The Alternative Norwegian Dictionary
The Alternative Norwegian Dictionary
Norwegian slang - a part of
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- b
- bollemus
- ++
Mean the same as the norwegian «venusbeg», but here is the shape extremly curved.
- bollingmoer (masc. noun)
- ++
extremely lazy, stupid, ignorant, and fat person
Very regional expression used in the Hundhammaren region outside Trondheim. Derogatory.
- bryster
- d
- dass
The place where u go to shit ... the toilet. (not your bed I hope!)
- Dra dit pepper'n gror
go where the pepper is growing
Allmost the same as "go to hell", but not that strong expression.
- Dra til helvete
Go to hell
(no further info i required here.)
- drittsekk
- +
Often translated to the elnglish expression: asshole.
- dæven steike
This expression, along with several others, shows the use of the subjunctive ('steike'). The subjunctive is extinct in Norwegian, but survives in some idioms ('leve kongen' - 'live the king'), and is commonly used in expletives similar to this one.
satan friing
very regular svear-expression. (often used when somebody is wery surprised)
- f
- faen
- +
Most common swear word
- fitte
- ++
pussy (cunt)
Used to refer to a female's vagina, or to talk disrespectful about a female (i.e She if a cunt!).
- Fomlepung
Mess up everything
Often used by people who mess up a lot!!!
- forhud
That's's the movable cover at the tip of your pecker!
- forpult (adj.)
- ++
Very useful all-purpose insult. Literally means that something or someone has been fucked so much it has been worn out. Example: Forpulte hestkuk!
- g
- gessæl
- +
provoking bastard
(local dialect) Hedmark, Norway
- Gutta boys
The boys from Sinsen (oslo)
This expression was a slang from the 50ies and first used by the real gutta boys Arne and Harald
- h
- helvete
- +
- herpe (verb)
screw up / alternate the appearance/use of something
A deviation of the noun "herpes", saying something is not right. Example: Jeg herpa gitaren min med en saks: I customized my guitar with a scissor. Example II: Et virus herpa harddisken min: A virus damaged my hard disk. Example III: LSD herper ditt syn på verden: LSD radically alters your perception. Example IV: Ikke herp med puppene mine: Lay off my tits! Example V: Hjernen din er helt herpa: You're sick (/your brain is badly damaged).
- hestkuk
- ++
Same strength as mother fucker
- hore
- ++
whore, hooker, prostitued, bitch, slut
(Generally used for many bad expressions)
- håndjager
- +
hand-fighterairplane / handhunter
An amusing way of saying «ronk» in norwegian
- i
- idiot
(same expression in both languages)
- j
- jubelidiot
- +
The same as norwegian «kronidiot»
- jævel
Also common expression for "son of a bitch".
- k
- Klitoriskost
- +
Mustache (slang from Oslo)
This word is a synonyme to connect the finer hair parts of a woman to the hairy part of a gents middle facial zones.
- klitt
- ++
a females «love-button»...
- knulle
- +
to fuck
when somebody having sexual intercorse
- kronidiot
- +
Describes someone that is extremly idiotic/stupid
- kuk
- +
cock, dick, pecker
Common expression for a man's penis. Also used as an expression for "asshole"
- l
- luremus
trick mouse
You never got what you thought you would get....
- m
- morrabrød
morning log
The kind of erection one tends to wake up with in the morning.
- mus
- +
Means "pussy" when used in bad norwegian language.
- o
- onanere
- ++
mastrubate (females)
Similar to the norwegian expression «ronk».
- p
- pikk
A man's penis.Also used as to describe people you don't like,though it's not a very effective expression,because it is widely reckoned as a childish thing to say.
- pikktryne
- +
May not sound as strong in English as it will be interpreted in Norwegian!
- Pule
- +
- pupper
- pøngle (fem.noun)
scrotum and testicles
Regional expression from the Ålesund area. Used if you don't like someone's face.
- r
- rasshøl
- +
not as common as the english asshole, hence more effectful
- ronk
- ++
jerk off, mastrubate (males)
(Don't try this yourself...You can get blind by doing it!!!)
- rævhøl
- ++
not as common as the english asshole, hence more effectful
- rævsleiker (masc.noun)
- +
a servil person
the same as 'spyttslikker' but a stronger expression. Directly translated to English:asshole-licker
- s
- sau
used to patronize people. (i.e. You are stupid as a sheep)
- spyttslikker (masc. noun)
A servil person
- stille ANTON
- +
quiet Anton
A more discrete way of saying «ronk» in norwegian
- ++
quiet Anton
A more discrete way of saying «ronk» in norwegian
- ståkuk
- +
hardon, boner, erection
Describes an erected cock/penis
- suppegjøk
The same as norwegian «sau», but a bit milder expression.
- svin
pig (bastard)
Used to speak patronizing about somebody. (i.e. You bloody pig/bastard.)
- t
- tispe
- +
bitch, slut
- v
- venusberg
- +
Refering to how a female's pussy is shaped. (nice & curved in profile)
- w
- ++
That's right:
It's the name of my cock.

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