
- bajdyna (noun)
- +
Literal translation: Shit-cushion. Originates from the Swedish word for seat-cushion (sittdyna).
- bakmusad
back pussyed
- brass
marijuana (n.)
Commonly used by teens. See also: majja
- bryna på (verb)
- +
have anal sexual intercourse
Unknown origin. Used about the active part. Eg. Han bryna' på'na (He fucked her ass).
- brön (noun)
- +
Literal translation: Bread. Unknown origin.
- bög (m., noun)
gay, fagot
male homosexual
- bögslunga (noun)
Handbag for men
Literal translation: Fag-sling. Orginates from the idea that homosexual men swing their handbag (as if heterosexual men doesn't).
- börsmoppe (noun)
Literal translation: Stock exchange moped. Originates from the 80's when it was a hausse on the stock market and almost all stockbrokers become millionaires over a night.
- c
- cola (noun)
- cruel in the sky
- ++
something really good
The phrase are actually the name of a well known rock-group from sweden, and they were really really good.
- d
- dajmkryss.
- +
Anal entry
Something to say to a person you don't like: -Ditt jävla dajmkryss!!:-you fucking anal entry!!
- ditt jävla såll
you´re fucking behind my back
- f
- fan
- +
used frequently as an equivalent for everything from "damn" to "shit": Vad fan gör du? What the hell are you doing?
- fesljummen
En fesljummen vodka - A lukewarm vodka
- fingerpulla (verb)
- +
finger fuck
example: fingerpulla hon (fitta)/ finger her (pussy)
- fitta
- +
- fittafis
- +
queif, pussyfart
The sound of air going out of her pussy during sex, especially doggystyle
- fittansikte
- +
pussy face
- fittslickare!
- +
pussy licker
Use when you want to insult a male person: -Din jävla fittslickare!Du är helt körd! -You fucking pussy licker!You are totally wasted!
- fittsås (noun)
- ++
Secretion from hypogastrium
Mostly used as an interjectional swear-word. Literal translation: Pussy-sauce.
- fjolla (noun)
The word originally means a foolish (silly) woman, a goose. Nowadays it's also used about a homosexual man who acts feminine.
- fladdermus
A female bitch who fucks everyone
Originates from the word mus=pussy Direct translation: A pussy that flies around and fucks anything. Used by male friends about questionable girls.
- flata (noun)
Homosexual woman. Unknown origin. Eg. Flatan slog ner killen som bjöd upp henne (The dyke hit the guy who asked her to dance with him).
- flänsost
dick cheese
What you get when not had a shower for a long time.
- fulla helvete (n.)
- +
fucking bitch; ugly bitch
- g
- giftbrun
- ++
toxic pussy
Use when you want tell a male person to not touch a girl. Whatch up! She have an toxic pussy = Akta dig hon är en giftbrunn! Its very insulting to say that word to an female...
- Goastocken i köttarännan
The big dick in the flesh-entry
- gummihatt (noun)
literal translation=rubber hat
- göka (verb)
- +
Sexual intercourse (vaginal or anal)
Unknown origin.
- göra en Persson (phrase)
To lie about one's academic examina two weeks before one is to be elected leader of the Socialdemocratic Party and become the prime minister of Sweden
Literal translation: To do a Persson. Originates from the Swedish minister of finance Mr Göran Person.
- göra en sahlinare (phrase)
To buy Toblerones and napkins with the government's credit card.
Literal translation: To do a Sahlin. Originates from the former vice prime minister Mrs Mona Sahlin's affair that caused her resignation two months before she was to become the prime minister of Sweden.
- h
- hala trappor (phrase)
slippery stairs
Refers to the snail-tracks that occur in some nightclubs. Eg. Det stället har hala trappor. That place has slippery stairs.
- handjobb (n.)
hand job
also: masturbering
- handtralla
to jerk off
Archaic. Used in 'Dra en handtralla'. Lit. means (railway)trolley.
- hane
hane (weener)
It´s the thing that sometimes sticks out of your underwares when you think of Pamela Anderson's titts. Det rycker lite i hanen (my weener is snatching)
- helvete
Used as in: Dra t helvete! Go to Hell!
- Hon är inte helt ny
She isn't very new
If you are drunk and meet a the most beautiful girl and the morning after you realise: this bitch is a hundered years old!
- hora, Victoria
- ++
- hynda
- +
bitch/female bad dog
Used mostly by males to express their disliking about a female.
- i
- innerfitterött
Inner pussy red
Shade of color, refers to the deep pink color inside vagina
- j
- jidder
- +
crap, bullshit.
slang to describe what a "bullshiter" is shiting out.
- jonna (verb)
Old Stockholm-slang. Unknown origin.
- jonne (noun)
Old Stockholm-slang. Unknown origin.
- jucka (verb)
- +
to fuck
Old Swedish word for jolt, jog, bop, rock, jump up and down or a movement back and forth.
- k
- klitta (noun)
- +
Slang for clitoris
- Knulla Handen
Fucking the hand
Masturbating. To fuck your own hand.
- knulla
- +
This word has only the meaning of the physical act.
- knöllare
- +
fucker, dick
nickname for dick, like in: it itching on my fucker
- konkelbär
See: anustova
- kronjon (noun)
idiot, moron
Used to describe a person who is extremely stupid. Ex.
- kuk
- +
- kukhuvud (noun)
- ++
Dick head
The word is used for glans or as an insult. Eg. Ditt dumma kukhuvud! (You stupid dick head!)
- kuksås (noun)
- ++
Literal translation: Dick-sauce
- kåt
- +
It´s when you need to take your lady/man no reasons what, you´re just very, very horny
- l
- Lok (noun)
Literal translation: Railway engine. Originates from the incredibly popular TV host Loket.
- m
- majja (n.)
Commonly used by teens. See also: brass
- mus
- +
vagina, "pussy", lit. "mouse"
Used by both men and women.
- mutta
- n
- noll-åtta
- +
Bad word for a person from Stockholm
Originates from the phonecode for Stockhom which is 08. You say "noll" as written and "åtta" sounds like the first part of "Ottawa". Example: -John is a noll-åtta!
- o
- orre
Babe (good looking)
kolla orren. Check out that babe. "Rinkeby" slang.
- p
- packa skit (verb)
Having anal intercourse
Literal translation: Pack shit.
- parkera bussen (verb)
Literally meaning; Parking the bus. Eg. Parkera bussen i pastejköket. Parking the bus in the patty-kitchen.
- pippa
Sexual intercourse (vaginal or anal)
Unknown origin.
- pissa taggtråd (verb)
To piss barbed wires.
Means that one has clamydia. As example: "Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan."="Damn, now I am pissing barbed wires again, I should not have made love to that darling".
- PKHS (abb.)
- +
Tit-fuck with chin-spray
Abbreviation of Pattknull med haksprut.
- plurret (noun)
The sea/ocean/water
Old Stockholm-slang. Unknown origin. Eg. Han ramla' i plurre'! (He fell into the water).
- Pojkros (noun)
A young boy's ass hole
Literal translation: A boy's rose. Used among pederasts.
- pugga (noun)
Old homosexual male
Mostly used among gay people.
- pälsbiff
Fur-steake, or a pussy with very much hair on. Commanly phrase connected with the other female parts.
- r
- Rena Jurasic Park!
- +
Fuckin' Jurasic Park
A girl besides you after a nights heavy drinking. See also ²Hon är inte helt ny.²
- runka
to jerk off
- rännskita (noun)
- +
Literal translation: Running butt. Ränn is dialect for rinna (run, flow, stream etc.)
- räpa (noun)
- ++
bush bitch
Equal to Jurassic Park, or what you might find there.
- röv (noun)
- rövgöka mig för fan
Get your cock up in my chocolate highway, damn it
- rövhål (noun)
Literal translation: Ass hole. Can also be used about persons. Eg. Han ar ett rövhål (He is an ass hole)
- Rövskägg
A furr of hair that´s hanging out of your butt.
- rövsmör
When you are hot in your pants, and it feels like butter
or like, when you're having problems whith your digestives and you tryes to fart and somethings quite different than air comes out in your underpants
- s
- satan
- +
Used like "damn" or "fuck". Stronger than "fan". Can be used alone as as interjection, or in combination with other curses, e.g. "Satans helvete!"
- skit
Sounds like "shit" but only as strong as "crap".
- skita (verb)
crap; don't care
Jag skitar i vad han säger (lit., "I crap in what he says") / I don't care what he says
- Skitpackare
- ++
Used to homosexual men.
- slatcha
- +
Killen slatchade bruden. The guy fucked the babe. "Rinkeby" slang.
- slyna
- +
-din djävla slyna! in case of need to insult girl/boyfriend or slow busdriver like:-Kör fortare din jävla slyna! Can be used also between near friends who like to call eachothers something else than their real surnames.
- snaska kotte
speaks for itself!
- snopp (noun)
Mostly used among children. Unknown origin
- snoppfälla
dicktrap, or a female person that's very horny(or prostituted)
- Snorbobba
(Snoor-Bobba) Pronounced as two words The green and sticky version that's nearly impossible to get rid of
- sprutluder
cum whore
Sometimes used for describing a a worn-out horny whore leaving slimy snail tracks behind her. Like: "Ditt jävla sprutluder", which you address your bitch you picked up, after you fucked her up, and threw a towel at her.
- spännbög
- ++
strap faggot
- stjärt, rumpa
Butt, ass
Common word especially when you want say something to a girl named Victoria
- Stjärthål (noun)
See: Rövhål
- stock (stock)
log, timber
nickname for dick, like: bend over bitch and taste my log
- stolle-bocke-fjong (noun)
giant hard on
no need to make a comment.
giant hard on
no need to make a comment.
- strumpa (verb)
Strumpa really means stocking, and refers to where you sprout your sperms when masturbating. Example: Jag gjorde en strumpa i morse. I did the stocking this morning
- stötarröv
push butt
Tjean Stötarröven! Hello Push butt! When you talk to someone and just want to call him/her something not so polite
- subba (fem.noun.)
Fat fucking bitch
- Sug min kuk! (phrase)
Suck my dick!
- sur-fjas
acid pussy
Used for calling girls something bad. "You're a damn acid pussy (surfjas)". Also good for addressing men.
- sätta på (verb)
- +
sexual intercourse (vaginal or anal)
Literal translation: Put on. Used about the active part. Eg. Han satte på henne (He fucked her).
- t
- tagg (noun)
Literal translation: Prickle. Old Stockholm-slang. Unknown origin. Eg. Har'u en tagg? (Can I have a cigarette, please?)
- tokjucka
fuck crazily
Tokjucka så skinkorna går i hundraåttio = Fuck crazily so that the cheeks of your butt goes in 180 km/h. This can be used if you want to tell a friend how you fucked.
- Torrjucka
- +
Dry fuck
Speaks for it self....
- traskpadda (noun)
swamp frog
example: Håll kaften traskpadda
- trugpitt
penis not gettin' inside (male butt)
- tulle
- ++
A very strong word. Originates from the family- name of a famous homosexual.
- tuttar (noun)
Unknown origin.
- tveksamma handleder (expression)
Literal translation: Doubtful wrists. Used about male homosexuals.

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