The Alternative Hindi Dictionary
Hindi slang - a part of
The Alternative Dictionaries collection.
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Transliteration suggestions:
- use capital letters for retroflexed consonants:
t th T TH d dh D DH etc.
- use c and ch for the unaspirated and
aspirated 'ch'-sounds, respectively
- use these vowels: a aa e i ii o u uu
- for nasalised vowels, put a ~ after the vowel
- b
- bhadwaa
pimp (person who solicits customers for whores)
Used commonly. derived from the streets of Bombay.
- behen chod (singular)
sister fucker
This is the most common of the hindhi abuses
- bhen chowd
Fuck your Sister
This is the most common of the hindhi abuses. Even though it is accepted during conversations with friends
- c
- chuutya
- ++
tum chuutya ho = you're an asshole.
- g
- gaandu (noun, masc.)
This is used to swear at a person since the PC movement is not too strong in India. probably derived from gaand which means ass.
- gote
pronounced as goat-aey often used in phrases like gote pe laath maara meaning kick someone on the balls or gote dab gaye (balls got squeezed), gote mu mein aa gaye (balls were in his mouth) meaning someone (usually male) was in deep trouble.
- h
- haram zadah (noun)
- +
gloss: illegal product. trans: bastard
eg: haram zadah, eeder ao!. (bastard, come here!) & wo Amit haram zadah heh. (that Amit is a bastard)
- hijda (noun)
In Bombay, where the transvestite community is rather visible, this word is often used to communicate a lack of testicular fortitude on the part of the object. It is a loose equivalent of the English phrase "Take off your skirt".
- k
- kuttiya (fem. sing)
- -
- l
- lavDa (noun)
- ++
prick, penis
This is Bombay street slang, and is often used, but almost exclusively by males.
- lund choos
Suck my dick
Lund - dick choos - suck
- m
- ma ki chut
- ++
mother's pussy
pronounced 'maa key chooth'
- madar chowd
- +
- r
- randi (noun)
- +
prostitute, whore
Again a term that originated on the streets and brothels of Bombay, it is most frequently used to describe the nature of the object's mother or sister. The word itself is not offensive, it is the context it is used within that leads to its strength as an expletive.

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