TAD Contents

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Number of entries for each language:

    Acadian                     1    Latin                      12
    Afrikaans                   8    Latvian                     2
    Albanian                    1    Lithuanian                  3
    Alemannic                  39    Lower_Sorbian               0
    Alsatian                    0    Luxemburgian                0
    Amharic                     1    Macedonian                 17
    Arabic                     30    Malay                       0
    Armenian                    4    Maltese                     3
    Assamese                    0    Maori                       0
    Asturian                    0    Marathi                     0
    Austrian                    8    Mongolian                   0
    Azerbaijani                11    Nepali                      2
    Baluchi                     0    Norwegian                  54
    Basque                     20    Occitan                     7
    Bavarian                    0    Oriya                       0
    Bengali                     0    Panjabi                     6
    Bielorussian               50    Pashto                      0
    Breton                     26    Persian                    24
    Bulgarian                   6    Polish                    107
    Burmese                     0    Portuguese                 53
    Cajun                       1    Quebecois                  65
    Cantonese                  19    Rheto-Romance               0
    Catalan                   155    Romanian                   39
    Chinese                    12    Russian                   146
    Classical_Greek             0    Sami                        1
    Corsican                    0    Sardinian                   0
    Czech                      34    Sardinian                   0
    Danish                     10    Scots                      10
    Dutch                     203    Scots_Gaelic                1
    English                   418    Serbo-croat                13
    Esperanto                  31    Sinhala                     0
    Estonian                    5    Slovak                      7
    Faroese                     0    Slovene                     1
    Finnish                    48    Somali                      0
    French                    132    Spanish                   310
    Frisian                     1    Sunda                       0
    Fulfulde                    0    Swahili                     2
    Galician                    9    Swedish                   120
    German                    150    Swiss_German               91
    Greek                      15    TEST                      123
    Gujarati                    1    Tagalog                     0
    Haitian_Creole_French       2    Tajiki                      0
    Hausa                       0    Tamil                       1
    Hawaiian                    2    Telugu                      2
    Hebrew                     22    Thai                        2
    Hindi                      14    Tibetan                     1
    Hungarian                 175    Turkish                    37
    Icelandic                   7    Turkmen                     0
    Indonesian                  9    Ukrainian                  35
    Irish_Gaelic                9    Upper_Sorbian               0
    Italian                   201    Urdu                        1
    Japanese                   13    Uzbek                       3
    Javanese                    0    Venetian                    0
    Kannada                     0    Vietnamese                  2
    Kashmiri                    0    Welsh                       2
    Kazakh                      0    Wolof                       0
    Khmer                       0    Xhosa                       0
    Kirghiz                     0    Yapese                     15
    Korean                      7    Yiddish                    17
    Kurdish                     4    Zulu                        0
    Lao                         0
3128 entries total, 79 of 120 dictionaries have entries (not including the 'TEST' dictionary)

You may find a comprehensive list of the world's languages on the Ethnologue page.

Edited and maintained by HC