The Alternative Quebecois Dictionary
The Alternative Quebecois Dictionary
Quebecois slang - a part of
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Also known as Joual or Canadian French.
See also the French dictionary.
- a
- accouche qu'on baptise! (verb + pronoun + verb)
give birth that we may baptize!
Get on with it! Often only the first word is used and the rest understood: 'Accouche!!'
- Avoir des plans de negres
- +
To have bad intentions or ideas
That expression has racist tendencies even if the person who say it don't pretends to be one.
- Avoir l'air de la chienne à Jacques
Looks like Jack`s dog (bitch)
This expression is used to describe someone (usually a woman or girl) who is not looking too clean or attractive. I.e. Elle a l'air de la chienne à Jacques c'matin. Translation: She looks like Jack's dog (bitch) this morning.
- avoir l'air simple
make a fool of himself
Local expression used in the Saguenay-Lake St-Jean area.
- avoir la chienne
to get scary
to have great fear face to a very difficult situation.
- b
- bazou (masc. noun)
heap {old wreck of a car}
Often used in the sarcastic sense, in appreciation of a really hot new car - 'un beau bazou ca'.
- becosse (fem. noun)
outdoor privy
From the English: backhouse. Quite an acceptable term - very lady-like.
- ben criss
- boucane
smoke (fem. noun)
A Native-Canadian word incorporated into the Canadian-French vocabulary. (De la viande boucanee) - smoked meat. Europeans learned this preservation technique from American (Canadian) natives.
- boules (noun, feminine, plural)
Quebec girls are widely rumored to have nice sets of "boules" - and they can be grabbed as in "il lui a pogné les boules".
- boutte (masc. noun)
- +
erect penis
Literally - the extended end of an object. It can also refer to sexual activity (il ferait n'importe quoi pour le boutte) The proper French spelling is 'bout' (the tail end of something). With reference to sexual activity the term is often 'bout de queue' (piece of tail).
- brosse (noun)
to get drunk
Usally used in the expression : "Prendre une brosse: It means to get "pissed",ya know too much alcool...
- c
- calisse (noun)
- +
Damn... (Religion)
It is better used by saying calisse de crisse de tabarnak d'ostie de ciboire de testament.
- calisse
- +
Damn... (Religion)
It is better used by saying calisse de crisse de tabarnak d'ostie de ciboire de testament.
- cave
stubbornly stupid individual
Used when frustrated about someone's obstinately contrary behavior."Eye le cave!"
- chienne (fem. noun)
- ++
whore,bitch literal'female of dog'
Derogatory term for girl, use it with care !!!
- chiotte
- +
toilet (fem. noun)
Literally - shitter or shitting place. A rather crude word. (Il est parti a chiotte.)
- cochon
pig, in sense of cup
- crisse moi patience! (expression)
- +
leave me alone, go away.
To say when someone is bothering you, when you're tired of that person.
- d
- dépanneur (masc. noun)
mini-store, mini-grocery
"Dépanneur" is a kind of mini-grocery, mini-store that you can find on almost every street corner, which is open from 7 AM to 11 PM. There is almost everything there, but mostly food and alcohol. The word is so used that even Anglo-Quebecers have assimilated it in his French form!
- f
- faire ses patatoumes (vb. + noun)
making love
Used with a sense of humour. (Elle n'a jamais fait ses patatoumes.)
- fifi(m), moumoune(f), moune(f), fife(m) (all nouns)
They are synonyms of queer, gays, homosexual.
Commonly used words for homosexuals. The word in parentheses refers to the gender.
- fourrer
to fuck/ or / to make a mistake
- g
- gosses (fem. noun)
- -
Literally: seed pods. Just a bit rude, probably should not be used in polite conversation.
- graine (fem. noun)
- +
Definitely not used in a polite conversation.
- grosse Corvette, petite quéquette (expression: adj. + noun)
- +
big Corvette, small dick
To compensate your anatomy (unfavoured by nature) by material show-off.
- guidoune (noun)
(gueedoon). Cette femme est habillee comme une guidoune
- j
- jo (masc. noun)
The pronounciation is 'djo' as it would be in English. (Elle a de tout petits jos.)
- l
- laisse faire
forget it
- m
- magasiner (verb)
to shop
"Magasiner" derives from "magasin", which means "store". In France, people rather use "faire des courses" or "faire du shopping" but in Quebec, "magasiner" is the correct verb and is widely used.
- mange de la marde
- +
eat shit.
Notice that, whereas European french say merde, and often enough mean it in a pleasant way, Quebecois say marde, and don't.
- mettre (verb)
- +
have sex with
Literally - to put, or wear as a garment. (J'aimerais donc la mettre.) This is slightly rude.
- moumoune
Noun.Fem. Not as neutral as queer; can be compared to "tapette". Ex.: Une vraie moumoune! Can also discribe someone who is a coward, a whimp.
- n
- niaiseux(se)
idiot, silly fool
mildly reprobative: "Té ben niaiseux!"
- o
- on va se la farcir
we'll god damn fuck her!!
Exemple: Hey, on va aller se farcir la criss de plotte là-bas!!! translate: Hey, we'll god damn going to fuck the fuckin pussy!!
- ostie
- ++
The holy bread,the symbolic representation of Christ's body
- p
- pachipagi (masc. noun)
- -
Usually used with a sense of humour, or when speaking to a child.
- pacter
to be drunk. [packtey]
- passer une nuit blanche
have a sleepless night
used when somebody can't sleep due to 1- personnal problems 2- a youg baby crying all the night 3- a bad toothache
- pataclan (masc. noun)
- -
Usually used with a sense of humour, or when speaking to a child.
- peau (fem. noun)
- ++
Literally - skin. It is a rather nasty word that suggests one to be dirty and generally unkept.
- picrelle (fem. noun)
- -
The English equivalent would probably be closer to 'tramp'.
- plotte (qualificative, noun)
- +
(pronunciation: plot)Two different definitions They're both associated with woman. The first is the genital of the women (used as a noun) the second is a qualificative of amoral woman.
- Plotte dossée
- ++
(Plowte doe-say)Vagina infected with some type of venereal disease
This expression is extremely vulgar and should not be used to describe one's health state to a family physician or nurse -- especially at the emergency ward of the hospital.
- poutine (noun)
A Quebec-invented food, no translation.
Thick french fries mixed together with cheese curd lumps, smothered and melted together in a hot brown gravy. Poutine is considered as a form of "fast food", which has now begun to spread outside Quebec.
- r
- Robine
very bad quality alchool or alchool substitute
Used by some homeless people
- râper le fromage à cap (verb phrase)
to suck on an unwashed foreskin
it is well-known that what accumulates under the foreskin of uncut males has a strong smell of cheese. giving a blowjob when "le cap" has not been washed is therefore analogous, in a way, to grating a cheesy substance.
- s
- se bêcher
to fall/ trip on something
Often said when you want to make fun of someone who fell or triped (?). As in: "quin! tu t'es bêché!!!!"
- se crosser
to wank
- Se fermer la trappe
Stop talking or speak / Stay silent
Used when a person has a tendency to speak to much.
- slomeau(noun, masc)
This word design a person not exactly known for is abilities to understand quickly. ...
This word was created in honor of a well-known Quebec Family (Jumbo, Popa, and their two sons, Rosario and Tito). For further details, see Elvis Gratton.
- swing la bacaisse dans l'fond d'la boite à bois
swing the fat lady at the bottom of the wood box
often said when you see a big lady in a big party
- t
- tabarnaque/tabarnak! (interjection)
- +
Goddam it!
[ta'barnak] Literally, the Tabernacle, the place where the Eucharist is kept in a Roman Catholic church.
- tapette
poof, fairy
An (effeminate) gay man. Alludes to limp-wristedness, as the literal sense is "fly-swatter".
- tata (masc. noun)
fool. Ostie de tata de crisse!
- trou d'cul
ass hole
more effective if you use ostie d'trou d'cul
- trou de passage (noun, masculine)
- ++
A hole for passing through
This is a rather insulting way of describing a female with whom your relationship won't exactly be long term. E.G. "Celle-la, c'est qu'un trou de passage." If your girlfriend feels you haven't been paying enough attention to her, she may well ask "Est-ce que tu me prend pour un trou de passage?"
- twit
This word is use to describe a rather silly person...
T'es un beau twit!
- twit(noun, masc)
This word is use to describe a rather silly person...
ex: T'es un beau twit!
- tête de rubber
Someone who's not brilliant
- u
- une calice de ...
a fuckin damn ...t
- v
- va chier
go take a crap
Also used in it's milder from: Va peter dans les fleurs, meaning "Go fart in the flower bed"
- viarge (fem. noun)
- ++
A rather nasty expletive - an allusion to the Virgin Mary. The word seems to derive its nastiness from the mispronounciation of the word 'vierge'. The expression becomes much ruder when 'trou de cul de' is placed in front of it
- virrer une brosse (expression)
To get drunk and get sick.
Use when you partyed too much: "jai viri une brosse hier" To get sick after drinking.
- é
- épais
in sense of brainless

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