The Alternative Indonesian Dictionary
The Alternative Indonesian Dictionary
Indonesian slang - a part of
The Alternative Dictionaries collection.
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- a
- auah gelap
I don't care what you are saying
This word is usually used by the young people. If someone talk about something that he doesn't understand, he will say that word.
- k
- kontol (noun)
- +
Used as both a noun and an expression of surprise.
- +
Used as both a noun and an expression of surprise.
- m
- main karaoke
To perform or the act of performing fellatio.
This expression is literally translated as to "play karaoke" and refers to the similarity of a woman singing with a microphone and ...
- main pantat (verb)
- +
Heterosexual or homosexual anal intercouse.
- makan cacang kulit (noun or verb)
To literally "eat peanuts made of skin': to perform or the act of performing cunnilingus.
- makan cacang kulit
To literally "eat peanuts made of skin': to perform cunnilingus.
- melaut
This word is usually used by the young people. It means two person who are in love and they don't care about other stuff, so people will them "melaut"
- n
- ngewe
- ++
(verb) to copulate
This word is used exclusively to describe the act of copulation. It does not refer to the equivalent English expression of 'screwing around'.

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TAD is edited and maintained by HC