The Alternative Romanian Dictionary
The Alternative Romanian Dictionary
Romanian slang - a part of
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These characters or character combinations should be used for transliteration:
s~ t~ á
- b
- bagati-as pula-n git de poponar!
- ++
fuck you down the throat
it literally addresses a homosexual but it is used widely for all kinds of persons
- bás~inar (masc. noun, pl. -i)
[b@Si'nar] Literally: someone who farts From bás~iná (fart) Usage: Unde-i bás~inaru' ála? (Where is that farthead?). S~efu-i un bás~inar nenorocit (Our boss is a bloody farthead).
- bás~iná (fem. noun, pl. bás~ine)
[b@'Sin@] Literally: ~ Usage: Am tras o bás~iná (I farted). Cine s-a bás~it aici? (Who farted here?). Nu face nici cit o bás~iná (It's not worth a fart).
- c
- coi (neutr. noun, pl. coaie)
ball, family jewel
[coy, kwa-'yay] Literally: ~ Usage: Dá-te la o parte sau it~i trag un s~ut in coaie (Get out of my way or I'll kick your balls).
- cur (neutr. noun, pl. cururi)
- -
ass, arse
['kewr] Literally: ~ From: Perhaps from sella curulis~ Roman term for official chair? Usage: Pupa-m-ai in cur (Kiss my ass). Futu-te-n cur (Fuck your ass). Ce curu' meu vrei? (What the fuck do you want?). Uite la ea cum dá din cur (Look at her swinging her ass). Cu curu-n douá luntri (Swinging both ways). S~terge-o cá-t~i trag un s~ut in cur (Get lost before I kick your ass).
- cáca, a se (v. intr.)
to shit
['kuh-kah] Literally: ~ From Latin caco Usage: S-a cácat pe el de fricá (He was so scared he shit himself). Má cac in gura ta (I shit in your mouth). Cáca-m-as~ pe el (I shit on him.). Máninci cácat (Literally 'you eat shit', but used as equivalent of 'you don't know shit').
- cácat (masc. noun, pl. cácat~i)
[kuh-'katt] Literally: ~ From cáca, to shit. Usage: Ai intrat in cácat pin-la gat (You're up the creek without a paddle). Vorbes~ti cácat (You talk shit). Ce-i cácatu' ásta? (What's this shit?). Minca-mi-ai cácatu' (Eat my shit).
- cácánar (masc. noun, pl. -i)
- +
[kuh-kuh-'narr] Literally: ~ From cáca, to shit. Usage: Es~ti un cácánar (You are a shithead).
- d
- da la muie, a (locution)
- +
to suck cock, to polish the knob
[dar lar 'moo-yay] Literally: to receive fellatio Usage: I-am dat la muie (He sucked my cock). I-a dat la muie (She sucked his cock). Nimeni nu dá muie ca ea (No one sucks cock like her).
- da limbi, a (locution)
- +
to lick cunt
[dar 'limbi] Literally: to give tongue From: Usage: Se duce cu el ca sá-i dea limbi (She goes out with him 'cause he licks her cunt.)
- du-te dracului (locution)
- -
go to hell
[doo-'tay 'dra-koo-looy] Literally: ~ From Latin draco, serpent or devil Usage: Used as such as a mild expletive.
- f
- fire-ai al dracului (locution)
- -
go to hell
[phee-'ray al 'dra-koo-looy] Literally: may you belong to the devil From Latin draco, serpent or devil Usage: Used as such as a mild expletive.
- futai | futere (neutr. noun, pl. futaie)
- +
fuck {noun}
[foo-'ty | foo-'tay-ray] Literally: ~ From Latin futuo Usage: Ce futai! (What a fuck). Mi s-a acrit de futaiu' ásta (I've had enough of this mess).
- fute, a (v. intr.)
- +
to fuck
[foo-'tay or 'foo-tay] Literally: ~ From the Latin futuo Usage: Má fut in ea de mas~iná (Fuck this car). Hai sá ne futem (Let's fuck). Am futut-o de s-a rupt patu' cu noi (I fucked her till the bed broke under us). Many other imprecations (see below).
- futu-te-n (cur | git | gurá | nará) (locution)
- ++
fuck your ass | throat | mouth | nostril
[foo-'too-tenn 'kewr | guht | 'goo-ruh | 'nar-reh] Literally: ~ Usage: Futu-te-n cur de idiot (Fuck your ass~ idiot). Futu-te-n git de pars~iv (Fuck your throat~ you bastard). Futu-te-n gurá de pars~iv (Fuck your mouth, you bastard). Futu-te-n nara ta de vagabond (Fuck your nostril, you bum).
- fututi gura!
Fuck you!
commonly used expression
- fututi pizda mati
- +
fuck your motha' !
- g
- gáoazá (fem. noun, pl. gáoaze)
- +
asshole, arsehole
[guh-'wa-zuh] Literally: ~ Usage: Rupe-t~i-as~ gáoaza (I'll break your asshole). Bái gáoazá (Hey, you asshole!)
- l
- lindic (neutr. noun, pl. lindicuri or lindice)
- +
clit, clitoris
[leen-'dick] Literally: ~ Usage: Lindicu' má-ti de s~ofer timpit (Your mother's clit~ you stupid trucker).
- linge in cur, a (locution)
lick someone's ass; suck up to someone
['lin-djay 'koo-rool] Literally: lick someone's ass From: Usage: Ia márit leafa pen' cá-l linge-n cur pe s~ef (He got a raise because he licks his boss' ass).
- p
- pis~a, a se (v. intr.)
to piss
[pee-'shar] Literally: ~ Usage: O sá má pis~ in s~ant~ (I'll piss in the ditch). Te pis~i pe el de camion (This truck is good only for pissing on it; this truck is no good). Pis~a-m-as~ in gura ta (I piss in your mouth). S-a pis~at pe el de fricá (He was so scared he wet his pants). Nu te mai pis~a imprás~tiat (Stop pissing everywhere; also means 'stop talking rubbish').
- pis~at (masc. noun, plural pis~at~i)
piss {noun}
[pee-'shat] Literally: ~ Usage: Nu face nici cit un pis~at (It's worthless).
- pizda ma-tti
- ++
Your mother's cunt
Truly abominable. The text before and after the expression is implied, and it is the worst anyone can imagine. A just cause for assault
- pizdá (fem. noun, pl. pizde)
- +
['peez-duh] Literally: ~ Usage: Pizda má-ti de nemernic (Fuck your mother's cunt~ you bastard). Vrei pizdá? (Do you want some cunt?). Nu mai sta cu pizda-n vint (Don't strut your stuff so much). Miroase-a pizdá (I smell a cunt). Also used in many imprecations~ such as futu-t~i pizda má-ti, etc.
- poponar (masc. noun, pl. -i)
fag, pooftah, cocksucker
[paw-paw-'naar] Literally: ~ From popou, behind. Usage: Ce-a vrut poponaru' ála? (What did that cocksucker want?)
- pula
- pulá (fem. noun, pl. pule or puli)
dick, cock
['poo-luh] Literally: ~ Usage: Ce pula mea? (What the fuck?). Unde pula mea te duci? (Where the fuck are you going?). Bága-t~i-as~ pula-n gurá (Fuck your mouth). Bága-t~i-as~ pula-n cur (Fuck your ass). Bága-mi-as~ pula-n el de calculator (Fuck this bloody computer). S-ar da ea la pulá de-ar putea (She'd like to get laid).
- pupa-ma-n cur
- +
Kiss my ass
Self-explanatory. It probably means that I don't care for what you have just said, or that I am not in agreement with you. At all!
- r
- rahat (masc. noun)
- -
[rar-'khat] Literally: Turkish delight From Turkish rakhat. Usage: Used as a milder form of cácat (q.v.)
- s
- suge (pula | pixul), a (locution)
- +
to suck cock
['soo-jay 'poo-lar] Literally: to suck (cock | ballpoint pen) From: Usage: Sugi pula! (You're a cocksucker).
- sulá (fem. noun, pl. suli)
dick, cock
['soo-luh] Literally: ~ Usage: cf. pulá
- t
- trage pe sub mustat~á, a o (locution)
- ++
suck my cock
[seh tseeaw trarg pay soob moos-'tar-tseh] Literally: let me put it under your whiskers (moustache) Usage: Ce t~i-as~ mai trage pe sub mustat~a ta de polit~ai (You cops can suck my cock).
- t~it~á (fem. noun, pl. t~it~e)
- -
['tsuh-tseh] Literally: ~ Usage: Ia sá-t~i vád t~it~ele (Let me see your tits).
- {
- (du-te-n) moas~-ta pe ghiat~á (locution)
- -
get lost
['doo-tenn 'mowash-tar pay 'gheea-tsuh] Literally: go sliding on ice to your midwife Usage: Used as a mild imprecation.
- (futu-t~i) Christos~ii s~i (Dumnezeii | Dumnescris~ii | Dumnezeirea) má-ti (locution)
- +
No English equivalent.
['foo-twotsi krees-'taw-shee shee doom-ne-'ze-ee | doom-'ne-'skreeshee | doom-ne-zay-eeray muh-'tee ] Literally: your mother's Christs and Gods From the Greek Khristos and Latin pascha and Domine Deus Usage: Used as such as a strong imprecation.
- (futu-t~i) (Dumnezeii | Dumnescris~ii) má-ti (locution)
- ++
No English equivalent.
[(foo-'tootsi) doom-ne-'ze-ee | doom-ness-'kree-shee 'muh-tee] Literally: Fuck your mother's Gods (abbrev. Your mother's Gods) Usage: Used as a very strong imprecation. May incite to violence.
- (futu-t~i) (git~ii | gura | pizda) má-ti (locution)
- ++
No English equivalent.
[(foo-'tootsi) 'guh-tsee | 'goo-rah | peez-'dar 'muh-tee] Literally: fuck your mother's (throats | mouth | cunt) Usage: Used as such as a very strong imprecation
- (futu-t~i) (Pas~tile | Pas~tele) s~i (Dumnezeii | Dumnescris~ii) má-ti (locution)
- +
No English equivalent.
['foo-twotsi 'paash-tee-lay | 'pash-tay-lay shee doom-ne-'ze-ee | doom-nay-'skree-shee muh-'tee ] Literally: your mother's Easter and Gods From the Latin pascha and Domine Deus Usage: Used as such as a strong imprecation.
- (Pas~tile | Pas~tele) má-ti (locution)
- +
No English equivalent.
['paash-tee-lay muh-'tee] Literally: your mother's Easter From the Latin pascha Usage: Unde pas~tele má-ti ai fost? (Where the hell have you been?). Ce pas~tile má-ti vrei? (What the fuck do you want?).

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